
AngTayKor | Joined since 2020-11-24

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2023-01-05 22:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by Michael_chan2022 > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

The Board wishes to announce that GENM’s indirect wholly-owned subsidiary, Genting ER II LLC, a Delaware company, had on 5 December 2022 (United States Eastern date/time) entered into a Share Purchase Agreement with Kien Huat Realty III Limited to purchase the entire 1,510 Series F Convertible Preferred Stock of Empire (“Series F”) for a total consideration of USD100 million (or RM438.5 million) (“Proposed Series F Acquisition”).

Walau another huge RPT.... LKT ah LKT....


2023-01-01 01:28 | Report Abuse

Best track for 2022.

Welcome 2023. Genting comrades Huat Ah!!!


2022-12-30 17:35 | Report Abuse

LKT is a businessman, not a stock operator or fund manager window dresser la


2022-12-30 15:34 | Report Abuse

If Q4 net profit is very strong, we may see a small overall net profit for year 2022. As usual, LKT will declare high dividend by utilising previous decades' profit reserves. LKT is in personal financial distress n needs the high dividend more desperately than us :p


2022-12-30 12:02 | Report Abuse

<< Approved for a broader population>>
The FDA also approved the drug for “people with Alzheimer’s disease,” a far broader population than was studied in Biogen’s clinical trials.

The investigation found that Biogen planned an aggressive marketing campaign to launch the drug, intending to spend more than $3.3 billion on sales and marketing between 2020 and 2024 – more than 2½ times what it spent to develop Aduhelm.

USD3.3B budget for sales and marketing??? Seems more likely sales commission kickbacks to doctors who dare to prescribe ineffective and dangerous Aduhelm to their patients.

I think Biogen/Eisai already spent close to US$100m on PR of Lecanemab hence all the positive headline news around the world. Unfortunately Taurx does not have that kind of money and budget to burn on PR, lobbying groups and key-opinion-leaders, etc. We only have the science and safety profile to back us. Phase 3 MCI 16mg patients at 18 mths can totally halt decline plus REVERSAL is what the world needs now to stop AD pandemic.


2022-12-26 19:26 | Report Abuse

2023 for securing regulatory approvals worldwide. We are aiming to launch HMTM in 2024


2022-12-26 18:01 | Report Abuse

Lets have a hypothetical example of what is the meaning of a 27% slowdown. 27% slowdown in decline means if the base score for mci patients at start of trial is 20, placebo group/ADNI score at 18mth drop to 18. Lecanemab patients drop to abt 18.5. Thats approximately 27% slowdown in decline out of the 2 point drop.

HMTM mci patients totally halt the decline plus improve score by 21% from baseline start. HMTM patients score is 24. A 20% improvement from 20 points. This is a reversal of disease progression, to real improvement. This drug not only totally halts AD progression in decline, to an improvement. It is a cure for AD!


2022-12-26 17:39 | Report Abuse

Eisai did trial for mci patients. Now applying for both mci n mild group of patients. The targeted patient market increased dramatically. If they did trial on mild patients, the trial will not see statistical significance because the expected slowdown will be by abt half of what we saw for mci patients 27% . Very cunning playing around the grey area of patient group. Regulators n CMS insurance shd be very firm just limit lecanemab to mci patients since their trial is on mci patients only.


2022-12-26 17:33 | Report Abuse

@neohts, we already saw the phase 3 results. At 18 mths, HMTM's MCI patient group saw complete reversal of cognition decline plus improvement of 21% compared to start of trial with zero side effects. Compare this to lecanemab’s 27% slowdown with 21% patients experiencing potentially fatal side effects.


2022-12-24 18:27 | Report Abuse

We spent a lot of time trying out 39 different blue compounds try to get a palatable drug with blue pee effect but all failed. Hence bopian went to use super low dose MTC formula of methylene blue.


