
Huangbk72 | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2021-06-27 14:07 | Report Abuse

Steady Punpipi Karim will take full responsibility and accountability for reporting SD QR profits as promised ... So meaning he do it because he wants to be charged ?

You sick? QR report is prepared by SD. Of course he has to take full responsibility.

But he is not appointing a 3rd party reviewer.. this also shows his responsibility to shareholders?

Where is his cojones? Appoint and prove his auditors wrong.. arrest this drop in stock price.


2021-06-27 14:02 | Report Abuse

Huangbk72 Stock Kingdom Can someone help me to enlighten me if the guy below is living at outer space or at Mars?

Been thinking the same.. space is too high up.. i think living below ground...

Looking at his posts.. all buy call.. imagine anyone follows and keeps averaging down.. sitting at a huge loss now


2021-06-27 13:59 | Report Abuse

Steady Punpipi 112 million net profits is a whopping amount ...!

Lets take a bet...

I say actual SD is 500M net loss..

Will know after accounts is reaudited.


2021-06-27 12:15 | Report Abuse

Funny Karim also said dividend.. can believe him to take full responsibilty? trusting him is like trusting a snake wont eat a rat......


2021-06-27 11:54 | Report Abuse

joyvest KPMG had given Serba another chance to counter their ,(kpmg)views by having another independent review

But serba was arrogant and ignorant of the end,serba is paying the price........

Definitely not arrogance.. its surely "fear"

You will invite health inspector to your factory if you know you have "rats" problem? First get a few cats to settle first


2021-06-27 11:16 | Report Abuse

josephn Lol, the good things is Karim still give big dividends which is different from Sapura, Armada, KNM. Dividends yields 13% above better than FD and REIT

Today or tomorrow announce give dividend?


2021-06-27 10:04 | Report Abuse

OrlandoOilSemiconIoT Huang

Hv u got it or not?

Simply put figures can land Karim is trouble big penalty

U think without consequences on d BOD part??

Listed companies do adjustment on their accounts 100% of the time. Wrong.. worse case do impairment.. nothing serious

What big penalty you talking about? The only thing SD kena now is penalty kick " with no goalkeeper"


2021-06-27 09:58 | Report Abuse

OrlandoOilSemiconIoT Average man on d street thinks simply put figures in QR is without consequences jz coz QR r not audited??

This is why its not signed off by auditors.


2021-06-27 09:51 | Report Abuse

OrlandoOilSemiconIoT Huang

For ur own good u shd up n keep an open mind

See latest QR for d statements

Another tree here...

See QR for what? this is unaudited.. SD can write anything. I repeat " THIS IS SD COMPANY UNAUDITED ACCOUNTS"

You think you make your own accounts, show to bank and can get big loan? haha


2021-06-27 09:46 | Report Abuse

OrlandoOilSemiconIoT Serbadk has clearly stated an independent reviewer wil b appointed asap

In the meantime

Wat Serbadk is trying to do in the meantime is to do damage control firstly by sending a message to investors.. by saying we r confidence we r right to the extent tat we dare to legal actions

Again.. i tell you, you will have no reply but again i pity you...

SD did not damage control.. they ADD damage.

1) Independent review should be done immediately upon request.
2) After blow up.. still no reviewer
3) After SC instruction ... still no reviewer
4) Since May 25th ( Black Day)... till now still no reviewer

Mana tu " appoint ASAP"? all i see is ASAP and HABUK


2021-06-27 09:42 | Report Abuse

@ Shafie or SD Top Management

Your rep Steadypunpipi is not doing a good job defending SD

All he has created are negative energy and bad feelings for all investors reading this thread. The more he writes, the more incredulous it becomes.

You will be better off getting a more capable defender from other members here..

or better still:

Appoint a 3rd party reviewer... then all your troubles will either erupt or melt away. Either way, you have nothing to lose.

