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2024-05-03 17:11 | Report Abuse

FM Putrajaya got raided for "No Palm Oil" ice cream.


2024-04-24 10:52 | Report Abuse

I find the whole argument on palm oil and deforestation pure BS. as if sunflower, soy, olive etc grows in the sky without the need to clear land.


2024-04-24 02:25 | Report Abuse


you got to look at core and none core profit. the pe8 is not quite accurate. profit include earnings from epcc due to accounting. core will just be the fpso charter rate.


2024-04-22 23:08 | Report Abuse


Thanks. I am somewhat worried about their debt, but will hold onto it for now. Hopefully everything turns out well.


2024-04-22 21:32 | Report Abuse


wanna ask a personal question, how confident are you with yinson on a scale of 10. 1 being no confidence. thanks.


2024-04-15 00:22 | Report Abuse

YTLP also had/have crazy huge debt... until things turn around.


2024-04-06 12:30 | Report Abuse

It is just like MFCB… waiting game. MFCB flew 6 months after their hydro goes online. Yinson will do the same if everything goes accordingly. It is a waiting game.


2024-04-04 18:19 | Report Abuse


Yes, misunderstood. and yes, like IPP... just need to wait.


2024-04-03 17:48 | Report Abuse

Raymond is right. The problem is the super high debt. Once all 3 FPSO sails, Yinson should set a goal to reduce the debt and only take 1 FPSO per year. If they can gradually reduce the debt while increasing the profit, it will fly. All up to the management. WA due in about 15 months time.


2024-04-01 18:50 | Report Abuse

He is very quiet.... was wondering why.


2024-03-29 20:51 | Report Abuse

he stuck at ytlp? i thought he bought last year, he must be in the green for ytlp.


2024-03-29 18:54 | Report Abuse

I see... WA gives higher return if Yinson fly. Makes sense. Oh well, until all 3 FPSO sails and yinson slowly pair down their debt, then maybe can fly.....


2024-03-29 18:34 | Report Abuse

looks like OTB left yinson...


2024-03-29 18:25 | Report Abuse

yinson green invested in some EV offshore vessel, maybe they buy icon so that yinson green can deploy their EV vessel via Icon, and from there, hopefully to the world.


2024-03-26 18:16 | Report Abuse

CIMB warrant expires this september at rm2.45. They got to hold the line.


2024-03-24 13:52 | Report Abuse

If everything goes according to plan, all FPSO strike first oil and get paid, Yinson stock price will fly. Question is, will it fly before all fpso sail or after all fpso sail and get paid? Because when all fpso strike first oil and get paid, the debt will not be an issue.

A question of if and when. Do you buy and wait? Or wait and then buy? And what if no oil?


2024-03-22 17:08 | Report Abuse

the thing is even with the completion of the fpso, need to set sail and strike first oil, and then get paid... until then... all is just paper. need to see cash in bank.


2024-03-22 16:56 | Report Abuse

As usual… cannot fly. Still got 3 warrant not yet expire… just wait


2024-03-22 14:59 | Report Abuse

somwhat like MFCB, a small cap build a mid size hydro... when completed, pay down debt and give good dividend and cash flow positive. yinson took up 3 huge FPSO within these few years, now just wait for all 3 FPSOs to be ready. it is a waiting game, if all goes according to plan, should be good.


2024-03-22 13:03 | Report Abuse

the million dollar question.... can fly or not?


2024-03-21 19:10 | Report Abuse

Hi OTB, can you share the oakland path report? Thanks. If not possible also ok.

I wait for yinson until hair turn white liao…. Dont know what management doing…


2024-03-20 13:16 | Report Abuse

2:30 up or down? every quarter says next quarter will be better....


2024-03-19 20:01 | Report Abuse

I own MFCB too, i call super crazy high profit for next QR pure BS. Most likely they will sign a new deal, probably extension from 25 years to 30? who knows. if you read the report, you know 90% profit from hydro, no more room to grow.


2024-03-18 18:53 | Report Abuse

why would it be crazy? you can say slightly higher but crazy is too crazy. almost 90% profit is from their hydro. unless all the other subsidiaries grow at exponential rate, unlikely to be crazy. hydro power gen already somewhat max.


2024-03-13 22:19 | Report Abuse

yinson wont fly until they see all 3 fpso get paid... not first oil but cold hard cash paid by the oil co... till then.... need to wait until hair becomes white.


