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2024-03-27 12:52 | Report Abuse

Serbadinamik & public-fund draining GLCs"

Lack of Transparency and Ethical Screening: Its finance requires transparency and ethical screening of investments to ensure compliance with its principles. However, the stock market may lack comprehensive ethical screening mechanisms, leading to investments in non-compliant or questionable assets.


2024-03-27 12:50 | Report Abuse

Is the whole business of stock market s-compliant?

Interest-Based Transactions: Many conventional stock market transactions involve interest-based elements, such as margin trading, short selling, and the use of leverage. These practices are not permissible in the stipulated finance, which prohibits riba (usury) and any form of interest-based transactions.

Uncertainty and Speculation: Its principles emphasize the avoidance of gharar (excessive uncertainty) and maysir (gambling/speculation) in financial transactions. Stock market trading, particularly in speculative or high-risk assets, can involve elements of uncertainty and speculation that are not aligned with the stipulated finance principles.

Lack of Asset Backing: Its finance emphasizes the concept of tangible asset backing and real economic activities. In stock market trading, especially in derivatives and financial instruments with no underlying assets, the lack of tangible asset backing can raise concerns about the legitimacy of the investment.

Debt-Based Securities: Some securities traded in the stock market, such as bonds and debentures, are based on debt instruments that involve interest payments. These debt-based securities are not considered compliant due to their reliance on riba (interest).


2024-03-27 12:47 | Report Abuse

Lack of Transparency and Ethical Screening: Its finance requires transparency and ethical screening of investments to ensure compliance with its principles. However, the stock market may lack comprehensive ethical screening mechanisms, leading to investments in non-compliant or questionable assets.


2024-03-27 12:46 | Report Abuse

Excessive Risk and Speculation: Its finance encourages prudent risk management and discourages excessive speculation and risk-taking. However, stock market trading, particularly in volatile or speculative markets, involving high levels of risk and speculative behavior that are not aligned with its principles.


2024-03-27 12:45 | Report Abuse

Debt-Based Securities: Some securities traded in the stock market, such as bonds and debentures, are based on debt instruments that involve interest payments. These debt-based securities are not considered compliant due to their reliance on riba (interest).


2024-03-27 12:44 | Report Abuse

Lack of Asset Backing: Its finance emphasizes the concept of tangible asset backing and real economic activities. In stock market trading, especially in derivatives and financial instruments with no underlying assets, the lack of tangible asset backing can raise concerns about the legitimacy of the investment.


2024-03-27 12:30 | Report Abuse

Uncertainty and Speculation: Its principles emphasize the avoidance of gharar (excessive uncertainty) and maysir (gambling/speculation) in financial transactions. Stock market trading, particularly in speculative or high-risk assets, can involve elements of uncertainty and speculation that are not aligned with the stipulated finance principles.


2024-03-27 12:29 | Report Abuse

Interest-Based Transactions: Many conventional stock market transactions involve interest-based elements, such as margin trading, short selling, and the use of leverage. These practices are not permissible in the stipulated finance, which prohibits riba (usury) and any form of interest-based transactions.


2024-03-27 12:24 | Report Abuse

More like a scam. RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN......................The emperor has no clothes!!.......The emperor has no clothes!!


2024-03-27 12:17 | Report Abuse

The oath emphasizes the primary goal of benefiting the people and doing what is best for their well-being. Physicians pledge to use their knowledge and skills for the benefit of the needy, prioritizing their health, emotion, prosperity and healing above all else.


2024-03-27 12:15 | Report Abuse

By then, another round of dignity congress will be staged (sigh)

Posted by eastern_joy > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

60+ years of policies, resulted in today's situation. Don't think any quick fix coming soon, only more marketing talks, we are still prepared for MYR/SGD exchange rate going above 4 soon.


2024-03-27 12:14 | Report Abuse

Sad-simple steps but not taken seriously.

Posted by DickyMe > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

If you cut civil service employees by 60%, stop foreign workers, ringgit can up immediately.


2024-03-27 12:06 | Report Abuse

Don't talk pusing2 like pmx or snake

Posted by ks55 > 16 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Refueling mah. For long haul, need longer ground preparation.


