My Trading Adventure

Public Talk : Contents

Publish date: Sat, 23 May 2015, 10:41 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Today (2pm) ... I am organizing a public-talk. It is free ... but the response is not good. So, sitting here preparing for the talk, I wonder why ...

Point 1 : I am an unknown trader.

Point 2 : The content. Got sure win tips ar?

Point 3 : So far ... you think I am free meh?

Point 4 : No free makan ar?

There are many reasons why my public-talk is not attracting any crowd. Knowing that stock-market consist of 80% who do not wish to learn ... it is very difficult to share knowledge (even for free) as that is not what the masses want. They want tips, sure-win tips.

Then, why am I having a public-talk for?

Personally, I like going for public-talk ... mostly organized by IBs.  And I always learn something from those talks ... whenever I m free, I will attend those public-talk. It increases my knowledge.

So ... I thought by giving a free public-talk, in a smaller crowd ... I could share trading ideas with readers and some of those experienced traders ... giving pointers in a closed place. Yes, I could learn from them too!!

Contents : How do we deal with our EMOTIONS? I will be more of sharing my experiences ... how I struggled at early stage ... then how slowly I have accepted the game-of-stocks. Controlling our emotion is always a very important part in trading.

For example : Catching a knife .... say in AirAsia now.

Besides the charts ... there are emotions involved. Should I cut-loss? Should I average down? Or should I buy now?

That is what I want to share about today.

Maybe my topic is not catchy enough : EMOTION?

Well ... need to crack my head and come-out with a better topic then.

Note to myself : It is not what you want to talk about but what others want to hear.

contact me at : 012 - 821 0129 for details.

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Fortunebullz, you are newbie or what? Cpteh's purely on TA, which means it makes no sense to extend invitation to him to participate the stockpick challenge you mentioned. Sorry lah, like to kacau you a bit.

2015-05-23 17:07


Yes, he is just a beginner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with him. The chance he lose is higher than the chance he make. Don't believe, just ask him how much he make (or lose) in May, in April, Mac, Feb and Jan. Whether he make (or break) from Jan to date.

He should have keep quiet and learn sufficient skill before giving public classes.
Pass his CFA first, that will at least give him a credential on paper........
Mere BSc is grossly under qualified to bluff his way through.........

2015-05-23 17:42


鸡不可失 !

2015-05-23 18:12

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