
Bettyem | Joined since 2017-08-12

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2019-08-21 16:17 | Report Abuse

Just work up from a quick nap & volume already up so much!

Anyway here's a recent TA by awansaham for sharing...

"Looking at this chart as mentioned earlier, we expect this share is reversing the trending down to up. By looking at the price movement, we could see price test previous high (resistance) at 25/26 Sen..."


2019-08-21 13:42 | Report Abuse

Hope to get at 15 sens also...anyway no need for new a/c to kasi comments :)


2019-08-21 12:45 | Report Abuse

Hi Kasi why still here? thought u mentioned to only come back EOY? When BJLand made big profits last Qtr.still down, so if VT want to make any non monetary impairments it only delays recognition of the profitability but not actual loss of money. Anyway pending decision by Bursa/SC the GO is still on..


2019-08-21 11:52 | Report Abuse

Btw the big peg at 25.5 for BJCorp is still there...


2019-08-21 11:51 | Report Abuse

Obviously someone's playground, biding time for the 5 days average pending GO?


2019-08-20 15:12 | Report Abuse

Btw some big fish still waiting to collect BJCorp at 25.5 sens since last 2 months. There's a 12.68 million buyer's queue Vs 3 89 million seller's queue, which is rather odd and points to some corporate movements coming in place?


2019-08-20 14:42 | Report Abuse

In case u missed it, there's a fourth interim dividend payable to BJLand of 4.5 sens by BJToto on 16 August 2019 on top of 3.5 sens payable by BJToto to BJLand on 10 May 2019 making it a total of 8 sens per share for the coming consolidated a/cs?

shortinvestor77 BJland received 3.5 cents Q dividend on 10 May from BJToto. Impairment is just 3.07 cents. Not a big deal.


2019-08-20 12:05 | Report Abuse

Just look at the big picture. The consolidated 14mths a/c for BJToto indicated a profit of RM239.5 million Vs a RM44.9million impairment provision on non monetary Goodwill for a BJToto Philippines subsidiary? Basic earnings for the period is 17.45 sens per share, out of which 16 sens per share was declared as dividends to shareholders.

Since BJLand owns 41% shares in BJToto, the dividends receivable will be 41% x 16 sens = 6.56 sens per share or 6.56 sens X 1,351,000,000 = RM886.33 million for the year which is rather profitable?


2019-08-19 17:29 | Report Abuse

Good sign! Meaning below :)

When profit is there to made, Boss's original instructions can also be bent?

Tiger and snake
If someone is described as “tiger head and snake tail” 虎頭蛇尾 (pinyin pronunciation: hǔ tóu shé wěi) in Chinese, it means that they are not consistent in doing their work. A “tiger head and snake tail” worker promises to do something, then starts the work, but leaves it incomplete, without finishing what they started.


2019-08-19 16:32 | Report Abuse

Welcome the converted! Last call @0.23 sens?


2019-08-19 16:13 | Report Abuse

BJToto just went up 4 sens to RM.2.77, so BJLand's share in BJToto is now worth 26 + 4 = 30 sens per share!


2019-08-19 15:59 | Report Abuse

Why sell now? When 26 sens was used as the basis to determine the earlier Penta 38 sens deal with BJCorp!

When it was 15 sens, people was dreaming of 22sens..since already 22sens, the aim should be much higher now?


2019-08-19 09:37 | Report Abuse

All the cronies coming out from the wood works to defend the indefensible?


2019-08-18 19:04 | Report Abuse

Tp 26 followed by 30, 38 & next 43?


2019-08-18 16:50 | Report Abuse

There is also a sense of urgency from the other side as:

8. Bursa has escalated Minority shareholders complaints on beach of MMLR by BJLand, there's a delay on announcement by authorities as they may adopt SGX's latest delisting rule to protect Minority interests?
9. The 14 months results to be announced EOM will be positive after adding profits from sale of two big Vietnam assets.
10. Sale of FS Kyoto to chinese buyers will be finalised soon?
11. The outcome on GMOC Arbitration, Selangor Turf Club & Jeju Korea Compensation will be known by October etc. and so on?


2019-08-16 16:59 | Report Abuse

For late comers...after your purchase, just remember to lodge a complaint against BJLand with Bursa to speedup the privatisation only takes 5 minutes of your time with everything to gain!


