My Trading Adventure

Lunch-date with a property investor

Publish date: Sun, 12 Feb 2017, 10:40 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Reading this one ... thinking of a GATHERING for anyone who is reading this ... and to expose ourselves ... to OVERCOME our FEAR.

With a constant reminder of OVERCOMING fears ... as we are in strong grip of FEAR due to our up-bringing and circumstances.

Book Sharing : Fear and Faith

Sun, Feb 12, 2017 9:00 PM - 10:30 PM  
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. 

I will share the pointers from the book. See you online 9pm (click the link above)
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I m not a trainer ... or a motivational speaker. I m not good in doing that but I could say that I have went through hell-n-back ... living in FEAR for my first 40 years!! Today, I m so glad I have managed to BREAK of those chains that ... holding me back.

For us to venture into stocks, properties ... biz ... to quit our tiring-non-lucrative jobs ... to take the BOLD steps ahead and taking charge of our lives, we NEED more that just courage!! We also need to be able to sustain the motivation as we would definitely FAIL.

So ... FEAR of failing have STOPPED most of us. Interesting, right? We never venture much as we want to stay COMFORTABLE. I believe MANY read about the word "comfortable zone" ... as if they are going to do anything about that. Haha ... yes, NOTHING comes ... unless we take those STEPS.

Ok .. take a step to join my gathering, IF I m going to do ... just that. Your fear is stopping you. Your doubt ... your MINDSET stopping you from exploring .... well, no thanks to our parents who said "NO" to this-that since we were younger ... get me?

Step 1 : Be bold to venture and explore.

Step 2 : Move ... take actions and be commited.

Step 3 : Keep track and reflect

Step 4 : Re-evaluate and re-fine

Step 5 : Go back to step 1 ...

and you will see improvements.

I m not talking about trading/investing. I m talking about characters building. Without that, you won't even understand WHY some people could make it ... learn skills and continue to do things more successfully than you do.

Everything looks easy and sweet ... when you check on their successes. Some of losers will envy others while others will admire/respect ... I chose to respect and admire many successful individuals ... and will like to meet them, to dig some "tips" or "secrets" of their success. Of coz I know there is no such things as TIPS or SECRETS many so-called gurus selling ... it is in our MIND. Get it? No ... it is your MIND ... triggering your FEAR inside you. Check them out first before you bother to continue to do whatever you THINK you want to do ...

I met a friend ... and after yesterday, we got to know each other a little better. He is successful in his property investing and ... yeah, a 'millionaire'. I m not a millionaire but we could speak for hours as we shared similar wave-lengths in many aspects of lives .... from struggling out of the 'poor-family' background ... change our mindset ... and learn to earn-save-invest.

You see, after the lunch-date with him ... I recognise that I do have many good financial-mindset. I told him that I was not ... some 10 years ago. I was in extreme-bad-financial-crisis situation ... building from nothing, from small ...and he could recognise my strength!! Yes ... he said I m such a strong person ... in focusing in things I m doing.

After all ... I was not good in Math but my determination to be a good Math teacher when I was in form 4 (after failed my first Add Math test ... did you read about that story?). I was so focus in doing my Math work ... and my Math results was amazing!! haha.

Fear of failing ... he failed many times too ... till he involved in insurance-line while followed property-guru ... and made it!! It was his determination to learn about property-investment that lead him to many ventures .... from house, shoplots ... to even factories?!

It is not charting ... it is not the systems and what-have-you ... it is MINDSET. If one could not even understand that, one is too naive to be in markets. No need to pay thousands to those promoters for their courses or softwares la ... use brain, ya.

Same as property ... the so-called sure WIN ... and we paid thousands to attend talks or workshops. He personally told me that he joined one of the 'guru' too ... only to realise that many of his students 'failed' and only 5% made it ... he is that few 5% due to his mindset ...and overcoming his FEAR.

Most are driven by GREED ... without understand the RISK attached, we could never understand further about investments. Trading-investing is NOT for normal human. It is not ... it takes guts, it takes insanity to go against crowd ... and yes, it takes strength to se the long-time results ... the patience and many of times we are tested. We need to get through those moments ...those difficult and trying times.

If a normal human don't even understand the FEAR part ... the FAITH part would not emerge.

So ... I told him this is what I m doing ... sitting tight and wait for crisis. Cash is king, ya.

And ... he appreciated that I shared with him what I m doing now ... preparing for the crash!! Buying into good-strong dividend counters during crash is the best time to INVEST. And he will be allocating some part of his funds for that. Great.

My fees? Join my trading group .... during crash. After crash, no more fees needed as we won't be trading much ... we are going to sit tight for the recovery!! Easier said than done ... but could be done. I have faith ....

Going back to the gathering ... yes, I will like to gather some readers here (it needs not-so-sane readers to follow my writings . haha) ... and to see how we could benefit from each other. Leveraging on each other knowledge .... and push ourselves OUT of our comfort zone?

