Buddy Fat Cat

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2012-03-18 22:26 | Report Abuse

no .. i didn't sell it, the number look good, why would i sell it?

but if the price up till rm2.1, i might looking to sell half of it.


2012-03-18 22:19 | Report Abuse

lamken i really don't care about what report/ research, if not because of your insistence , i would not buy at 1.3++ , not to blame you, its my own fault, all of it.

lesson of it?

i guess only ourself can figure it out.


2012-03-18 21:27 | Report Abuse

let me say somethings la, everyone have their own opinion , no need fight over to argue whose opinion is more better, seem like 2 of you wont back down.

why don't just call it a draw?

no one lose no one win?



2012-03-18 11:29 | Report Abuse

tell you the truth, i think jcy is kind of overvalued, how can a company listed just 2 years ago have higher market cap than carlberg or GAB?

the 1st quarter earning + 40% is the estimation of next quarter earning? too opstimistic.

unless jcy competitor never come back, or sell their business to jcy, if not the competition will always be there.


2012-03-18 11:15 | Report Abuse

lamken no need so serious la..

for those seek for tips, i would like to remind you all that you put ur fate totally on a stranger good will.

why he wanna give tips?

if the info is true, why wouln't the guy keep it for himself?

its there really free lunch in the hard cold world?


2012-03-18 02:25 | Report Abuse

just for curious, when ur students greet you, good~ mor~ ning~ tea~ cher~

do u reply by : good morning student.TEH~

do u know how stupid this sound like? such an idiot... lol hahaha.



2012-03-18 01:45 | Report Abuse

another lesson i learnt is never listen to anyone regarding buying what stock.

even that guy is warren buffet, unless you are his grandchild , then thats another story la lol.

i was stupid listen to lamken, i admitted it,

another lesson is, if you don't know how to pick a stock, either u learn how to do it, if not, better put ur money in bank or bonds or buy a apartment to collect rent.

and thats it.


2012-03-17 19:57 | Report Abuse

the mood is created by OSK?

why cant the invisible hand u describe create positive mood?

they are NO willing buyer and seller, r u kidding me?

yes i admited and we all know that, stock can manipulated.

you want to educate the public and teach them not to be con by big shark, ur intention is very good, but not many people understand nor they want to understand.

anyway, thx to you, i learn so much from this lesson. and thx to you, i become smarter, and a better investor , the lesson fees is well paid.


2012-03-17 19:36 | Report Abuse

lamken the more u explain the more silly you look , you know?

*this was always about a price push beforewarrant expiry that did not happen (yet) because a deal fell through at last minute?

-the warrant already expired , what(yet) ?
you do not make any sense in this sentences.

*For your comment on the invisible hand, he could not do much other then try to maintain price during the last 2 weeks before warrant expire without breaching his share holder spread ( he already holding 75%).This is why he done a deal with 2 proxy sharks to do the price push and I already told you why the deal fall through at last hour.

-i dont get a word in this at all, anyone understand? please simplifly and clarify it please?

i suspect lamken and his whole OSK grudges is just a drama, director , protagonist, villian , hero , underdog all from OSK, and he is one of them.

ignore me if u think im bullshitting.


2012-03-17 15:04 | Report Abuse

im still insist on '' don't fight with big shark '' unless you are 1 big shark too.

common sense..

osk sure press the price because they don't want to paid too much for the warrant.

the price had constantly up for 4-5 months, many retailer investor that buy at 0.80 - 1.1 , they would happily to sell at 1.2 - 1.4 and make some profit.

retailer investor would sell now and buy back later with cheaper price, they don't have problem with osk as long as they make money.

so in the end, who get loss?
it is those weakly heart that cut loss at 5,10,15%.

i also insist on ' don't swim against the tide ''

in jcy case, its not only osk that against us, its the MOOD of the people toward this particular stock.

with some many odd against us, the outcome could not be more sure.

but people tend to believe that good will always prevail evil, but in the stock market, there is no good and evil, there only willing buyer and willing seller, so please do not hold grudge.

instead of pointing finger to everyone, we really should get something from this.

and for the invisible hand, not that i doesn't believe you lamken, but it just that i really cant see it doing anythings.


2012-03-16 23:32 | Report Abuse

lol tabung haji damn kesian, many of their investment losing money, pelikan, konsort , silver , ramunia ... the tabung sure got lubang, money in... money out


2012-03-15 16:57 | Report Abuse

lamken...lesson should be learned.
Never swim against the tide, dont fight with big shark, the one who get loss always is yourself.


2012-03-15 16:54 | Report Abuse

lol maybe their definition of short term is 3 days , med term is 6 days, more than 6 all consider long term. =_=


2012-03-15 16:46 | Report Abuse

buyer insist on 0.40, seller on 0.42, so far today no transaction...

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2012-03-15 15:25 | Report Abuse


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2012-03-15 13:34 | Report Abuse

i feel like going to hentam the wall, gonna ask at some where else.

Announcements & Events

2012-03-15 12:12 | Report Abuse

no la, only saidy to those who deserved it... xD

Announcements & Events

2012-03-15 12:01 | Report Abuse

hello, you help people, people will help you. please give my question some answer, this website all the people so cold, dun wan help 1, im so sad.

Announcements & Events

2012-03-15 11:21 | Report Abuse

what the description means is.. this counter game over already? all remaining shareholder must sell the share at RM0.65 to EGSB?

because of majority shareholders nod their head?

someone please answer me, thank you. =)


2012-03-13 16:40 | Report Abuse

su jackie u must be feel like wanna hentam wall right now.. is it? =)

btw, i thought 30% is the maximum allowed price hike in 1 day?

it that not the reason why harvest get designated last time?


