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4 comment(s). Last comment by metaverse 36 seconds ago


11,141 posts

Posted by Income > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

That's it. Bravo

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

50% will be better for sabah & sarawak......Can be next PM


11,141 posts

Posted by Income > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

35% is in agreement but now still not yet done


188 posts

Posted by metaverse > 36 seconds ago | Report Abuse

DAP should learn from the wisdom of Abang Jo to exert the maximum force to squeeze the ball as hard as possible because it is impossible for the united coalition to say NO or else just call it a day until the barrier is cleared and all demand is met. The window of opportunity is closing fast (as Abang Jo may pull out if Petronas cannot deliver) so DAP should install back the capable dream team (Kiam Wee and Kian Ming) and go back to the negotiation table or else 如果这只火鸡不生蛋,我们何必守株待兔呢?

马股未来走向是《牛市长虹》还是《昙花一现》,聪明的投资者应该心中有数!我们的高官大人只会活在自己的平行宇宙,闭门造车,很难和外面的世界公平竞争,一争长短。1969年,敦陈修信苦口婆心,断言若要办独大,除非铁树开花(敦言逆耳,可是很贴实。不像大炮党,天马行空,信口开河)。以此类推,顺藤摸瓜,要经济二度起飞,除非公鸡生蛋(就像统考那样,被骗一次是天真,俩次是傻瓜)。因为本国顶尖人才都已经跑去邻国服务,当马劳,当销售员,当总理 (Lawrence Wong 黄循财是怡保人)。留下来的不是纸上谈兵的世外高人,就是那些视死如归的老弱残兵(老股民),今日不知明日事,过一天算一天(男人不坏,女人不爱,股票不烂,他们不买),被大炮党玩的团团转,神魂颠倒,如痴如醉。人去楼空,追风望月。新政府换了一个又一个(一个比一个烂),美丽的故事編了一套又一套 ,铁树还是不开花,公鸡还是不生蛋。55年前的敦陈修信,可能不是藐视华教,说风凉话,泼冷水,而是反映了当下的政治现实。

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