11 people like this.

108 comment(s). Last comment by pdchs 2018-10-16 11:41

Jon Choivo

3,682 posts

Posted by Jon Choivo > 2018-10-14 17:08 | Report Abuse


Serifah ni pompuan kasar....

Buli lelaki...


Woman, you need to level up, before you lose everything in stock market.

I suggest you take everything out put in FD, or buy china index.

Posted by SarifahSelinder > Oct 14, 2018 05:04 PM | Report Abuse

Jon Choivo

Puki mak lu

Posted by SarifahSelinder > Oct 14, 2018 05:05 PM | Report Abuse

Jon Choivo

Anak haram

Posted by SarifahSelinder > Oct 14, 2018 05:06 PM | Report Abuse

Jon Choivo

U idiot

Posted by SarifahSelinder > Oct 14, 2018 05:06 PM | Report Abuse

Jon Choivo

U kepala buto

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2018-10-14 17:12 | Report Abuse

Tax song

Prices rise for you and me,
Mesti makan Maggi mee,
semua kena GST, bayar untuk 1MDB !

Harga barang masih sama tinggi,
Masih makan maggi mee setiap hari,
Ditambah lagi banyak cukai baru mari !

Pelabur Bilis bayar cukai keuntungan,
Pelabur Asing semua lari,
Taiko Khazanah, KWSP disuruh beli,
Bursa jatuh kerana pembeli dah lari,
Akhirnya Khazanah, KWSP makan Maggi mee.


PH kah harapan sejati
Manifesto GE sukar ditepati
Berita buruk hari-hari
Nak tangkap pencuri tak jadi

Gaji besar menteri-menteri
Juga orang-orang GLC
Habislah dana negara bayar gaji
Masih tak sekuat mana RM dan KLSE

Gaji buta diambil, bos dipuji
Budaya ampu, kerja tak peduli
Tidak malu turun prestasi
Dapatkah kemerosotan negara diatasi?

Rap part:

U U-turns tak habis-habis bagai komedi
V We want a gomen for the ppl, bukan untuk diri
W Double up the econ pie
X Axe all the redundant highly paid officers
Y Why?
Z Zzzz enough, wakey

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 17:15 | Report Abuse

CGT x going to work

Lebih baik tax gain from super profit from like weak ringgit or high oil price

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 17:17 | Report Abuse

Kan gomen dah tax kepala sawit bila high price

Bikin tax mcm tu la

Jon Choivo

3,682 posts

Posted by Jon Choivo > 2018-10-14 17:18 | Report Abuse

Tengok, komen bodoh lagi.

Biasanya saya tak cakap apa. Tapi, u ni suka perhatian sy.


Amik duit keluar letak dalam fd lah, jgn nanti gaji 3 tahun semua buang!


Posted by SarifahSelinder > Oct 14, 2018 05:15 PM | Report Abuse

CGT x going to work

Lebih baik tax gain from super profit from like weak ringgit or high oil price


908 posts

Posted by feimah > 2018-10-14 17:22 | Report Abuse

Don't forget our insurance premium may need longer payment with CGT. I was told large premium protion was invested in local equity.
CGT will create a butterfly effect..

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 17:22 | Report Abuse

Kepala buto apa u yg bodoh

Apa yg bodoh ni

Kan gomen dah tax kepala sawit bila high price 

Bikin tax mcm tu la

Posted by Jon Choivo > Oct 14, 2018 05:18 PM | Report Abuse 

Tengok, komen bodoh lagi. 

Biasanya saya tak cakap apa. Tapi, u ni suka perhatian sy. 


Amik duit keluar letak dalam fd lah, jgn nanti gaji 3 tahun semua buang! 


Posted by SarifahSelinder > Oct 14, 2018 05:15 PM | Report Abuse 

CGT x going to work 

Lebih baik tax gain from super profit from like weak ringgit or high oil price

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 17:23 | Report Abuse

Kepala buto jon u skil c ada la cume pandai buli wanita

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 17:25 | Report Abuse

Ada rumor gomen kan tax extra profit gain fr weak ringgit jaga jaga co mcm poh huat lihien

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 17:26 | Report Abuse

Tax mana mana yg ada super profit

Jon Choivo

3,682 posts

Posted by Jon Choivo > 2018-10-14 17:26 | Report Abuse

What are the trade offs?

What are the effects?

How does it affect the dynamics of oil palm price, its competitiveness vs soy and corn etc?

what are the 2nd and 3rd order effects?

Semua taktau, tak pikir.

Hanya tau cakap tax kelapa sawit mcm burung nuri.


Posted by SarifahSelinder > Oct 14, 2018 05:22 PM | Report Abuse

Kan gomen dah tax kepala sawit bila high price

Bikin tax mcm tu la

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 17:28 | Report Abuse

Kepala buto


Berbanding dgn CGT mcm mana??

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 17:29 | Report Abuse

GCT kenapa x tanya apa trade off?

Kepala buto jon

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 17:30 | Report Abuse

Gomen kan tax mana mana yg ada super profitb

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 17:32 | Report Abuse

Mungkin x kan o&g yg half dead tapi jaga jaga yg untuk from weak ringgit


5,863 posts

Posted by moneySIFU > 2018-10-14 17:33 | Report Abuse

Thank you, Jon Choivo.

