Koon Yew Yin's Blog

English is more useful than Malay - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023, 10:55 AM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,424
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

At one time Malaysia was the largest producer of tin,rubber, palm oil in the world and the 16th largest petroleum producer in the world. Yet, Malaysia cannot be classified as a Developed Nation. While Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea are classified as Developed Nations. All these 3 countries do not even have timber to build their houses. Why???

If Anwar changes his Malay language policy, Malaysia can improve its economy faster to be classified as a Developed Nation.

Anwar tells companies, universities to correspond with government in Malay.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim says letters written in other languages, including English, will be returned.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has reminded all companies and universities to correspond with government agencies in Malay.

"Of course, we agree with the use of English as the international trade language, but there is an attitude that I feel has gone too far in some places like government offices and even more so in private universities as well as other sectors, " officiating a national language and reading carnival here today.

Anwar said there seemed to have been a “deviation” from the constitutional commitment to uphold Malay as the national language. Article 152 of the Federal Constitution states that Malay is the national language. The position of Malay is also specified in the National Language Act 1967.

Anwar instructed government agencies to return correspondence written in any language other than Malay.

“I want to remind local companies and universities so that the directive is clear: anyone who writes in a language other than the national language will have their letter returned.”

He said he was not belittling other languages, but his emphasis on the usage of Malay served as a call to strengthen the national language as part of nation-building. He also called for higher education institutions and schools to promote the use of Malay.

English is more useful than Malay

The English language is so important because it is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is used for communication, education, business, entertainment, and many other purposes. Here are some reasons why learning English can benefit you:

  • English is the most spoken language in the world. One out of five people can speak or at least understand English. This means that you can communicate with people from different countries and cultures using a common language.
  • English is the dominant language in academia. As of 2020, 17 of the top 20 universities in the global rankings are located in English-speaking countries. Many scientific papers are written in English and most international conferences are held in English. Learning English can help you access the latest research and knowledge in your field of study.
  • English is the most common business language. Learning English can make you more employable and competitive in the global job market.
  • Many multinational companies use English as their official language and require their employees to be proficient in English. English can also help you negotiate, network, and collaborate with partners and clients from different countries.
  • English is the top language of the internet. About 60% of the websites on the internet are in English. Learning English can help you access a vast amount of information and entertainment online. You can also use English to participate in online communities, forums, and social media platforms.
  • English can help you travel the world. English is the official language of 53 countries and is widely spoken as a second language in many others. Learning English can make your travel experience easier and more enjoyable. You can communicate with locals, understand signs and directions, and explore different cultures.
  • English can enrich your personal life. Learning English can help you make new friends from different countries and backgrounds. You can also enjoy various forms of media in English, such as books, movies, songs, and podcasts. Learning English can also improve your cognitive skills, such as memory, creativity, and problem-solving.

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PMX has finally show his true colours as a Fake reformist
Next GE16, me no vote PH. No vote PN. If got MUDA, I'll vote them. Otherwise stay home watch TV eat popcorn

2023-10-27 09:20


Malay is important but english is also important mah!

If u want........malay to be more important...........malay language study should merge with Bahasa Indonesia...........meaning u learn Bahasa Indonesia instead of Bahasa Melayu.....like this at least u get 400 million users compare with current about 40 million users mah!

2023-10-27 11:22


Clever merlay people speak inkglis, not so clever merlay people speak merlay ?

2023-10-27 15:10


Well, i have to correct a history even myself got wrong! You see, when the dutch colonized Indonesia, the dutch didn't want to teach dutch to indonesians! Instead they opted for bahasa melayu as ligua frace for Indonesia! So schools in Indonesia taught bahasa as medium instead of dutch! And yes, apparently i got it wrong! Bahasa was borrowed from Malaya! And actually malays do exist in Indonesia! But why didn't dutch use java as medium of teaching in Indonesia! Indonesia is one complex mixture of so many ethnics! And the dutch believe, bahasa was the right medium to use!
Now, this backstory has a reason! The British opted to use English as medium of instruction prior to Merdeka!
It was our dear well loved PMX Anwar who was education minister who change English to bahasa!
One can say, Anwar finally shown his true colour in many things! A fake reformist no doubt!
But to use English as correspondence to government officials should only apply to foreign investors! I think by now we should use bahasa as sole medium as our interaction with government is mostly SOP!
And it's a shame that there are still segment of malaysians who can't speak bahasa! We can see how local journalists have to converse in english with so called M40 or T20 as if they are from different planet! Look, you dont' see this in Thailand, Indonesia, Japan or China! Everybody speaks the national language!
So this is something as malaysians we need to be aware of! Unable to speak bahasa and yet claim we are the most malaysian is just as phony as our PMX Anwar!
English should be reserved for seeking knowledge in science and tech, and of course when dealing with foreign investors!
But beyond that, we must take pride converse in bahasa! Or else we are so unmalaysian!

2023-10-28 22:10


Actually some msian cannot confidently use bahasa melayu....bcos they took out...private english, chinese, tamil & arab medium school loh!

As for Bahasa Indonesia....it is actually malay.....but their malay is slightly different from msian malays language loh.... but still msian can easily master it loh!

Coming back....to malay language....it is easy to learn loh....the bangladesh, vietnamese, cambodian, mynmar and nepal can learn speak the language eloquently just within 3 to 6 mths loh!

Why Msia feel threaten that u would lose language leh ?

No way loh..........they are more than 400 million people use malays.........no way u will lose the language loh!

But the msian malay language....only 32 million users.....limited use loh!

As i say b4, it is better for msian malay language to be integrated with bahasa Indonesia.....(which a malay language} that have much more users loh!

2023-10-28 22:28


"Return to Sender” – this is the directive to government departments if they receive official letters in languages other than Bahasa Malaysia.
What if a letter from Elon Musk was wrongly treated as letter from a local company?
Do we think every civil servants will scrutinise every letter carefully whether it is from local or abroad?

2023-10-28 22:37


Starofbull! No, just send back to Elon Musk! Anyway, seems Tesla only open a showroom here! And manufacturing plant in Thailand!
Basically PMX made a dumbass out of himself again!

2023-10-28 22:52


What if letter from Intel?


1,079 posts

Posted by FortuneBull777 > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Starofbull! No, just send back to Elon Musk! Anyway, seems Tesla only open a showroom here! And manufacturing plant in Thailand!
Basically PMX made a dumbass out of himself again!

2023-10-28 22:58


Startofthebull! I mean what do i care! I am not government official!

2023-10-28 23:11


Startofthebull! I mean what do i care! I am not government official! https://www.google.com

2023-10-30 12:57

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