save malaysia!

Dr M: Matriculation was ‘back door’ for Malays, now others want in too

Publish date: Mon, 06 May 2019, 03:19 PM

PUTRAJAYA, May 6 — The matriculation programme was intended to help low-performing Malays enter local public universities, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad admitted today.

However, he added that clamour over the “back door” method to increase university intake is growing even among Malaysians of other ethnicities after the government decided to open it.

"We decided to have matriculation classes because we find Malays do not take higher school certificate and cannot enter university. So we provided a back door for them. It was entirely meant as back door for the Malays,” said Dr Mahathir, who served as education minister in the 1970s.

The prime minister said there was no issue previously of the lack of places in the programme for non-Malays, but has been played up by certain quarters following the expansion announced by Education Minister Maszlee Malik last month.

“It is simply because they don’t do much better that we had to create matriculation for the Malays,” he said, in reply to complaints that some non-Malay students are not getting matriculation spots despite performing better in studies.

“So now we’ve agreed to also give to non-Malays. The idea of increasing Malay students in universities by matriculation is nullified because the Chinese and Indians also go by back door, and they’re not satisfied.”

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very simple actually, if people insist on cup empty, cup is empty soon enough.

2019-05-06 17:04


by jasonor > May 6, 2019 4:58 PM | Report Abuse

qqq3 u need to understand that using quota system

me? I think Chinese doing well enough.....very well actually.....

2019-05-06 17:06


Posted by babablackship > May 6, 2019 4:28 PM | Report Abuse

U see, from what she said, she still didn't get what is the concept behind it.

Ans:You are absolutely right, you cannot have 5 Malay ,5 Chinese, 5 Indian to team up together for a scientific research if either of them is not intelligent enough ! It is a wastage of limited funding available !

2019-05-06 17:07


Heavenly PUNTER Research IB > May 6, 2019 5:04 PM | Report Abuse

Btw I got 9A's in my SPM, I didn't managed to get Matriculation, oh wait not to boast that's 7A+, 1A and 1A-, can you see what is wrong with the system?

I can also see u have done, its good u give up your place to save another soul.......

2019-05-06 17:08


Posted by Beltland > May 6, 2019 5:07 PM | Report Abuse

Ans:You are absolutely right, you cannot have 5 Malay ,5 Chinese, 5 Indian to team up

what about this.... that Chinese very good in getting test marks up.....

give some places to Malays and Indians lah......

2019-05-06 17:11


y babablackship > May 6, 2019 5:09 PM | Report Abuse

Other races pay more for everything, but get much less for everything. 3q is being paid by them, thinking that v can b easily fooled around again after decades of inequalities. Malaysia is the only country in the world that give privileges to majority race.

but don't u think to be giving is better than to be receiving?

make giving be happiness, be happy....

2019-05-06 17:13

Heavenly PUNTER Research IB

Bye PUNTER Analyst leaving, don't forget Sedition Act 1948, you can be on your way to jail, stop the discussion thank you everybody.

2019-05-06 17:17


in the middle of this broken system, Chinese doing very well already.......

Chinese also cannot have every thing because Chinese makes up only 25% of the population.

2019-05-06 17:17


ya, continue to live in imaginary land created by umno. go out to the streets and u can see poverty affects everyone, every race. there are many chinese and indians who are from poor families. there are also many malays who are rich.

the fake reality that all malays are poor and all chinese are rich is just a trick by umno to justify their racist agenda that benefits their own cronies. look around u, is it all malay poor? is it all chinese/indian rich?
the answer is no. this is just a fake reality.

i known a malay kid who live in 3 stories high house with audi and bmw cars. the highest score that he got in SPM is B, not a single A. but he can go to matrix. myself who got 4 A's and the rest is B cannot join matrix. i came from poor family, yet i unable to get into matrix although my grades are better just because i'm not a malay. a second class citizen in a country called malaysia.

Posted by qqq3 > May 6, 2019 5:06 PM | Report Abuse

by jasonor > May 6, 2019 4:58 PM | Report Abuse

qqq3 u need to understand that using quota system

me? I think Chinese doing well enough.....very well actually.....

2019-05-06 17:21


by jasonor > May 6, 2019 5:21 PM | Report Abuse

a second class citizen in a country called malaysia.

never mind...u get compensated in some other way.....Its ok one.

2019-05-06 17:27


what compensation? list it out..

Posted by qqq3 > May 6, 2019 5:27 PM | Report Abuse

by jasonor > May 6, 2019 5:21 PM | Report Abuse

a second class citizen in a country called malaysia.

never mind...u get compensated in some other way.....Its ok one.

2019-05-06 17:28


never mind...u get compensated in some other way.....Its ok one.

the way to look at it............

go round the system, stay far far away from government.....

2019-05-06 17:30


only a few million Chinese, Malaysian economy with trillion $ GDP, cannot survive mehh?

2019-05-06 17:31


u get into matriculation so what?

u only want it if u got no good alternative and no money.

matriculation students eat curry rice only every day.....

got money, prefer to go to Sunway/ Monash.

2019-05-06 17:35


62 Tahun selepas Merdeka, kerajaan masih dengan permikiran sempit membuat pengagihan berdasarkan kaum tanpa menyedari kek tesebut semakin mengecil. Persaingan luar terlalu sengit takkala kerajaan masih dalam dunia khayalan. Kerajaan sepatutnya fikir amacam kembangkan kek tersebut, bukan bunuh sesama rakyat. Bangau.

2019-05-06 17:37


chinaman > May 6, 2019 5:37 PM | Report Abuse

62 Tahun selepas Merdeka

but 62 years after Independence, still a lot of work left undone....

2019-05-06 17:41


adopt an attitude of happy and positive..........Malaysia looks very different.