Want my details.. pls message me.. dont have to ask TM for my IP ( as suggested by Steadypunpipi)


2021-06-27 09:36 | Report Abuse

Steady Punpipi You think SD watchdog or Shafie not following i3 SD forum ? Think again .....TM will have to reveal your ip address once an official law suits on unfounded allegations takes place......defend your won self coz you ask for it...


This is imagination tahap "DEWA"

Ok.. make it easy for them.. message me.. i give my details.

I dare your so called Shafie and SD watchdog. Need me to wait 1 week or 1 month or 1 year??

Come.. if not.. zip it up


2021-06-27 09:33 | Report Abuse

In a "nut"shell

SD has no "nuts" to appoint an independent reviewer.

Everyone can see.. if clean, why not do this? Been sitting there for not days, not weeks.. its been MONTHS.

If 1st doctor says you have HIV... you sue this doctor?? You go to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion, then its final.

Then sue this sue that.. might as well sue SC and Bursa. Later sue all bondholders.. if not happy, sue the courts. All frivolous actions. Only making lawyers happy.

Now "sue" becomes another common word in this thread...


2021-06-27 07:44 | Report Abuse

@bobvic96 You still have shares to offload?

He most likely averaging down till became like this. Believe he is holding a lot of shares till can initiate motion at AGM


2021-06-27 07:41 | Report Abuse

Steady Punpipi With a solid and sterling profits announced shows that SD has what it takes to continue be profitable and the court verdict will cleared its name In the matter of time as more and more news articles published are in SD favors . I do not listens to lowballers with own agenda rather from the Dato Dr Karim himself ...the founder of SD . So many fake i3 IDs bas mouthing SD , I will raise this issues at the next SD AGM by screen shooting all the unfounded speculations by i3 lowballers in this forum if found to be misleading and untrue can SD pls initiate a lawsuit on these lowballers for damaging SD reputation in black and white Shafie will answers all your Questions ...pls be careful of your own agenda , could cause you a lawsuit in the next SD AGM...see you there

Again threatening to sue...

Haha.. SD people all same color..

So easy to sue in a public forum? Please study more before commenting like this.. it gives you a very bad impression.


2021-06-27 07:36 | Report Abuse

@Steady Punpipi

Hope you make lots of money...

Just dont drag people into this hole..

Remember karma... will come and bite when you least expected.


2021-06-27 06:41 | Report Abuse


Betul… SC is the final choice if Issue cannot close.

This is what happened. If KPMG simply go SC and complain SD without evidence , surely SC would have fined or reprimanded KPMG publicly. Defamation is serious.

You so pandai !!!


2021-06-26 17:48 | Report Abuse

OrlandoOilSemiconIoT Huang

U silly

If SC already has d hard IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE tis case would hv ended before it started

Case closed by now

Whew... luckily the market doesnt think like you.. everyone is normal except you.

Market cap drop from 6B to less than 2B.. and you think everyone else is wrong.. haha


2021-06-26 17:42 | Report Abuse

OrlandoOilSemiconIoT No no no

U want accuse someone of wrong doing u better provide the evidence

Anyway u hv failed to appreciate the technicalities of the legal sue

A average man on the street u

Haha.. since when Im sifu grade?.. Im cleaner ( favorite word here) grade and it seems you are worse than me..

If Auditors doesnt sign off accounts.. and have to provide evidence for public to see? Its between SD and KPMG la.

How you know there is no evidence? If no evidence, SC go raid SD? You are dumbing down SC.

Dont worry.. sooner or later, you will see how silly your comments are.


2021-06-26 16:51 | Report Abuse

ah pek push car never heard.. always see lor han push car


2021-06-26 16:49 | Report Abuse

OrlandoOilSemiconIoT Fair enough wit the opinions

Qualify la

But truth is even at tis moment now today KPMG cannot tell if wat it has flagged r in fact true pending a 3rd party review


Since you like to harp on IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE.

