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If free-flowing alcohol is available on-board Arabic airlines, wouldn’t banning it make MAS, AirAsia a laughing stock?

Publish date: Tue, 12 Mar 2024, 09:16 AM

MCA is damn right to argue that banning passenger aircrafts from serving alcohol on international flights is akin to clipping wings of airline companies.

Henceforth, the call by the National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (NUFAM) to the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) to look into the handling of alcohol by Muslim cabin crew is short-sighted.

One has to agree with the MCA that the enforcement of such a proposal will cause Malaysia’s commercial airlines industry to lose out on their competitive advantage. Ultimately, the biggest losers would be the employees in the private aviation sector themselves.

“The free-flowing alcohol served on board Middle Eastern airlines like Emirates and Qatar Airways and the hospitality by the tourism bodies of these countries without interference from religious authorities are a passenger puller from the international audience,” contended MCA Youth secretary general Saw Yee Fung in a media statement.

“Adapting to clients’ needs rather than compelling customers to adopt one’s values will encourage travellers to fly with Malaysian-based airlines.”

As Malaysia has already missed out on the Taylor Swift’s exclusive concert to Singapore, NUFAM could have instead proposed to the Transport Ministry to incentivise flying the billionaire songstress or other big-name pop artistes or West End or Broadway theatre companies and their entourages on board Malaysian-registered commercial air carriers,

“If the negotiations are successful, the montages of these celebrities could also be embellished on the airplanes flying them in,” envisages Saw. “Travellers would then be attracted to fly in these Malaysian-registered aircrafts given their association with international celebrities.”

More broadly, MCA also voiced its discontent that “the growing trend towards conservatism in our country is becoming increasingly worrisome”.

“While MCA Youth is not questioning the religious beliefs of any individual, one’s personal beliefs should not be imposed in the workplace of politics,” justified Saw.

Last week, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Senator Zulkifli Hasan remarked in in the Dewan Rakyat that JAKIM will consider a suggestion for convenience stores to use self-service machines to sell alcoholic beverages so that Muslim workers would not have to handle these items.

Subsequently, NUFAM also advocated for a universal prohibition of alcohol consumption on board flights - a proposal which will not bode positively for our aviation industry and downstream suppliers.”

“Economic and business activities are objective issues which should not be entangled with personal beliefs, political stances and other elements. On the contrary, they are closely related to people’s livelihoods and rice bowls,” asserted Saw.

“Religious beliefs involve personal piety and should be followed through with self-discipline and self-restraint in accordance with one’s own religious teachings rather than attempting to forbid or interfere with the religious professions and freedoms of others.” - March 12, 2024

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Got YouTube, type Iranian women, Quite a lot of Iranian women don't wear-tudung,

2024-03-12 15:03


Typo *
Tun Dr. M wife also doesn't wear-tudung

2024-03-12 15:05


do u weaar?

2024-03-12 17:11


These Pak pandirs and mak Mandirs of west msial have made themselves a joke - born original, die a copycat owing to alabisation

2024-03-12 17:18


in malaysia tudung is only for B40 & M40. T20 tak payai one, kecuali makcik above 40 year old

2024-03-13 07:51


The cheap ones gotta make themselves look expensive- but still "the empress got no cloth" one. The T20 oredi redili classy lah

2024-03-13 07:53


Why is it a laughing stock? Arabic airlines is the benchmark? It is more on business decision. Pakistan Airlines banned alcohol on flights in 1983, and they made profit on that year in comparison to previous years. It's all about good management, nothing to do with serving alcohol or not. The MCA youth say is not about religious belief, then why not compare with other country airlines? They make money because of alcohol meh? Not about religious belief but you guys here talking about tudung. So low la the way you all think

2024-03-13 13:54


Implementing policies such as banning alcohol on flights may not solely be a business decision but also a reflection of cultural and religious sensitivities in certain regions. For example, in predominantly Muslim countries like Pakistan, the decision to ban alcohol aligns with Islamic principles and cultural norms. It's not merely about profitability but also about respecting the values and beliefs of the population served by the airline

2024-03-13 13:58


Arabic airlines may indeed serve as a benchmark for other airlines in terms of service quality and customer experience. By catering to specific cultural preferences, such as offering halal food and abstaining from serving alcohol, these airlines differentiate themselves in the market and appeal to a particular segment of travelers who value such offerings. This strategy contributes to their brand identity and market positioning.

2024-03-13 13:58


Comparing Pakistan Airlines' decision to ban alcohol with other country airlines may not provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of such policies. Each airline operates within a unique market context, cultural landscape, and regulatory environment, which can influence decision-making and outcomes. Instead of focusing solely on financial metrics, it's essential to consider the broader implications of policies on customer satisfaction, brand reputation, and long-term sustainability- when comparing a country with over 95% Muslims vs <2 thirds

2024-03-13 14:00

Balian de Ibelin

Pakistan receives USD10 Billion to USD20 Billion subsidy from United States every year.

Please order NUFAM to pay USD10 Billion to government will be ok 😁

2024-03-13 15:10


Ah yahh, why tudung got everything to do with alcohol...It's a religious cultural law lah。But T20 never comply with religous law.
Just lookat Dr. M wife no tuning at all time last time until now, no one complain.

2024-03-13 17:07


Ah yahh, why tudung got everything to do with alcohol...It's a religious cultural law lah。But T20 never comply with religous law.
Just lookat Dr. M wife no tudung at all time, last time until now, no one complain. Even Pas also never complain about Dr. M wife,

2024-03-13 17:09


The examples provided in this post make it easy to understand the real-world applications. Thanks for the clarity and depth.

2024-03-14 06:11


Conservative interpretations of religious texts and traditions have led to restrictions on intellectual freedom and critical thinking. Unnecessarily heavily-funded religious authorities and institutions inadvertently discourage questioning or challenging established beliefs, leading to a stifling of intellectual inquiry and innovation.

2024-03-14 08:15


Airlines should decide themselves what they want to implement to achieve their objectives. The politicians have no rights to "direct" their political view on them. If the politicians have enough brains, this country would have surpassed so many countries in the region.Cambodia and later Laos will catch up. Talk less and go and look after the rakyat at your constituencies, I am sure there are enough choked drains for them to personally clear or repair the potholes .

2024-03-14 12:58

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