
Michaelchan2024 | Joined since 2024-05-12

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

Looks like you are set to win with your RM100! Let’s see how the ‘USD 200 million borrowings’ crowd responds. 😅 Good luck


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Nice entry!! Your RM100 wallet might not compete with ATK’s USD150 million but it’s definitely original. Good luck. 😀


1 month ago | Report Abuse

His 'group' can easily be identified in this forum, so be cautious if they try to befriend you. They often appear in the i3 mailbox..


1 month ago | Report Abuse

How did ATK and his ‘group’ perform yesterday? I hope it didn’t disappoint you! I heard he had a BBQ and might have another one today too! 😅


1 month ago | Report Abuse

ATK, a non-Genting investor, frequently reuses others' posts and outdated content for criticism. This behavior could be driven by:

1) ATK might struggle to come up with new ideas, relying instead on recycling others' viewpoints to stay involved without offering fresh insights.

2) By repeatedly bringing up past posts, ATK might be trying to derail ongoing conversations and stir up old conflicts. This tactic could be aimed at keeping forum members divided or distracted..

3) ATK may see maintaining a level of controversy as essential for his presence in the forum. By using old content to attack others, he keeps himself in the spotlight, even if it means promoting negativity.

4) Although not illegal, using recycled content to criticize and bully others is unethical and potentially violates forum rules..


1 month ago | Report Abuse

How did the performance by ATK, the multimillionaire..and his ‘group’ turn out today? I hope it was a hit! I heard he had a BBQ earlier. 😂


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Looks like many shortists had a BBQ today! They can enjoy another one tomorrow too!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I will load up a whole pharmacy to get 'IT' up to green tomorrow!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Let’s take down the shortists! Will we see a green close today?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Seems like MC’s buy signals are code for ‘sell fast’!!! 😁

Happy Monday!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Yes, short term and long term shareholders each play an important role. Short term investors seek quick profits, while long term investors focus on a company's growth. Both types are needed for a.. balanced and successful investment environment.

Balian may be one of the few who understands both perspectives.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I see now that this forum is primarily for short term traders. No wonder they react so negatively to long term investors sharing positive views..

Good luck to all the long term investors!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I see now that this forum is primarily for short term traders. No wonder they react so negatively to long term investors sharing positive views..

10 minutes ago


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Why does ATK, a non-Genting investor and self-proclaimed multi-millionaire, stay active around the clock, seven days a week, offering trading insights and feeding Genting investors with TauRx news..when much of the information he provides is, in reality...irrelevant or not beneficial to us?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Why does ATK, a non-Genting investor and self-proclaimed multi-millionaire, stay active around the clock, seven days a week, offering trading insights and feeding Genting investors with TauRx news..when much of the information he provides is, in reality...irrelevant or not beneficial to us?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A non-Genting investor, ATK, has a habit of recycling others' posts and using old content to criticize, which could be motivated by several factors:

1) ATK might struggle to generate fresh ideas or perspectives, so he relies on repeating what others have said. As a non-Genting investor, this could be his way of participating without contributing anything new or meaningful.

2) By repeatedly bringing up past posts, ATK might be trying to derail ongoing conversations and stir up old conflicts. This tactic could be aimed at keeping forum members divided or distracted from more productive topics.

3) ATK might feel that his relevance in the forum depends on maintaining a certain level of controversy. By using old posts to attack others, he can keep himself at the center, even if it means perpetuating negativity.

4) While not illegal, using reposted content to bully others is unethical and could violate forum rules.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I see now that this forum is primarily for short term traders. No wonder they react so negatively to long term investors sharing positive views..


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Why does he think we're so dumb, as if only he knows about trading and investment?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I hate doing this,
It may be time for me to revisit and reposts some of my old posts to counter this arrogant non-Genting investor.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Why does ATK, a multi-millionaire stay active 7 days a week, day and night, providing trading and investment insights and feeding Genting investors with TauRx news when in reality, the information is often irrelevant or not useful to us..

55 minutes ago


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A non-Genting investor, ATK, has a habit of recycling others' posts and using old content to criticize, which could be motivated by several factors:

1) ATK might struggle to generate fresh ideas or perspectives, so he relies on repeating what others have said. As a non-Genting investor, this could be his way of participating in discussions without contributing anything new or meaningful.

2) By repeatedly bringing up past posts, ATK might be trying to derail ongoing conversations and stir up old conflicts. This tactic could be aimed at keeping forum members divided or distracted from more productive discussions.

3) ATK might feel that his relevance in the forum depends on maintaining a certain level of controversy. By using old posts to attack others, he can keep himself at the center of discussions, even if it means perpetuating negativity.

4) While not illegal, using reposted content to bully others is unethical and could violate forum rules.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Are we really naive enough to believe that Genting Singapore can make SGD 500 million?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

His 'group' can easily be identified in this forum, so be cautious and aware if they try to befriend you.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Be cautious and aware of him and his 'group' reaching out to you to befriend you. Their intentions may not be as genuine as they seem..


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Why does he think we're so dumb, as if only he knows about trading and investment?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Why does ATK, a multi-millionaire stay active 7 days a week, day and night, providing trading and investment insights and feeding Genting investors with TauRx news when in reality, the information is often irrelevant or not useful to us..


