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2021-06-15 20:30 | Report Abuse

Wonder whether those investors or punters know what ADRs is all abt. US investors generally play main stream mkt ie actual plc in US. Even foreign cos like Alibaba is plc in US, that's why investors have greater faith. ADRs is an easier access compared to being fully plc but there are Limitations. Most investors are spoiled for choices to make & ADRs are not often in their radar range !


2021-06-15 20:21 | Report Abuse

Agree w MoneyMakers. Buy cos with future potential going forward.

Genting is sad now but very soon will be Great w RWLV opening on 24 & Grand Opening on 4 July. Not to forget GENY approval award decision by end Aug/early Sep.


2021-06-15 20:15 | Report Abuse

BG we hear u loud & clear. Its best not to discuss in public forum. For yr safety & security.


2021-06-15 16:20 | Report Abuse

HSBC to close 13 branches by year-end, remains committed to M'sia


First, Citibank want to close certain consumer services.
Second, now HSBC wants to close 13 branches by 31 Dec, 2021.
What's going on ?

Banking sector is facing challenges fr moratorium - profit margin compression - as well as less loan applications & approvals.
So, even the unheard of banks facing problems is happening now.

But, Genting Bhd is opening on 24 & Grand Opening on July 4 with RWLV.

GenY is almost a done deal.
Fumiko Hayashi is the mayor who decides & holds the future of GENTING in YOKOHAMA, JAPAN.
She favors the Yokohama IR. So, Genting is within a handshake ! ! !

And Genting price will move Forward.


2021-06-15 15:47 | Report Abuse

HSBC to close 13 branches by year-end, remains committed to M'sia


First, Citibank want to close certain consumer services.
Second, now HSBC wants to close 13 branches by 31 Dec
What's going on ?

Banking sector to face challenges as moratorium is putting stress & pressure on profit margins leading to lower profits. Consequently, lower profits means lower dividends and share prices of banks going forward.

Citibank & HSBC are big global giants in the banking & financial services industries.
They must know something before they arrive at these similar decisions.

Other dynamic companies & industries among the 1,000+ Public-listed companies in Bursa to choose fr to invest in that offer a greater growth path & profit.


2021-06-15 15:46 | Report Abuse

HSBC to close 13 branches by year-end, remains committed to M'sia


First, Citibank want to close certain consumer services.
Second, now HSBC wants to close 13 branches by 31 Dec
What's going on ?

Banking sector to face challenges as moratorium is putting stress & pressure on profit margins leading to lower profits. Consequently, lower profits means lower dividends and share prices of banks going forward.

Citibank & HSBC are big global giants in the banking & financial services industries.
They must know something before they arrive at these similar decisions.

Other dynamic companies & industries among the 1,000+ Public-listed companies in Bursa to choose fr to invest in that offer a greater growth path & profit.


2021-06-15 15:33 | Report Abuse

HSBC to close 13 branches by year-end, remains committed to M'sia


First, Citibank want to close certain consumer services.
Second, now HSBC wants to close 13 branches by 31 Dec
What's going on ?

Better close more as most staff, especially top management, are dead wood, just collecting salaries & not interested to serve customers. That way, less competition, PBB can move up.

Employed but working to serve oneself & not customers.
Now going to be unemployed & only when w/o jobs, then want to serve customers.

Close more.


2021-06-14 11:09 | Report Abuse

There is room to drop further before reaching bottom.


2021-06-14 10:23 | Report Abuse

FYI US4.3 Billion Biggest & Newest Integrated Resort RWLV opening 24/6 & Grand Opening 4/7 in USA. And company also awaiting award decision on Yokohama IR early Sept. Company owns IRs in UK, USA, S'pore, M'sia & more IRs coming. G Bhd is a diversified group in plantations, OnG, fintech, health, resort, gaming, leisure, etc. Over 50+ yrs dynamic and growing group of companies. Check it out.


2021-06-13 20:51 | Report Abuse

Stockraider, gohkimhock, sharefisher are all right.
If borrow cannot pay expect bank to bail or forgive loans !
Who are the borrowers ?


2021-06-13 16:53 | Report Abuse


If another moratorium is offered as requested by many agencies, bodies, etc., bank profit margins will be severely affected & impacted this time. Dividends and bank share prices will drop sharply.

Unless you are prepared to keep your bank shares for the medium term of abt a year or more, the C-19 situation may necessitate a 6-mth moratorium till end 2021, as requested by the agencies, bodies, etc.


