
Flintstones | Joined since 2014-08-28

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2017-02-21 17:48 | Report Abuse

Results was good but not very good. Thanks for the sweet ride, I am selling at tomorrow's open.

News & Blogs

2017-02-20 10:00 | Report Abuse

Give this guy some medicines!

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2017-02-17 20:38 | Report Abuse

Newbies watch out. Dont waste your money on this failed trader

News & Blogs

2017-02-16 10:39 | Report Abuse

Hahaha! Cpteh dreaming again


2017-02-13 21:29 | Report Abuse



2017-02-13 21:28 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2017-02-12 19:33 | Report Abuse

Cp teh, if you are reading this, i have a word of advice. Focus all yor energy into your education business and you will become well off in no time. Your capital of RM 200k-300k is too small. Why spend so much time worrying about market crash when you can channel your energy into building a sustainable and long term business that will have no problem raking in five figures to six figures a month !?!?!??

News & Blogs

2017-02-12 18:50 | Report Abuse

It is fun reading Cp teh blog posts. Through his daily blog, we can look into the inner workings of a failed and deluded speculator. I must say cp teh is a good case study of why most retail traders lose money in the market


2017-02-10 11:35 | Report Abuse

Yes, just like what I had computed weeks ago.

Flintstones http://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2017/01/18/axiata-raising-us$600mil-from-sale-of-stake-in-edotco/

Edotco stake sale was valued at 12.5x EV/EBITDA which includes potential injection of Cambodian and India towers. I do not know how much earnings are going to be added from this injection. Anybody who knows kindly enlighten me.

OCK is trading around 11.5x EV/EBITDA. And I think Mr. Market is undervaluing OCK's growth potential.

First, let's disseminate OCK potential EBITDA growth in 2017. Based on Kenanga's research dated 1st September 2016, they estimated OCK Myanmar business to provide RM 60m of revenue per year (excluding minority interests). With expected EBITDA margin of 60%, EBITDA from this venture should be around RM 36m.

Next, we shall look into OCK Vietnam business where the acquisition was recently completed. Based on the same set of Kenanga report, the Vietnam business recorded consistent revenue of around RM 50 million per year. Excluding minority interest in the Vietnam subsidiary, OCK's share of 60% revenue would be RM 30m per year. At an actual EBITDA margin of 50%, the incremental EBITDA would be around RM 15m.

Now, adding the EBITDA of both newly assimilated businesses, we are looking at a potential EBITDA growth of RM 50m or almost 100%. If we put in a conservative EV/EBITDA of 10x, OCK market capitalization should be around RM 1 billion (50% upside from the current price).

The maths which I did above assumed status quo, where OCK existing business remains stable and the new business start up smoothly. I had not included the potential growth in OCK business where a higher tenancy ratio could be secured in the new business and more jobs from Telenor Myanmar.
18/01/2017 22:33


2017-02-10 09:01 | Report Abuse

What a timely article by The Edge. Just look at Ekovest, a string of positive news flow is what it takes to take the share price higher. The latest article shed alot of light on the positive contribution from the Telenor venture. No matter what, growth is assured for OCK in this financial year.

News & Blogs

2017-02-08 11:27 | Report Abuse

Ok la. At least mr teh talks some sense this time


2017-02-08 07:51 | Report Abuse

@sosfinance, any comments on the high receivables on the balance sheet? Is it the nature of its business?

News & Blogs

2017-02-07 14:35 | Report Abuse

DKSH is a strong buy. I accumulated some this morning. I have traded DKSH many times over the last 8 years. One of my findings is a strong reported swiss results almost correlate to a strong share price performance for the malaysian company. If next quarterly result recovers, short term TP = RM 6

News & Blogs

2017-02-07 08:29 | Report Abuse

Market crash?

News & Blogs

2017-02-06 17:25 | Report Abuse

In the last 3 to 5 years, the only company that I call great is Hartalega. Other than this company, no other company gives me an impression of a great company. Great stock, yes. Great company, maybe.

