My Trading Adventure

Reply e-mail by Stanley

Publish date: Wed, 03 Aug 2016, 09:53 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Hi Teh,
I enjoy visiting your blog and appreciate your sincerity to share.
TEH : Thanks for being my reader. I appreciate that too.
Recently, seems like you are in an uneasy situation. Thus, I thought of sharing my two cents worth,
from an angle outside your world
TEH : Yes ... very uneasy .... nervous too. haha. Thanks for taking your time to share your thoughts.
With all good intents and purposes, please take it constructively as I meant well and nothing else.
1. Looks like you are not doing quite well. I gather you are spreading yourself too thin, aka, you
  seem to be all over the places, so to speak, losing your focus by information overload and over-  buying into the notion of a crash which may never happen or so soon. Like buying 4D, what is the real odd of happening, nobody really knows. Don't get me wrong, it is not a bad thing to be prepared, but don't let it blinkers you and take up too much of your valuable time, thus, missing many valuable opportunities - when the charts of a FEW counters are bullish, be ready buyin and take profits, and NOT cut-losses. After all, trading is the simplest form of business - buy and sell at the right time, no more. The rest are usually distractions
TEH : Yes ... I m re-focusing and have to let go of many things I have been doing. So, yes ... uncomfortable is the word. I do think I m too overly concern about the coming-crash ... as if it is my final exams, so I want to be well-prepared before the exams!! Correct .... it may not happen ... certainly not so soon with so much of liquidity in markets. So ... these lines from you struck a few logical notes in me. Oh yes, I am still buying into stocks ... and I do not see crash any sooner. Yeah ... the rest usually distractions. Great reminder to me.
2. Suggests to do a good situation analysis - similar to a SWOT analysis but purely within your scope or limitations. From here, you will have a better bird-eye view to remap your financial mission. Don't look too far. As a retail trader or investor, a small fish with limited resources, time horizon must be realistically close enough for achieving maximum and tangible goals. Sedikit, sedikit jadi bukit.

TEH : Good suggestion ... and I m doing that now, actually. Done ... and now taking actions time. That explains why I m un-easy ... feel little emotional as I m letting go many things 'sentimental' to me ... such as my apartments and also my current 'tratles nest'. I m even given up with the site '' which I created some 3-4 yrs ago. Slowly ... I will be used to the changes, at the moment ... I know I will be very 'sentimental. haha.
3. I thought it would be benefitual to visit my postings in this forum, at the right angle, to extract all the takeaways that would be useful to you.

TEH : I tried to go to the link of the forum, but it is not valid. If you are reading this page, please re-send me the link. I do not check any forum(not even i3) ... I prefer to be focus in things I m doing ... once in a while, someone like you could shake me up a little. That will be good. haha.
4. Lastly. certainly not new to you, but as a refreshment - Plan your work; Work your plan.

TEH : Yes yes ... planned ... now is execution period till end of Dec 2016, then start to plan my portfolio for 2017, pending crashing. I do still want to put the crash firmly at the back of my head... and plan for that.

All the best
by : Stanley Adams

TEH : All the best to you too.

Once a while, such e-mail is worth replying ... and making it into my blogpost as it is valuable. I do welcome such positive e-mail and will check-balance on my doings.

Will write more about my un-easiness ... got to run again.

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Stanley is really an ANGEL shedding light on our poor CP Teh. CPTeh is lost. I dare CPTeh to show us his trading P&L. I am sure he is having a huge drawdown. That is why he is waiting for the next "BIG TRADE" or also known as "MARKET CRASH" to recoup all his past trading losses. Isn't this the typical gambler syndrome?

2016-08-03 12:54

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