My Trading Adventure

Thank You, Remnant

Publish date: Fri, 01 Jul 2016, 10:45 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

10.20 pm : DOW at 17,990 level ... fantastic rebound. I missed.

Remnant888 :  The

Don't let the fear paralysed your trading. You've made some bad trades YET you have made some superb moves. Just keep at it. We all lose some but we'll gain eventually. Persistence my brother is the secret. Those who lost enormous amount in the crash of recent years but never quit or gave up eventually made up for the loss and beyond.

Brexit was bound to happen sooner or later and the aftermath will trigger economic losses to some nations but some will gain. So it kind of balances. I don't see how it would trigger a financial collapse. Mind you its not subprime mortgage of the movie BIG SHORT...

Brexit is a huge opportunity for trading in the perceived chaos that EU will disintegrate and collapse. And chaos and panic sometimes can be a friend of Traders.

Final note. It's too early to call market crash maybe market slowdown and recession. Depressing prices and monetary policy are wrecking havoc on plantations o&g and property sectors. And share prices tumbled.

I think there are instruments in place globally to absorb any financial shockwaves to prevent a recurrence of recent.

Anyway if a shakedown does come we will all know and be prepared.

Happy trading...


Hi Remnant bro ... great ... thanks for STILL hanging around, looking after me. Bet you still remember how naïve and newbie I was some 7-8 years ago. Haha. Yes, you are the very few I appreciated for the guidance all these years. I have not thanked you enough ...

Yes ... I do view Brexit as a hiccup ... in fact, I m seeing the positive signs in UK as things could go very right of UK in the future. We shall see ...

As for trading, during such markets ... I could accept losses. It is 'capital preservation' for me ... so, it is no longer those 'easy' time when buying on breakout would give me that confidence or buying on technical rebound will give me certain degree of confidence ... that confidence has shaken a little bit, I guess. No matter how experienced we are ... we knew how hard it is to CONTROL the beast in us ... our emotion. Especially if we are novices ...

I have been waiting for the 'crash' for very looong ... oh boy, I made many great trades along the way, made many blunders and stupid calls too. haha... part-parcel of trading. We are reaching a stage where the 'upside' might be limited ... so, time to be very very patient ... time to be defensive and changing strategies ... a profit of 10% would be considered great.

I am seeing that the crash will not have huge impact much on our small illiquid KLSE ... so, that is also why I have to prepare those platforms and learn to know more of those instruments involved.

Anyway, I am very glad to hear from you again after all these while.

Thank you, sir ... for all the support.

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Hmm...i think not long ago...or more precisely last week u said u were preparing for market now after mkt rebound so fast change tone oredi ah....brexit small hiccups only ah..positive sign now ah...what if mkt drops 2 weeks later...then busy to prepare for market crash again.....very busy....

2016-07-02 16:54


I also noted whenever certain stocks or mkt drops like shit cpteh tends to be very excited n shared with us many of his precious postings here...dunno why leh...

2016-07-02 16:59


Teaching u all how to cut loss or why never cut loss earlier blah blah blah...very pandai...

2016-07-02 17:01

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