2012-03-13 11:03 | Report Abuse

hahahaha... i do not see any rules prohibiting me from asking such question in this website.

by the way, do you clean ur buttock already? hahahaha.. must clean la, later many flies go lay egg on ur... hahaha..

2012-03-13 10:46 | Report Abuse

haha what you like about me? i got jcy ppb costal...


2012-03-13 10:09 | Report Abuse


and you scare till shit ur pants just because i asking a simple question.

please do urself a favor, stop humiliating yourself... again...

2012-03-13 09:44 | Report Abuse

your boss got giving any advise?


2012-03-13 09:39 | Report Abuse

hahaha.. capital gain tax is sensitive questions?

what a moron.. just a question then already can make you scare till shit in ur pants?

or do u think im asking a 'radical' question that even our gorvernment havent thinking about it in the past Or present?

that why im asking those question, if all the nearby region doesnt have the capital gain tax, malaysia also will follow it , to compete with them.

i guess you are just so scare that u feel like im threatening your interest, relax bro, im not some kind of big shot that can influence the government lol..


2012-03-13 09:18 | Report Abuse

u can do whatever you want, i really dont care.

Again, i sincerely ask you, please shut me up with ur answer, other wise you have no business here, ignore me just like i ignore you master cipet.

Thank you for your cooperation.


2012-03-13 09:03 | Report Abuse

if u think my question is noisy to you, please shut me up with ur answer, other wise , please fuck off.


2012-03-13 07:44 | Report Abuse

hello there , its that means after 2-3 months, they still havent make genuine announcement to dispose? ermm...dispose what?


2012-03-13 07:32 | Report Abuse

it is malaysia among the few countries that do not tax on stock capital gains?

or the whole asia region also doing the same, place like singapore , hk taiwan , japan , china , indonesia thailand vietnam .

do they levy tax on stock capital gains ? or do they not?


2012-03-13 02:05 | Report Abuse

ya... someone please clear this kfc mist .. thank you.


2012-03-12 23:55 | Report Abuse

i dont get it.

someone else please explain what happend to kfc malaysia?


2012-03-12 23:45 | Report Abuse

so, what happened to kfc malaysia?


2012-03-12 23:19 | Report Abuse

mod, admin.. ? anyone? ....


2012-03-12 23:03 | Report Abuse

hello someone please kindly answer.. why no people wanna answer me? ...


2012-03-12 22:46 | Report Abuse

hi i got a few questions about privatize a listed company, such as kfc.

if a company such a Jcorp, they wanna privatize kfc, how many % of kfc shareholder have to agree for the privatize?

.. why kfc still can trade now?

i thought it suppose to a private company already?

News & Blogs

2012-03-11 22:02 | Report Abuse

if live long.. then susah lu

News & Blogs

2012-03-11 01:12 | Report Abuse

the original author is that cold eye?

News & Blogs

2012-03-11 01:08 | Report Abuse

贫 富 鸿 沟 拉 近? the fact is we all get poorer, soros is the one who get all the money.


2012-03-10 00:52 | Report Abuse

did i mention anythings about ' bank money '? where did this come from?

nonoo, you din't make me angry, you make me feel digusted.

and in the mean time, u make urself look like an idiot, and a liar, if that what your purpose is, u make it, congrutulation.


2012-03-09 21:30 | Report Abuse

do tell me if you really think anyone will believe you use 1.6k and gain 800?

thats equal to buy at 0.16 and sell at 0.24 ( which is buy at the bottom and sell at the peak)*see the chart

and that haven't include all the commission , stamping fees, you really gain 800 from 1.6k investment?

lol obviously you are bluffing! i already diam diam dont want bocor you, but you keep reply shit, i really cannot tahan anymore.


2012-03-09 21:17 | Report Abuse

u dont bluffing like that cipet, always buy at bottom and sell at peak, talk is cheap.

and one more things, i did not tell anyone to do anything, i just tell everyone to use common sense.

if you really earn money on this stock, congratulation, but if the company is as good as you say, why the fuck you wanna sell it? just keep it forever la.


2012-03-09 10:11 | Report Abuse

i already dont care if it down, as long as the company earn money, it will reflect on the share price, plus i no planning to sell it anyway.


2012-03-08 15:38 | Report Abuse

they can buy back from their major shareholder , buy back 5 percent from public 25%, buy back 5-6 percent from major shareholder 75%, then the proportion is still going to be same. correct me if im wrong..


2012-03-08 14:48 | Report Abuse

you should thank those who pull it up.


2012-03-08 04:01 | Report Abuse

can i ask, how the number calculated?


2012-03-07 10:27 | Report Abuse

ya i know that, but the annual report is based on the company fiscal year, the company fiscal year end at 30 september 2011 , so ... any earning beyond the date is counted as 2012 1st quarter earning.

i hope u get what i means.. ya i probably freaked out abit, but it was OK when i find out that everything is correct, those number are good.


2012-03-07 02:14 | Report Abuse

yesterday i got this jcy agm form and 2011 anual report book and a cd with the anual report pdf inside.

i think the company try to scare people off with all the scary figure ( which iniatially i was shocked ) because the company 2011 ending date is 30 september, and the earning per share is shockingly 0.71 cent, not even a cent...

but the catch is, they din't send the 2012 1st quarter report, the earning per share for year 2012 1st quarter is 7.94 cent.

so, my guessing is, maybe.. they try to scare off uninformed investors, so that they can buy back the share cheaply.


2012-03-05 22:11 | Report Abuse

http://www.shwinsun.net/ the company website, apa pun tak ada, probably no money to pay for the website...


2012-03-05 22:09 | Report Abuse

bursa website more worse, all the search result irrelevant, the website is piece of crap.