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[转贴] 【预算案】公务员9大好消息!

Tan KW
Publish date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016, 05:17 PM
Tan KW
0 482,903


1. 延长全额付款或奖学金给执行级群体,目前仅限于管理和专业级群体

2. 一旦公务员的孩子因生病而需被隔离,该公务员可申请长达5天的“隔离假期”。


3. 公务员每3年就购买电脑的贷款范围,可扩大至购买智能手机,贷款顶额为5000令吉。

4. 政府提高公务员摩托的贷款限额,从5000令吉提高至1万令吉。


5. 提高公务员房贷,将底限从12万令吉增加至20万令吉,而顶限则从60万令吉增加至75万令吉。

6. 预计将会有3万间一个马来西亚公务员房屋计划,而这些房屋计划的售价将会低于市价大约20%,这些房屋的价格预计介于9万令吉至30万令吉。

7. 在今年年底服务合约届满的官员,将获政府延长至少1年。

8. 政府将增设多一个等级(gred),在医护专家及牙科专家的54等级及JUSA C 间同,增设56等级。

9. 由于医生、牙医及药剂师的职位长期受限,政府将在2016年12月委任第一批新的合约医生、牙医及药剂师。换言之,将近2600名没有实习的医生将会以合约方式受聘服务。


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at the end of the day, only govt servant survive. the rest all gone for good.

2016-10-21 17:19


The perks of being government servant is quite attractive without regard of rankings. If you are a low rank worker, there is a lot of privelleges. If you are a high rank worker, plenty of ways to eat money

2016-10-21 17:22


is it too late to change name and religion and race? i think race cannot change unless cheat.

2016-10-21 17:24


Clearly to benefit certain race which make up majority of the goment servant. WTF !

2016-10-21 17:36


The bloody tongkat is getting ticker and longer..maybe will be replaced with "wheelchair" one fine day! LOL

2016-10-21 17:40


Election coming la~~~~~~~~

2016-10-21 18:08

Jian Bin Siew

I tell you, the benefit ia not that great. I am a government servant, but unable to get the government loan. Do u know how long is the process? Unless you are buying new house, else the owner would not willing to sell to you. Ha-ha... Buying smart phone also can borrow money??? At the end of the day... You will use plan offered by telco company.

2016-10-23 14:58

Jian Bin Siew

Did u know meeting no more breakfast and is no more in hotel? We have to eat at canteen by our own money although meeting is from 8am to 5pm. Only lunch provided.

2016-10-23 15:00

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