
Huangbk72 | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2022-04-23 18:14 | Report Abuse


Losers will always resort to race and religion... really outdated.

Never accept lost due to incompetence and intelligence.

Till now, never seen your proof of contract between EYC and SD..

Only seen claims like:
1) FFU need signature
2) so called "Fasih" in Audit
3) Know the contents of Contract between SD and EYC.

Expert in Audit will say FFU needs signature? Graduate dari Uni kampung mana?


@huang Haha rasanya ko amat kurang waras fikirannya. Takpe la, saya pon tak nak jatuhkan maruah saya sendiri ke tahap ko tu. Mana saya kerja tak kena mengena dgn ko, tak perlu ko percaya pun.

Kalo ko tak fasih BM rasanya ko boleh la ke JPN dan pulangkan IC ko. Carilah negara lain utk bermastautin dan sudi menerima ko.

Anyway back to SD, to each his own. You made a stand on your point and I have provided my own point of view against your point and thus we ended agree to disagree.


2022-04-23 17:20 | Report Abuse

There is a fine line between idiocy and mental inadequacy.

How can someone equate a 26 page love letter to a FFU report?

Anytime shit from SD is treated like Ramly burger for the dumbies.

The 26 report is nothing but a report.. a complaint letter , a love letter, a madman letter.
It is not FFU so don’t hope for trading of SD stock.

Just wait for delisting. You really deserve this.


2022-04-23 13:54 | Report Abuse


If this is FFU report to relist SD

Then the earth must be flat

The level of intelligence is amazing from some forum members.


2022-04-23 07:55 | Report Abuse

@ Depeche

Wanna talk about upbringing?

Why not tell us how your upbringing was ? Till you can say FFU needs signature and SD can ask any Tom Dick and Harry to do it?

To me it sounded you were dropped on your head when young.

FFU doesnt need signature.

FFU is not audit report.

FFU is a legally binding document between SD and EY.


2022-04-23 07:52 | Report Abuse


You should be very happy seeing all these comments from the pro SD camps.

It shows you have a good future trading in Malaysian stocks.

Smarties always beat the dumbies.


2022-04-23 07:15 | Report Abuse


Since when the actual contract between EYC and SD is made public?

You have access? Since you talk like u know.

A Malaysian must be fasih in BM? Lol..: what for??


2022-04-22 18:25 | Report Abuse

Do you know what is the difference between SIR and IR?

Read up..

SIR is under purview of Bursa. IR is not. There is no issue of reports being seen by Bursa as 3rd party

Dont play smart if you dont know technicalities


2022-04-22 18:22 | Report Abuse

Actually.. your argument and chain of thoughts is flawed.

Read up court decision on SD to release the FFU..

If you cannot read English, please ask someone fasih in English to translate.


2022-04-22 18:20 | Report Abuse

Try to be objective.

How to finish the report when SD sues EY? When FFU is presented to Bursa and SD BOD, the progress is stopped.

Now claiming to be objective.

Dont know details, pls keep quiet

Fasih pulak? haha.. Fasih in audit, will not say FFU needs signature.


2022-04-22 18:08 | Report Abuse

Still claiming fasih in accounting and auditing..


No need to read perkembangan SD..

Go back read your books and read SD accounts.

If you tell me FFU needs to be signed, pls dont tell me you are fasih.


2022-04-22 17:55 | Report Abuse

Fasih?? Hahahahaa

If fasih, means you can read financial accounts..

Means you will have sold off all SD stocks in May 2021

Means you will not be stuck in this stock

Means you can understand difference between audit and FFU

Means you can see until today.... KPMG red flag is still flashing red

Fasih?? hahahhaha


2022-04-22 17:53 | Report Abuse

LOL @ Depeche

I find joy deflating "dumbass" like you.

Did I say Im bitter that SD got only a compound? If you chain of thoughts work in this manner.... wanna assume, but predicted wrongly.


2022-04-22 17:27 | Report Abuse


Kalo ade kawan auditor.. pls ask them.

