
Huangbk72 | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2021-06-28 15:11 | Report Abuse

Where is Suepipi???

Come say something!!!!



2021-06-28 15:05 | Report Abuse

Vicky If Serba will get a qualified auditor and also independent review why worry. They are committed to review the truth. Prices already buffer on the downside. Almost 50 to 60 % down. Jika salah pun sudah buffer turun... semua hantam kaw kaw mahu beli lower price agaknya...
28/06/2021 3:02 PM

Till now.. NATO situation at SD..

No Action, Talk Only.

Show la auditors.. show la real accounts..

SD killed the stock price themselves.. not us.


2021-06-28 15:01 | Report Abuse

Uptrend123 Heard that middle eastern funds coming in soon. Anyone could verify this because at this price many hedge funds will find it an opportunity
28/06/2021 2:58 PM

My friend in higher places told me space fund also coming in soon..

Think... if so attractive, why stocks drop so much.. these are ALL institutional investors taking lead.

Buy stocks also need intelligence.. anticipate results and digest information to make calculated decision..


2021-06-28 14:33 | Report Abuse

trum I am not Fanboy here... I tembak Pipi nyamuk last night. I slept soundly but suddenly Nyamuk lingering around... so I use my trusty gun to tembak Pipi Nyamuk. A great battle ensued but I won at last.
I told Utu San about my battle last night... he admired my courage. Thanks for lending your ear Utu San my Japanese friend yesterday.
28/06/2021 2:31 PM

Did Utusan bring cincin or mangkuk?


2021-06-28 14:28 | Report Abuse

hello tengoklah sendiri muka-muka yang keji semua ini, tak berhenti-henti mereka mengutuk and meyerang! siapa rugi kalau serbadk jadi 0.01, anak malaysia!!!
28/06/2021 2:28 PM

Jom picket KWSP opis... ni serangan KWSP


2021-06-28 14:27 | Report Abuse

hello ini bukan lagi hal peribadi pelabur, ini serangan musuh!

Jom picket KWSP opis... ni serangan KWSP


2021-06-28 14:26 | Report Abuse

josephn Yes privatize it better, sinking ship will be safe, everyone happy, SD could do it audit works slowly, no one wants to border
28/06/2021 2:22 PM

Privatize usually at this situation is bad for investors. Price dropped so much and many are still nursing losses.

Privately, dont think anyone will privatize this company unless prepared to invest Billions. Karim kosong ady...


2021-06-28 13:53 | Report Abuse

You know its gone case when "race" is thrown into the equation........


2021-06-28 13:13 | Report Abuse

Finally i realize why you guys poke fun and condemn R88..


ps..i think he forgot to calculate the intrinsic value of the company..


2021-06-28 12:59 | Report Abuse

@ Suepipi..

Why so quiet now? you were Big and Mighty this morning?

Waiting for price to become green before come in talk kok again?


2021-06-28 12:57 | Report Abuse

Why any Tom, Dick and Harry now becomes stock writeup master?

No need qualification??


2021-06-28 12:35 | Report Abuse

rr88 1544 is the index bottom its 400 day mvg avg. It will close at or above this today. Below this is end of the world.

Sentiment will turn positive in coming weeks n months.

Opportunity of a lifetime to buy stocks today.

Why keep using moving average for SD when everyday close negative? Means 200 - 400 days also wrong.

How this time right? can teach ah?


2021-06-28 12:21 | Report Abuse

hng33 As soon as confirmation new appointment release, share price will Strongly rebound. Current price already BOTTOM

Careful... there is no bottom for possible fraud accounting.


2021-06-28 12:20 | Report Abuse

Haha.. that writeup for T20 investor.. sounded exactly like a parody...

Who will believe?


2021-06-28 11:36 | Report Abuse


SD is trying to say that their business is affected due to corona virus in Malaysia... other countries dont have this virus. haha


2021-06-28 11:33 | Report Abuse

alenac But Management and lawyer said small issues no need raised red flags. If so when EY saw the documents, they will instantly take up the case, why wait 1 or 2 weeks.

Posted by Stockhunter88 > Jun 28, 2021 11:23 AM | Report Abuse

This accounting case will take forever to resolve, just look at luckin, 1mdb, wirecard, hin leong case will do.
28/06/2021 11:27 AM

Everyone with business sense will see through this charade.

If its easy, EY would have take up this case last week.. add another 2 weeks.. becomes 1 month.

SInce when appointing an independent reviewer takes so long in this important case.

Until now, still negotiating with the other auditors.. believe none is comfortable taking up this case.


2021-06-28 11:30 | Report Abuse

goldenluck16 Don't hope for any strong rebound, big sellers haven't finish dumping.
28/06/2021 11:29 AM

Only rebound if:

1) BOD resigns and new people take over
2) Auditor appointed

Rest all smokescreens


2021-06-28 11:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by alenac > Jun 28, 2021 10:33 AM | Report Abuse X

hahahaha few punters here has gone mad from averaging down. Blame yourself for your loss or just go up any building and jump down.

Alone is ok.. hopefully no one follow him.

Talk Big, Threaten Forumers, Cant even read financial accounts...


2021-06-28 11:08 | Report Abuse

Any accountant want to comment?

As I3lurker pointed out, the ratios are all wrong....

No point study in detail the unaudited report.. just look at the illiquid current assets section will do.

BTW.. im not accountant ya


2021-06-28 11:05 | Report Abuse

Necro Please who bought at 90¢ all the way to 50¢.


It's better to loss than to have nothing at THE END OF THE DAY.

Suepipi will continue to shout buy call even till this morning..... but now gone hiding...


2021-06-28 11:01 | Report Abuse

Huangbk72 1-2 weeks my foot...

