
Huangbk72 | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2022-05-02 06:55 | Report Abuse

Hahaha i3lurker

You forgot aliens from Mars also coming to takeover Serba


2022-05-02 06:54 | Report Abuse

The power to trade is always in SD hands

The rules are clear on this.

Instead of releasing FFU months ago, SD only release it now.

So minorities can escape before more catastrophic event happens to SD


2022-05-02 06:38 | Report Abuse

Sometime people can really twist facts. Spin tales.

Fake accounting is not cleared.

No wonder they are so happy. Paying a compound and release FFU means all settled?

Like that can settle, every PLC can do it and run away with billions.


2022-05-01 21:51 | Report Abuse

See... Mabel really clueless.

Fake accounting cleared by posting a lame 26 page FFU statement???

Maybe he didnt see Bursa announcement.. LOL


2022-05-01 20:24 | Report Abuse


Pls follow Mabel...

Buy fraud counter..
Buy soon to be liquidated counter.
Buy and keep 3 years..your money will grow .. LOL


2022-05-01 20:21 | Report Abuse

Mabel.. wanna get recognized as smart investor..

start posting facts.. not figments of your imagination.


2022-05-01 20:20 | Report Abuse

Posting here can make SD delisted?



2022-05-01 18:13 | Report Abuse

That fella is the biggest con I have seen in this forum.

From his posting.. mostly copy and paste.

The ones he writes himself, no knowledge about financials.

One thing though, he is excellent in walling up. Can pretend nothing happened when pointed out his inadequacy.



Hahahaha....AhKua cat woman doesn't know share valuation and worth of listed companies. She thinks NOSH is the ultimate determination for worth of shares....must be a newbie.


2022-05-01 18:09 | Report Abuse

Sumatec not bumi company? hahhaha


2022-05-01 16:46 | Report Abuse


Didnt know buying shares only look at Market Cap??

This must be Lousy Hotel Buffet strategy..



2022-05-01 09:12 | Report Abuse

Dont worry.. says the promoters

Can keep buying SD because :
1) KPMG detected fraud
2) EY confirmed fraud
3) Bursa and SC agreed fraud happened
4) Court of Law agreed fraud happened
5) SD agreed fraud happened by agreeing to compound fine.
6) Bank checked and agreed. In process of liquidation.

So.. pls buy fraud counter... can have 3-10x return.. LOL

Sounded like a scam to me.


2022-04-30 17:56 | Report Abuse


Plenty happened in 6 months.

1) Confirmed Fraud
2) Confirmed creditors started Liquidation process

The 2 biggest No No for a listed PLC.

Even 1 torpedo will sink a company, now SD has 2.



2022-04-30 16:45 | Report Abuse

Buy SD??

Better donate money to orphanage..

At least you hear “thanks”


So many other distress counters to gamble on.. these counters are not

1) Confirmed Fraud
2) Under Liquidation process


2022-04-30 13:24 | Report Abuse

A company that is confirmed

1) Fraud
2) Liquidation process started
3) No new project

Is technically 100% shit company.

Can dispute this ??


2022-04-30 13:04 | Report Abuse

I got my popcorns..

Deck chair ordered and will arrive next week in time for the show on May 9th.

Now I know why Wags needed release.. hahahha


2022-04-30 12:47 | Report Abuse


Ok man..

I rather to be in the company of people with integrity and intelligence.

Not a bunch of brainless, brain dead, corrupted to the core, up to no good vermins.

One of them just posted 2021 projection of fake projects. None which has materialize till 2022.

Figures never lie.. people do.. all can be seen from SD cash flow from un-audited accounts last Q.


2022-04-30 12:23 | Report Abuse


I take offence at you putting me in this Dumbo Team.

For real??

Now Bursa open a tiny door let minority shareholders the chance to escape, but evil people like pearlwhite, vicky, huang, investorking and mabel wants to trap people, telling people to average down. investorking somemore dare says kyy and coldeye will invest in this stock, dont lie, nobody will believe this.


2022-04-30 09:52 | Report Abuse

Im sure many smart people here sees this.

Im posting this for those that still living in a fog.

The timing is impeccable..

Once Creditors file winding up..

SD allowed to trade immediately.. even with a lame excuse of an FFU.

Consider this a Raya gift... for the minorities


2022-04-30 09:50 | Report Abuse

Right Bob..

Borrow money must be repaid.. Its sacred.

100% success rate to recover debt in court.


My personal experience in Commercial Banking for 16 years, some 23 years ago since ended, Petition for Winding Up has never been denied by Courts...........


2022-04-30 07:54 | Report Abuse


According to “some” special ones

KYY, Coldeye, EPF, KWAP, trust funds


2022-04-30 07:42 | Report Abuse


My thoughts is that Bursa cut some corners in this.

That is not FFU. It’s a 26 page statement. FFU refers to 14 points highlighted by KPMG. KPMG definitely didn’t write love letter.

Bursa just want the minorities to escape from SD. That’s the only reason.

