
PHconman | Joined since 2018-10-09 23:11:43

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2018-11-29 18:56 | Report Abuse

tomolo up abit again,will sell and get ready to celebrate x mas liow..ho ho ho


2018-11-29 11:22 | Report Abuse

inari rebound..go go go


2018-11-28 21:55 | Report Abuse

with or without Themepark Genm will still make profit..many gamblers in msia,spor,thailand,indonesia go genting mah


2018-11-27 08:57 | Report Abuse

Stock UP for today

Stock Durian Runtuh


2018-11-26 21:26 | Report Abuse

get ready for durian runtuh...


2018-11-25 08:27 | Report Abuse

Production still running as normal in all penang plant.No shutdown or slowdown.So why worry?


2018-11-23 03:46 | Report Abuse

Apple iPhone supplier Foxconn planning deep cost cuts |

These cost cut will only affect the next Qtr result.


2018-11-21 23:36 | Report Abuse

inari qtr result will be good.For past 6mth overtime full force at penang factory to meet schedule.


2018-11-16 17:00 | Report Abuse

kns..petronm qr profit down but can go up today.if Hengyuan QR profit drop,price also drop..cry no tears


2018-11-16 15:56 | Report Abuse sad..sold my 5 lots this morning..whether to buy back at current price!!!.pls advise


2018-11-15 15:29 | Report Abuse

inari on uptrend now....slow but steady earn bit by bit ..


2018-11-15 15:24 | Report Abuse

this qtr result will be good as Apple already launch the new Iphone.Next qtr result be guess


2018-11-14 11:28 | Report Abuse

buy high kena stuck lgi


2018-10-29 15:43 | Report Abuse

the new company will only see revenue most probably next year 4th qty.


2018-10-29 06:21 | Report Abuse

As said before,PH gov buat drama n make gamuda price slumo so their party can collect...


2018-10-26 23:06 | Report Abuse

Politician and IB are all conmen.Full stop.


2018-10-25 20:11 | Report Abuse

YTLpwr IPP contract not cancel by gov,right?


2018-10-25 03:27 | Report Abuse

ESOS 752k shares at 0.280.Sure many sellers with current price..Will drop more today


2018-10-24 20:37 | Report Abuse

Tonight Dow & Nasq up up..US & Saudi sign ARM deal..good for Semicon..


2018-10-23 23:22 | Report Abuse

Dyson going to build Electric car in Spore...So the other components can sub con to VS in Johor..possible ??


2018-10-23 23:14 | Report Abuse

EPF start acquire so there must be some good news.PH gov will make sure EPF give better dividend than 2017 for the rakyat


2018-10-22 17:38 | Report Abuse

PH not yet collect enug,so cannot fly like myeg yet...


2018-10-22 10:49 | Report Abuse

myeg up d...afternoon will be enforce..


2018-10-15 15:54 | Report Abuse

lge n dap are buying up gamuda,genm shares..this is the strategy so that DAP will become rich like MCA for next GE

News & Blogs

2018-10-14 18:41 | Report Abuse

These are my views

1. I fought so hard for PH to win in GE14. I believe many others did too.

2. I was even arrested by the police in BUKIT AMAN for being anti Najib and anti BN.

3. I spent 4 days in jail. Being verbally abused on a daily basis.

4. Now that PH has won and formed the government. I was one of the happiest person in the world.

5. And now PH is asking the 33 million rakyat to pay additional taxes in order to resolve the issues created by  group of ex ministers from those in BN who stole?


6. Be careful PH. We the rakyat will just topple u in GE15.

So what can PH do??

A. Identify those thieves who stole. Najib, rosmah, zahid, jho low, sharizat  etc.

B. Identify their assets and caveat those assets.

C. Pass a law to confiscate these assets.

D. UK has already enforced the *Unexplained Wealth Order.* What is so difficult to seize the obscene wealth of the BN cronies.

Share if you agree

These are my views

1. I fought so hard for PH to win in GE14. I believe many others did too.

2. I was even arrested by the police in BUKIT AMAN for being anti Najib and anti BN.

3. I spent 4 days in jail. Being verbally abused on a daily basis.

4. Now that PH has won and formed the government. I was one of the happiest person in the world.

5. And now PH is asking the 33 million rakyat to pay additional taxes in order to resolve the issues created by  group of ex ministers from those in BN who stole?


6. Be careful PH. We the rakyat will just topple u in GE15.

So what can PH do??