2022-12-24 18:01 | Report Abuse

GM no shares in Taurx


2022-12-24 16:19 | Report Abuse

UK n UAE easier to score. Then use them as reference point to score for FDA n EMA but all will move concurrently in year 2023. HMTM is exactly what world need to halt AD pandemic. Cheap oral drug with zero side effects that can reverse or halt AD progression. You saw the power of HMTM. 16mg at 18mth still can see reversal for mci patients. Wtf is lecanemab’s 27% slowdown that comes with multiple death cases??? Lecanemab is rubbish.


2022-12-24 00:23 | Report Abuse

Aiyo amateur @DreamMakers what do you know abt the AD field? Have you heard of CMA? Do you even know that Biogen's Aduhelm (F.K.A Aducanumab) did not even finish their clinical trials but was approved by FDA?


2022-12-23 15:16 | Report Abuse

Just attended Taurx AGM webcast couple of days ago. Full focus on securing regulatory approvals for 2023. 2024 IPO valuation largely depends on how many countries' approvals Taurx can obtain. For Mild Cognitive Impairment patients at 18 month duration, Lecanemab slows down cognition by only 27% but HMTM can fully reverse cognition decline and improve by 21%. 27% vs 121%. Early AD can be cured by HMTM with zero side effects.


2022-12-23 10:45 | Report Abuse

There is only one aunty here best friend with @DreamMakers kekeke :p


2022-12-23 01:15 | Report Abuse

ICER on Alzheimer's: lecanemab should be priced lower than Aduhelm.


2022-12-22 23:20 | Report Abuse

Wa.... clinical trial stage only but so many patients died liow. Taurx is the only real deal ;p


2022-12-22 10:15 | Report Abuse

Choysun lai liow! Welcome back :p


2022-12-10 16:42 | Report Abuse

Thambisetty is a current FDA Adcom panel member while David Knopman resigned as FDA Adcom panel member in protest due to FDA's Aduhelm accelerated approval fiasco.


2022-12-10 16:37 | Report Abuse

I think some amyloid drugs are so harsh at clearing away amyloid plaques that somehow it even manage to clear away a little tau tangles. Hence can see some cognition slowdown but this is largely due to a small reduction in tau tangles. Eli lily keep touting their donanemab clears amyloid deposits faster n can even clear away some Tau tangles.


2022-12-10 16:30 | Report Abuse

@DestinyL, rate of brain atrophy is one of the endpoint measurement in lucidity trial. This is the purest form of biomarker in a clinical trial compared to reduction of amyloid deposits. Patients taking HMTM can see slower rate of brain atrophy.


2022-12-10 13:17 | Report Abuse

Lecanemab causes brain to shrink even faster!

Lecanemab and other drugs that remove amyloid have another side effect that is more mysterious: They seem to cause the brain to shrink.

That concerns scientists including Thambisetty.

"Brain shrinkage represents disease progression," he says. "What is a little worrying to me is that these drugs might be worsening the degenerative process."

Alzheimer's itself causes the brain to shrink, a sign that neurons are dying. So Thambisetty expected Alzheimer's drugs to limit shrinkage, rather than accelerate it.

So did Dr. David Knopman of the Mayo Clinic. "It's moving in the wrong direction," he said during a panel at the Alzheimer's meeting.

Thambisetty wants Eisai to publish detailed information about the changes in brain volume that occurred during its study of lecanemab.


2022-12-09 09:52 | Report Abuse

Most objective article written about Taurx. MHJ life sciences is the largest private medical media company in the US


2022-12-07 20:27 | Report Abuse

Welcome back tao kay. @Choysun didn't come back with you? :(


2022-12-07 17:04 | Report Abuse

GB owns abt 48% of GM. Anything bad on GM will affect GB.


2022-12-07 16:37 | Report Abuse

Look at the over 1m sell q volume at 4.36. Any hero sharks/whales dare to scoop them up?


2022-12-07 16:11 | Report Abuse

Bad price reaction to GM buying Kien Huat's Empire stakes?


2022-12-07 15:34 | Report Abuse

Kien huat sold some USA Empire stakes to GenM listco. Doesn't seem like good news to me...


