
Michaelchan2024 | Joined since 2024-05-12

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

HMTM already widely available like water or sea salt with supply in massive tons form.
supplies of HMTM pills widely distributed in US, also globally and the entire Galactic Empire and with Official Distributor in Malaysia even 😁
You can get HMTM pills online 24/7/365 anytime, anywhere at the speed of the courier service. 😁


1 month ago | Report Abuse

How to make money when Gazillions of HMTM pills from Panamax 120,000 tons ship landed exPort Klang already flood the market?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

HMTM chemical supplies are already widely available by tonnes 99% purity
can be made into Gazillions of pills at 10mg each.

Lousy TauRx prospects..


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Why does he think we're clueless, as if he's the only one who understands trading and investing?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

He should respond to avoid being perceived as a non TauRx investor.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

HMTM already widely available like water or sea salt with supply in massive tons form.
supplies of HMTM pills widely distributed in US, also globally and the entire Galactic Empire and with Official Distributor in Malaysia even 😁
You can get HMTM pills online 24/7/365 anytime, anywhere at the speed of the courier service. 😁


1 month ago | Report Abuse

How to make money when Gazillions of HMTM pills from Panamax 120,000 tons ship landed exPort Klang already flood the market?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

HMTM chemical supplies are already widely available by tonnes 99% purity
can be made into Gazillions of pills at 10mg each.

Lousy TauRx prospects..


1 month ago | Report Abuse

How to make money when Gazillions of HMTM pills from Panamax 120,000 tons ship landed exPort Klang already flood the market?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Why should we, as Genting investors, be restricted from expressing our expectations and aspirations for our investments while allowing a non-investor to spread fear in our forum? This individual, who claims to be a TauRx investor and boasts about his skills and optimism regarding TauRx, is behaving arrogantly. Why should we tolerate this in our forum?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

AngTayKor’s post, claiming he hasn’t shorted GenB but hinting at market concerns, is another attempt to spread fear before the upcoming earnings report. His goal is to unsettle investors and impact the stock price. This kind of fear mongering should be addressed to protect investor confidence.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

ATK's negativity peaked last Wednesday night when he and his group criticized Genting Singapore’s performance, aiming to cause a drop in Genting Berhad’s share price. Their effort to create fear among investors reveals their intention to undermine confidence. This disruptive behavior is unacceptable and needs to be addressed directly.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I appreciate your actions in bringing positivity and encouragement to the forum.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Balian, the expert in all things,

So, if you’re only using one edge of Excalibur, it’s like trying to juggle with just one ball...sure, you might impress a few but you will definitely drop the other balls! To truly shine, you've got to master both edges. That way, you can cut through any challenge like a pro.

And hey, if your curiosity is steering you towards other kinds of measurements, macam..,penis measurements, you might want to check out a forum that caters to that!! You can continue your scamming there.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

新战国: 4.87 - 4.65 - 5.10

4.87 - 4.65 - 5.10 (Crystal ball not working)

@Balian, just to clarify, those figures aren’t penis measurements...they’re projections for price action: 🤣

- 4.87
- 4.65
- 5.10

After some fluctuations, the price is expected to break through resistance levels and move towards the target of 5.10 over time. This progress will be gradual and could unfold over ...3 months, 6 months, a year or even 2 years. No one can predict the exact timeline, maybe you can. 😆🥲


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Thanks Shines


1 month ago | Report Abuse

加多一句: 记住: 此地高手如云,藏龙卧虎,深藏不露..


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Hope your Saturday afternoon is off to a fantastic start! May the rest of your day be just as wonderful! 😀😁 Cheers!

Bye bye!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I have studied ATK's behavior and reactions for years. According to psychological principles, when he consistently believes others online are jealous of him, even without personal connections, it could be due to:

1) He might feel insecure and believe that envy from others can boost his self-esteem.

2) He may project his own feelings of jealousy onto others, assuming everyone else feels the same way.

3) He might want to feel important and believe that others are jealous to validate his sense of significance.

4) He could be misinterpreting online interactions, focusing on negative comments and ignoring positive ones..

5) Previous experiences of jealousy might lead him to expect similar reactions online..

6) He might overestimate his importance and assume that any negative reaction must be due to jealousy.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

ATK often insists he’s not invested in Genting, yet he remains active in the forum for years, arguing and bullying investors online. His claims are met with skepticism, and his negative attitude exacerbates mistrust and frustration among members. This behavior may be intended to stir up conflict and promote his personal agenda, leading to a highly strained and contentious environment. Such actions might be seen as characteristic of a low-class investor, given the disruptive nature of his approach.