News & Blogs

2017-02-06 17:23 | Report Abuse

Aiya, people want to cari makan mah. His target market is those stock market newbies like cp teh. If he dont teach those fundamental 101 stuffs, how to feed his family? You guys expect him to eat soft rice meh

News & Blogs

2017-02-06 17:18 | Report Abuse

Stockman, i believe your core idea is legit and noble. But i like to ask is it possible to find a great company in bursa malaysia?

News & Blogs

2017-02-06 13:41 | Report Abuse

Kc chong, may I know what is the purpose of this article beside showing that you are lucky? Hows your subscription business doing so far?

News & Blogs

2017-02-06 13:20 | Report Abuse

I dont feel sorry for you brother. You got what you wish for. Harry teo is never a top investor. According to my friend, harry teo is a full time house husband taking care of his son at home while his nutritionist wife sell health products outside. No offense to harry teo for being a house husband but it is so obvious that this guy is not a professional investor. He knows a thing or two about investing based on the articles that he wrote. But knowing does not mean mastering. Naturally, his recommendations are going to be a hit or miss.

News & Blogs

2017-02-06 13:10 | Report Abuse

How much was the profit mr teh? Few cents profit again?

News & Blogs

2017-02-05 21:42 | Report Abuse

Thats why it is funny to think that KYY will give RM 10 million plus to KC Chong to manage. This KC Chong never manage RM 1 million in his life, let alone RM 10 million. So the consequences being his bola also kecut lor

News & Blogs

2017-02-05 18:00 | Report Abuse

Hahaahahahaha. CPTeh giving what, trading advice? Whats cpteh track record other than punting oversold stocks with few cents profit target? This guy does not even have a rm1 million portfolio. He is not a guru in my eyes just a deluded blogger

News & Blogs

2017-02-05 11:22 | Report Abuse

Geng! CPTeh Malaysia top trader!

News & Blogs

2017-02-03 23:26 | Report Abuse

Ok la. Much better content from cpteh. At least he is making proper recommendation ma. We must give every man a chance

News & Blogs

2017-02-02 17:16 | Report Abuse

He will sell after earning few cents

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News & Blogs

2017-01-30 11:25 | Report Abuse

Well, i will leave it to other members imagination on who is the snake oil salesman here. It seems that i am not the one selling lessons, subscriptions or managed accounts. And please dont crap here with the howard marks theory. I have read the book as well and sincerely, i dont think your "extrapolate the past" analysis fulfills any of his second level thinking.

Let me show you whats second level thinking by posing a few questions to you. How much do you know about favelle favco business? What is their competitive advantage? Who are the major competitors of favelle favco? What is the "current" landscape of the crane industry and where does favelle stand? What is favelle favco management doing to embrace the slowing orderbook ahead? What is the current available crane capacity in Asia right now? Is crane rental rate increasing or decreasing lately?

That my friend, is second level thinking. I am sorry to embarass you because we all know what you will claim when you dont know. And here comes kcchongz infamous - "I cant predict the future". Lmao. On a side note, if you are interested to learn about favelle favco business. I can arrange you a coffee session with the executive director of favelle favco, free of charge.

News & Blogs

2017-01-30 10:02 | Report Abuse

Kcchongz knows only the numbers. He who extrapolates the past knows nothing about the future undertakings of the business. In the business world, it is easy to con people like kcchongz. You just show him a few years of financial reports with good numbers and tadaa! Hes conned!

News & Blogs

2017-01-28 19:53 | Report Abuse

Love the lady in the low cut grey dress. Stunner!

News & Blogs

2017-01-26 19:00 | Report Abuse

Sooner of later, me and murali will do a vlog too. Title - How did CPTeh go broke

News & Blogs

2017-01-26 08:10 | Report Abuse

Oh. No more crash?


2017-01-25 16:26 | Report Abuse

RM 100 mil p.a. Bursa gamblers not doing homework. This new contract win is not going to make CCMD become a swan in one day.

News & Blogs

2017-01-25 09:47 | Report Abuse

Share price up, you say up. Share price down, you say down. Reading CPTeh post is like listenig to history class. Mr Teh described the history so well. I think najib gor should appoint him to be the National History Teacher. I am sure our young generation sejarah grades will improve remarkably.