The liquidation move has started. Might as well let the monitories sell before impending “lelong”


2022-04-30 07:36 | Report Abuse

Armada Suay

You mean, you have to withdraw EPF 10k??

My goodness… how broke are you ? No raya money?


2022-04-30 07:34 | Report Abuse

Armada suay.. can’t blame you if you can’t read English.

Try find 1 post of mine saying SD will be delisted if show FFU.. just 1, simple

Don’t worry.. ur SD investment is stuck.

Since you so gung-ho on SD, pls buy more and keep.. don’t be ball-less.. Jadi jantan

My post same, Post FFU and trading starts

Post FFU, more legal cases will for SD

Don’t worry about my Karma, I’m enjoying life to fullest. I enjoy good Karma because i warned investors since last year May when SD trading at 50/60 range.. people I helped.. I’m happy for them


2022-04-30 07:12 | Report Abuse

Let’s see how far it will drop on May 9th.

I’m getting my popcorn and sun deck chair ready.

The people that still promoting, will definitely be the 1st to sell on opening bell.


2022-04-30 07:10 | Report Abuse

I think I will be a long term investor or even short term though it’s not my style.

Definitely support Malaysian business since it’s Malaysian bourse.

But SD ?
1) Fraud accounting confirmed by 2 auditors and SD paying the compound fine.
2) Creditors filing for liquidation
3) Bonds default
4) No new projects in past 1 year
5) company running on fumes

Still can’t find a reason to buy this stock.


2022-04-29 21:57 | Report Abuse

Talk talk and talk

Find Money to pay creditors first.. not millions, billions ya.

Find new work for SD first, already 1 year no new project. Old projects mostly fraud.

No money no cash can survive ?


2022-04-29 21:56 | Report Abuse

Lol Armadasuay

Hiding for weeks, got little sugar, come out to lick..

Don’t know what is there to celebrate?? Hahaha

Let’s see how u escape from SD.


2022-04-29 19:40 | Report Abuse

Nicely done Bursa..

FInally this lame 26 love letter accepted by Bursa, when it was rejected by SC who file a police report.

Funny how regulators work...

Dont be so happy "those empty vessels"..

Lets see how when market reopens.. hahaha


2022-04-29 15:10 | Report Abuse

Kacang Putih sickness is terminal.. similar to SD.

Creditors is not considering restructuring.

Its liquidation stage. Even getting back 10 cents to 1 RM is palatable to the banks.

Restructuring dont need to appoint PWC .. hahaha


2022-04-29 12:23 | Report Abuse

In old England court, there must be a jester to keep everyone happy..

In current i3 SD thread, we have our resident jester "Kacang Putih", tasked to keep everyone happy too.


2022-04-29 12:13 | Report Abuse

Nothing worth in SD to buy or buyback.

Saleable asset only worth RM157M now.

Last Q.. company assets pegged at 7.4B.. LOL


2022-04-29 11:56 | Report Abuse


How KWAP transfer shares when they sold off all last year.?

Your curve is late by 1 year..


2022-04-28 17:07 | Report Abuse


Article in 2016...

Article talking about Bank Negara Governor....

Pure madness mated to idiocy..


My heartiest congratulations to Awang Adek as the new SC Chairman.

Lets us all band together to rid ourselves of abuses of MOF machinery and bodies from the rampant abuse of power to enrich oneself or that of others and restore law and order and trust and transparency in the Malaysian financial system.

It is time to stop victimising innocent listed companies from allegations of fraud that enable perpetrators to purchase them at cheap prices at the expense of the rakyat.

I hope that with a unified SC under the leadership of Awang Adek, in tandem with the current Malaysian leadership, the financial system will be stablised and prosper ahead.

Lets us all band together to rid ourselves of abuses of MOF machinery and bodies from the rampant abuse of power to enrich oneself or that of others and restore law and order and trust and transparency in the Malaysian financial system.

It is time to stop victimising innocent listed companies from allegations of fraud that enable perpetrators to purchase them at cheap prices at the expense of the rakyat.

I hope that with a unified SC under the leadership of Awang Adek, in tandem with the current Malaysian leadership, the financial system will be stablised and prosper ahead.


2022-04-28 16:01 | Report Abuse

Only the morally bankrupt will claim this.

Its a protest move by a SC Chairman who has more integrity than you over a few lifetimes.

I hope the venerated Datuk Syed Zaid Albar reads this statement of yours.



Those who abuse and permit abuse of Government machinery and bodies for their own or acting as proxies/henchman for others' personal gain will be dealt with.

More to come.


2022-04-26 11:52 | Report Abuse


Which investor will buy in a company that :

1) NTA negative
2) Default Bond
3) No complete audited accounts for 2 years
4) No institutional investors

Better story line will be :

Elon Musk have balance USD 2B from Twitter takeover.

He will takeover SD to complement his space business


2022-04-26 11:48 | Report Abuse


Another wannabe financial expert that used to say EPCC business will have stable profit to SD. Profit margin will be stable woh..

Proven wrong too. Busted !!


