Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Old Chinese way to resolve dispute - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Sun, 03 Apr 2022, 11:52 AM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,454
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

Since Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February, all the NATO member countries including US have been giving military weapons to Ukraine to fight the Russians.

No one wants to seek a peaceful settlement. 

Up till now, more than 600 properties including military bases, high rise residential buildings, 48 schools, 1 theatre and 1 maternity hospital were damaged. Practically the whole of Mariupol is destroyed as shown below.


Ukraine's top government economic adviser Oleg Ustenko said that invading Russian forces have so far destroyed at least $100 billion worth of infrastructure, buildings and other physical assets.

Ustenko, chief economic adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, told an online event hosted by the Peterson Institute for International Economics that the war has caused 50% of Ukrainian businesses to shut down completely, while the other half are operating at well below their capacity.

More than 4 million Ukrainians have gone out to nearby countries as refugees and about a quarter of the population of Ukraine are displaced.

Since Russian President Putin’s fate depends largely on his winning the war, he will use whatever is required to win the war. If Ukraine does not surrender, Putin might use chemical or nuclear weapon to win the war. If the war is prolonged, more people will die and more properties will be damaged.

In retrospect, all the NATO member countries including US should have encouraged Ukraine President to seek a peaceful settlement instead of giving weapons to prolong the war.

Now the real test: will all the NATO member countries donate money to repair and rebuild all the damaged buildings and infrastructures in Ukraine?  

It is never too late to settle peacefully by the old Chinese way to resolve dispute. 

A farmer in ancient China had a neighbour who was a hunter, and who owned ferocious and poorly trained hunting dogs. 

They jumped over the fence frequently and chased the farmer's lambs. 

The farmer asked his neighbour to keep his dogs in check, but this fell on deaf ears. 

One day the dogs again jumped the fence, attacked and severely injured several of the lambs. 

The farmer had had enough, and went to town to consult a judge who listened carefully to the story and said: "I could punish the hunter and instruct him to keep his dogs chained or lock them up. But you would lose a friend and gain an enemy. Which would you rather have, friend or foe for a neighbour?"

The farmer replied that he preferred a friend. “Alright, I will offer you a solution that keeps your lambs safe, and keep your neighbour a friend." 

Having heard the judge's solution, the farmer agreed.

Once at home, the farmer immediately put the judge's suggestions to the test. He took three of his best lambs and presented them to his neighbour's three small sons. The children were so happy to play with lambs. 

To protect his son's newly acquired playthings, the hunter built a strong kennel for his dogs. Since then, the dogs never again bothered the farmer's lambs.


Out of gratitude for the farmer's generosity toward his sons, the hunter often shared the game he had hunted with the farmer. 

The farmer reciprocated by sending the hunter the cheese he had made. 

Within a short time, the neighbours became good friends. 

A saying in old China went something like this, 

“One can win over and influence people the best with gestures of kindness and compassion.” 

A similar Western saying: “One catches more flies with honey than with vinegar."

Let us make an effort to make a pact that we will be polite when we speak and not make rude and sarcastic remarks at every opportunity we get, especially with our families, friends and colleagues.





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1 person likes this. Showing 50 of 69 comments


I hope Sslee is right. When Malaysia is having corruption problem worst than Ukraine someday, Putin(or someone else with same skin) will save us from the politicians here. Hope they use less destructive weapons at that time. Hope the missile missed my house.

2022-04-04 13:41


the US wants to the war to drag on and weaken Russia economically and militarily so that the US is the only superpower . the US has trained Ukraine military for years .

2022-04-04 15:08

Musang King

Russia voted for war. USA delighted opportunities aplenty. US, Poland and UK giving arms to Ukraine are exactly providing fuels to the Fire. They should send beautiful girls to Ukraine to help Russian armies settle well there in Ukraine as men can easily be overjoyed with sex and fun. In this way, beauties alone is more powerful than arms. PUTIN heard also wants to come to Ukraine to have fun. Such a simple logic KKY will agree with me. In this way, Ukraine women also need not run to other countries as refugees.

2022-04-04 15:47


hi uncle, I like your story. Please stick to writing stories for our entertainment.
Leave the comment on stocks to market sentiment. Thank you very much. Looking forward to future stories

2022-04-04 16:47


only the US can end the war by stopping the supply of weapons.

2022-04-04 16:47


people living in serfdom , never understand human rights, freedom and democracy.