Im too lazy keep repeating the same thing to you. Feels like Im talking to a tree


2022-04-22 17:26 | Report Abuse

LOL@ Depeche

Dumbest comment I hear today.. worst than the parrots.


2022-04-22 17:02 | Report Abuse

All SD fed parrots
Parrots with zero understanding of what is happening.

Auditors, Regulators, courts of law says I’m right and SD is wrong


2022-04-22 16:32 | Report Abuse


Another mentally challenged unable to accept audit procedure.

Kalo FFU tiada pengesahan siapa yg bertanggungjawab utk memberi penjelasan? Fikirkan la betul betul. Dalam kontrak, EYC bertanggungjawab menghasilkan Final Report, bukannya FFU. Tambahan pula, EYC sendiri yg kata FFU tidak boleh dikongikan dgn pihak luar. Hanya utk tujuan kajian dalaman. Bacalah betul2 dulu.


2022-04-22 16:23 | Report Abuse

Don’t be a parrot if you don’t know the process.

FFU is not audit report. There is NO need for auditor sign off

Also every Tom Dick and Harry knows EY prepared the FFU, still need signature to prove EY did the report?


2022-04-22 15:21 | Report Abuse

Wait till 2023, no reply from the regulators.

Just impair this investment 100%. If open for trade, then its a bonus.

You will sleep better and live longer.


2022-04-22 15:14 | Report Abuse

This is FFU??




2022-04-22 13:04 | Report Abuse



This conpany shouldnt be in O&G,,,IT biz should in Entertaiment Ind.. day day hot breaking news.... plot also be in Korean Drama..

9 minutes ago


2022-04-22 11:37 | Report Abuse

Criminals like SD can issue all the articles they can..

Cos they know the opposing parties like auditors, SC, Bursa will not reply on media.

They like to slap other parties, knowing there wont be retaliation.. haha


2022-04-22 11:04 | Report Abuse


SD has brain cancer.. Terminal stage. 2 months to live.

Instead of talking about the head, using media to talk about hands not able to hold pencil, feet cannot walk..

The crux of the problem is not the body.. its the head. FRAUD accounting.

None of the articles so far dare to touch on this subject.

Very same reason SD lost all their court cases.. till have to pay fine to escape from criminal cases.


2022-04-22 07:49 | Report Abuse

Same old stories actually. Nothing new.

If SD so confident, press for full trial

No need work out settlement with AGC.

If you pay fine, means you admitting guilts

SD you Kapish?


2022-04-22 05:54 | Report Abuse

Same pattern

Talk and talk and talk..

No further action..


2022-04-16 16:05 | Report Abuse


If as smart as you try to be.

Won’t be stuck in this stock.

Talk all you can, results proven otherwise.


2022-04-15 15:10 | Report Abuse

FFU is not an audit report.

No signature is needed by EY.

SD is just confusing the public.


2022-04-15 14:07 | Report Abuse

High Court advise SD to publish FFU.
AGC advise SD to publish FFU
Why no FFU published till now?? Simply done and SD will be back to trading.

So, SD will :

1) Bond will default in June (after 30 days grace)
2) Delisting will start in June

Guess its Joyful June indeed..


2022-04-15 14:03 | Report Abuse

When we see cockroach, normal reaction is to kill

Its human nature.

When we see fraud or wrongdoing, its justifiable to prevent fellow forumers from falling into this hole. Its also normal to be angry and hope for punishment to be meted out to the perpetrators.

Many forumers, too many to mention has been here since May 2021 advising against SD and their team of promoters. We dont get paid, no monetary rewards. I dont want to see innocent victim's hard earned money cheated by this fraud company.


2022-04-15 12:59 | Report Abuse

Compared to you, I am standing high and tall.. unlike you stoop so low.

I have been correct since May 2021 for SD and probably saved many from buying into this stock.

