
Huangbk72 | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2022-05-09 08:48 | Report Abuse

Karma karma karma chameleon..

Money come and go..

Money come and go…


2022-05-09 08:17 | Report Abuse


How to approve PN17 regularization plan when
1) banks liquidate
2) bond holders will sue

Coming out of PN17 is all CASHFLOW…
SD cannot generate positive cash flow past 4 years..



2022-05-09 08:11 | Report Abuse


When you see promotion and buy call… means people are preparing to sell..

That’s why 80% of retail investors loses money in stock trading..

100% accurate


2022-05-08 18:30 | Report Abuse


I disagree...

I vehemently protest....

Cannot put any money into a proven fraud company and doesnt repent.....i rather donate ... get good karma instead..

This type of company.. last year diagnosed with Cancer... still smoke and drink... this year confirmed terminal already.. 2 months left to live.


2022-05-08 16:57 | Report Abuse


Personal attacks don’t work..

Looking really silly on you.


2022-05-08 16:46 | Report Abuse


Im here shooting crows.. enjoying it


2022-05-08 16:09 | Report Abuse

No one is disputing AGC decision. Who is?

In fact, it proved SD committed fraud. If clean, will have acquittal.. instead of fine.

Karim has all the ways to solve this.. he chose not to.

Under normal conditions, if Auditor query cannot be answered, PLC will take impairment. If not, you think PLC "sendiri shiok" go do impairment? LOL

Karim killed SD and the shareholders.

Bumi company is ok as long as can make money... dun care black or white cat, can catch mouse is good cat. Problem is this cat is doing fraud..


2022-05-08 15:41 | Report Abuse

Still the "short" mystery and debate for SD.. Hahaha

Some people just dont get it. Maybe these people has no access to clear and concise information. So make up stories along the way.. to suit their personal agenda.

We are in investment forum, so a certain level of knowledge and understanding is expected.

IDSS was stopped for 22 months and only back on Jan 2022.. so shorting is impossible.

RSS is allowed but since May 2021, it is also impossible. No one is lending shares to be shorted. No one will lend shares for SD due to audit red flag. All these relate to SD. All shorting are done before audit red flag.

So.. shorting of SD shares is not happening after audit red flag in May 2021.

To further confirm the above:

The total amount of borrowed SD shares = 13,782,400 ( 0.37% share) as at 7th May 2022.
Average cost of borrowing : RM1.27

So.. the myth that short position will lose money at 35c is pure rubbish.
The short holders have been holding to this position since last May/June and will definitely hold on till end of days.. 1 person gain is another person loss.

No one.. in Malaysia, Earth and Mars can short SD after audit red flag.. unless someone so ignorant to lend shares for shorting.. LOL


2022-05-08 12:59 | Report Abuse

Okla… give the desperados space to promote..

Takes too much time to argue with someone who insists the earth is Flat…

Sleep well guys.. tomorrow D day


2022-05-08 12:31 | Report Abuse


Your story makes no sense

In stock market, keep quiet if plan to buy.

Shout out to everyone when selling.

100% correct


2022-05-08 07:55 | Report Abuse

Those with wife and moms… don’t forget it’s Mothers Day today..

Bring them out


2022-05-08 07:53 | Report Abuse

Hahaha Bob

My popcorn are ready, new deck chair already here.

Tomorrow can watch a once in a lifetime show


2022-05-08 07:20 | Report Abuse


Losing money till lost mind.

Losing mind is ok, don’t lose soul

Look at your fellow crows talking about race… I’m just here shooting crows


2022-05-08 06:08 | Report Abuse

Know why certain group of Bumis and wannabe bumis never succeeds in life.

When losing, bring out the boogeyman. Race.

Now they are saying because of race, they are entitled to commit fraud and get away with it?


2022-05-07 17:02 | Report Abuse

Patience Bob

Every sliver of news about SD now is treated like good news to the minorities.

Thats why we see all these new ids coming in and making funny statements.

Sometimes I feel like Im in a high school forum.


2022-05-07 16:55 | Report Abuse

Sap Sap Sui la..

KYY, ColdEye and 99 will come in sweep up at 5cents and below.

Also many others...

5,4,3.2 or 1 cents is better than 35cents right? LOL

Patience will catch a Tuna fish or a Puffer fish..


2022-05-07 16:51 | Report Abuse

Wrong i3lurker...