2022-04-04 17:00


they prefer "animal-farm".

2022-04-04 17:02


Ukraine wins , Russia perishes.

2022-04-04 17:04


China locked down for months.

2022-04-04 17:05


wǔ​máo​ fifty cents / term used to belittle sb

2022-04-04 17:23


Posted by qqq3333 > Apr 4, 2022 5:10 PM | Report Abuse

China very proud of their success with covid.

Answer : During first wave, yes! But now Omicron is everywhere! Can't escape! China has to pull down iron curtain forever if want to avoid Omicron! Let mother nature takes it course! We can build strong immunity! At this point, lockdowns are counter productive!

2022-04-04 17:32


If Russia stop the war, there will be peace. If Ukraine stop the war, there will be no more Ukraine.

2022-04-04 18:07


America is the GREATEST GUARDIAN OF THE WORLD.....WORLD POLICE ...no one can deny this fact...all of us must JILAT america......AMERICAN DREAM is the best ....

2022-04-04 19:41


USA betrayal of Ukraine

USA ask Ukraine to give up nuclear weapons
IF Ukraine is attack, USA will protect Ukraine

USA supply weapons to test how efective agsaint Russia

2022-04-04 20:04


it is never the intention of RUSSIA to occupy Ukraine .Russia and Ukraine are of the same race. Russia just wants Ukraine to be the buffer zone to prevent the 3rd world war.

2022-04-04 23:16


the foolish Ukraine president intends to join NATO and end up in Russo-Ukrainian War

2022-04-04 23:27


Don’t think Ukraine wanna follow the old China way and end up being Nanking

2022-04-05 01:31


Posted by Up_again > Apr 5, 2022 1:31 AM | Report Abuse

Don’t think Ukraine wanna follow the old China way and end up being Nanking

Answer : Yeah, China was so nice to the japs! End up the japs killed every single NangKing people, including women and children just for fun! Grandpa Koon should learn history more!

2022-04-05 01:50


Power corrupts absolutely! The latest killings of innocent ukrainians in Bacha shows us how dark human can be! Putin is deeply in dark form of human nature! Which remind us of the same thing happened in NangKing long ago!
The japs today are very civilized and timid! But allow Japan to weaponize themselves, you would see samurai going on rampage again!

2022-04-05 01:53


So many woketards and LGBTQ+ leftists here hahaha

2022-04-05 07:37


there will be no peaceful settlement if the US wants the war to grind on.

2022-04-05 07:41



World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the 2.3 billion (est.) people on Earth in 1940.[1] Deaths directly caused by the war (including military and civilian fatalities) are estimated at 50–56 million, with an additional estimated 19–28 million deaths from war-related disease and famine. Civilian deaths totaled 50–55 million. Military deaths from all causes totaled 21–25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war. More than half of the total number of casualties are accounted for by the dead of the Republic of China and of the Soviet Union. The tables below give a detailed country-by-country count of human losses. Statistics on the number of military wounded are included whenever available

2022-04-05 08:11


When killing start, we human being are worst than animal

2022-04-05 08:13


Ironically China now is financing Russian bombs after suffering massive casualties in war
US biggest mistake was to stop Japan in Ww2

2022-04-05 08:43


You may as well say the biggest Japan mistake is attackingl Pearl Harbour otherwise US will just sit still and watch Japan Red army slaughter the chinese.

2022-04-05 08:52


You are so naive to think US will allow an aggressive Japan when they are trying very hard to find faults and stop the rise of peaceful China.

2022-04-05 09:00

Lewis Lee

How to settle peacefully with a tyrant dictator ?
As this Hitler-reborn war criminal wanted piece of the Ukraine land as "peceful settlement "

Why don't uncle Koon suggested that during WWII, China offer part of the land in China to Japan as peaceful settlement to end the war ?

2022-04-05 09:11

Lewis Lee

Yes, during WW2, Russia invaded and robbed acres of land from China & massacre huge number of Chinese citizen, and yet China CCP support them unconditionally & without limit ??

That 's what we called " old chinese way to resolve dispute" !
CCP shall surrender pieces of land to Russia as peaceful settlement as well !!

2022-04-05 10:16

Lewis Lee

All the while, US have been helping China in WW2, United Nation, economics growth as yet they are treated as enemy,
Russia have been massacred huge numbers of Chinese, robbing acres of land from them, taking financial advantages from china, and yet they are treated as "limitless ally" by CCP ??