2024-03-27 12:05 | Report Abuse

Yes, under attacks- the phantom menace by akmalkin skywalker & gang

Posted by ahbah > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Our precious Ringgit and Bursa got under attack ? Tolong defend them. 😢😢😢 Terima kasih.


2024-03-27 12:04 | Report Abuse

Any mature and civilised society must stay united against vigilantes and their instigators:

Vigilante actions often escalate conflicts and violence instead of resolving them peacefully through legal channels. This can result in a cycle of retaliation, further destabilizing the social fabric and compromising public safety.


2024-03-27 12:03 | Report Abuse

Any mature and civilised society must stay united against vigilantes and their instigators:

Vigilante actions often escalate conflicts and violence instead of resolving them peacefully through legal channels. This can result in a cycle of retaliation, further destabilizing the social fabric and compromising public safety.


2024-03-27 12:03 | Report Abuse

Any mature and civilised society must stay united against vigilantes and their instigators:

Vigilante actions often escalate conflicts and violence instead of resolving them peacefully through legal channels. This can result in a cycle of retaliation, further destabilizing the social fabric and compromising public safety.


2024-03-27 11:43 | Report Abuse

RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...........................The emperor has no clothes!! The emperor has no clothes!!

News & Blogs

2024-03-27 11:22 | Report Abuse

Look carefully at klse over the past decades- generally nonstop downtrending. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results


2024-03-27 11:01 | Report Abuse

21st Century Knowledge: Dental Care

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 1 second ago | Report Abuse

Fasting without water contributes significantly to dry mouth and dental caries, leading to a higher prevalence of edentulous (tooth loss) among the general (especially the rural) populations. 1. **Reduced Saliva Production:** Fasting without water for extended hours, especially in hot and dry climates prevalent areas, invariably leads to reduced saliva production. Saliva plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health by rinsing away food particles, buffering acids, and preventing bacterial growth. Dry mouth (xerostomia) resulting from reduced saliva flow can contribute to dental problems. 2. **Increased Risk of Dental Caries:** With reduced saliva flow, the oral environment becomes more acidic and prone to bacterial colonization. This acidic environment, combined with the lack of regular hydration and cleaning (due to fasting without water), can increase the risk of dental caries (cavities). Bacteria thrive in acidic conditions and can cause demineralization of tooth enamel, leading to cavities. 3. **Limited Hygiene Practices:** During fasting periods without water, individuals may have limited opportunities to practice proper oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing. In rural areas where access to clean water and oral hygiene products may be limited, maintaining good oral health becomes challenging, further exacerbating the risk of dental caries and other oral health issues. 4. **Impact on Tooth Structure:** Prolonged dry mouth and dehydration can also affect the structure and integrity of teeth. Enamel erosion and tooth decay may progress more rapidly in individuals who experience frequent episodes of dry mouth due to fasting without water. 5. **Prevalence of Edentulous:** The cumulative effects of poor oral hygiene, dental caries, and other oral health challenges can contribute to a higher prevalence of edentulous (tooth loss) among rural populations. Edentulism not only affects chewing function and nutrition but also has broader implications for overall health and quality of life.


2024-03-27 11:00 | Report Abuse

Fasting without water contributes significantly to dry mouth and dental caries, leading to a higher prevalence of edentulous (tooth loss) among the general (especially the rural) populations.

1. **Reduced Saliva Production:** Fasting without water for extended hours, especially in hot and dry climates prevalent areas, invariably leads to reduced saliva production. Saliva plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health by rinsing away food particles, buffering acids, and preventing bacterial growth. Dry mouth (xerostomia) resulting from reduced saliva flow can contribute to dental problems.

2. **Increased Risk of Dental Caries:** With reduced saliva flow, the oral environment becomes more acidic and prone to bacterial colonization. This acidic environment, combined with the lack of regular hydration and cleaning (due to fasting without water), can increase the risk of dental caries (cavities). Bacteria thrive in acidic conditions and can cause demineralization of tooth enamel, leading to cavities.

3. **Limited Hygiene Practices:** During fasting periods without water, individuals may have limited opportunities to practice proper oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing. In rural areas where access to clean water and oral hygiene products may be limited, maintaining good oral health becomes challenging, further exacerbating the risk of dental caries and other oral health issues.