2021-06-12 20:26 | Report Abuse

If uncertain & uncomfortable, can exit. Othr great stks to consider. Reduced profit is better than loss. Cut loss is better than big loss.

Look around, othr great oppo. Nver marry a stk. At 0.60 cts, cost is low, but risks are very high. If lose 1K ok, but if lose 10K, 30K or more, yr hard-earned $ goes down the drain ! In fact, low price looks attractive but carries a much higher risk !

Invest in strong stks, higher costs but lower risks. Stable, secure & strong. No need to worry. Can be at peace of mind & SLEEP WELL.


2021-06-12 17:39 | Report Abuse

@choysun, mkt sentiment weak resulting in G retreating Thur & Fri bcos of current situation & impending news of xtension. Together, these issues trigger a knee-jerk reaction. At worst case scenario, might be lethargic on Mon. Nxt wk, should recover & retrace up esp with openings getting closer. So, trend will be up as most issues already factored in. Of course come 28, can xtend another 2 wks again, but this time, same old same old, already almost immune as MY casino all closed alrdy for 3 mths, so impact is minimized.

Conclusion, catch it around 5.10 is better than not at all if Genting goes up.

Just remember, Genting does not open up a US4.3B IR
every year,
decade or
quarter of a century in any country in the world


2021-06-12 17:17 | Report Abuse

A few great stocks to buy. If one is not making money in a stock or even losing money, it is best to move on. Sell or cut loss even though it is painful. No stock investor make money 100 % of the time, win some, lose some. So, arguing, complaining or debating in a forum will never move the price up. Best thing, review your situation carefully & the company, decide & act. An option is to seed advice of remisiers/dealers, accountants & close friends who know the mkt very well. A 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinion will clear any doubts & may provide further insight into what's the best move to make - buy, top-up, hold, sell.


2021-06-12 14:54 | Report Abuse

The Yokohama IR project is all but for Genting not to win it.
Current mayor favors IR & if she continues with a 4th term win as mayor this end August, come Sept : - ) FIREWORKS & CELEBRATIONS at Genting Bhd. Share price will sky rocket !


2021-06-11 16:32 | Report Abuse

Billgates, yr support is welcomed.
Its great to have yr support.
Many & much to be considered in pricing & mkt.
Current sentiments affect Genting price.
GenT will rise to celebrate GREATEST HISTORIC opening.
Be Patient. This is REAL HISTORY for Genting & M'sia.


2021-06-10 18:42 | Report Abuse

CELEBRATE by SHARING great news of
RWLV Opening & Grand Opening with Families & Friends.
Share YOUR STORY of GenT RWLV with Families & Friends


2021-06-10 18:31 | Report Abuse

Recent issues resulted in the tumultuous downturn and traumatic decline in stk prices.

Hopefully, the casualties is just pocket change & not heavy losses for retailers here.

FYI - NEW news
If you want to not put all yr eggs in 1 basket, an alternative is available;
RWLV is opening on June 24 & Grand Opening on July 4 in Nevada, USA. The BIGGEST, NEWEST & GRANDEST leisure, resort and gaming hotel in USA is opening.

Its next potential is Yokohama, Japan, the

This leisure, resort, gaming, plantations, OnG, health and fintech giant group from M'sia is already operating in
US, UK, Bahamas, S'pore, Egypt, M'sia.


2021-06-10 18:06 | Report Abuse

Need time to recover fr big, huge loss.
1,000+ stks out there to choose that offer greater returns

Small bank with small mkt caps have fewer opportunities than Big Banks. Futhermore, with mounting pressure and stress fr numerous agencies and bodies demanding another Moratorium, small banks will be under greater margin compression leading to even lower profits resulting in declining stk prices to shareholders. This means dividends wilk be reduced.

If you want to not put all yr eggs in 1 basket or consider an alternative, New news -
RWLV is opening on June 24 & Grand Opening on July 4 in Nevada, USA. The BIGGEST and NEWEST leisure, resort and gaming hotel in USA is opening & its fr Malaysia.

Its next potential is Yokohama, Japan, the


2021-06-10 17:43 | Report Abuse

Rubberex is good. No doubt abt it.
Going forward, profits will become lower due to recovery, vaccinations, ASPs, competition, etc.

Mkt conditions, trends, environment, industries, competition, etc. change & move forward. No stk can continue dominating & give high returns & dividends permanently. Perhaps, high-tech and medicine maybe exceptions due to patents & monopolies.