2019-08-16 15:28 | Report Abuse

So your's is no 19 & mine is no 213. We need more emailed complaints from minority shareholders against BJLand to be lodged with Bursa to strengthen our case!


2019-08-16 15:22 | Report Abuse

My Bursa complain reference no for BJLand is CC/213/19. What is your reference no?


2019-08-16 15:19 | Report Abuse

So fast! Already got a reply from Bursa. Bursa is escalating the complaint to the line dept. Guys let's sent in more emailed complaints pls.


2019-08-16 12:55 | Report Abuse

Already sent the email. Let's hope all minority shareholders do it to show Bursa/SC and VT we mean business!


2019-08-16 12:45 | Report Abuse

Yes count me in. As it's now or never! One For All! All for one!


2019-08-14 16:17 | Report Abuse

Guess our self appointed minority & financial controller waiting for instructions from the Boss?


2019-08-14 16:13 | Report Abuse

From the above, Total Debts to Total Assets is only 23.53%. While Interest Coverage only 2.37%, so BJLand has no issues to pay interest on its debt.

Further Total Debt to Total Capital is only 41.06% which is sup sup soi for VT


2019-08-14 15:36 | Report Abuse

Since u all keep harping on the debt...just look at BJLand's capital structure below:
Total debt to total equity: 69.66%
Total debt to total capital: 41.06%
Total debts to total assets: 23.53%
Interest coverage: 2.37%

"The interest coverage ratio (ICR) is a measure of a company's ability to meet its interest payments. Interest coverage ratio is equal to earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) for a time period, often one year, divided by interest expenses for the same time period."


2019-08-14 13:45 | Report Abuse

Come to think about it, it's unusual no update from Chryseis on her Biz Trip to Japan last week to meet potential buyers for FS Kyoto?


2019-08-14 13:38 | Report Abuse

As a self proclaimed minority, why so unhappy when it goes up? plans spoiled Liao?


2019-08-09 10:16 | Report Abuse

At's the link


2019-08-09 09:47 | Report Abuse

Anybody realised the Syndicate placed a big 25.3 million buy order for BJCorp @ 25.5 sens. It has not been broken since last month? Anything to do with the conversion ratio for BJLand should delisting/privatisation comes?


2019-08-08 22:37 | Report Abuse

Some midnight oil reading on Guide to Takeovers in Malaysia to share.


2019-08-08 17:12 | Report Abuse

Reminds us of Lazada...will there be more "Flash Sales" until end of month be4 the 14 months results are out from VT Mall?


2019-08-08 10:29 | Report Abuse

Just wondering where is the unlimited seller now? Also why the so-called foreign funds that is short of cash not selling cheap anmore?


2019-08-07 15:44 | Report Abuse

Samurai Bonds is actually the nice guy since it's a long term 10 years loan with 0.65% interest rate use to off set the 1MDB loans @ 5.99%


2019-08-06 13:24 | Report Abuse

Ask MSWG to speed things up with Bursa/SC for the benefits of all..somebody to alert relevant authorities on this matter!

"The move by the Singapore Exchange (SGX) to allow independent shareholders, including minority ones, a better exit value is worth considering in the context of Malaysian delisting rules, according to the Minority Shareholders Watch Group (MSWG).

Analysts agree that minority shareholders, among others, would secure a better deal in the form of higher premium payments from bidders when taking a listed firm private if the delisting rules were to be amended in line with the city-state."


2019-08-05 18:37 | Report Abuse

Why not...just mirror Tony's idea "Now Everybody Can Stay" to Enjoy Berjaya's Hospitality & Food?. It will be a great marketing exercise to promote Berjaya's hotels worldwide & provide much goodwill. Can send the free stay vouchers with the coming Annual 2019 Report?


2019-08-05 11:26 | Report Abuse

Just wondering at the same time, after selling down BJLand why the Syndicate placed a 39.5 mil buy order @25.5 sens for BJCorp? Has been there for a few weeks already but so far not many willing sellers, many still wants VT's stock?


2019-08-04 15:25 | Report Abuse

Right! it's the best chance for VT to come out smelling like roses, after all 38 sens times 500 mil shares is only RM190 mill...