4. **Impact on Tooth Structure:** Prolonged dry mouth and dehydration can also affect the structure and integrity of teeth. Enamel erosion and tooth decay may progress more rapidly in individuals who experience frequent episodes of dry mouth due to fasting without water.

5. **Prevalence of Edentulous:** The cumulative effects of poor oral hygiene, dental caries, and other oral health challenges can contribute to a higher prevalence of edentulous (tooth loss) among rural populations. Edentulism not only affects chewing function and nutrition but also has broader implications for overall health and quality of life.

News & Blogs

2024-03-27 10:52 | Report Abuse

The case of subsidy-cut to cover GLCs mega-losses:

**Fiscal Discipline:** Singapore has a reputation for fiscal discipline and prudent financial management. The government maintains a strict control over expenditures and implements sound fiscal policies, leading to lower budget deficits and more manageable debt levels. On the other hand, Malaysia has faced challenges with fiscal discipline, leading to concerns about rising debt levels and budget deficits.

News & Blogs

2024-03-27 10:49 | Report Abuse

Exactly. We want to see less talk & noise, but real results like the following:

News & Blogs

2024-03-27 10:45 | Report Abuse

Don't refer them as gomen or people servants. They are the almighty servant first, moral police second and the self-serving gaji buta pencen berlapis-lapis ones third


2024-03-27 09:54 | Report Abuse

Stay away from this counter till I call back everyone. Go to watch Star Horsey Mahsing running day.......

Note: This company is not that cash-rich compared to IBs- couldn't push up much


2024-03-27 09:50 | Report Abuse

UMNO finds itself at a crossroads, teetering on the edge of potential rejection by moderate Malays who align with Pakatan Harapan's ideals. On the other hand, conservatives remain steadfast in their preference for PAS & Perikatan Nasional. This dichotomy presents a demanding for delicate balancing act on UMNO part to be thoughtful, mature and wise enough as it navigates the diverse landscape of Malaysian politics


2024-03-27 09:48 | Report Abuse

Dear all ulars & musangs, take a break. Come and watch the star horse Mahsing is running today!!


2024-03-27 09:47 | Report Abuse

Dear all ulars & musangs, take a break. Come and watch the star horse Mahsing is running today!!


2024-03-27 09:44 | Report Abuse

Good horsey....This star horse really gallops all its way! HUAT AR!! Let me get others to come here to make profit$ together


2024-03-27 08:46 | Report Abuse

Hahaha....go GCB


2024-03-27 08:29 | Report Abuse

Singapore and Malaysia have different economic structures and policies that contribute to the manageability of their respective national debts. Here are key points highlighting why Singapore's country debt is more manageable compared to Malaysia's:

1. **Economic Diversification:** Singapore has a highly diversified economy with strong sectors in finance, technology, logistics, and tourism. This diversification reduces dependency on any single industry, creating stability and resilience against economic shocks. In contrast, Malaysia's economy is more reliant on commodities like oil, palm oil, and rubber, making it vulnerable to fluctuations in global commodity prices.

2. **Fiscal Discipline:** Singapore has a reputation for fiscal discipline and prudent financial management. The government maintains a strict control over expenditures and implements sound fiscal policies, leading to lower budget deficits and more manageable debt levels. On the other hand, Malaysia has faced challenges with fiscal discipline, leading to concerns about rising debt levels and budget deficits.

3. **Strong Currency and Reserves:** Singapore's strong currency, backed by robust foreign exchange reserves, provides a cushion against external debt pressures. The country's monetary stability and reserve adequacy contribute to investor confidence and lower borrowing costs. Malaysia, while having sizable reserves, may face currency volatility due to external factors impacting the value of the Malaysian ringgit.

4. **Investor Confidence:** Singapore's political stability, transparent governance, and strong institutions contribute to high investor confidence. This confidence attracts foreign investments, supports capital inflows, and facilitates access to global financial markets at favorable terms. Malaysia's political uncertainties at times have impacted investor sentiment and the country's ability to attract investment.

5. **Debt Composition:** Singapore's debt composition often includes long-term, low-cost debt instruments. The government carefully manages its debt profile to ensure sustainability and favorable terms. In contrast, Malaysia has faced challenges with a higher proportion of short-term debt and concerns about refinancing risks.

