My Trading Adventure

Is property sector bottoming in 2019?

Publish date: Tue, 21 May 2019, 01:55 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

noon ... 12.45pm. We are in the midst of spat-cursed between Donald Trump and the president of USA. Well ... yes, he is barking at himself, cant explain why.

Huawei : In news ...of being banned in US. Well, the sliced the APPLE into pieces (refer to the above logo ... haha)

I asked the question last week ... 

do you think PROPERTY sector is going to bottom out in 2019?

Simple answer will do : YES or NO

If yes ... I want to buy into PROPERTY STOCKS ... and it is kinda no brainer. Wait for most to double-triple ... sell them off and wait for crisis/crash in markets.

Today we have many property stocks trading at new low ... or lows back to 2008 level.

If the answer is no, then ... we do not buy any of those stocks, even they have dived 50-70% from the peak ... those were the times when every week, we have new launching ... and people QUEUE-ing up to buy properties. Haha ... oh yes,  was told that a so-called reputable property developer 'paid' many to QUEUE ... to create that RUSH EMOTION in public when published in media. Really? What a scam!! Also ... DBS ... making homes 'affordable' ... no need to pay till completed lo ... now, 2016 onwards, many completed ... and we seeing glut?

Any new launching from these property developers? Let me check ... say, MahSing.

So ... do some homework on the amount of unsold units, the buyers ... and also new launching. Seriously, normal you and me cannot afford those homes ... RM500k above.

How about Ecoworld? hmm ... new low now ...

Many of my 'property agent' friends stating that it is time to BUY property!! 2019 is the bottom and do not expect prices of properties to go any lower ... so, is it time to buy property stocks then?

But ... HOW are property developers going to profit if no new launching or projects?

That is what in my mind now ... PUNT into one of these new low property stock!!

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Already dived 70% but will yield says 3% to 4%. Got any?

2019-05-21 14:52

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