Jonathan Keung

Keongsiew | Joined since 2012-03-28

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2016-07-21 10:27 | Report Abuse

looking at the previous qtr . FGV profit dropped >90% ( Q to Q basis ). Worse is over after all the kitchen sinking exercise done by the new CEO and his team. Hopefully, better days ahead for FGV

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2016-07-21 09:21 | Report Abuse

Official No 1 will blame the CEO and the Board of Directors (1MDB) failing to discharge their duties prudently. the auditors ( Deloitte ) has signed off the the past accounts . Laws of US does not apply to official no 1. the blame will now goes to the Board and the CEO at that time of the transaction. or a worse case basis. somebody will slap with a fraud charge and put behind Kajang hotel. official no 1 has no management dealings on the 1MDB (only the CEO) execute the JV agreements with the Board authority

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2016-07-21 09:13 | Report Abuse

is going to be long drawn out case of 1MDB by the Dept. of Justice. the magnitude is downright shameful on our country reputation. No wonder KMPG the then auditor refused to sign off the accounts. After that Deloitte came in and signed off the audited accounts.

Tony Pua has reported and highlighted this issue but nothing whatsoever has done to suspend, investigate by the Audit Board ( on Deloitte ) . are they immune to any proceddings ???

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2016-07-21 09:08 | Report Abuse

You can donate to charity and do social work ( but you need NOT tell people ) what counters you are investing, buying or selling. this is something i need to ask ???


2016-07-21 09:03 | Report Abuse

Ringgit has dropped from 3.98 to a dollar at the start of July to 4.04 as at yesterday


2016-07-20 16:40 | Report Abuse

you are not the only one. most people too scare to buy when price going up . but when others counters trending downward they go and average it . we learn from experience. do your homework


2016-07-20 15:40 | Report Abuse

not watching little son but already carrying the bABY. please grow up fast-fast.


2016-07-20 15:36 | Report Abuse

AAX now become AAzzzzzz ( everybody switch to AA )


2016-07-20 15:33 | Report Abuse

change of CEO brings about new direction


2016-07-20 14:59 | Report Abuse

TF is doing good PR for AA

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2016-07-20 13:48 | Report Abuse

the DAP ( LGE/LKS ) is taking a big risk if they called for a snap (Penang) state election. coming from Penang, the ground feel is really unnerving. DAP (Pakatan) may still hold on to power but they may in for a big surprised.

Fighting BN without a united front is starting a war without adequate food resources or ammunition. Ground sources says UMNo will win all the 12-16 Malay seats at the expense of PKR or PAS. GRM (MCA) will 2-4 of the mixed seats (leaving DAP/PKR/Amanah with just a slim majority ) We need to remember the Malays hold 45% of the vote in Penang

What happens if 2-4 of the ADUN jump ship. DAP (LGE) will be a state of Coup de tat. At times DAP (LGE/LKS) must not underestimate the might of the BN. Money is kindd . This has proven in Sarawak , Kuala Kangsar, Sungei Besar, the fall of Perak. History ? never tell lies


2016-07-20 12:13 | Report Abuse

MAS or whatever names are in for tough going. bloated work-force, reduced connectivity, less destinations and ageing planes will kill off any attempts trying to compete in today LCC enviroment. even on his own turf people prefer other airlines. you asked tourist or foreign workers coming in . none of them used MAS ?


2016-07-20 10:54 | Report Abuse

correct. please share your ideas but do not slam others. i came back from a trip to Malacca ( wow ) i was caught by surprised the number of China tourist on transit from Singapore - Malacca. Mind you they are staying at 3-4 star newly built hotel. Myself and others all staying at Budget inns. Even the Mama stalls (can accept Chinese Yuan ). I did the translation on behalf of the Mamam Restaurant and the group. The local inns put up' Full House " Tourism is big business. The latest China news expect 200 Million - 250 Million mainland Chinese expected to travel overseas for their holidays. HK and Macao is not their favourites. Asian destinations are the top travel destinations. Bangkok- Bali- Malacca -etc


2016-07-20 10:10 | Report Abuse

FF manager normally do their book balancing every Qtr and lock in profit to achieved their targets. AA share price start moving up at $ 1.80- $ 2.00 ( end March period ). Big FF needs to take profit at FH period. Typically FF have 2 or 3 portfolios. one for trading, one for dividend plays and the other for capital gains. this is to reduce their risks and even up their returns. EPF and KWAP have their own investment team plus funds tasks with handling their portfolio. Normally the size is between USD 10 Million - 20 Million each. EPF on their own have outsource to 8-10 internal and external funds handling their investments. just my personal understanding why the selling and buying by EPF.