You? Stuck and burning.. Will get bad karma forever

SSlee, huang, pandai, got evidence that Pak Karim is scammer..why sit here...go make a conference and lodge reports as u claimed... why urging others to do noob jobs for beggars like u two....hero wannabe to save all retailers or just some clown who were victims before for own noobness....pathethic when u guys dare to claim out of kind courtesy to save the retailers...


2022-04-15 06:33 | Report Abuse

Pay compound and list again on Bursa?

Not anytime soon.

Criminal and civil cases are different. Karim has solved this own problem but not SD.

Unless FFU can see daylight, delisting process will start.


2022-04-13 09:41 | Report Abuse

I am a strong advocate of meritocracy. Never a fan of crutches


In M'sia there is something call you help me i help you... If this world is fair enough there will be no rich people and poor people..haha


2022-04-13 09:21 | Report Abuse

Strange for AG to offer compound deal to SD

SD has lost all their cases in the courts so far. Zero win

Why offer a back door deal for SD to escape now?

Is SD fabricating stories again or some higher hand at work.

Hopefully today AG will come out and clear this confusion


2022-04-12 15:29 | Report Abuse

Auditors will soon be out of job.

Real or fake accounts are irrelevant.

Just report in annual accounts whatever the CEO wants and get away with it.


2022-04-12 08:35 | Report Abuse

Big fine or small fine is still admission of guilt and proof of wrongdoing by SD.

It will create a blueprint for future wannabe SD to do fraud accounting and get away with it.


2022-04-12 08:33 | Report Abuse


What a joke armadasuay.

Back your threat up.. don’t be a ballless SOB


2022-04-11 10:13 | Report Abuse

Right Danny.. bullseye comment.

I have said this last year, will repeat it this year.

SD is going to be delisted if Bursa or Court of Law doesnt come in to protect the minority shareholders.

SD Wanted, Willed and Compelling Bursa to delist the company.

You better hope the law of this country works to protect the minorities


2022-04-09 10:29 | Report Abuse

Dumbies are all stuck and burnt in SD

Smarties all happily watching from the sidelines.

Worst are the super-dumbies keep promoting SD without a single shred of financial and investing knowledge.. Ended up burning in the same inferno.

Cant wait to see SD delisted and seeing these promoters burnt.


2022-04-04 14:55 | Report Abuse

FFU is not audit report.
Which law says FFU must have signature?

Everyone from CEO to toilet cleaner know EY is preparing the FFU report, why need a signature?

SD has been shifting goalposts.
FIrst the FFU is not complete.
Second it was EY not authorized to do FFU.
Now EY not signing the FFU.


2022-03-30 16:30 | Report Abuse


Such nonsense again from Kacang Putih.

So every OnG companies will have 50-100 rubber stamps of their suppliers and clients in their office?

And the mighty Petronas will have several hundred rubber stamps of other companies ???

Think before you type.. its an abuse of our intelligence.


2022-03-29 09:32 | Report Abuse

Too many SPM leavers trying to lecture at university..

All these under-educated, no financial knowledge jokers trying to promote stocks. You listen to them, you end up in a Shit Room with the fan on full blast.

There will be no Happy Ending in this stock. The writing is on the wall since last year.

Write-off and move on


2022-03-12 10:35 | Report Abuse

What assets can they sell?


Mostly fake entries in their fraud accounts..

Still can sell "fake" assets?


2022-02-28 18:08 | Report Abuse

How to report when external auditors dont audit QR??


Bodoh as usual, dont know the workings of a corporate company

ǷearlꙌhite .

The auditors have continued to audit since last year end, and I am wondering why they haven't gone to SC to make report against SD. Unless, there is nothing to report?

Surely, there must be something.??? or no?????


2022-02-28 14:56 | Report Abuse

So Investorking is saying SD manipulate accounts ?



2022-02-28 08:56 | Report Abuse

External auditors gave warning

Forum members in i3 gave warning

Yet people are stuck in SD

Bursa did a GOOD job suspending this fraud counter to prevent more innocents victims

Only numskulls complaining Bursa suspending this counter. Wanna eat chili, tahan la pedas.