2022-04-05 10:20


Sometime I wonder some commentators in i3 are from US as they show lack of basic knowledge in history and geography.

2022-04-05 10:31


Russia and Ukraine are neighbours.

Russia asks Ukraine not to invite NATO into the neighbourhood.

Ukraine insistent on moving West and joining EU and NATO.

Soft approach just didn't work on Kiev.

So what should Russia do? Just lay back and let NATO walk in on invitation of Ukraine? NO WAY.

Ukraine should live in harmony with its immediate neighbour, Russia.

"Nuff said.

2022-04-05 11:09


And the relationship among Russia, Donbass and Ukraine are like this.

Ukraine bullies Donbass.

Russia asks Ukraine to stop it.

Ukraine won't stop - "No, I do what I like"

It's like, A sees B bullying C
A asks B to stop it
B won't stop
So, A decided to cripple B's ability to continue the bullying

2022-04-05 11:11


Violence and killing is bad.

But if killing one can stop the killing of another.

U just have to kill.

2022-04-05 11:12

Lewis Lee

The 1900 Amur anti-Chinese Pogroms were a series of killings and reprisals of Qing subjects of various ethnicities including Manchus, Daur people, Han in Blagoveshchensk and in the Sixty-Four Villages East of the River in the Amur region during the same time as the spread of the Boxer Rebellion throughout China by Russian authorities, ultimately resulting in thousands of deaths, the loss of residency for Chinese living in the Sixty-Four Villages East of the River, and increased Russian control over the region. The Russian justification for the pogroms were attacks made on Russian infrastructure outside Blagoveshchensk by Chinese Boxers, which was then responded to by Russian force. The pogroms themselves occurred between 4–8 July (Old Style, O.S.; 17–21, New Style or N.S.), 1900.

2022-04-05 11:28

Lewis Lee

In international politics, you need to analyse from the long term perspective of China's ambition to be world number 1, now China has 3 choices :-
1. Pro-US, make friend with all their allies, improving international trades & develop their own technology by sharing with advanced countries ;
2. Pro-Russia, who will no doubt taking advantange of rich china like a beggar, making enemy with most advanced countries on earth;
3. Isolated themselves and be "middle country", end all international relationship and creat a self sustained economics and self developed their own technology to beat US etc

Obviously , which option could help China to achieve their "china dream" ?

In intenational politics, just the history tells you, you just need to sleep with your enemy or friend or whoever and it is a matter whether you chose the right sleeping partner , or else "beat aeroplane" yourself ..... to achive your dream ?!
stubbornly biased against one sleeping partner or another won't help ! They have to think logically !
As a joke, politics are job for the devils !! They propoganded morality, principles, consccience, humanity are just for show to cheat ordinary people, end of the day, devils will decide !! :)
US, Russia, England etc or even China themselves are all devils , depending how those devils sleep with each other !!

2022-04-05 11:54


Terrorist group,the Evil axis China and Russia , aims at the world.

2022-04-05 11:55

Lewis Lee

p/s :- everyhting are just warfare strategy play just like history tells you and repeating ! whether they play it right or screw themselves out !!

2022-04-05 11:58


some people just misunderstood, the term warfare strategy, and he mixed it up with" just and unjust war".
Russia is the aggressor, like Hitler, no doubt about it. they need to be punished.

2022-04-05 12:14


qqq3 is a fifty- sen wuomao. need not trouble yourself to reason with him .

2022-04-05 12:29


wu miao ,you earned a ringgit ,two posts. expecting more to come. otherwise not enough for lunch.

2022-04-05 12:40


When anti-China goons cannot counter with reason & logic, they start calling pro-China people names...

2022-04-05 13:11


It has long been clear that Nato expansion would lead to tragedy. We are now paying the price for the US’s arrogance


2022-04-05 13:16


kyy ... a great man with tons of wisdom !

2022-04-05 17:38


Heard putins wealth balloon s t 600 billions n its putins war ,not Russian s!

2022-04-08 08:01


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2022-04-13 12:19


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2023-03-18 21:07


Some individuals just misconstrued the word "warfare strategy," confusing it with "just and unjust war".
Like Hitler, there is no denying that Russia is the aggressor. It is necessary to punish them. https://www.slikmagazine.com/

2024-02-13 23:21


kyy is always our great stk sifu as well as other sifu here ! 😁😄😅

2024-02-14 10:18

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