save malaysia!

Creating a sustainable transformation journey

Publish date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024, 09:20 AM

As Malaysia commemorates Hari Merdeka and Hari Malaysia, businesses are called upon to play a more active role in fulfilling their environmental, social and governance (ESG) responsibilities.

Malaysia is dedicated to the global effort against climate change, pledging to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity to achieve net-zero emissions by as early as 2050. In response to growing climate challenges, the country is actively transitioning to more sustainable practices, especially in the carbon-intensive industries.

The push for net-zero emissions aims to decarbonise Malaysia's industries through the implementation of energy-efficiency and waste management measures, rapid adoption of renewable energy and technology and the establishment of robust regulatory frameworks.

This is also exemplified by the fact that public-listed companies (PLCs) in Malaysia will soon be required to use the Bursa Malaysia ESG Reporting Platform to comply with mandatory sustainability disclosures set by Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd.

As part of Malaysia's race towards net-zero and sustainability goals, Tata Consultancy Services Malaysia (TCS) has made significant strides in environmental sustainability and nation-building initiatives throughout the years.

"What makes our approach unique is that we identify particular areas of need and partner with our clients to actively launch strategic initiatives that align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)," said Jeevan Rajoo, Country Head of Tata Consultancy Services Malaysia.

"While our core mandate is to create more jobs for Malaysians, and our partnership initiatives are typically human-centric, focusing on youth empowerment, healthcare and elevating livelihoods in the country," Jeevan added.

One notable example is TCS's collaboration with PETRONAS to establish Social Enterprise Education Lab (SEEd.Lab), an end-to-end incubator programme that nurtures and enables youths to create sustainable business solutions that address societal pain points in Malaysia.

Anchored on the belief that passion and profit can go hand-in-hand, this 12-to-18-month programme empowers young changemakers to come together in building impactful ideas and turning them into profitable, scalable social enterprises.

Focusing on specific domains: Personal and Financial Security, Health and Hygiene, Education and Skill, Climate and Environment as well as Food and Agriculture; the programme participants, aptly referred to as SEEd.lings, work within each domain's challenge area based on current, validated pain points experienced by Malaysian communities.

"At SEEd.Lab, our mission is to build purposeful, sustainable and scalable businesses that create a multiplier effect of change through social entrepreneurship. In doing so, we equip passionate SEEd.lings with the right tools and support and provide them with a 'sandbox' to develop their skills and talents," said Head of SEEd.Lab, Aidonna Jun Ayub.

As of today, SEEd.Lab has incubated 15 social enterprises since its inception in 2020 and has touched over 22,000 lives.

"We are grateful to have like-minded partners such as TCS to enrich the entrepreneurial journey of our SEEd.lings and help them turn one spark of an idea into sustainable businesses," added Aidonna Jun.

TCS has also partnered with the Malaysia Aviation Group and the National Cancer Society Malaysia to develop CANSupport, an innovative application that addresses critical healthcare needs for children undergoing cancer treatment. This initiative has provided essential support to young patients and their families, including symptom tracking, travel assistance and an advanced doctor's dashboard utilising data analytics.

"Since 2023, CANSupport has made significant differences in the lives of over 2,200 child cancer patients in Malaysia, facilitating 38 flight tickets, 42 train rides and 47 e-hailing services," noted Phillip See, Group Chief Sustainability Officer and CEO of Loyalty & Travel Solutions, Malaysia Aviation Group.

"This collaborative efforts stands as a testament towards the fight against childhood cancer. Together, we are forging a path of hope for young lives across Malaysia, demonstrating that when we unite with purpose, we create extraordinary change.", Dr Murallitharan Munisamy, Managing Director of National Cancer Society of Malaysia

TCS has also collaborated with CelcomDigi to launch the goIT student engagement programme, which provides a standards-based curriculum introducing students to innovation, product development and entrepreneurial skills. By simplifying computer science, this programme empowers students to acquire the necessary future digital skills and confidence for 21st-century careers.

"This initiative helps students from diverse backgrounds design human-centred solutions that harness technologies for innovation and social good. Since its inception, we have impacted nearly 500 students across various states in Malaysia," added Philip Ling, Head of Sustainability at CelcomDigi.

Looking forward, TCS is committed to a green growth while reaching a net-zero carbon footprint. This ambitious goal reflects TCS's belief that business growth can be achieved without compromising environmental responsibility.

TCS is integrating sustainability into its business decision-making and models to reduce its carbon footprint while preparing to double its size in the coming decade. In May 2021, TCS set a new carbon reduction goal: to reduce absolute GHG emissions across Scope 1 and Scope 2 by 70% by 2025 and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2030. By FY24, TCS has already reduced its absolute carbon footprint across Scope 1 and Scope 2 by 80% over a baseline of 2016, exceeding its target achievement by 10%, one year ahead of time.

"Focusing on sustainable operations is crucial due to the growing emphasis on ESG criteria from investors, customers and regulators," observed Jeevan. "At TCS, we have proved that integrating ESG into core business strategies not only helps address global and local sustainability challenges but also enhances overall business effectiveness and attractiveness."

Sustainability is no longer just a trend but a vital component for long-term business success. By adopting sustainable practices, companies can improve operational efficiency, manage risks better and meet the increasing expectations of stakeholders.

TCS has faced and overcome challenges in embedding ESG practices, including aligning the global standards and ensuring transparent reporting. Their experience shows that even smaller companies can benefit significantly from focusing on sustainability.

"Integrating sustainability into technological advancements allows companies to drive profitability while supporting environmental and social well-being," said Jeevan. "It's about finding innovative ways to operate efficiently and responsibly, which ultimately leads to long-term success and a positive impact on the world."

TCS is also deeply engaged with stakeholders and local communities through initiatives like the TCS Sustainathon, a hackathon held across private and public universities that addresses a unique SDG problem each year.

"Since its inception in 2020, we've tackled areas around food wastage, reimagining education, and empowering women in STEM across the Asia-Pacific region," explained Jeevan.

The TCS Sustainathon Malaysia 2024 was supported by the Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), Astro, CelcomDigi, Khazanah Research Institute, Malaysia Aviation Group, Maybank, SEEd.Lab and UN Global Compact Network Malaysia and Brunei, and various relevant non-profits. Together, we carved out impactful challenge statements that drive real change.

"TCS Sustainathon represents a pivotal platform for empoweing Malaysia's young business leaders, driving innovation and action towards the Sustainable Development Goals. By harnessing their energy and creativity, we are not only fostering a brighter future but also demonstrating how local initiatives can play a crucial role in global progress" - Faroze Nadar, Executive Director of UN Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei

As a technology-driven company, TCS believes in humanising technology by designing solutions that address social issues and improve the quality of life. These include creating products and services that are accessible and beneficial to diverse communities, fostering inclusivity and promoting social equity.

By leveraging technology initiatives with sustainability goals, companies like TCS can create value for their stakeholders and the planet, ultimately contributing to a sustainable legacy for many future generations to come.

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