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Muhyiddin urges teachers to redouble efforts, improve standards

Publish date: Sat, 16 May 2020, 03:25 PM

PETALING JAYA: Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has urged teachers to redouble their efforts to improve the quality of education in the country to match international standards.

He said their hard work in implementing various initiatives in the Malaysian Education Development Plan had resulted in the country stepping out of the bottom third of the international education system ratings.

However, he said the country’s overall achievement was still below the average achievement of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries.

“I know this will take time. That is why the Education Development Plan was to be implemented in a time frame of 12 years, from 2013 to 2025.

“We have another five years to boost the quality of education in our country, so that we are in the top third of the quality ratings of the international education system.

“I believe that with the passion, commitment and dedication of all teachers, we will achieve this goal, ” Muhyiddin said in a speech to mark the national Teachers Day celebrations on Saturday (May 16).

He said as a former minister of education, he was involved in the drafting of the development plan.

He said at the time, they were worried about the educational achievements in the country, as Malaysia was said to be in the bottom third internationally.

Muhyiddin also paid tribute to teachers for their dedication to students, despite the obstacles faced during the movement control order (MCO) and the conditional MCO to curb the spread of Covid-19.

He said in conducting home-based learning, many teachers used various methods to connect with students, such as using Google Classrooms, cikguTube, Zoom, WhatsApp and Telegram, among other other things.

He said there were even teachers who conducted online sports training.

However, he said there were still obstacles to online learning, as not all students had good access to the Internet, and many did not have the right devices.

He said some teachers even printed the homework for their students and collaborated with the Parents and Teachers Association (PIBG) to send the questions to the students' homes.

“I'm deeply touched and appreciate the efforts by our teachers and parents, ” he said.

Muhyiddin also said the government would announce the dates of the reopening of schools two weeks before they were scheduled to resume, with this depending on the advice from the Ministry of Health (MOH).

He said when schools reopened, priority would be given to those taking the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Malaysian Vocational Certificate (SVM), Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) and Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) examinations.

He said schools would have to adhere to standard operating procedures such as social distancing, monitoring the arrival and movement of students, practising cleanliness, and adhering to the proper arrangement of tables in classrooms.

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When comes to education, character-building takes priority. Honestly, sincerity and trustworthiness are excellent. On the other hand, treachery, back-stabbing and betrayal are h*ll-bound.

2020-05-16 17:57


When comes to education, character-building takes priority.

2020-05-16 18:00


Honesty, sincerity and trustworthiness are excellent quality of a person.

2020-05-16 18:01


On the other hand bad qualities are 'bagai kacang lupakan kulitnya', 'menggigit tangan yang menyuap' and 'mendengar guruh di langit, air dalam tempayam dicurahkan'.....all to be condemned

2020-05-16 18:01


........combo of treachery-cum-betrayal, slandering-cum-back-stabbing and irresponsibilty-cum-immaturity

2020-05-16 18:03


When comes to leadership, meritocracy is everything. The young may fail to listen, but they almost never fail to imitate.

2020-05-16 18:07


Same comes to the case for educators........entrusting the fox to raise the chicks would be futile.

2020-05-16 18:12


Secondly, knowledge should be divided into modern and historical, as well as evidenced- and faith-based

2020-05-16 18:44


But with the power of internet, everything destroyed with fake news.

2020-05-16 18:48


That comes to one thing that I wanted to point out just now.....

.......students MUST be thought to EXAMINE EVIDENCE and do thinking for themselves

2020-05-16 18:52


Next comes cognitove flexibility for the next gen to survive the future 'bumpy' vocational lives

2020-05-16 18:58


EngineeringProfit you got great ideas but unfortunately none of it will be implemented.

2020-05-16 19:24


But these are fundamental. What is the point of building a premise on wrong ground? Or making the students climb a ladder which leans on the wrong (useless) wall

2020-05-16 19:31


Say....teachers can double or triple their efforts.....but only to teach some obsolete knowledge and useless stuff that is out-of-real-world........

2020-05-16 19:35



Nearly half of the atoms that make up our bodies may have formed beyond the Milky Way and travelled to the solar system on intergalactic winds driven by giant exploding stars. The Milky Way absorbs about one sun’s-worth of extragalactic material every year. Our origins are much less local than we thought. This report reminds us a sense of how things around us are connected to distant objects in the sky. In some sense we are extragalactic visitors or immigrants in what we think of as our galaxy.

But none of the university graduates know - how else to improve the standard?

What about the facts that the building blocks of all liveforms on earth are all levo-amino acids and dextro-glucose - none with dextro-amino acids or levo-glucose.....

2020-05-16 19:51


What about the facts that underneath our skins, we are all Africans. That is the recent, simple conclusion of scientists studying the origins of our species. Genes, ancient stone tools and fossil bones – analysed over the past few decades – make it clear that men and women today are the direct descendants of hunter-gatherers who evolved somewhere in Africa and took over the continent before one group departed to conquer the rest of the world tens of thousands of years ago.

2020-05-16 19:57


Those with lower cognitive flexibility see the world in more black-and-white terms and struggle with new and different perspectives. The more inflexible mind may be especially susceptible to the clarity, certainty, and safety frequently offered by strong loyalty to collective ideologies,

2020-05-16 20:44


While the conservatism and liberalism agendas amd struggles divide us, it is the capacity to think about the world flexibly and adaptively that could unite us

2020-05-16 20:46


EngineeringProfit the purpose of an education system is to program children for them to be smart enough or capable to operate the machine and not to have them think critically.

2020-05-16 21:56

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