2022-12-07 11:27 | Report Abuse

What is cheap? Cheap can get cheaper. Ever cheap until 2.95 before :p


2022-12-05 23:13 | Report Abuse

Its bear market!


2022-12-03 20:17 | Report Abuse

Taurx dont need a licensing partner. We are doing all the clinical trials ourself. We do need a big pharma partnership for worldwide ex-china distribution


2022-12-03 20:14 | Report Abuse

You always hear biogen/ eisai news because they have a usd80m PR campaign budget for lecanemab. Alzheimer's Association n other AD lobbying groups are clearly being bought over by them already.


2022-12-03 11:05 | Report Abuse

@ElGato, HMTM can reverse or halt AD progression. Anavex can only slowdown by 33%. No match against us :p


2022-12-02 18:40 | Report Abuse

@ElGato, im not bothered abt other competitors' drug action via beta amyloid, simufilam, inflammation, etc. But i will be very worried if any competitor is using Tau Aggregate Inhibitor drug action.


2022-12-02 15:08 | Report Abuse

Anavex still around? Is it that American indian hedge fund guy that used $5m to buy a useless gsk AD drug, ipo n goreng stock until billion dollar valuation?


2022-12-02 15:06 | Report Abuse

Can do a retrial using ADNI historical data as placebo when no true placebo is possible


2022-12-02 14:52 | Report Abuse

15 yrs ago our rember phase 2 result was even better. Fast forward 15 yrs we are still trying to prove it in phase 3.


2022-12-02 14:18 | Report Abuse

Well said @DestinyL.

For 16mg optimal dose at 18mth, mild cognitive impairment MCI patient group can see improvement on the patient's cognition n functional measurement from when the trial started. This is reversal, a cure to MCI AD. This is the real holy grail of AD drug with zero side effects. Reversal of cognition/ lifestyle functioning decline n able to show improvement. For mild n moderate patient group, can still see significant slowdown of declines. Very powerful AD drug.


2022-11-23 16:41 | Report Abuse

Bull market if din win, market can go up. Bear market if Anwar win, market can also drop. If a trader is able to ascertain the dominant trend of the market, he should be able to do reasonably well.

Fed FOMC minutes tonight.


2022-11-21 10:01 | Report Abuse

21.5m volume done in 1 hr. Today going to be a record daily volume?


2022-11-15 15:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by ElGato > 42 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Absolutely, Biogen has over 1 hour+ of speaking time with Q&A at the conference while Taurx only has 15 minutes. The odds were already stacked against us in the first place.

GenB price dipped by a few bids after you posted this info? :p


2022-11-15 14:12 | Report Abuse

Yes Taurx kaki ElGato. Im watching this event too. USA media usually skewed more favorably towards Amyloid camp and ready to bomb Taurx. 3 horses running and Roche is out. Left 2 horses. Biogen will always tout their meagre CDR-SOB slowdown and downplay their ARIA risk. I have a feeling Biogen will emerge as the winner at CTAD San Fran.


2022-11-14 20:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-06-17 01:43 | Report Abuse

Roche ah Roche.... Becoming a cockroach.... shut down all your AD programs la... The one and only program that has solid result is Taurx. AC Immune is a "jack of all trades but master at none". After 16 years into amyloid programs how many billions you have flushed down the sewerage manhole already?

ATK can tell Roche now, 100% your gantenerumab program will fail also in 2022 Q4. Too bad you burned USD20B cash to buy back your shares from Novartis. Do you still have enough cash compete against other big pharmas to do deals with Taurx?


Spot-on analysis. Ha!

Roche's Alzheimer's drug fails to meet goal in long awaited trial


2022-11-14 18:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

TauRx Warrants Exercise
The latest results:-
1) 99.34% subscribed
2) amount raised = USD119.281 million.


2022-11-10 16:47 | Report Abuse

Cpi data tonight. Could be a dangerous night for dow. Dow hit inflection zone n moved down.