6. **Economic Growth and Productivity:** Singapore has consistently maintained strong economic growth rates and focuses on enhancing productivity and innovation. This growth generates revenue streams that support debt servicing capabilities. Malaysia has experienced growth but faces challenges related to productivity improvements and structural reforms.

These factors collectively contribute to Singapore's ability to manage its country debt more effectively compared to Malaysia. However, it's essential to note that both countries continually adapt their policies and strategies to address economic challenges and debt management concerns.


2024-03-27 08:27 | Report Abuse

Areas where Singapore succeeds while Msia fails

Several key factors contribute to the higher value of the Singapore dollar (SGD) compared to the Malaysian ringgit (MYR):

1. **Economic Stability:** Singapore has a strong and stable economy with low inflation rates, robust GDP growth, and a sound financial system. This stability attracts foreign investors, which in turn increases demand for the SGD.

2. **Political Stability:** Singapore is known for its political stability and good governance, which instills confidence in investors and contributes to a stable currency value.

3. **Trade Surplus:** Singapore consistently maintains a trade surplus, exporting more goods and services than it imports. This surplus leads to a higher demand for the SGD in international markets.

4. **Foreign Reserves:** Singapore has significant foreign exchange reserves, which provide a buffer against economic shocks and help support the value of the SGD.

5. **Monetary Policy:** The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) implements prudent monetary policies to manage inflation and maintain currency stability, which supports the value of the SGD.

6. **Global Financial Hub:** Singapore is a leading global financial center, attracting investments and financial activities that contribute to the strength of its currency.

7. **Investor Confidence:** The overall investor confidence in Singapore's economy, governance, and financial system leads to a higher demand for the SGD as a safe-haven currency.

8. **Currency Peg:** Malaysia operates a managed float exchange rate regime, while Singapore has a policy of maintaining a strong and stable SGD against a basket of currencies. This difference in exchange rate regimes can also contribute to the valuation disparity between the SGD and MYR.


2024-03-27 08:24 | Report Abuse

UMNO finds itself at a crossroads, teetering on the edge of potential rejection by moderate Malays who align with Pakatan Harapan's ideals. On the other hand, conservatives remain steadfast in their preference for PAS & Perikatan Nasional. This dichotomy presents a demanding for delicate balancing act on UMNO part to be thoughtful, mature and wise enough as it navigates the diverse landscape of Malaysian politics


2024-03-27 08:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by EngineeringProfit > weeks ago | Report Abuse

Study the chart carefully (both ytl & ytlp) again

Snake or ladder?

Falling knife or rebound?

Remember up...slow; down can be very fast


17,148 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 4 days ago | Report Abuse

Focus on selling pressure. Counter check with AI program chartgpt.


17,148 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 4 days ago | Report Abuse


Bilises must have the discipline to just swim in the designated bilises' price zone


2024-03-27 08:14 | Report Abuse

The worst performance of any government is indeed its failure to act swiftly and decisively against vigilantes. Vigilante actions undermine the rule of law, erode trust in official institutions, and can lead to a breakdown of social order. Governments have a responsibility to protect their citizens from harm and ensure that justice is administered through legal channels, not through vigilante justice, which often results in arbitrary and unjust outcomes. Failing to address vigilante activities promptly and effectively only perpetuates a cycle of violence and lawlessness, ultimately harming the very fabric of society.


2024-03-27 08:13 | Report Abuse

The worst performance of any government is indeed its failure to act swiftly and decisively against vigilantes. Vigilante actions undermine the rule of law, erode trust in official institutions, and can lead to a breakdown of social order. Governments have a responsibility to protect their citizens from harm and ensure that justice is administered through legal channels, not through vigilante justice, which often results in arbitrary and unjust outcomes. Failing to address vigilante activities promptly and effectively only perpetuates a cycle of violence and lawlessness, ultimately harming the very fabric of society.


2024-03-27 08:12 | Report Abuse

.....of taking laws by own hand, extremism and terrorism

The worst performance of any government is indeed its failure to act swiftly and decisively against vigilantes. Vigilante actions undermine the rule of law, erode trust in official institutions, and can lead to a breakdown of social order. Governments have a responsibility to protect their citizens from harm and ensure that justice is administered through legal channels, not through vigilante justice, which often results in arbitrary and unjust outcomes. Failing to address vigilante activities promptly and effectively only perpetuates a cycle of violence and lawlessness, ultimately harming the very fabric of society.