5 hours ago


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I have studied ATK's behavior and reactions for years. According to psychological principles, when he consistently believes others online are jealous of him, even without personal connections, it could be due to:

1) He might feel insecure and believe that envy from others can boost his self-esteem.

2) He may project his own feelings of jealousy onto others, assuming everyone else feels the same way.

3) He might want to feel important and believe that others are jealous to validate his sense of significance.

4) He could be misinterpreting online interactions, focusing on negative comments and ignoring positive ones..

5) Previous experiences of jealousy might lead him to expect similar reactions online..

6) He might overestimate his importance and assume that any negative reaction must be due to jealousy.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Hope your Saturday morning is off to a fantastic start! May the rest of your day be just as wonderful! 😀😁 Cheers!

Bye bye!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

ATK often insists he’s not invested in Genting, yet he remains active in the forum for years, arguing and bullying investors online. His claims are met with skepticism, and his negative attitude exacerbates mistrust and frustration among members. This behavior may be intended to stir up conflict and promote his personal agenda, leading to a highly strained and contentious environment. Such actions might be seen as characteristic of a low-class investor, given the disruptive nature of his approach.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Thanks for giving me the chance to repost.
Bye bye!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Happy, happy every day! 天天开心! 😀😁


1 month ago | Report Abuse

If you don't like it, just ignore it ..this is for me and anyone else who's interested! I have ignored your posts without copy and paste and complaining, too!!! 😂


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Forget the old version; this is the improved one.

4.20 - 4.00 - 5.00
4.65 - 4.45 - 4.95
4.95 - 4.55 - 4.87


4.87 - 4.65 - 4.18 - 4.50 - (5.50)?

1) 4.87 - 4.65:

2) 4.65 - 4.18:
05 Aug的显著下跌显示市场情绪转为负面。4.18是一个新的低点,一个强支撑区。

3) 4.18 - 4.50:

4) (TP: 5.50)?:



1 month ago | Report Abuse

Balian de Ibelin

There is no support so I shorted it again today 😁

3 hours ago


Balian started his shorts 3 hours ago before the price began to fall.

Looks like Balian is playing some reverse psychology... shorting the stock while telling everyone to buy. Classic move! 😂🤣


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I believe Balian is a skilled and experienced trader..Why are so many experienced traders hiding here?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@keyman sifu, waiting for the right time to add a bit.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

No worries, just the American way of giving their local companies a little extra support.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Looks like the name Michael is causing a stir!! 😂 If the conman's headed to a Genting casino.., at least he’s got a taste for the finer things.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

True, crime not confirmed yet.. Just staying on alert, you never know what might come up!! 😅


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Another area of subject expertise..creating fear, aren't you? 😅Crime not confirmed, fine amount not decided yet, but you've already got us all worried!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

No worries, my posts must be practicing social distancing... seems like they are keeping a safe distance from readers!! 😂🤣


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Malaysia IPOs jump as economy improves and investors return to the stock market
An increasing number of firms are listing in Malaysia as the economy picks up and investors return to the stock market.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

4.20 - 4.00 - 5.00
4.65 - 4.45 - 4.95
4.95 - 4.55 - 4.87


4.87 - 4.65 - 4.18 - 4.50 - (5.50)?

1) 4.87 - 4.65:

2) 4.65 - 4.18:
05 Aug的显著下跌显示市场情绪转为负面。4.18是一个新的低点,一个强支撑区。

3) 4.18 - 4.50:

4) (TP: 5.50)?:



1 month ago | Report Abuse

It's taboo, no price guessing la.. 😅


1 month ago | Report Abuse


我也耒post: 😀

坐看价起时,保持冷静...享受眼前的美好!! 😅


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I've been happy since early morning... 天天开心!! ❤
Bye bye!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Ho ho ho... my GenM did well today too. Strong closing! 😄


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Yeah, I always get it wrong...just for fun. Never take it too seriously. 😅🤣


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Genting Singapore had a great performance today with a strong finish.. tomorrow it's GenB’s turn, get ready for the ride! 👍


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Seems like the conman’s busy with his new gig in Burma....I guess that’s why we’re short on buyers today! 😅


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Balian de Ibelin

there is a chance will close 4.48 today.

Without any cheerleaders today, how can we expect the price to rise?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I see you have a great sense of humor and is skilled at handling difficult situations and people. 😅


1 month ago | Report Abuse


That is one way to keep things interesting! 😄 Just don't forget to ask for extra snacks while you are waiting.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Samsung Electronics' main union in South Korea is set to strike over pay starting Thursday. This is an all out protest with no signs of the COVID pandemic holding them back.. Another area of expertise in fear mongering? 😀