1)IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE is to be provided by SD and given to KPMG. WIthout IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE, how KPMG qualify audit?

2)KPMG requested 3rd party audit to provide IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE that shows SD has IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE that their accounts is real.

Not the other way around.. you understand?

What you asking is silly actually and only myself bothered to answer you. I dont see the other sifu here replying.


2021-06-26 12:48 | Report Abuse

Consultant Why wanna take KPMG again?

If I'm a boss and I don't like KPMG attitude.. I prefer to hire another company with similar credentials

If u don't like umno u join DAP/Pas.. takkan u go n join MAP

You have the same attitude adopted by SD management team. Dont like the audit findings, sue. Too confrontational. This is not political party, this is public company

Being a listed entity, you have shareholders. Not your own private company.

Only by using KPMG, you bring back investors confidence. Only by using KPMG, audit will be completed faster.


2021-06-26 12:35 | Report Abuse

SincereStock can't imagine the nasib of all serba's employee at current pandemic hard time, anyone care for them?

if you really care for Serba employees.. start a petition requesting change of management and reinstatement of KPMG to audit the company.

This will show you really care


2021-06-26 12:30 | Report Abuse

trum Brother this stock you can buy if you buy at the correct price

Agree. always a value

But SD needs to :

1) Current management team to resign
2) Let auditor finish work

Then we know true value of company.

Now.. who can determine value.. might as well be 1 cent.


2021-06-26 12:24 | Report Abuse

jackson88 I think this is just a start. The real problem for the Company is when the Bank and Bondholders make their move. How is the company going to refinance their loan and bonds? Anyone to lend them?

Usually when the stock price drop so much, banks would have started recalling banking facilities. Looking at their nature of business, much depends on trade financing which are largely unsecured if given listed company corporate guarantee.

So the problem has started.


2021-06-25 23:43 | Report Abuse

3rd party audit is the easy solution.. yet SD not doing it…………………….

From KL to Singapore, take flight to Russia then connect to Singapore


2021-06-25 22:12 | Report Abuse

AlsvinChangan SD Financial Year-End is 30/06/2021 not 31/12/2020

Plently of time for Annual Report Which is due only in Sept 2021

When You have good Smart Lawyer you have good idea

Agree.. when you have smart lawyer.. you make market capitalization drop another 500M


2021-06-25 22:10 | Report Abuse

winsteady dividen is important to raise back people's confident

Cash dividend, SD wont be able to give.. give in kind can? inventory alot


2021-06-25 22:02 | Report Abuse

jolynce We can handle profit, we can handle loss.. for they are part and parcel of running business. But fraud accounting is really the worst of the worst... so what if QR is released, when we don't even know if the numbers reported are real? And all the beautiful numbers previously reported.. were they real or were they just a dream......

Yes. hard for shareholders and public to accept any unaudited report now from SD.

Furthermore, the QR report is the one that KPMG refuse to sign off.... so mostly a dream unless SD wakes up..


2021-06-25 22:00 | Report Abuse

Vicky if Karim is reading this and you've done nothing wrong get a new auditor, publish report

This is what the market is waiting for....... pls get new auditor to have more clarity


2021-06-25 21:53 | Report Abuse

i3lurker really
I dun see anything wrong with reporting RM457 milllion loss this QR


someone went ballistic

Sometimes when listed company has loans etc.. they have to show profit every quarter to their bankers, if not facilities will be reduced. Sometimes even recalled.

Maybe covid excuse can be used, maybe not.

But situation now, i agree wholeheartedly, take the impairment hit. Wont kill, just hibernate few years, then rebuild.

Now, no way back for SD.


2021-06-25 21:44 | Report Abuse

@RJ87 I think if they fire Shafee, monday got chance close green....Else, NO CHANCE.

Actually every major fund will not act this way and to recover, do it correctly.