2024-03-27 08:12 | Report Abuse

The worst performance of any government is indeed its failure to act swiftly and decisively against vigilantes. Vigilante actions undermine the rule of law, erode trust in official institutions, and can lead to a breakdown of social order. Governments have a responsibility to protect their citizens from harm and ensure that justice is administered through legal channels, not through vigilante justice, which often results in arbitrary and unjust outcomes. Failing to address vigilante activities promptly and effectively only perpetuates a cycle of violence and lawlessness, ultimately harming the very fabric of society.

News & Blogs

2024-03-27 08:11 | Report Abuse

Spot on. What could be worse for any gomen!? The worst performance of any government is indeed its failure to act swiftly and decisively against vigilantes. Vigilante actions undermine the rule of law, erode trust in official institutions, and can lead to a breakdown of social order. Governments have a responsibility to protect their citizens from harm and ensure that justice is administered through legal channels, not through vigilante justice, which often results in arbitrary and unjust outcomes. Failing to address vigilante activities promptly and effectively only perpetuates a cycle of violence and lawlessness, ultimately harming the very fabric of society.


2024-03-27 08:10 | Report Abuse

Yes, Sslee. S*ampah ppl everywhere- cyber & real life.

The worst performance of any government is indeed its failure to act swiftly and decisively against vigilantes. Vigilante actions undermine the rule of law, erode trust in official institutions, and can lead to a breakdown of social order. Governments have a responsibility to protect their citizens from harm and ensure that justice is administered through legal channels, not through vigilante justice, which often results in arbitrary and unjust outcomes. Failing to address vigilante activities promptly and effectively only perpetuates a cycle of violence and lawlessness, ultimately harming the very fabric of society.


2024-03-27 05:25 | Report Abuse

Political leaders play a crucial role in preserving harmony within a society. However, when they act irrationally and fuel tensions, they sow the seeds of extremism. This behavior not only undermines the trust and unity among communities but also encourages individuals to resort to extreme measures in expressing their grievances. Such actions disregard the far-reaching repercussions on society as a whole, as they foster hatred and division instead of promoting peace and understanding. It is imperative for us to unite and strongly condemn these irresponsible actions to prevent further escalation of extremist behaviors and uphold the values of tolerance and coexistence.


2024-03-27 05:23 | Report Abuse

It's disheartening to witness political leaders, who are meant to safeguard harmony, acting irrationally and fueling tensions to such an extent that it ignites extremist behaviors. We must unite to rise and strongly condemn these irresponsible actions that sow seeds of hatred, disregarding the far-reaching repercussions on our society as a whole


2024-03-27 05:22 | Report Abuse

.......of sensibility, rationality and sanity

It's disheartening to witness political leaders, who are meant to safeguard harmony, acting irrationally and fueling tensions to such an extent that it ignites extremist behaviors. We must unite to rise and strongly condemn these irresponsible actions that sow seeds of hatred, disregarding the far-reaching repercussions on our society as a whole


2024-03-27 05:21 | Report Abuse

It's disheartening to witness political leaders, who are meant to safeguard harmony, acting irrationally and fueling tensions to such an extent that it ignites extremist behaviors. We must unite to rise and strongly condemn these irresponsible actions that sow seeds of hatred, disregarding the far-reaching repercussions on our society as a whole


2024-03-26 22:52 | Report Abuse

**Political Exploitation:**

Politicians and interest groups may capitalize on these incidents to further their agendas, leading to polarized debates, irrational responses and terrorism driven more by ideology than reason.

News & Blogs

2024-03-26 21:56 | Report Abuse

......of morbid consumerism, vigilante normalisation and katak di bawah tempurung

While Elon Musks & the rest of the world have moved on with neuralink brain chip implantation for tetraplegic people, pig heart & kidney transplant etc etc etc


2024-03-26 21:50 | Report Abuse

**Lack of Perspective:**

Often, the severity of a national issue is inflated due to a lack of perspective or understanding of the broader context in which the error occurred, the real motives, and the directly responsible culprit behind