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A non-Genting investor, who is also a multi-millionaire, spending all his time in the Genting forum, arguing and debating relentlessly. @keyman sifu, it's important to see through this behavior. His continuous presence and arguments are likely just a strategy to stay relevant in the forum.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A non Genting investor hiding in the Genting forum day and night, spending weekends arguing and quarrelling... @keyman sifu, don’t be naive. Of course, he has the skill to stay and argue in order to remain relevant in this forum.

9 minutes ago


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A non-Genting investor, ATK, has a habit of recycling others' posts and using old content to criticize, which could be motivated by several factors:

1) ATK might struggle to generate fresh ideas or perspectives, so he relies on repeating what others have said. As a non-Genting investor, this could be his way of participating in discussions without contributing anything new or meaningful.

2) By repeatedly bringing up past posts, ATK might be trying to derail ongoing conversations and stir up old conflicts. This tactic could be aimed at keeping forum members divided or distracted from more productive discussions.

3) ATK might feel that his relevance in the forum depends on maintaining a certain level of controversy. By using old posts to attack others, he can keep himself at the center of discussions, even if it means perpetuating negativity.

4) While not illegal, using reposted content to bully others is unethical and could violate forum rules.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A non-Genting investor, ATK, has a habit of recycling others' posts and using old content to criticize, which could be motivated by several factors:

1) ATK might struggle to generate fresh ideas or perspectives, so he relies on repeating what others have said. As a non-Genting investor, this could be his way of participating in discussions without contributing anything new or meaningful.

2) By repeatedly bringing up past posts, ATK might be trying to derail ongoing conversations and stir up old conflicts. This tactic could be aimed at keeping forum members divided or distracted from more productive discussions.

3) ATK might feel that his relevance in the forum depends on maintaining a certain level of controversy. By using old posts to attack others, he can keep himself at the center of discussions, even if it means perpetuating negativity.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Why is ATK so scared of Balian? Despite Balian's harsh criticisms of TauRx, ATK who usually jumps in to defend TauRx...seems to avoid engaging with him. What’s going on here?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@keyman sifu, 持续看下去..please don't comment.

Bye bye


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A non Genting investor hiding in the Genting forum day and night, spending weekends arguing and quarrelling... @keyman sifu, don’t be naive. Of course, he has the skill to stay and argue in order to remain relevant in this forum.

9 minutes ago


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Balian, your deep knowledge across various fields.., particularly in pharma. .. is truly impressive. However, your repeated criticisms of TauRx have caught my attention. TauRx seems to be a sensitive topic here, with ATK often quick to defend it against any negative comments. Yet, despite your numerous critiques, ATK remains silent when it comes to you. This unusual dynamic makes me wonder if there's something going on behind the scenes that we're not aware of. It almost feels like there's more to the story, and as investors, it’s only natural to be ... suspicious.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A non Genting investor hiding in the Genting forum day and night, spending weekends arguing and quarrelling... @keyman sifu, don’t be naive. Of course, he has the skill to stay and argue in order to remain relevant in this forum.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@keyman sifu, 持续看下去..please don't comment.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Happy Sunday! I hope your day is relaxing and joyful. 😀


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Twice now and with 3 pieces of proven evidence, I have been nearly convinced of his real reason for remaining in this forum... he’s likely a scammer. I’ll reveal and expose this at another time..


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Are the naysayers jealous of ATK's investment and trading skills again?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

We, as Genting investors, obviously want to see the share price advance and rise. If we lacked confidence or interest in our investments, we wouldn't be here investing in Genting.

ATK, behaving like 事后诸葛亮, constantly criticizes, challenges, and bullies Genting investors whenever there's a price correction. He frequently revisits and reposts outdated supportive comments from Genting investors to spread fear and advance his own agenda.

Why should we, as long-term investors, support him and contribute to spreading negativity and fear just to further his own objectives and motives?



1 month ago | Report Abuse

Thank you for the positive outlook. In this Genting forum, it’s natural for investors to have varying opinions and perspectives. Although there are posts with negative views on Genting, I have never criticized or bullied anyone for their opinions. I am just sharing my own perspective and analysis.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Make the most of this sunny Sunday and let it brighten your day!! Cheers! 😀


1 month ago | Report Abuse

AngTayKor’s post, claiming he hasn’t shorted GenB but hinting at market concerns, is another attempt to spread fear before the upcoming earnings report. His goal is to unsettle investors and impact the stock price. This kind of fear mongering should be addressed to protect investor confidence.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

ATK's negativity peaked on Wednesday night when he and his "group" criticized Genting Singapore’s performance, aiming to cause a drop in Genting Berhad’s share price. Their effort to create fear among investors reveals their intention to undermine confidence. This disruptive behavior is unacceptable and needs to be addressed directly.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

He needs to respond, or he may be perceived as not being a genuine TauRx investor. He is more likely a scammer.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

You were known for being a strong advocate of TauRx, often challenging and even bullying Genting investors who questioned its potential. But now, you have gone silent. What happened? Why aren’t you voicing your opinions anymore?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Why are these things no longer taboo now?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

He should respond to avoid being perceived as a non TauRx investor.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

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