2016-07-20 09:58 | Report Abuse

bear in mind there are sellers and buyers at both end. no counter will move up in a straight line. you need certain feel good factors to push up, market digest, folllow consolidation and move higher in between plays. big money needs patience


2016-07-20 09:44 | Report Abuse

Crude price trending lower. analyst expect oil to jump ( Turkey coup ) But
Oil continues to trade below <USD 47 per barrel. beneficial for Airlines


2016-07-19 15:59 | Report Abuse

you can learn from the best teacher whether you can applied what you need is entirely different. Without offening anyone. there's a book in the bookstore called " Grade A student work Grade C student. Grade B student works for the government" read it


2016-07-19 15:52 | Report Abuse

the drug (taurax) is a breakthr but still need FDA final approval. this is something really testing and diffcult to judge ( the strigent FDA process especially on medication widely use on ageing process)


2016-07-18 10:59 | Report Abuse

need to be patient and hold for long term


2016-07-18 10:50 | Report Abuse

split price based on the 1:1 ( less 1.5 dividend ) and the free warrants nominal value ( 3 : 10 ) after the split.

News & Blogs

2016-07-18 10:46 | Report Abuse

the 5/20 rule is crippling not AA (alone ) but all the other airlines


2016-07-18 10:33 | Report Abuse

Logically TF and KM will not take AAX private. What TF might do? he will built up & increase AAX profitability. Last 2 qtrs turn around is already bearing fruits. coming qtr might also have more upsides. Afterall TF and KM are the biggest benefactors (if AAX prices rebounded ) and close like what he did for AA


2016-07-18 09:56 | Report Abuse

AA is a growing airline with well run operations and capable management. AA and AAX is growing regionally maybe 4 -5 years . It can match the S&P 100 biggest listed stocks interms of revenue and profitability

News & Blogs

2016-07-18 09:52 | Report Abuse

i beg to differ from YYK assessment on BN ( Ah JibGor ) . Ah Jib Gor has backing from the armed forces and PDRM. the key securities ( Home and defense ) is all with him.

setting aside the PSD employed the most number of ( > 2 Million ) public servants (which in my view )mostly are contented with the way BN is running the country.

rural areas ( Sabah, Sarawak, DFelda, Felra, Risda ) are all playing the part as loyal servants. Judiciary and administrative (for a start ) are totally submissive to the PMO. How can they (Opposition ) rally and brought about any changes.

Last but not the least. the state of opposition parties are all in tatters (fighting one and another ) we are not talking between PAS Vs PAN or PKR ( Rafizi against Azmin). DAP equally has its internal bickering. Dr M parties basically consist of ExUMNO people. people are more worried about the economy and putting food on the table. This is my personal take ondead man walking article

News & Blogs

2016-07-18 08:53 | Report Abuse

the bottom line is fuel oil has fallen from > USD 100 per barrel to below < USD 50 per barrel ( FH 2016 ) Prices are forcast to trade between USD 40 - 50 price range.

Fuel cost accounted for 40% - 50 % of airline operating cost (with US Dollar holding at between MYR 4 - 4.20 ). Air traffic is tending higher with China and India ( the most avid travellers )

Cost of planes ( Airbus) in absolute USD dollar has been trending lower. Euro hit by Brexit and EU woes. Company is willing to lock in orders at big discount over the next 3- 5 years.

Price of a new Airbus ( from USD 125 Million per plane ) has dropped to USD 95 Million per plane. Everything from cost to reveneue is conducive for Airlines ( this is most applicable to LCC airlines not full fledged airlines)


2016-07-15 16:21 | Report Abuse

Good Q ???