Projections are good but mkt conditions change very quickly due to numerous factors including faster & rising vaccinations, recovery, lower infections, etc.

If you want to not put all yr eggs in 1 basket or consider an alternative, RWLV is opening on June 24 & Grand Opening on July 4 in Nevada, USA.


2021-06-10 17:42 | Report Abuse

Comfort is good. No doubt abt it.
Going forward, profits will become lower due to recovery, vaccinations, ASPs, competition, etc.

Mkt conditions, trends, environment, industries, competition, etc. change & move forward. No stk can continue dominating & give high returns & dividends permanently. Perhaps, high-tech and medicine maybe exceptions due to patents & monopolies.

Projections are good but mkt conditions change very quickly due to numerous factors including faster & rising vaccinations, recovery, lower infections, etc.

If you want to not put all yr eggs in 1 basket or consider an alternative, RWLV is opening on June 24 & Grand Opening on July 4 in Nevada, USA.


2021-06-10 17:37 | Report Abuse

Kossan is good. No doubt abt it.
Going forward, profits will become lower due to recovery, vaccinations, ASPs, competition, etc.

Mkt conditions, trends, environment, industries, competition, etc. change & move forward. No stk can continue dominating & give high returns & dividends permanently. Perhaps, high-tech and medicine maybe exceptions due to patents & monopolies.

Projections are good but mkt conditions change very quickly due to numerous factors including faster & rising vaccinations, recovery, lower infections, etc.

If you want to not put all yr eggs in 1 basket or consider an alternative, RWLV is opening on June 24 & Grand Opening on July 4 in Nevada, USA.


2021-06-10 17:35 | Report Abuse

Supermax is good. No doubt abt it.
Going forward, profits will become lower due to recovery, vaccinations, ASPs, competition, etc.

Mkt conditions, trends, environment, industries, competition, etc. change & move forward. No stk can continue dominating & give high returns & dividends permanently. Perhaps, high-tech and medicine maybe exceptions due to patents & monopolies.

Projections are good but mkt conditions change very quickly due to numerous factors including faster & rising vaccinations, recovery, lower infections, etc.

If you want to not put all yr eggs in 1 basket or consider an alternative, RWLV is opening on June 24 & Grand Opening on July 4 in Nevada, USA.


2021-06-10 15:21 | Report Abuse

TG is good. No doubt abt it.
Going forward, profits will become lower due to recovery, vaccinations, ASPs, competition, etc.

Mkt conditions, trends, environment, industries, competition, etc. change & move forward. No stk can continue dominating & give high returns & dividends permanently. Perhaps, high-tech and medicine maybe exceptions due to patents & monopolies.

If you want to not put all yr eggs in 1 basket or consider an alternative, RWLV is opening on June 24 & Grand Opening on July 4 in Nevada, USA.


2021-06-10 14:48 | Report Abuse

Genting shareholders enjoy greater returns with RWLV Opening June 24 & Grand Opening July 4.
Celebrate & Share GREAT NEWS of RWLV Opening & Grand Opening with your Families & Friends.
Share YOUR STORY of GENTING BHD's RWLV with your Families and Friends.


2021-06-10 12:15 | Report Abuse

Genting slow & steady on the way up.
Casinos in the US are priced at over US10.


2021-06-09 14:00 | Report Abuse

1) Big Day for Genting RWLV 24 June Opening & 4 July Grand Opening

2) Giant Day for new Genting Yokohama End Aug/Early Sept Approval & Award decision by mayor.

3) Big Day for Genting NY converted into downtown casino approval decision by 4th qtr.

4) Big Day for new Genting Chicago approval decision by 1st qtr 2022.

5) Future big day for new Genting Miami approval.

So many plans and projects coming on stream for Genting Group.


2021-06-08 21:45 | Report Abuse

For the world of it, why someone want to be an impostor of you. Afterall, you are an ok guy. Why copy the spelling almost 100 % aiyoyo. Creativity is impt. Be original. Unless want to confuse other readers of your postings with his. Then, objective achieved - confused or distorted, whatever.

Anyway, gloves were great in 2020 but times, situations, trends, markets, competition, pandemic, vaccines and everything change. So, the potential growth going forward for gloves will gradually taper off and share prices may recede over time to lower levels.

Overall, most stocks will have potential over some time. You need to buy, hold and sell it. Not many you can keep for years. Also, consider the fact other stocks may offer better returns. So might as well sell it and buy other stocks then. Just my thoughts.