2024-03-06 10:02 | Report Abuse


Francis Yeoh's brother runs YTLP, Francis Yeoh runs YTL. It was YTLP that lifted the entire group, not YTL.


2024-03-05 10:17 | Report Abuse

Yinson.... gotta wait till all 3 FPSO struck first oil and get paid.... till then... slowly wait.


2024-03-01 15:36 | Report Abuse

How in the world is their revenue so low... this probably means even before they go IPO they already fake the accounts? Seems like the only real business they have is MRO for Petronas, the others are all fakes.


2024-03-01 09:21 | Report Abuse


Yes, abrdn does trade, can be seen with mynews and kossan. They somehow is good with timing. If they are right again, this could mean they know skp is about to announce good news and stock will go up…. Fly… this i dont know… up very likely.


2024-02-29 23:53 | Report Abuse

Honestly, am thinking of cutting loss. But the only thing holding me back is seeing abrdn investing in a big way. I am sure abrdn have access to the ceo/management and toured the factory. before mynews launch CU, abrdn bought while EPF sold. then with the super long q seen at the first CU store, stock price went up, abrdn sold and took profit.

lets hope abrdn knows something we dont.


2024-02-29 23:43 | Report Abuse

According to PB Investment:

"Management has also highlighted the need to widen its customer base, an effort which we gather is bearing some fruit with the recent securing of orders from a new client, though the amount is still currently insignificant."

And RHB said:

"We believe any material new contract win could materialise as early as 2H2024. Our FY25F earnings have taken into account the gradual recovery in existing customers’ volume and new contract wins of MYR100m."

My understanding:

I guess SKP managed to find a new client, probably in testing trial stage. Big or small client, nobody knows. I guess if everything goes accordingly, they will sign firm contract on 2h2024?


2024-02-28 12:46 | Report Abuse

big loss... confirm fly later due to impairment.


2024-02-28 09:17 | Report Abuse

what tech has hextech got?


2024-02-27 23:21 | Report Abuse

I think majority of EMS like VS, SKP, FPI and etc make consumer goods. If the economy picks up and they starts to spend again, they will buy more products that EMS makes.

PCB to make boards for the product. Vacuum, dryer and etc all also have circuit board.


2024-02-27 09:39 | Report Abuse


you cant put inari and skp together, both are different. just like putting kerjaya and mahsing together. skp is a contract manufacturer.


2024-02-26 20:20 | Report Abuse


SKP is not even tech/semi conductor, they are EMS. What has Tech got to do with SKP? Do you know what you are talking about? You might as well say Palm Oil price will drop and EMS counter will follow too.


2024-02-24 16:55 | Report Abuse

Auditor also dont want to sign off… whatever assets they have… really exist or not?


2024-02-23 19:00 | Report Abuse

I know, but in Malaysia, what's the difference? If they say Bonus 1:2 and you have 1000 shares, you end up with 2000 shares. And if it is share split 1:2, you also end up with 2000 shares.

By right Bonus means they create new shares and give it for free. But malaysia... all same. right?


2024-02-22 17:45 | Report Abuse

My experience tells me always leave when there is such big drop and no news. Insider selling. Run before too late. Maybe gov comes up with new rules for gov servants regarding these type of loans. Run chicken run.


2024-02-21 16:03 | Report Abuse

maybe overseas different.... here... bonus same as split. last time QL stock price rise and rise... but as of recent years... flat for many years... i dont think they will do a stock split any time soon. whatever it is, bonus or stock split should not matter.


2024-02-21 10:16 | Report Abuse

good QR but drop.... insider selling... run.


2024-02-20 23:58 | Report Abuse

who says China co will come? it is the european, japanese, and american co that skp should woo.... until now... no news. so hard to get new clients? vs can do it...


2024-02-20 23:56 | Report Abuse

Bonus? 2020 already give bonus and stock price also never exceeded the 2020 after bonus price. also, bonus is just stock split, they can split 100:1 and the value remains the same. if you think giving 2:1 bonus means suddenly you get extra shares... i have bad news for you.


2024-02-20 16:56 | Report Abuse

hopeless.... many companies trying to diversify away from China, and SKP cannot even benefit from this?


2024-02-12 22:34 | Report Abuse

question is, will the profit margin go back to precovid? if not, then the valuation is too rich.


2024-02-06 00:36 | Report Abuse

still waiting for founder to buy....