2019-08-04 13:35 | Report Abuse

Penta used to own 166 million or 3.3% of BJLand shares as of March 2019..If Penta is the nett seller since March until August at the rate of 10 million shares each Bursa day. If there are 100 Bursa days during this periiod, don't think Penta has much shares left if it is short of cash?


2019-08-04 10:36 | Report Abuse

Ini Kali lah!

Everyone needs to cooperate to pre-emp any hanky-panky from happening and prevent SC/Bursa from giving anymore extensions to BJCorp/BJLand by alerting all biz newspapers like the:

Edge Malaysia,


The Star Online


Btw what happened to shortinvestors77's open letter to SC/Bursa, deleted by whom? Should forward it to all relevant authorities including :

Minorities Shareholders Watch Group (MSWG)

and also MACC


2019-08-04 10:21 | Report Abuse

20% is very few, 15% already an exception and 10% is impossible as:

There is no way SC will allow a lower public spread of 10% or lower as according to SC Main Practice Notes, this will triggers:

5.0 Suspension where the public shareholding or unit holding spread is 10% or less and related disclosure requirements
​ ​
​5.1 Pursuant to paragraph 16.02(2) of the Listing Requirements, where the public shareholding or unit holding spread of a listed issuer is 10% or less of the total number of listed shares (excluding treasury shares) or listed units ("Threshold"), a suspension will be imposed by the Exchange.


2019-08-03 21:15 | Report Abuse

Actually the conditional sale agreement for Penta to sell to BJLand shares to BJCorp was 30 Jan 2019.

However the actual completion date of share swap of BJLand shares by Penta & BJCorp was only completed on 6 March 2019.

Therefore the 38 sens share swap offer by BJCorp for Penta's BJLand shares still stands until 6 Sept. 2019 (6 Mths). Anybody can counter verify at link below...

Refer pg. 2893#



2019-08-03 14:48 | Report Abuse

It's important to pre-emp any hanky-panky from happening and prevent SC/Bursa from giving anymore extensions to BJCorp/BJLand by alerting all biz newspapers like the:

Edge Malaysia,


The Star Online


Btw what happened to shortinvestors77's open letter to SC/Bursa, deleted by whom? Should forward it to all relevant authorities including :

Minorities Shareholders Watch Group (MSWG)

and also MACC

Btw Since BJLand/BJCorp AGM is end of the month, it's a good time for VT to announce any restructuring to BJGroup since BJMedia also needs to present a Regularisation Plan to SC on an urgent basis?


2019-08-03 10:24 | Report Abuse

Actually we need to give VT credit when it's due:
* Last week VT's family was in Japan specifically FS Kyoto.. but why hush it up? was it to meet-up a prospective buyer from US?...after all even Kim Kardashian gave her thumb's up during her stay there last week?
* Also Morvin went to Monaco last week to follow-up with potential biz collaborations after VT's meeting with Prince Albert after the Icelandair Hotels purchase?
* Also according to the Korea news report below: resolution on Compensation from Jeju Korea may come in 3 month's time by Oct/Nov? That's why VT jumped the gun to breach Bursa's free-float threshold of 85,%?,15700021,15700186,15700190,15700256,15700259,15700262,15700265&usg=ALkJrhiTROy88S70QCsESbjcr7-3niJGcA


2019-08-03 08:40 | Report Abuse

It's important to pre-emp any hanky-panky from happening and prevent SC/Bursa from giving anymore extensions to BJCorp/BJLand by alerting all biz newspapers like the:

Edge Malaysia,


The Star Online


Btw what happened to shortinvestors77's open letter to SC/Bursa, deleted by whom? Should forward it to all relevant authorities including :

Minorities Shareholders Watch Group (MSWG)

and also MACC

Btw Since BJLand/BJCorp AGM is end of the month, it's a good time for VT to announce any restructuring to BJGroup since BJMedia also needs to present a Regularisation Plan to SC on an urgent basis?


2019-08-02 19:35 | Report Abuse

If Public spread now is just 14.86%!! Means SC/Bursa's free-float requirements of at least 85% has been breached! Don't think there will be further extensions from the authorities?


2019-08-02 19:01 | Report Abuse

And only 750,000,000 million or 15% free floating BJLand shares left Vs BJCorp with 5,214,000,000 shares worth 26 sens each!


2019-08-02 13:42 | Report Abuse

Only 0.316% to breach 85% for delisting/privatisation?