A. Identify those thieves who stole. Najib, rosmah, zahid, jho low, sharizat  etc.

B. Identify their assets and caveat those assets.

C. Pass a law to confiscate these assets.

D. UK has already enforced the *Unexplained Wealth Order.* What is so difficult to seize the obscene wealth of the BN cronies.

Share if you agree

These are my views

1. I fought so hard for PH to win in GE14. I believe many others did too.

2. I was even arrested by the police in BUKIT AMAN for being anti Najib and anti BN.

3. I spent 4 days in jail. Being verbally abused on a daily basis.

4. Now that PH has won and formed the government. I was one of the happiest person in the world.

5. And now PH is asking the 33 million rakyat to pay additional taxes in order to resolve the issues created by  group of ex ministers from those in BN who stole?


6. Be careful PH. We the rakyat will just topple u in GE15.

So what can PH do??

A. Identify those thieves who stole. Najib, rosmah, zahid, jho low, sharizat  etc.

B. Identify their assets and caveat those assets.

C. Pass a law to confiscate these assets.

D. UK has already enforced the *Unexplained Wealth Order.* What is so difficult to seize the obscene wealth of the BN cronies.

These are my views

1. I fought so hard for PH to win in GE14. I believe many others did too.

2. I was even arrested by the police in BUKIT AMAN for being anti Najib and anti BN.

3. I spent 4 days in jail. Being verbally abused on a daily basis.

4. Now that PH has won and formed the government. I was one of the happiest person in the world.

5. And now PH is asking the 33 million rakyat to pay additional taxes in order to resolve the issues created by  group of ex ministers from those in BN who stole?


6. Be careful PH. We the rakyat will just topple u in GE15.

So what can PH do??

A. Identify those thieves who stole. Najib, rosmah, zahid, jho low, sharizat  etc.

B. Identify their assets and caveat those assets.

C. Pass a law to confiscate these assets.

D. UK has already enforced the *Unexplained Wealth Order.* What is so difficult to seize the obscene wealth of the BN cronies.

Share if you agree


These are my views
1. I fought so hard for PH to win in GE14. I believe many others did too.
2. I was even arrested by the police in BUKIT AMAN for being anti Najib and anti BN.
3. I spent 4 days in jail. Being verbally abused on a daily basis.
4. Now that PH has won and formed the government. I was one of the happiest person in the world.
5. And now PH is asking the 33 million rakyat to pay additional taxes in order to resolve the issues created by group of ex ministers from those in BN who stole?
6. Be careful PH. We the rakyat will just topple u in GE15.

So what can PH do??

A. Identify those thieves who stole. Najib, rosmah, zahid, jho low, sharizat etc.

B. Identify their assets and caveat those assets.

C. Pass a law to confiscate these assets.

D. UK has already enforced the *Unexplained Wealth Order.* What is so difficult to seize the obscene wealth of the BN cronies.

Share if you agree


2018-10-11 05:04 | Report Abuse

dow down 800 point...whatever re nego contract wont help anymore..further kawkaw


2018-10-11 03:43 | Report Abuse

Dow drop 665 chow see or jump penang bridge.


2018-10-11 00:28 | Report Abuse

LGE chartered accountant only know how to manipulate figure he just hentam mrt2 contract can cost saving more...crap


2018-10-10 20:09 | Report Abuse

Probability, 2 billion money that saved from the project can pay for 5 hospitals, or 50 schools. RM2 billion is hell of a lot of money!

Please get yourself admitted to public hospital and feel it yourself, how the poor rakyat suffering with barely enough medicine! We heard few hospitals even Klang hospital at once, running out of medicine!

Looking at the public school, many of the school children are still using cracked tables, get wet in rainy day due to broken windows in classroom etc... the native in Sabah and Sarawak are traveling using sampan to school because no school at their villages!........

Apple168-Do you think they will build school and Hospital with the money save???probably money will go into 3rd national car or Penang transport plan...


2018-10-10 15:46 | Report Abuse

ph supporter got con by their tokong..see next year epf announce dividen,cry cry


2018-10-10 14:52 | Report Abuse

now not only 20k worker no work..many rakyat die die due to gamuda share durian runtuh..kwsp,th.

News & Blogs

2018-10-10 13:27 | Report Abuse

why not terminate the toll concessaire contract also..rakyat lgi happy n pray to you like tokong


2018-10-10 13:17 | Report Abuse

LGE, TP sapu at low price..


2018-10-10 11:40 | Report Abuse

these politician only bark.They are arm twisting gamuda reduce the cost further to show the rakyat how good PH gov are