My Trading Adventure

Low going lower (part I)

Publish date: Sun, 27 Nov 2016, 11:01 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

WHY CUT LOSS is very important?

Asiabrn : New low at 90cents ... from peak RM4.

Armada : Many O&G counters are at low ... which could go lower...

BJCorp : This chart showing how BJCorp drifting lower from 60cent to current new low, below 40cents ... and still drifting lower. Well it came down from Rm1 plus, for your info. Cheap becoming cheaper now ...?

Daya : Dah tak ber-daya ... went into O&G and rallied. I do remember I took her at 20cents till 30cents and stopped there ... it went up to 40cents plus, actually. Trading at historical low 6cents ... cheap?

Genetec : consolidation 10 : 1 ... dont know how this hot-stock being trashed. I didnt follow the stories and speculative news ... but the chart showing new low now.

IFCA : The most popular stock back then ... widely speculated pushed from 10cents to RM1.80 and you could not tell newbies that it is goreng-ed as they will still take the trade, yet do not know how to cut-loss ... closed at 29cents now ... no more selling software to giant-property companies? Blame it on the bad property-markets ... and it is too late to cut-loss?

KNM : each time I write about new-low ... or speculative counters, I need to mention the once very popular babe ... KNM. I remembered I adviced two persons in i3(years back) about her as they where holding to her and checking oil-prices in daily basis. Well, one of them sold her off for losses ... e-mail me and thanked me for the lesson. Another one, with nick 'yongsheng1' ... i dont know. Yes, I was in i3 some 4-5years ... trying to help some readers and comments there. I left after drawn myself to argue with LamKen regarding JCY (he was persuding many to buy into under-valued JCY as it is going to go up to RM4?). Anyway, if one goes to i3-KNM thread ... you will see many still will talk about KNM ... now at 36cents ...perhaps by 20cents level, they will start to believe that KNM has nothing much to do with oil-prices but more about biz and speculation of its stock.

MPHBCap : Broken strong support last week (of RM1.30) ... used to be multi-purpose ... but now after sold off many assets and listed-out Magnum, investors dont know the purposes? The selldown continues ... and cheap would be cheaper now. No CUT LOSS? Then ... have to wait for whole market-crash to buy more of it at the 'bottom'. I dont know the purpose of averaging down, either.

Parkson : Another widely mentioned counter (related to Lion-group). I m not sure if TTB still holding to Parkson, which obviously not in favoured by most investors. Not only the China's Parkson not doing well ... the growing of e-commerce killing of their competitiveness ... given up on here after broken RM1. With cash in hands, there has been aggressive share buybacks but that is not helping, much.

Time to go ... which I could post another 20 counters which in my mind ... will continue then

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Why????why u never cut loss 4 years ago ???

2016-11-27 13:34


four years ago, he haven't learn..He didn't know this word yet.

2016-11-27 13:39


I think cpteh needs to buy a crystal ball badly....he needs to see the future but not the past...even a secondary school student also can show 5 years chart to everybody

2016-11-27 13:44


Wrong selection of stocks, that's the main reason.

2016-11-27 13:52


Cepat, Inno, Sendai, MSC etc.... so many good one, why choose parkson?
No life at all.

2016-11-27 13:55


Quickly cut loss your parkson and move to cepat to cover your loss. Still not too late.

2016-11-27 13:57


BJ corp is eagle research baby....

2016-11-27 14:01


Here comes our history teacher!

2016-11-27 18:11


Good to short it

2016-11-27 19:46

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