
Jeffreyteck | Joined since 2016-11-26

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2020-02-11 13:00 | Report Abuse

Chief said low oil price is temporarily, once virus over, price will hike. So just listen to him and give him full support. Anyway, est Jan results is bad. TP18.5.


2020-02-11 10:29 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-02-11 10:08 | Report Abuse

No ideal how reliable is its cash balance, and of course, the financial statements. Weak authorities encouraged and professional body encouraged scams in accounting records. Anyway, good for trading at own risk since price is still quite low.


2020-02-10 19:08 | Report Abuse

From timber to IT, hahaha. Sales most likely went into receivables (unfortunately relevant authority and professional body remain no action to improve disclosure standards, in particular, aging of receivables). TP = DY 1.5% or current ratio = 1.5.
Of course, goreng can push higher with intention to trap others. No go, no regret even surge to 10.


2020-02-10 16:06 | Report Abuse

External reserves around 109b USD, far away from around 140b in 2013. That may indicates how best foreign funds like local securities. Net FDI inflows and trade surplus all gone to where?
Luckily foreign funds only gradually dispose of over the past few years.


2020-02-10 15:41 | Report Abuse

TP = DY 1.5% or current ratio = 1.5.


2020-02-10 15:39 | Report Abuse

Still very strong support. Unlikely Dec results can turn into positive. As for Mar results, answer is given.


2020-02-10 15:21 | Report Abuse

Genm used to buy back above 5, then 4 again. This round very quiet. TP revise to 2.80_3.50 to 2.50_3.30 amidst virus outbreak but must be supported by reasonable dividends.
If Dec results consolidated the loss company acquired, most probably results will drop yoy. As for Q1 results, answer is given.


2020-02-10 11:25 | Report Abuse

Surprisingly strong support, may be pnb is giving face? If management can withdraw huge remuneration with bad performance, basically creditability in question. At best for trading only as news may creat volatility. As for LT investors, doubt can get dividends of $240 in 10 years unless oil price spike.


2020-02-09 15:14 | Report Abuse

Two bod is certainly better as all of them can withdraw more. Haha. Luckily I'm no vt, otherwise 0.10.


2020-02-09 15:11 | Report Abuse

SE Msia vs SE Thai, who provides the best service? Here goreng news may be best.


2020-02-09 10:04 | Report Abuse

Last Feb was a loss, chances to report improvement in coming Feb may be high but fundamentals will not change substantially. Est up slightly but fall gradually back to around 50 as not much improvement (in fact, don't see improvement in revenue) over the years, unless management or analysts goreng it. Assuming 3 sen dividend annually for LT investors, it will take 22 years to recover their capital.


2020-02-09 09:15 | Report Abuse

Among one of the lowest price book ratio. Of course, discount comes with risk, and potential high returns or losses.


2020-02-09 09:11 | Report Abuse

Only a surprise special dividends may push up the price temporarily, otherwise TP75 gradually.
HS past and future.... Management became older and less energetic, status quo perhaps is the best for older people. So don't expect much changes. Biscuit market share will continue to drop amidst intense competition (despite London bis had failed).
Assuming 5 sen dividend annually, will take 15 years to get back capital purchase at this level.
Time to rethink as some stocks had dropped to reasonable level.


2020-02-08 15:22 | Report Abuse

Oil price dropped so much yet this is still quite sustainable. Be patient.
Dec 2018 results is super good, quite unlikely 2019 Dec can be better. As for Q1, looking at the current oil price will know. Unless unusual one off gain.


2020-02-08 15:08 | Report Abuse

Est will below 1 unless bull returns. Same fate as Bjcorp and Bjland.


2020-02-08 11:38 | Report Abuse

...YTL Power’s UK investments bearing fruit... Star... Authority should impose certain duration before results announcement where company should shut their mouth on company progress as that may intentionally to jack up price before poorer results announcement.
Est 2019 div will drop to 3.5 sen or lower as profit is expected to be lower, that will give a DY of 5% at current price. Lenders are the happiest stakeholders as loans amount is about 28 billion.


2020-02-08 10:56 | Report Abuse

One thing for sure, $ needed. Cash 400m, loans 6.2b. CA 700m, CL 2.3b. NTA 0.05 whereas profit margin is negative 11%. In good years also unable to deliver, chances to deliver under current challenging conditions is even tougher unless can reap from the low oil price benefits. Only good for trading.


2020-02-08 10:44 | Report Abuse

PMO: Dr M never said bribery allegations against Airasia were 'offset' payments.... if last 2 days price up was due to M comments earlier, Monday will see dropping in price. As for the Dec profit, believe all already have own guess. Q1 results, answer is quite certain.


2020-02-07 22:18 | Report Abuse

Berjaya Land signs CA to start RM3bil real estate project in Myanmar... with cash balance of 725 million, ummmm... Don't hope for good dividend. Only good at best for trading.


2020-02-07 16:03 | Report Abuse

Capital protection first.


2020-02-07 16:00 | Report Abuse

Dropped to trading counter instead of value investing. TP45.


2020-02-07 12:30 | Report Abuse

Commented London bis when it was traded above 0.60, which is now under receivership. Also critiqued Lotte once it got listed as credibility in question after an instance happened and they claimed not aware of its impact, which is now below 2.
As for this:
Positive: Profit jumped. No borrowings. Current liabilities 1 million. Very high profit margin. Still well supported by some, etc.
Negative: Unbelievable high current assets of 77 million (no big deal to produce the amount of profit) but no aging of receivables. High profit without dividend is as good as no profit.
Good for trading at own risk as volume is there.
As for relevant authorities and professional body, we know how best they regulate listed companies and disclosure standards.