Somemore talk big invite big 4 ( actually left big 3).. LOL


2021-06-28 10:33 | Report Abuse

Aiyoyo... mana tu Suepipi??

Come say something good....Dont hide, be a man


2021-06-28 10:21 | Report Abuse

Where is Punpipi? or Konpipi? or Suepipi?

Still not coming out?? Say something good about SD pls...


2021-06-28 09:33 | Report Abuse

i3lurker rr88
your fly is open and so many saw your banana already

Confirmed is banana?? not clam?


2021-06-28 09:32 | Report Abuse

Punpipi. where are your bolas??

Only know how to buy call.. say nonsense.... threaten forumers.... now go hiding.



2021-06-28 09:24 | Report Abuse

Punpipi still hiding!!!!!!!

Come out you conman...


2021-06-28 09:22 | Report Abuse

Vicky Be cool bro. Evaluation by Malacca securities Serba still worth 0.57 minus the cases.

Very cool here...

What is PBB valuation today?


2021-06-28 09:21 | Report Abuse

Where is punpipi???? Always buy call.... follow you sure die standing


2021-06-28 09:11 | Report Abuse

Where is Punpipi!!!!! Tell your boss Karim take action


2021-06-28 09:03 | Report Abuse

Haha… to that fella still saying buy, relax, all ok

Hope you happy now…

Basics of investing, dunno how to read financial report, don’t talk and don’t play stocks


2021-06-28 08:23 | Report Abuse

All big accounting firm will find it hard to work with SD from here onwards. For that type of pay and attitude of SD, better refuse.

Either way, any auditing firm will confirm KPMG findings. No doubt at all


2021-06-28 07:21 | Report Abuse

Follow KWSP.. top bumi company..

Don’t follow the pied pipers here.. been saying buy call daily since RM1.00.

Do your math.. how much losses till now:


2021-06-28 07:19 | Report Abuse

suprnoob sd page denying ponzi scheme in relation to uncle tan's blog post removed?
28/06/2021 7:07 AM

Yeah.. why error 404?? SD will sue their web host later


2021-06-27 21:03 | Report Abuse

@ jimmygor alamaak can we see all evidence from both sides?

If it goes to full court proceeding, then we can see all.

At the moment, its 1 sided story from SD which is not convincing at all.


2021-06-27 20:52 | Report Abuse

@ joyvest


The scary thing that most people didnt see...

This company has no check and balance now!

No auditor and no audit committee. On paper, free check situation.


2021-06-27 20:44 | Report Abuse


I guarantee price LU if audit allowed to proceed and change entire BOD..


2021-06-27 20:05 | Report Abuse

2527005 I am happy that SD is suing Uncle Tan. While I don't hold SD shares I commend the legal actions on netizens who think they can foul mouth a company as they please. There are so many such imbeciles on i3. There is Glovefinish on glove counters, Trevor777 on Dnex and Pharma, just to name a few. Day in day out make uncountable malicious comments on companies. I hope more companies sue the i3 users. The forums are so disgusting to me. It shows many poor upbringing in Malaysia. We are who we are by our speech, action, and thoughts.

If you are right, then its all gone for Malaysians.. do we promote thoughts shackling.. only to believe 1 side of the story.

Its called freedom of speech.. you know what is that?

If this disgust you, where in this planet can you live in?


2021-06-27 20:03 | Report Abuse

B4b4 Abang Leno menggalakkan orang jual, sedar tak abang ramai menyeru orang membeli.

Ya., buy call since 1.00.. haha


2021-06-27 19:16 | Report Abuse

Dont forget KPMG also can sue .... haha

Spreading malicious remark on their accounting standard


2021-06-27 19:14 | Report Abuse

Haha.. getting ridiculous..

What is malicious remark? saying SD price coming down is? saying why no 3rd party review?

Might as well shut down I3...

getting dumb and dumberer


2021-06-27 18:18 | Report Abuse

@ Steadypunpipi

Huangbk72 Uncle Tan only 2 comments... how to delete till 2? you sick?
27/06/2021 6:16 PM


2021-06-27 18:16 | Report Abuse

Uncle Tan only 2 comments... how to delete till 2? you sick?


2021-06-27 17:55 | Report Abuse


Good idea.. I’m reporting abuse now


2021-06-27 17:54 | Report Abuse

Wow.. steady why you also keep deleting post?? Saw you promised me top5 in list.


2021-06-27 17:46 | Report Abuse

Pls put me 1st in list


2021-06-27 17:44 | Report Abuse

Good if SD starts suing people for commenting in public forum… then can get counter-sued for frivolous actions.


2021-06-27 17:40 | Report Abuse

This counter is too hot for anyone.. doesn’t matter big or small fish… all fish cannot take selling pressure from institutional investors.

Unless :
1) Management change. Fire all existing BOD
2) let KPMG finish audit
3) take any impairment hit

Only then can see daylight..

If keep listening to sue and sack team.. sooner or later will join them nursing wounds.


2021-06-27 16:08 | Report Abuse

Careful guys… don’t say too many bad things. Steady punpipi warned already.


2021-06-27 14:16 | Report Abuse

Stock Kingdom Haha, thanks bro Huangbk72

Likewise.. thanks for your insights.. i learnt a lot.


2021-06-27 14:14 | Report Abuse

Steady Punpipi Hahaha ....SD will not fall, the market will not allow it ...Monday will prevail...nothing you said will change anything ...only self talk self syiok fact next SD AGM I will personally attend

you make money, I am also happy.. what i cannot tolerate is you threatening forumers here.

Every day Im here.. you say everyday green, everyday sunshine.. you only have 1 more week of sunshine.. lets see how much losses you carry.

"Talk no need capital"