1) Beg KPMG to come back
2) Take impairment hit
3) Whole BOD resigns


2021-06-25 21:41 | Report Abuse

3lurker you forgot the chinaman favorite adjustment items => inventories

when inventories are high it means that profit is high coz closing stock is deducted in COGS
inventories went through the roof.
Increase of RM1.3 Billion

and KPMG says RM569 million is missing

=> so this QR could be RM469 million loss case minimum
=> or total loss of RM1 Billlion circa

ex-KPMG alumini understood it after ML posted online

and thats why price crashed

Looking at the company current asset section is scary....

Scarier if looked at the borrowings

Scariest if impairment has to be imposed..


2021-06-25 21:40 | Report Abuse

@sunnyleong Now let accountants in public to see this annual report.

I not account pro. But logic if got issue, why release the Annual Report?

There is no audited annual report. Only QR report and consolidated 15 months report. No auditor signed off, so no audited accounts.


2021-06-25 21:10 | Report Abuse


Don’t jump in happiness so fast….

Look carefully… cash flow company is really bad. 9M generated from billions of ringgit turnover. Do business is for cash right.

Liabilities goes up.

Company funded by debt mostly.

No improvement it seems

Critically if take into account audit red flag for FY 2020, this QR hangus


2021-06-25 20:52 | Report Abuse

QR report is company prepared.

Annual report compile all 4Q and must be audited


2021-06-25 19:40 | Report Abuse


Not nice touch on racial... pls tone down 1 notch.. all happy punpipi


2021-06-25 19:37 | Report Abuse

INV3ST0R where's the update regarding new auditor? or has Karim gone into hiding?

Also eagerly awaiting this... Dont tell me no new auditor appointed?


2021-06-25 19:34 | Report Abuse


Dont know whether to pity you or laugh at you.. or both.

Lose money ok.. dont lose mind


2021-06-25 18:42 | Report Abuse

Who is the newly appointed auditor ? Got news yet?


2021-06-25 15:46 | Report Abuse

Defend 43 sen for what purpose?? simply tembak this figure?


2021-06-25 15:20 | Report Abuse

This morning iHunter said his group will support this share in afternoon with new funds... anyone seen him?


2021-06-25 15:14 | Report Abuse

pearlwhite .
Huangbk72 how to absorb such selling.. Syndicate cant think straight??



Wah... election maybe soon, better keep money for that ..

Wanna goreng, goreng counter with no looming accounting problem la


2021-06-25 15:10 | Report Abuse

how to absorb such selling.. Syndicate cant think straight??


2021-06-25 12:17 | Report Abuse

Steve99 Huangbk 72 , yes agree with you ... None .... Let eat popcorn watch show .......

Haha.. been eating popcorn since weeks ago here.. can change to Sebak Chips?


2021-06-25 12:15 | Report Abuse

Stock Kingdom The next auditors will not get clean professional clearance from KPMG and the next auditors will definitely carry out more audit evidence tests throughout the audit. All eyes will be on the next auditors and allow no room for mistakes. So the audit won’t be quick to be finished.

By the way, Who is there to take such huge risk job? I am very interested to see which audit firm dare to take such risky order.

Can.. if given mandate directly by SC..


2021-06-25 12:13 | Report Abuse

Steve99 let see which auditor dare take the subsequent audit job, E&Y, Pricewater house , Deloitte , Crowe Horwath , ha ha ha

None i think will take up willingly unless coerced by SC..


2021-06-25 12:11 | Report Abuse

SD can solve this ..

Beg KPMG to return

Accept auditor issues, take impairment hit.. Management team resign....

Better than this freefall.. hurting all shareholders


2021-06-25 11:31 | Report Abuse

It’s accounting issue… how to solve in 1 week or 2?? Work magic also not possible.

Regardless of what others say, I will say EY or any other auditors will have same findings as KPMG


2021-06-25 11:11 | Report Abuse

Sack the management… change jockey:

Save Serba!!!