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MCA: MOTAC’s Langkawi proposal lacks foresight, might impact tourism negatively

Publish date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024, 08:21 PM

MCA has expressed concern over Deputy Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Khairul Firdaus Akbar Khan’s proposal to brand Langkawi as a preferred Muslim destination with an emphasis on family-friendly and spiritual tourism.

Calling the proposal “narrow and lacking foresight”, its vice president Datuk Seri Dr Wee Jeck Seng said positioning Langkawi in such a manner risks impacting Malaysia’s tourism industry negatively.

“Labelling Langkawi based on religion may deter foreign investment and undermine Malaysia’s appeal to international businesses,” Wee said in a statement on Wednesday (June 26).

“It contradicts Malaysia’s values of diversity and moderation, potentially tarnishing our global image.

“Langkawi is renowned as an inclusive destination known for its duty-free policies and pristine beaches, attracting tourists worldwide and redefining it for Muslim tourism could diminish its allure and lead to financial losses.”

Wee further urged Khairul Firdaus to conduct a comprehensive market analysis before pursuing such proposals, balancing the potentials of the Muslim tourism market with Langkawi’s existing strengths and international reputation.

“Implementing overly religious or conservative policies on Langkawi could misrepresent Malaysia as closed-minded, damaging the national tourism industry,” he warned.

“The focus should remain on diversity and inclusiveness to maintain Langkawi’s attraction to all tourists.

“MCA calls on the Tourism, Arts, and Culture Ministry to reconsider this proposal thoughtfully, ensuring Langkawi preserves its open and diverse tourism charm for all visitors.”

On Monday (June 24) Khairul Firdaus told the Dewan Rakyat that the proposal to position Langkawi as such would help enhance its competitiveness among regional islands for the upcoming Visit Malaysia Year 2026.

“We recognise that Langkawi may face challenges competing with other islands in the region, so the ministry’s strategy is to promote the unique attractions of different islands, ensuring each has distinctive tourism characteristics,” he had remarked.

Former minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim had similarly poured cold water on the proposal, calling it an “uphill task”.

Taking to X to air his views on the matter, Zaid said there are existing Muslim tourism destinations in the region such as Kuala Terengganu in Terengganu and Kota Baru in Kelantan, Indonesia’s Medan, Jakarta and Surabaya, Thailand’s Hatyai, Saudi Arabia’s Riyadh, and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

“The minister must ask what Muslims like to do in Langkawi that they can’t do in more well-known places,” said Zaid in a post on X on Monday (June 24).

“They don’t like the sea unless we cater separate beaches for men and women. Then, they don’t like music or entertainment as it would make them ‘khayal’ (intoxicated). They don’t want to mingle with scantily clad women, so we must not allow too many foreigners.”

Zaid claimed that Muslims like shopping and Putrajaya could consider removing taxes on halal cosmetics, clothes, cars, textile, sports goods, cigarettes and various food items.

“Make Langkawi a shopping heaven unlike any other place. This might work. However, this government will not do this,” he said, adding that the move to ban the sale of tax-free alcohol will be opposed by leaders within the administration.

“Building large shopping malls would cost money, so this government would not like this idea. Madani wants to collect more taxes. So, no taxes are a terrible idea,” Zaid noted, adding that the only option left for Putrajaya would be making Langkawi similar to Indonesia’s Bali or Thailand’s Phuket islands.

“But Madani will not accept this idea too. It looks like Langkawi will deteriorate slowly but surely, as the curse of Mahsuri still holds strong,” he said in reference to the legend of Mahsuri, a woman who cursed the island for seven generations after being unfairly executed for alleged adultery. - June 26, 2024

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