2021-06-08 18:06 | Report Abuse

Current Mayor - 3rd term, generally no more but no restrictions, may run for 4th term, supports IR.
Yokohama Chamber of Commerce with several organizations representing many want IR.
Yokohama needs economic revival and IR is the stimulus solution
Yokohama's declining birth rate & increasing aging population require an influx of capital & labor.
Yokohama's IR is considered to be the largest of the 3 proposed IR projects in Japan.
Yokohama wants a high-end and sophisticated IR model similar to Genting Singapore.

Genting Singapore together with Sega Sammy (minority partner) and Kajima Corporation (construction building partner) is poised and most likely to win the bid for the Yokohama IR come end Aug/early Sept after the mayoral elections.

With the global experience gained from building
Genting UK,
Genting Singapore - RWS, and
Genting USA - RWLV
Genting is ready to build the MOST EXPENSIVE IR IN THE WORLD at Genting Yokohama in Japan.

Analysts are projecting a higher TP for winning the bid.
The winning of the Yokohama IR bid may trigger a record, historic, meteoric rise ....

So, first, the Big Fish, RWLV,
then, second, the W H A L E, YOKOHAMA


2021-06-08 13:57 | Report Abuse


Last call to board space flight Genting to 6 enroute to 7.
Last few remaining tickets at 5.15 - 5.20 on a first come first serve basis !
Get your Genting tickets & boarding passes NOW !


2021-06-07 21:18 | Report Abuse

Right on target. The traffic returning home was a R E C O R D
That weekend is a precussor to what's going to happen this summer when all that pent-up hunger and demand is let loose to enjoy.

So, what do you think the share price of Genting Bhd will be ?


2021-06-07 21:04 | Report Abuse

Do you have an inbox ....


2021-06-06 20:30 | Report Abuse

Wow !
You can visit GENTING casinos in

U.K., U.S.A.,
Bahamas, Singapore,
Malaysia, Philippines,

.... Japan in a while,

and more are being planned to be open in the
same countries and in
new countries ! ! !

Get ready, Genting is coming, Gotta go to Genting.


2021-06-06 20:16 | Report Abuse

600 employees to be vss & mss & 7 branches of an international bank to be closed.

PBB is Rock Solid and continues to be Strong & Solid.


2021-06-05 20:46 | Report Abuse

For you, I hope you get your bargain tickets.
Trend is moving forward. Time is almost up.
When GenT moves, cannot catch.


2021-06-05 19:27 | Report Abuse

Wow, hope all these naysayers make alot of money posting negativity here.

If they are even paid $1 per post, they would need to post 32 posts a day. And even with 3 ids, each id would need a min 10 post a day to make a mthly grand total of 1k posts earning only $1k for the entire 31 days of postings. They would need to post in other forums as well to bring the average down to 3 - 6 postings a day. What a life, thinking negative, posting negative to make a living.

Aiyoyo, there must be a better, faster, and smarter way of making a living than doing this. Imagine going through 20 or more years of going to school & growing up to become a negative & pessimistic keyboard presser. What will the father and mother say abt their hard work bringing up this child to adulthood to do this as a career.

Imagine 1 or 2 or even 5 (multi-ids) trying to outsmart a multi-billion $ global group of cos. by just postings.

Those who buy GenT shares obviously can assess the risks-rewards ratio, environment, market trends, KLCI, economy, politics, potential, industry, competition, global outlook, US, geo-political, and what-not before they invest. And not forgetting C-19.

Some of us are qualified professionals and businessmen who know what and how to calculate and are quick to determine the risks involved. So, unless you are an expert, there is not much to add to what we are aware of and know already. Perhaps, we are much more knowledgeable and experienced in the stock market than you. Did you consider that ?

Thank you for your constant warnings, but it is unnecessary and redundant.

Hope you find a higher-paying & rewarding job as this will not help you in the long-term.


2021-06-05 17:13 | Report Abuse

Genting is really very big.
GENTING operates casinos in


.... Japan OTW

more to come ! ! !
in some counties and in new countries ! ! !
Wow ! ! !


2021-06-05 17:06 | Report Abuse

choysun did you topup yet ?
Discounts very difficult to get now. Better top up higher than miss super yacht leaving port.
Forum is peaceful today.


2021-06-04 22:37 | Report Abuse

GENTING operates casinos in


.... Japan OTW

more to come ! ! !


2021-06-04 19:38 | Report Abuse

Both GENM and GENTING are deeply undervalued

Our Top Picks are: GENTING
Out Perform; TP: RM5.58


2021-05-31 19:43 | Report Abuse


Paris Hilton is set for June 24.
Miley Cyrus is set for July 4.