CLA will find imaginary stocks and let the shorties short.. They are feeling charitable and benevolent.


nobody will lend you any shares to short when its having margin call with bankruptcy of main shareholders on standby


2022-05-07 16:49 | Report Abuse

Right Paul

Too much anger from SD holders and no outlet. Cant blame cats, wife, kids, husband, God. Yet too coward to blame themself.

So.. coming here to vent anger is a form of release to them.

I understand this so Im trying my best to entertain them


2022-05-07 16:48 | Report Abuse

lol Doggie

Actually the more nonsense you post, the worse situation for SD..

All can be easily rebutted.

Best for you is to diamdiam and wait.


2022-05-07 16:29 | Report Abuse

SD fail to secure even 1ringgit contract from Dubai Expo...

Spent millions and get nothing.. no one will give SD project now.



Me thinks without SD, Malaysia wud get 10 billion Ringgit from the expo.
With SD excellent cable, dah 70 billion Ringgit.
Petronas dah manfaat banyak with SD.

3 seconds ago


2022-05-07 16:27 | Report Abuse

For now SD = Karim


why you all keep condemn serbadk, all should scold at karim, kadier &awang,.......they are the culprit of the falling company,.......are you scare of them suing you?........


2022-05-07 16:25 | Report Abuse


Old news.. already known since 6th May some 5th May...

Bad news for SD... buyers need to pay cash.. means less buyers.

Shorties?? I think you better check your head.. 2021, can short SD? 2022 can also short SD??


Haha, now shorties panic already, pakat with some securities to have cash buy on our SD. No securities pleading or contra for our SD. It will just create reverse effects only.


2022-05-07 14:19 | Report Abuse

Yeah ConMabel

You take it easy too.. do post less.. keep to your pompom role.

The more you post, it shows your inadequacy.

From SD thread.. all your shortcomings popped out.

1) Cant read financials
2) Making up profits in SD
3) Claiming commenting positively is not promoting
4) Didnt even know shorting SD is not possible in 2021.
5) Once going into suspension, start saying free shares la.. handful of shares la..


2022-05-07 14:04 | Report Abuse


Those that follow you.. confirm 100% lose mind and money.

Everyone but Mabel can see this.


2022-05-07 14:02 | Report Abuse

Thats the difference between smarties and dumbies.. Less intelligent people like you will never get it


^so the tricky part is not asking people not to sell... but finding people to BUY^^

I bet it is tricky trying to understand you at all. One hell of a
messed up individual


2022-05-07 13:23 | Report Abuse

Right Vicky

Thats a good plan.

But only buy when all dust is settled in July. When the liquidation can have a clear picture

Now is wait and see the show Episode 1-10


2022-05-07 13:19 | Report Abuse

Now you are getting the point..

If 1.3B shares are not sold.... price will come down at a slower pace.

Unfortunately, these 1.3B shares will be sold on Monday.... so the tricky part is not asking people not to sell... but finding people to BUY.


That is correct Mr. Huang. If 1.3b shares are from the major shareholders. Prices will stay if no selling of major shares !


2022-05-07 13:13 | Report Abuse

Vicky so bad in maths.

The 3 stooges Karim, Kadier and Awang already more than 1.3B shares.. LOL

Which resolution cannot pass?? Even change business to vice also can pass... LOL


2022-05-07 12:13 | Report Abuse


These snakes did grew but unable to shed skin... unable to let go.. unable to accept the fact that compared to 1 year ago.. SD situation instead of improving, has deteriorated so much.

These die hard promoters easily will lose half their savings... with no recourse. Unlike other PN17 companies with no fraud and liquidation problems. These companies can still have a chance to recover.. not SD


2022-05-07 11:56 | Report Abuse


Dumbest statement I read today.. goes to you.

Believe in everything said in SD AGM...

In AGM, SD mentioned

1)will solve fraud accounting issue - Outcome confirmed fraud and paid fine.

2)will make payment so bond wont lapse - Outcome confirmed defaulted

3) BAU - Outcome no new projects, old projects either fake or cancelled.. Banks now liquidating.

Those that attended AGM, which items highlighted by SD came to fruition??