2016-07-15 15:14 | Report Abuse

vivocom is syariah approved counter


2016-07-15 15:04 | Report Abuse

INSAS play like durian season once or twice yearly


2016-07-15 14:58 | Report Abuse

3W: 10 share after the share split


2016-07-15 14:56 | Report Abuse

coming qtr result is good. just sit tight $$$ coming

News & Blogs

2016-07-15 12:02 | Report Abuse

the easiest way is to cut interest rate and hope high street will lead the way


2016-07-15 12:01 | Report Abuse

chart wise is trending up but volume is lacking. wait and see how afternoon shape up


2016-07-15 11:55 | Report Abuse

TF vision of air connectivity has no peers. he has forseen the rise of the burgeoning middle class desire to travel. AA/AAX has establised presence in Thailand, Indonesia and India. The last jig saw is China and the US (North America market )


2016-07-15 10:42 | Report Abuse

Nice, France holiday mayhem. Tourists will opt for Asian destination. Not to take advantage tragedy at France. but people will generally avoid France or US and pick ASia as their choice. My deepest sympathy to those innocent people killed


2016-07-15 10:04 | Report Abuse

all this IB analyst " cari makan ". Looking at TF he has big plans. something cooking


2016-07-15 10:02 | Report Abuse

Looking at TF ( AA / AAX ) he has big plans. something cooking ?


2016-07-14 12:10 | Report Abuse

AAX China proposal???

News & Blogs

2016-07-13 12:12 | Report Abuse

TF has built up AA from scratch. look at MAS or whatever names with app >50 Billion pump in over the last 15 years. Call it bail out , re-branding, assets leasings or whatever resturucturing. the bottom line is tax payers money used to finance and bail out MAS.

without taking any credit from TF and KM . they compete and built the AA brand on their own. True blue businessmen will be passionate over their business. Let TF do his job and promote AA. without AA do you think everybody can fly.

i am not working for AA or AAX but i believed TF and his partners are ready to take AA to a higher level (if he is given support by the government ). GLI-c they need to come down from their ivory tower and be real. GLI-c ( maybe with the exception of KWSP ) most of them mediocre run.

CEO come and go in the GLi-c. without taking any responsibilities. clear example is the ongoing saga 1MDB

News & Blogs

2016-07-12 11:51 | Report Abuse

i like your wordings. sitting down on the floor peeling onions. Vincent Tan ( according to his old interviews ) before he acquire the M'donald rights franchise. He say - he did scrub the floors and clean tables. How true ! i wont know

News & Blogs

2016-07-12 09:50 | Report Abuse

Vincent Tan is the driving force behind BC. whether you like him or dislike him ( the way he shuffed his assets play ). credit must be given to his business skills. he hit some and he lose some (at the shareholder expense ) out of 5 business plays . as long as 1 hit the gold mine ( he feels overall he hits home ) maybe now his son Robin helming BC has other ideas ???


2016-07-11 10:38 | Report Abuse

Jul 27 same as payment date ( need to cross check with your CDS Account )

News & Blogs

2016-07-09 18:44 | Report Abuse

come across this article. stocks and FCPo are different ball game. in commodities there is no bottom ( if market is bearish ) whatever charts will no do you anything good. sentiment and speculative selling ( momentum) will overwhelm the do call support level. stock prices have thier own intrinsic value or support. this is my personal take on the above subject. chart is good when the market is range bound not in times of uncertainties or bluish undertone. stock picking also relies on timing and market news.


2016-07-05 11:50 | Report Abuse

AWC is the new pin up for mainteance government facilities & buildings structure. thier (AWC) underground sewage job in Singapore is a good reference

News & Blogs

2016-07-05 11:14 | Report Abuse

this is something very subjective ??? looking at Baring bros , lehman Bros or Citibank shares. be a contratrian you will be clean up 2 out of 3 times (except for Citibank provided you have deep pockets like Temasek or Buffett). there is another rule never catch a falling knife . this is my personal take on the subject. happy trading and have a nice raya break


2016-07-05 10:26 | Report Abuse

1/2 day trading . dont expect much activitiy

News & Blogs

2016-07-05 09:52 | Report Abuse

this is a good write up on tune but this counter has disappointed many due to its lack lustre dis[play. solid fundamentals but need something to kick start the price. maybe mergers or tie up to make it into a big brand name.


2016-07-05 09:45 | Report Abuse

for clarity needs to look at their next qtr result. cash flow /inventories/production against cost of sales.


2016-07-04 10:44 | Report Abuse

1.5 sen per share


2016-07-01 16:37 | Report Abuse

Dali posting was last year before Bornoil rights split.


2016-07-01 16:11 | Report Abuse

the Brexit fall out has push spot gold prices higher. what we have here is mining rights and the amount of gold recover must be sufficient to offset your mining costs ( same as tin mines ).ths is something you need to know and aware how their cost of production is factor in. the accounting treatment may be different from plantation (biological assets )