2020-02-07 09:30 | Report Abuse

Very smart company with profit margin of 33%.


2020-02-07 08:49 | Report Abuse

EPF from 11.6 in Dec to 11.1%. TP remains DY=4.5%.


2020-02-07 08:33 | Report Abuse

Current liabilities 1 million, current assets 77 million. Good for trading only.


2020-02-06 23:59 | Report Abuse

Current liabilities 1 million, current assets 77 million. Sales without debt collection? Another London to write off receivables later? Confused. Poor disclosure standards but authorities and professional body buat tak tahu. Poor market.


2020-02-06 19:52 | Report Abuse

Xinquan... looks like certain authorities are out of ideas, reluctant to act promptly, and push it back to investors, knowing investors can't do much. Talking is the easiest jobs.
Lol. Anyway, good luck in this bigger casino.


2020-02-06 11:47 | Report Abuse

Why discounted so much despite cash rich?
1) Chinese firm, difficult to judge whether audited accounts is trust worthy. Many Chinese listed locally firms failed in various aspects.
2) Reliability of fin statements. London bis can write off more than 300 m receivables when receiver took over. We know how good is the past auditors and credit worthiness of management and bod.
Anyway, nobody can conclude anything and judge correctly most of the time. Good luck.


2020-02-06 08:18 | Report Abuse

Suggest AA to sue overseas authority for defamation.


2020-02-06 08:11 | Report Abuse

DJ new high, but G continues lower despite not at its new low. Past vs future, for sure competition will intensify as number of casino is rising. Nonetheless, trading opportunities exist as price seems to be attractive, dropping from above 10 to current level.

Sudden surge is good for exit amidst risk of US market, Q4 19 and Q1 results quite unlikely to be better.


2020-02-05 23:46 | Report Abuse

...“Higher capital requirements introduced for such banks will complement the regulatory framework in place to mitigate the risks posed by D-SIBs to the stability of the Malaysian financial system and the wider economy, ”
Announced at the "right timing"?


2020-02-05 23:45 | Report Abuse

...“Higher capital requirements introduced for such banks will complement the regulatory framework in place to mitigate the risks posed by D-SIBs to the stability of the Malaysian financial system and the wider economy, ”
Announced at the "right timing"?


2020-02-05 17:58 | Report Abuse

Will consider when touches 50% of NTA.


2020-02-05 16:55 | Report Abuse

Est no issues on corruption cases due to complexity of laws, even euro has to settled outside the court. Price will be determined by management capabilities to deliver. ST trading, LT sabar.


2020-02-05 16:41 | Report Abuse

US bull cannot run non stop forever. Within own appetite.


2020-02-05 14:50 | Report Abuse

...According to SC chairman Datuk Syed Zaid Albar, shareholders play an important role in driving responsible corporate behaviour and the AGM is one of the platforms where they can raise material issues for discussion or seek explanation from the board and management....
Investors would like to see a better disclosure standards, a more efficient and effective enforcement by authorities on listed firms, etc. With the vested power but can't do much, doubt the minority SHs can do much.


2020-02-05 13:06 | Report Abuse

Still quite well supported. If low oil price regime is unable to deliver reasonable results, more so under the current conditions.
Internal problems: Poor financial statements and drained cash flow, probing just kick started, management and bod competencies to deliver, etc.
External factors: Unexpected virus where its consequences is certain, political environment, etc.
Anyway, volatility and low price is best for trading in ST as fundamentals remain = 0 unless overhaul asap.


2020-02-05 10:25 | Report Abuse

From above 10, nobody believe it will touch today's price. Need to review in totality under today's market conditions.


2020-02-05 10:22 | Report Abuse

Very smart trader chief


2020-02-05 09:00 | Report Abuse

More cities in China blocked amidst. Sound alarming, market index may be a good indicator of the spillover effects but US market bull run remains energetic. Good luck.


2020-02-05 08:43 | Report Abuse

Very strong support. Last two years (?) after it won the race course case but price is still dropping like hell. May be Jeju is different.


2020-02-05 08:38 | Report Abuse

EPF from 7.5% on 24 Oct to 6.4% on 13 Jan.


2020-02-05 07:23 | Report Abuse

Capital protection first as US market sustainability in question. Waiting for history to repeat.


2020-02-05 07:21 | Report Abuse

When will US bull run over? Waiting history to repeat.


2020-02-05 07:19 | Report Abuse

When is US bull run over? Waiting for history to repeat.


2020-02-04 19:34 | Report Abuse

Extremely tough environment. Even with reasonable dividends in the coming Dec results, investors may not buy in as March results most likely to be poorer yoy. Unless all are long term investors, otherwise selling pressure may continue.
For those who followed foreign funds directions over the past few years, saved a lot and safed too. MSIC review will it be another time bomb?


2020-02-04 19:07 | Report Abuse

Volume is expected to increase alongside with falling prices as like many counters. DY lower than cimb and PE is higher.


2020-02-04 13:58 | Report Abuse

Dec results most probably will drop yoy. As for Mar results, poorer results is expected. Est TP 5.00 short term. If US market crashes, 4.50.


2020-02-04 12:00 | Report Abuse

....have relinquished their executive roles in the company effective today, amid a corruption probe by authorities on the company’s executives. The question is whether they already knew in advance about the probe and the time of disclosure of significant event.