A real investor will peg SD to the following strategies. Not even 1 positive shown by SD

Common Investing Strategies:
Fundamental Analysis. ... Koyak.
Value Investing. ... Cannot determine. No financial books but surely bad.
Growth Investing. ... No growth past 1 year
Technical Analysis. ... Cannot determine
Income Investing. ... No clear path to appreciation
Buy and Hold Investing. ... Fraud and Liquidation looming


2022-05-07 10:24 | Report Abuse

SD Solved Fraud and Liquidation?

Until its solved, talks about moving forward and getting new projects is rubbish.


2022-05-07 07:58 | Report Abuse

Founders are selling..

Promoters are promoting…

Lawak komedi ke??



2022-05-07 07:51 | Report Abuse


All emotions.. no logic

Playing race and political cards in investing ? You end up in a drain sooner or later.

Serba is unique and special, top ranked -
1) Fraud company
2) Liquidation

Too special till have 2 cardinal sins committed.

Until promoters can clear this 2, only rubbish talk


2022-05-06 23:28 | Report Abuse


Do you even realize you are in a public forum?

Writing rubbish and fake information….

Things you don’t even know, you can post.

Oh my goodness


2022-05-06 23:16 | Report Abuse

ConMabel… still clueless till

2021 can short SD? Maybe in MARS.

Proven again and again a con and fraud.


2022-05-06 19:01 | Report Abuse

No one is more attached to SD than the shareholders.

All emotions and greed based. Investment logic thrown away.

How can investors hold on to SD ? look at EPF and KWAP. All logic.

Dumbest things is promoters still defending SD after:
1) confirmed audit fraud
2) liquidation by banks
3) default bonds

Tick anyone of the boxes above, investment logic will tell you to sell.


2022-05-06 18:44 | Report Abuse

To the bruised and battered SD shareholders, this is a public forum.

Don’t like it, make own forum..

You guys really got things all wrong. We have been advising not to hold SD shares since last year.. 5 months for you guys to escape.

Your anger should be directed to the perpetrator of this mess… the BOD and the half baked promoters like ConMabel.

You are stuck, we get it.

Not trying to save your money, trying to save others people money.


2022-05-06 16:51 | Report Abuse

No Worries

Fraud Accounting will be cleared by KPMG and EY.... cos SD will takeover these audit firms.

Liquidation by creditors will be cleared... SD will takeover the 6 banks.

Bonds will not have to be paid... SD will takeover Goberment.

Nice and happy ending for everyone.

The end.


2022-05-06 13:58 | Report Abuse

These Malaysian SD main shareholders are too cruel, too bad.. never take care of bumi

In times like this, they jump ship.

Vanguard, Blackrock and others see this, confirm already submitted sell orders.

How can local retailers absorb over 2B shares ?? Mcm mana ni???

U jump, I jump?


2022-05-06 13:51 | Report Abuse

Looks like Awang also joined in the fun.. can’t let Karim and Kadier run alone..



2022-05-06 13:03 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.. this Investor Kosong in scared mode...

Coldeye, 99 and KYY told you can short this stock???

One simple question, why buy 0.35 when you can buy 0.10?


2022-05-06 10:32 | Report Abuse

Now armadaSUAY comes out to rant..

No worries... your raya money kaput for next 10 years..

Nice feeling right.. Shiok right... LOL


2022-05-06 10:18 | Report Abuse

Your broker allow you to short SD stock come Monday?


In actual fact, more shortists are expected to join the fun in addition to those shortists who are still holding at 0.32 on average, ready to turn it into a killing field . All these are harbingers of plummeting of share price to abyss......


2022-05-06 09:47 | Report Abuse

All empty talk with no idea how short works..


Ask your brokers or experts before you post..


2022-05-05 21:12 | Report Abuse

Allright Bob.. Nothing can be done.. Die is cast, mould is set.

Hopefully we managed to save as many people we could since last year.

Gotta go.. tomorrow big day in NYSE.. LNG. either liquidate or add holdings..


2022-05-05 20:56 | Report Abuse

SD slipped into PN17 on 7th Jan

So this announcement probably travelled round the world before arriving today..


2022-05-05 20:52 | Report Abuse

You sounded very new in investing..

Wait for further announcement from Bursa and your brokers on SD trading rules when it reopens.


this short sellers like hyenas in the jungle,......when they see you traped in the desert,.......they will come to disturb you day & night,.......they are waiting for the right time to attack you,.......don`t worry,.......we pray for you,.........pray for somebody will come to save you, calm,.........