
Michaelchan2024 | Joined since 2024-05-12

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

Huh! It's like investing in TauRx lei.. it's taboos


1 month ago | Report Abuse

No worries, looks like the support level took a little break while the short sellers packed up. It’ll probably make a comeback once things settle down!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Yes, a 7.2x PER with strong fundamentals looks like a steal!! Maybe people are too focused on TauRx and missing how well the business is doing. Let's set TauRx aside...the share price will pick up soon.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Looks like the future’s speeding up!! 😂 Fusion Power’s arriving early, palm oil’s going tree-free and TauRx? It’s still waiting for a miracle. Three years, five years...seems like the wait never ends. We long term Genting investors aren’t exactly holding our breath for quick fixes..only the TauRx owners are!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Requesting TauRx news was meant to test ATK's response but he got carried away, thinking he was important because he held the information. 😁


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Short term traders and bargain hunters might find TauRx news valuable but for long term investors like us... it doesn’t offer much. We remain hopeful for a positive outcome from TauRx with any success being an added benefit.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

TauRx news is readily available, so there's no need to feel indebted to it...much of it doesn't hold much value for us as long term investors. We hope for the best outcome from TauRx, and any success would be a pleasant bonus.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Where are the TauRx supporters? Be cautious, the scam could be closer than you think!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

This situation highlights the need to verify unexpected contact changes directly with the person. Scammers can be persistent, so always check with known contacts and avoid suspicious calls..


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Encounter with a Persistent Scam Caller: A Recent Experience
A few weeks ago, I received a call from someone who said, "Michael, this is my new number. I lost my phone and had to get a new one." I was unsure about who was calling, so I asked, "Who is this?" There was no immediate answer, so I continued to ask, "Who are you?" It sounded like someone I might know, so I guessed, "Is this Marcus?" The caller replied quickly, "Yes, yes, I’m Marcus. Be sure to save my new number."

I called the real Marcus to confirm and discovered that he was still using the same number. It turned out to be a scam.

The following morning, the caller rang again and said, "Hi, Michael." I asked right away, "Who’s this?" He responded, "It’s Marcus... remember, I called yesterday and told you to save my new contact number? You didn’t save it?" I then ended the call immediately.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

It's concerning that newbies are being lured into trading without fully understanding the risks. ATK's promotion could mislead them into underestimating the dangers and complexities. Promoting trading without addressing these critical aspects is irresponsible and potentially harmful..


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Those who bought YTLp at lower prices are in a strong position. As long term investors, they have every right to stay optimistic ..and vocal about their stock. Meanwhile, short term traders seeking quick gains often end up getting burned and have to contend with the relentless positivity from long term investors around them, like ATK ...and his followers. 😎


1 month ago | Report Abuse

And remember, long term investing has its merits..don't look down on it!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Check out the volume! It seems like a bunch of short term traders looking for quick gains jumped into YTLp and ended up getting grilled. 😅With an opening at 4.04 and a PE of over 9, there wasn’t much meat left for them..

Let this be a lesson learned: quick gains can often lead to quick losses. Sometimes, a long term perspective is the better approach. 😂


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Not releasing news could indicate Genting is confidence in resolving the issues and their preference to address them quietly behind the scenes. They may be waiting for a resolution before making any public statements.😅 cheers 🍻


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Negative news spreads quickly and lasts a few days, amplifying the issue’s seriousness. Genting needs to address it well to protect its reputation and minimize damage. At the same time, short term traders and bargain hunters are exaggerating the news to profit from the price drops. 😀 After a week of such fear mongering, we can expect a more optimistic outlook.. Go go.. GenB. Cheers!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

ATK, let’s keep it simple. Good hygiene and common sense are all we need. 😂 No magic required,just a bit of humor and practicality!!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Looks like I missed the 'Bad Karma' memo. Maybe setting a new standard for confusion!! 😀


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Maybe Balian should have been at the lunch table! He’ll be sure to ..take notes from the master next time.. 🤣


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Haha, it seems he was too focused on the food instead of the wisdom!! Maybe next time he'll try chewing on some trading tips instead. 😂


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Bursa stock exchange has closed, ATK was at it again with another live performance, putting his usual spin on things. 😂🤣


1 month ago | Report Abuse

It's worth recalling that ATK once suggested selling at 4.00. 😁


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Ha ha, seems like we were spot on 1 year ago, we shouted buy!!! Missing out on that 4.00 to 5.20 rally would’ve been the real miss, don’t you think? 😁 Not dumb, just playing the long game!!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I have studied ATK's behavior and reactions for years. According to psychological principles, when he consistently believes others online are jealous of him, even without personal connections, it could be due to:

1) He might feel insecure and believe that envy from others can boost his self-esteem.
2) He may project his own feelings of jealousy onto others, assuming everyone else feels the same way.
3) He might want to feel important and believe that others are jealous to validate his sense of significance.
4) He could be misinterpreting online interactions, focusing on negative comments and ignoring positive ones..
5) Previous experiences of jealousy might lead him to expect similar reactions online..
6) He might overestimate his importance and assume that any negative reaction must be due to jealousy.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

You could almost smell the charred aroma. 😂


1 month ago | Report Abuse

With his extreme mood swings, it's like ATK was always getting BBQed.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Why not both? Pray for a lucky break and play hard with your strategy. It's a win-win!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The sell off in big stocks indicates a shift in investment focus. This rotation might mean funds will soon flow into Genting. The key question is: when will this happen?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

It’s clear that this forum is mostly focused on short term traders and bargain hunters, which explains why there's often pushback from those who prefer quick trades when we long term investors are feeling optimistic. For us, it's all about enjoying the journey and staying patient.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Thinking of opening a new trading account just to keep up with all the short term excitement! 😁 Meanwhile, let's stay relaxed and enjoy the long term journey.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Forget the old version; this is the improved one.

4.20 - 4.00 - 5.00
4.65 - 4.45 - 4.95
4.95 - 4.55 - 4.87


4.87 - 4.65 - 4.18 - 4.50 - (5.50)?

1) 4.87 - 4.65:

2) 4.65 - 4.18:
05 Aug的显著下跌显示市场情绪转为负面。4.18是一个新的低点,一个强支撑区。

3) 4.18 - 4.50:

4) (TP: 5.50)?:


Better check again..... I didn't suggest buying at 4.50


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Definitely! Buy when prices drop and sell when they rise. Don’t mix it up or you’ll end up in a mess!!! 😁


1 month ago | Report Abuse

It sounds like Balian is quite strategic with his moves. Using market actions and timing news releases to influence investor behavior can definitely be a masterful tactic. It’s impressive how he manipulates the market to his advantage.


1 month ago | Report Abuse


Haha, everyone can be a hindsight expert. He sold at 4.50...let’s see if he can actually buy back at ....4.40?? 😂🤣 and show his strategy in action. Making a 30-cent profit sounds good in theory, but we willl see if he can really achieve it!!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Haha, it's always a delight to see trader Balian grace the forum again. 😁 Ready to rally the troops and share some wisdom, I am sure! Cheers 🍻


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@choysun, Haha,.. that 4.20 is like a hidden gem! 😀 Remember, we’re in this for the marathon, not the sprint.
Let’s hope today entry makes us smile for years to come! !!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Casinos usually can't identify if someone is involved in wrongdoing on their own. They rely on law enforcement or legal orders to find out and then take action to block those individuals.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Blocking someone from a casino during legal negotiations can be problematic because:

1) They're still legally innocent.
2) Restrictions should only apply after a conviction.
3) It could be considered discriminatory.
4) The casino might face legal and reputational risks.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Before Mathew Bowyer pleaded guilty on 09 August 2024, he was legally considered innocent. He wasn't recognized as a criminal until he admitted guilt in court.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Bookie pleads guilty to running illegal gambling business used by ex-Ohtani interpreter

Mathew Bowyer appeared in federal court and entered his guilty plea on Friday, 09 August 2024.
Before that date, he had not yet admitted responsibility for the crimes. His formal acknowledgment of guilt occurred with his plea on 09 August.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

When everyone is worried, a true leader provides hope and encouragement. On the other hand, a leader who imposes bans and spreads fear before all the facts are known only fuels uncertainty and mistrust.

Thanks Balian, the expert in all things!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Balian, the expert in all things, 👍👍

Seems like they are trying to give everyone a lifetime ban.. before they even roll the dice! Next, they'll be penalizing people for just walking by the casino!!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

First one to sell tomorrow gets a prize yah..a front row seat to watch TLK's margin call chaos unfold. 😂


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Bagus! Guinness in hand, TP 4.00 in sight!! Let's toast to a market miracle tomorrow. 😂🤣


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Balian de Ibelin

its red
someone used counterfeit Viagra again 😁

2 minutes ago
Since you have become a day trader in the stock market, stay calm and enjoy the challenges. 😅



1 month ago | Report Abuse

It’s apparent that this forum primarily caters to short term traders, which clarifies the negative reactions from those who favor quick trades when long term investors are optimistic.

For us long term investors, let’s sit back, relax and appreciate the journey.