2021-05-29 21:27 | Report Abuse

A great forum with great minds.
A respectable and reasonable group of contributors.
A concerted effort to help one another.
A place of peace and harmony.
A PBB forum.


2021-05-29 18:35 | Report Abuse

Revised TPs for Genting Bhd for the moment

Hong Leong IB TP RM 5.75  Buy call
Kenanga Res TP RM 5.58 Buy call
Public Invest Res TP RM 5.40 Buy call

All 3 research houses gave Buy calls.

When 3rd QR arrives with more vaccines and vaccinations,
the economy will move into a much greater recovery phase.

Another revision of TPs for Genting Bhd will happen with even higher TPs !


2021-05-29 18:11 | Report Abuse

Thank you Sharefisher for your caring and sharing concerns abt others.


2021-05-28 11:41 | Report Abuse

Resorts World Las Vegas


Gains from getting Genting shares can be really rewarding at Resorts World Las Vegas.
Pamper yourselves in luxury when you visit and check-in at any of RWLV's 3 Hilton brand hotels to augur in the New Year of 2022 or any other celebrations.


2021-05-27 21:21 | Report Abuse

To all who dislike, hate or get paid to write nonsense abt the Genting group.

We respect everything that you shared from bad, bankrupt, loss making, no dividend to infinity.
So, you all said it many times.

Now, there are 2 groups - you who dislike and owns no Genting shares - have nots and
the other group who owns GenT, GenM, GenS, etc. shares - haves.

You see sunset in G
We see sunrise in G
You see doom in G
We see boom in G
You see loses in G
We see winnings in G

What and where is the proof ?
Short and simple Q & A
Did you buy any G shares in the first place ?
If you did buy, did you gain or lose money in holding and selling G shares ?

Many who bought recently and sold or are still holding are already making gains !

We, Genting shareholders & supporters agree to disagree with you, non-shareholders.

You stand more to gain,
carry more credibility,
spend your time more productively,
become a happier person,
live a more fulfilling and joyful life and
become more financially successful
when you mix with people of similar & not dissimilar interests
so that you can help and develop one another instead of tearing one another in this forum.

I wish you well in your share investment or trading activities.


2021-05-27 20:42 | Report Abuse

Yokohama IR

Not proceeding further in RFP
Galaxy Entertainment Group
Las Vegas Sands
Wynn Resorts

Final 4 candidates in Yokohama:
Genting Singapore,
Melco Resorts & Entertainment,
Sega Sammy Holdings and
Shotoku - local Japanese co. (1 of the last 2 bidders only wants a minority part)

Genting Singapore is the leading contender with a compelling, comprehensive and competitive project plan.


2021-05-26 23:03 | Report Abuse

Ok, ok choysun. Special discount for you but you must be very reasonable & realistic.
Monitor price tomorrow & quickly key in if it gets there or key in buy price & order first - can cancel
I hope and wish you get it. Let's hope for a lower price to buy, choysun.


2021-05-24 18:36 | Report Abuse

To those who are anti-Genting, please remain so, don't change.

But remember, the world is changing, and so must we in order to progress and prosper.
We must swim/keep going to succeed or sink if we stay stagnant.
Look 50 years ago, when Genting started.
Most laughed because they can't see what TS Lim Goh Tong saw.
50 years later, Genting is in over 9 COUNTRIES.
On this 50th anniversary, Genting will launch its biggest casino in the U.S.A.
I am not laughing and hope YOU and I can celebrate.

Casinos on the Las Vegas strip are planning to renovate ! Why and why now ?
Because Genting's RWLV is about to land and launch ?

One of the biggest names in the music world and on the Las Vegas casino strip is headlining the singing shows.

RWLV will be the First new casino on the Las Vegas strip in a decade.
RWLV will be the newest and most advanced gaming and leisure resort in the U. S. A.

Genting's share price will stand a great chance to go forward over time and will be preferable
over many of the 1,000+ stks in the mkt.


2021-05-24 17:33 | Report Abuse

Genting is on a development strategy to deliver its attractions and activities to its target audiences in their respective countries and regions.
This bodes well to dilute its dependence and reliance on its local operations.
The international market offers a much bigger market potential.
Numerous foreign countries' currencies are valued higher.
Many factors attract Genting to spread its wings across the globe.

Going forward, this is the beginning of Genting in becoming the
global leader in the gaming and leisure industry.