2022-04-26 10:35 | Report Abuse

Cast of SD fraud saga:

Main actor : Karim
Supporting actor : Karim
Main actress : Karim
Supporting actress : Karim
Director : Karim
Producer : Karim
Screenwriter: Karim
Song writer : Karim

No more whales in SD, all left this toxic stock. EPF and KWAP mostly.

SD is bigger than Sapura.. for sure bigger fraud than Sapura.


2022-04-26 09:49 | Report Abuse

Nothing answered regarding fraud accounting detected and later confirmed by both KPMG and EY.

Black is black.. white is white.

No matter how spinners spin, its never grey in PLC world.

By virtue of SD agreeing to the compound is CONFIRMING fraud happened.

No Criminal case, but Civil case can proceed. Kapish....

We are not interested in Criminal portion of SD.. this is a investment forum.. we look how SD will resolve Fraud element.


2022-04-25 19:10 | Report Abuse

Kacang Putih

Since May 2021, you have been spinning nonsense.

Fraud has been proven. That’s good enough for investing fraternity.

Maybe not enough for you.. LOL


2022-04-25 12:37 | Report Abuse


Why would SC deal with audit firms? Merchant bankers? listed companies?

SC will only deal with you if they detect a problem.

All dealings is with Bursa.


2022-04-25 10:45 | Report Abuse

No worries Bob.

The criminal element doesnt stop at AGC interference.

FFU cannot be released at all cost... cos once its out, bondholders, creditors, busybodies and shareholders can go after SD.
AGC has no control over this part and chances of SD losing is super high.

Many high profile cases in Malaysia.. released by court, arrested at the same court and charged under a different law.

There is simply NO solution in sight for SD since they chose this route. Unless they takeover KPMG and rescind the audit report... LOL


2022-04-25 06:08 | Report Abuse

Thanks Bob..

Hopefully the real Axe comes back for S7. He is a much better adversary for Chuck.

SD is such a clear cut case.. as clear as crystal

Remember when Kacang Putih used to quote “ I have seen EY report that objected to KPMG findings and hold a copy in my hand”
Now we have another joker in his mould saying “ I have seen the EY and SD contract and it says the report must be signed”

Too many of these jokers come, make some noise, proven wrong eventually.


2022-04-24 19:30 | Report Abuse

When in doubt or confused, go back to the source of SD problem.

It started when KPMG red flagged dubious transactions. This remains unchanged.

EY confirmed KPMG findings from their FFU.

Even if SD succeeded in blocking this FFU by EY.. the problem will go away? There is still outstanding report by KPMG.

Only option is to prolong this saga and appoint Deloitte or PWC to do the FFU...

Probably wait another 5 years.. hahhaha


2022-04-24 10:44 | Report Abuse


Still arguing like SD...

Luckily High Court judges, Appeal Court judges, SC, Bursa, EY doesnt think like you.


2022-04-24 10:23 | Report Abuse

Hi Bob.. Chuck here.. how is Switzerland? You going back to New York soon?

That racist joker really doesnt know much. Probed with questions, he will start spinning. Then start all these racial jibes.

we have ex-ceo , o&g expert la.. now we have audit expert like him.

A so called expert that doesnt know FFU doesnt need signature to be legally binding. A so called expert that doesnt know why EY and KPMG figures is different when in essence they are talking about the same thing.

In fact, EY found more skeletons in the closet.. hahaha


2022-04-23 22:57 | Report Abuse

Money going where??

Look at the fake billings, fake inventories... that should give you a good idea.

Chef Karim dont care about losses in Malaysia...

The Court of law already stated :
"Wan Muhammad Amin concluded in his written judgment last Monday that the information sought to be announced in the FFU is “material and does not depend on whether it is true, false or conclusive”.

Karim just doesnt want the FFU to be announced in public.

Still we have wannabes like Steven_c that thinks he are smarter than a "non-pendatang" that confirmed that FFU doesnt need signature and it was never ever an issue.


2022-04-23 22:12 | Report Abuse

Contract says need signature?

For real?

You sure you even know what you talking about? LOL


@huang kau ni mmg operator lol. Tadi saya pun rasa kau mmg tau sebenda 2. Tapi atas apa yg ko kata tadi mmg I dah tau ko tak tau apa apa pun. FFU tu PERLUKAN pengesahan berdasarkan Kontrak yg dituliskan EYC sendiri. Kalo FFU tak perlukan pengesahan siapa yg bertanggungjawab menjawab keraguan yg ada? Tapi masalahnya Kontrak sendiri yg tertulis tak boleh dikongsikan dgn pihak luar. Ko ni bacalah betol2. Kalo kamu bodoh, sekurang kurangnya jgn la tunjuk bodoh. FFU hanya tak perlu pengesahan jika KONTRAK kata tak perlu. Sekarang KONTRAK bulat2 kata PERLU. Pergilah baca kontrak dari EYC tu.

Tu lah, @Huang ko ni jenis pendatang kalo ko pandai takpe, tapi ko ni jenis pendatang yang tau menyalak saje dan asyik tak nak baca betol2 mmg memeningkan negara.