2019-05-06 17:49


Dear all,
Luckily today there are many private universities/UTAR/ PTPTN loan/corporate & private scholarships and Chinese parents ready to sacrifice everything and seeing to it that their children get the best quality education they can afford.

Thank you

2019-05-06 17:58


u know what?

PH is a very reasonable government and every thing can be negotiated.......but don't ask for every thing lah.....fair is fair.

2019-05-06 18:00


the policy will not change whoever the gov even a decade later

2019-05-06 18:01


Dear all,
Those using backdoor to enter local university will need another back door (special tutorial) to graduate or drop out from the demanding courses (Engineering and Medicine) because they were not qualified to study such a demanding course in the first place. What a waste of limited resource.

2019-05-06 18:13


Who to blame now if other also demand a back door to enter university, back door to graduate from the demanding course, back door to enter job market, back door to climb the corporate ladder and backdoor to rich (power and corruption)?

Thank you

2019-05-06 18:14


look at the way the whites treat the negros.........u think it is good meh?

I think Malaysia is better than American way.

2019-05-06 18:24

Heavenly PUNTER Research IB

I think I should have been a doctor or at least a pharmacist... Now end up as a stock analyst... not sure is that a good thing or not...

2019-05-06 18:27


d by Sslee > May 6, 2019 6:13 PM | Report Abuse

What a waste of limited resource.

not really a waste if it is not 1 MDB style.

2019-05-06 18:27


Heavenly PUNTER Research IB > May 6, 2019 6:27 PM | Report Abuse

I think I should have been a doctor or at least a pharmacist.

doctor ok, but not pharmacist. so its 50/50

2019-05-06 18:28


Watch UM ranking kept going backward
TAR Uni is inching up

2019-05-06 18:30


y BillyK > May 6, 2019 6:30 PM | Report Abuse

Watch UM ranking kept going backward
TAR Uni is inching up

no problem...government changed since GE 14.

2019-05-06 20:47


now that DAP has a chance to work with Dr M, even DAP has to admit Dr M is an intellectual giant.

2019-05-06 20:49


no, no....DAP got a lot of talent even got pretty ladies like Ms Yeo Bee Yin.

2019-05-06 21:50


intellectual giant is still intellectual giant by whatever name called....even if it is Dr M.

2019-05-06 23:05


Tht y malaysia hard to bcm like singapore
Singapore focus on smart student.
Malaysia focus on underperform malay student.

2019-05-06 23:45


If you think being dissatisfied makes u happier, go ahead.

I think being satisfied makes u happier and the country more prosperous.

If u look at the educational landscape in Malaysia today, public universities are the last choice of the Chinese youth anyway.......with so many options, why even look at public universities and STPM?

2019-05-07 00:25


Bumiputra rights and privileges should be retained for the bumiputra, but education must never be separated based on skin colour. This is the reason why Malaysia cannot progress further because we have many hidden and potential talents that does not get realized

2019-05-07 09:24


how come the loud mouth LKS and LGE didnt say anything about the 90:10 ratio

2019-05-07 12:16


Because of these 'back doors' our universities can only produce low quality graduates. The whole country is put in danger when these so-called 'graduates' become doctors, engineers etc. Race-based, instead of merit-based entry into universities is a sure formula for disaster.

2019-05-08 11:44


This is a very sick country. Still talking about races in the 21st century. Brainwashed by BN.

2019-05-08 11:47


y Newbeoz > May 8, 2019 11:44 AM | Report Abuse

Because of these 'back doors' our universities can only produce low quality graduates. The whole country is put in danger when these so-called 'graduates' become doctors, engineers etc. Race-based, instead of merit-based entry into universities is a sure formula for disaster.

and if the public universities only got Chinese students, u think good for the country meh?

2019-05-08 11:47


time to stop complaining and start contributing.............join DAP.

2019-05-08 11:56


first I am a financial consultant only to myself....I am my only cliient....

second, Join DAP is called being useful......

2019-05-08 12:27


The only solution is to have 2 different categories of public universities.
(1) Existing public universities (maintain the quota)
(2) Setup new public universities (MUST be metrocracy basis)

Government will review their performance and ranking every year

2019-05-08 12:29


but there are already two categories....public u that Malays go to and private u that Chinese go to.

2019-05-08 12:31


in 10 years time...even primary and secondary schools also same like universities....

Chinese go to the private ones, Malays go to government ones.

2019-05-08 12:32


babablackship > May 8, 2019 12:31 PM | Report Abuse

Being useful for TDM to have more lapdogs to follow his whim.

DAP now part of government...join DAP and contribute.

2019-05-08 12:34


babablackship > May 8, 2019 12:34 PM | Report Abuse

Malay get everything free, not only free, they will receive money every month for being there. Chinese pay for the public U n also have to pay for private U. Chinese have to struggle to survive n safe all they can to give to the lazy to enjoy life.

but I would not want to swap place with them.....would u?

2019-05-08 12:36


60 years after Merdeka....still plenty of work to do.....still percentage of Malays with higher education is still too low compared with the Chinese........

2019-05-08 12:38


it's ok. We can wait for another 60 years for pakatun to perform. wakaka

2019-05-08 12:39


u vote them out and bring Najib and BN back? u idiot?

2019-05-08 12:39


Posted by babablackship > May 8, 2019 12:40 PM | Report Abuse

It is the money that is in concern. V want equal treatment by the Govern, no races, esp the minority should foot the bills of majority n TDM's family n cronies.

but in my opinion, PH one of the best in the world already......and Dr M, a true patriot.

2019-05-08 12:43


abablackship > May 8, 2019 12:44 PM | Report Abuse

Keep your stupid lies to yourself, u cant fool anybody here.

not lies...its reality.

2019-05-08 12:57

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