2017-01-24 17:27 | Report Abuse

I am curious why stock man keep debating mother vs son. If the mother goes ti RM3, the son will follow suit

News & Blogs

2017-01-24 17:25 | Report Abuse

Lmao. This guy hentam 10x PE again. PE must be 10x? My ah gong say karyon china man company and he suggest me to put 5x PE wor.

News & Blogs

2017-01-23 13:51 | Report Abuse

Ekovest has to be patient. Earnings flow has yet to come. The catalyst that makes the stock went up was news flow.

News & Blogs

2017-01-21 20:46 | Report Abuse

Lmao. CP Teh CP Teh.

News & Blogs

2017-01-21 09:26 | Report Abuse

Just curious. Since, CP Teh sold all his properties and all in on ASB. What will happen to the ASB if the market crash ah? Will the ASB crash also?

News & Blogs

2017-01-21 08:15 | Report Abuse

Do you wanna join his e-meeting? We can join together!

News & Blogs

2017-01-21 08:14 | Report Abuse

LOL Charles bro, so our CP Teh do read i3 after all


2017-01-19 13:57 | Report Abuse

Pasan muka to those gamblers. I remember when Desmond came in. Everybody was cheering about reits, asset injection blah blah. And now look at what happened.!


2017-01-19 11:33 | Report Abuse

Wow, zai2. Is that a Bloomberg Terminal you are using? Whats Brahmal stake in OCK?


2017-01-18 22:33 | Report Abuse


Edotco stake sale was valued at 12.5x EV/EBITDA which includes potential injection of Cambodian and India towers. I do not know how much earnings are going to be added from this injection. Anybody who knows kindly enlighten me.

OCK is trading around 11.5x EV/EBITDA. And I think Mr. Market is undervaluing OCK's growth potential.

First, let's disseminate OCK potential EBITDA growth in 2017. Based on Kenanga's research dated 1st September 2016, they estimated OCK Myanmar business to provide RM 60m of revenue per year (excluding minority interests). With expected EBITDA margin of 60%, EBITDA from this venture should be around RM 36m.

Next, we shall look into OCK Vietnam business where the acquisition was recently completed. Based on the same set of Kenanga report, the Vietnam business recorded consistent revenue of around RM 50 million per year. Excluding minority interest in the Vietnam subsidiary, OCK's share of 60% revenue would be RM 30m per year. At an actual EBITDA margin of 50%, the incremental EBITDA would be around RM 15m.

Now, adding the EBITDA of both newly assimilated businesses, we are looking at a potential EBITDA growth of RM 50m or almost 100%. If we put in a conservative EV/EBITDA of 10x, OCK market capitalization should be around RM 1 billion (50% upside from the current price).

The maths which I did above assumed status quo, where OCK existing business remains stable and the new business start up smoothly. I had not included the potential growth in OCK business where a higher tenancy ratio could be secured in the new business and more jobs from Telenor Myanmar.

News & Blogs

2017-01-18 11:20 | Report Abuse

In the next few years, things are going to uncover. By that time, I am not sure how the person responsible is going to escape the law. This deal is going to finalized wuickly as election is coming soon.


2017-01-17 19:31 | Report Abuse

My instinct tells me to sell on strength, once again. This is a non-binding agreement which means nothing is agreed between the stakeholders at this point. For Ekovest to release unfinalized project announcement is uncharacteristic of the company. Such action tells me the people in the company are desperate to push the price up.


2017-01-17 19:14 | Report Abuse

What a good news. I have mixed feelings about this project. Is Ekovest biting more than it could chew? Expect more rights issues down the road. Ekovest may have to sell part of Duke 3 to finance this project as well.

News & Blogs

2017-01-17 08:15 | Report Abuse

The sifu-sifus of i3 does not use ev/ebitda. What they love to do is use annualized EPS. Specifically, take the EPS of a good quarter, multiply it by 4 times and put a PE of 10. That is how they play the game. EV/EBITDA is most useful for evaluating high capital business.