Also ... I wish to extend my activities to my readers too. Yes ... I like doing some charity. Will you contribute too?

All under planning ... and I m on my way to retire from many things I am doing and towards my jobs in 'charity'. I do need support ...

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CP u missing on the biggest BULL RUN! Now is time to load up!

2017-02-12 11:16


The klse corrections is over and done.We are now on the bullish impulsive run with a minor pullback at the moment. Should see above 1720 soon.

2017-02-12 11:39


Aax is in my stock selections for the 2017 contest

2017-02-12 11:43


That s what I thought too, he s actually doing a chronology of his experience n actually wanting to share it with people who r Willing to listen or learn from him. His intention is perhaps noble. It s just that some of his postings r just too 'funny' n questionable

2017-02-12 11:48


I think cpteh is simply backside itchy...

2017-02-12 11:51


Ha ha LOL

2017-02-12 11:52


One day didnt get screw cannot tahan

2017-02-12 11:53



2017-02-12 11:53


I think CPTeh with high mood pok in n out hundred times

2017-02-12 12:16


A good trader don't behave like this. Why don't i3investor link to some cooking or gardening sites too?

2017-02-12 12:19


you may consider date a better property investor to change your mind.

A millionaire is everywhere please. You need passionate on what you are doing just like investor Kxx even he is bad ass.


2017-02-12 12:33


NO, he is telling lies, he said he was busy selling those tech stocks which he bought before CNY, and also sold his tenaga which he had bought last week.
I thought you are waiting for the crash!! Stop telling lies here.

2017-02-12 12:56


cpteh you be humble a bit and learn frm charlest sifu,then you may have a better chance at big bad bursa....wakaka.

2017-02-12 12:57


How can STUPEED teach how to trade?...For a year now talk about CUT LOSS CUT LOSS CUT LOSS or CRASH CRASH CRASH

2017-02-12 13:03



aijoh!! cpteh is a smart trader, he shout CUT LOSS CUT LOSS CUT LOSS and he silently buy from you and he sell now for profits....

Posted by LA777 > Feb 12, 2017 12:56 PM | Report Abuse

NO, he is telling lies, he said he was busy selling those tech stocks which he bought before CNY, and also sold his tenaga which he had bought last week.
I thought you are waiting for the crash!! Stop telling lies here.

2017-02-12 13:45


EWTrader, I didn't hold any of his mentioned stock except Tenaga, and I'm still holding it for long term investment, he bought and sold just to get 2.6% profit from tenaga, really impressive! kakaka!!!

2017-02-12 13:49


It is fun reading Cp teh blog posts. Through his daily blog, we can look into the inner workings of a failed and deluded speculator. I must say cp teh is a good case study of why most retail traders lose money in the market

2017-02-12 18:50


I must say cp teh is a good case study of why most retail traders lose money in the market....agree.

people...and that is most people, lost money because they lost focus.

2017-02-12 18:58


Agree with both hands and legs...LOL

2017-02-12 19:03


Last week CP Teh wrote blog on property sector. Win or lose if follow?

2017-02-12 19:07


Cp teh, if you are reading this, i have a word of advice. Focus all yor energy into your education business and you will become well off in no time. Your capital of RM 200k-300k is too small. Why spend so much time worrying about market crash when you can channel your energy into building a sustainable and long term business that will have no problem raking in five figures to six figures a month !?!?!??

2017-02-12 19:33


maths and science tuition very lucrative business model.

I know of a 20 year old who make $ 30,000 a month from his tuition centre.

He do it as a franchisee of a large tuition chain.

2017-02-12 19:43


Posted by Flintstones > Feb 12, 2017 07:33 PM | Report Abuse

Cp teh, if you are reading this, i have a word of advice. Focus all yor energy into your education business and you will become well off in no time. Your capital of RM 200k-300k is too small. Why spend so much time worrying about market crash when you can channel your energy into building a sustainable and long term business that will have no problem raking in five figures to six figures a month !?!?!??

CPTeh should buy u few cups of coffee (Starbulks) and free lunch at Esquire Kitchen, Subang Parade for your above advice.

Why wanna waste more time in something u have no talent at all ? U oredi spent 8 year plus in stock market and what is your result?

When market or stock price comes down u will show historical price charts and asked why people never cut loss 3-4 years ago...

When market or stock price goes up u will tell people u oredi bought 3-4 days ago at low price n took profit of few cents gain (of course u never show any proof)

You have been doing this again n again for the past many years....Still wanna do this for the next 8 years in I3??

2017-02-12 20:31


In addition, when a counter is down, he said he shorted it. Made some quick profit. Everything not being accounted for..

2017-02-12 20:41


Of all the harsh words throughout the years and yet he can continue to post almost on a daily basis with frequent online sharing sessions.

Really admire your persistence. Hats off to you. Hope you one day find your true path (if your current undertaking is not) and channel all that strength and persistence into it. Wish you all the best.


2017-02-13 11:18

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