Jon Choivo Moneysifu,
In the US etc, brokerages etc keep track for you. You just pay on the amount shown net of trans cost.
14/10/2018 16:13

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 17:33 | Report Abuse



7,640 posts

Posted by pussycats > 2018-10-14 17:35 | Report Abuse

Wow, Engineering Profit is a great composer. Salute to u.

///Posted by EngineeringProfit > Oct 14, 2018 05:12 PM | Report Abuse

Tax song

Prices rise for you and me,
Mesti makan Maggi mee,
semua kena GST, bayar untuk 1MDB !

Harga barang masih sama tinggi,
Masih makan maggi mee setiap hari,
Ditambah lagi banyak cukai baru mari !

Pelabur Bilis bayar cukai keuntungan,
Pelabur Asing semua lari,
Taiko Khazanah, KWSP disuruh beli,
Bursa jatuh kerana pembeli dah lari,
Akhirnya Khazanah, KWSP makan Maggi mee.


PH kah harapan sejati
Manifesto GE sukar ditepati
Berita buruk hari-hari
Nak tangkap pencuri tak jadi

Gaji besar menteri-menteri
Juga orang-orang GLC
Habislah dana negara bayar gaji
Masih tak sekuat mana RM dan KLSE

Gaji buta diambil, bos dipuji
Budaya ampu, kerja tak peduli
Tidak malu turun prestasi
Dapatkah kemerosotan negara diatasi?

Rap part:

U U-turns tak habis-habis bagai komedi
V We want a gomen for the ppl, bukan untuk diri
W Double up the econ pie
X Axe all the redundant highly paid officers
Y Why?
Z Zzzz enough, wakey

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2018-10-14 17:36 | Report Abuse

a.k.a. EngineeringBudayaTelusKerja


Can't imagine with ballooning of the number of civilians, yet they do not bother to do even 'the above'...

.....overlooked? thoughtless?

Bagai tukul dengan pahat.....

... .waiting to be discovered...and told to do their job properly

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 17:36 | Report Abuse

Untung bukan dari operasi tp dari weak ringgit bila negara suffering patut tax profit yg buta ni

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 17:46 | Report Abuse

Bila buat bines mcm mcm tax insentif mahu kini super profit dari weak ringgit patut ditax

Co kondom dan sarung tangan patut yg export patut ditax


1,126 posts

Posted by Jay > 2018-10-14 18:38 | Report Abuse

Thanks for all the comments. As expected, readers here are overwhelmingly against CGT, most likely due to self-interest.

But self-interest apart, I do worry of the new taxes and their potential impact to our economy. Our largest trading partner China is suffering at the moment and dark clouds are forming in global economy. Hope our govt does not throw in any reckless measures in Budget 2019.


335 posts

Posted by PHconman > 2018-10-14 18:41 | Report Abuse

These are my views

1. I fought so hard for PH to win in GE14. I believe many others did too.

2. I was even arrested by the police in BUKIT AMAN for being anti Najib and anti BN.

3. I spent 4 days in jail. Being verbally abused on a daily basis.

4. Now that PH has won and formed the government. I was one of the happiest person in the world.

5. And now PH is asking the 33 million rakyat to pay additional taxes in order to resolve the issues created by  group of ex ministers from those in BN who stole?


6. Be careful PH. We the rakyat will just topple u in GE15.

So what can PH do??

A. Identify those thieves who stole. Najib, rosmah, zahid, jho low, sharizat  etc.

B. Identify their assets and caveat those assets.

C. Pass a law to confiscate these assets.

D. UK has already enforced the *Unexplained Wealth Order.* What is so difficult to seize the obscene wealth of the BN cronies.

Share if you agree

These are my views

1. I fought so hard for PH to win in GE14. I believe many others did too.

2. I was even arrested by the police in BUKIT AMAN for being anti Najib and anti BN.

3. I spent 4 days in jail. Being verbally abused on a daily basis.

4. Now that PH has won and formed the government. I was one of the happiest person in the world.

5. And now PH is asking the 33 million rakyat to pay additional taxes in order to resolve the issues created by  group of ex ministers from those in BN who stole?


6. Be careful PH. We the rakyat will just topple u in GE15.

So what can PH do??

A. Identify those thieves who stole. Najib, rosmah, zahid, jho low, sharizat  etc.

B. Identify their assets and caveat those assets.

C. Pass a law to confiscate these assets.

D. UK has already enforced the *Unexplained Wealth Order.* What is so difficult to seize the obscene wealth of the BN cronies.

Share if you agree

These are my views

1. I fought so hard for PH to win in GE14. I believe many others did too.

2. I was even arrested by the police in BUKIT AMAN for being anti Najib and anti BN.

3. I spent 4 days in jail. Being verbally abused on a daily basis.

4. Now that PH has won and formed the government. I was one of the happiest person in the world.

5. And now PH is asking the 33 million rakyat to pay additional taxes in order to resolve the issues created by  group of ex ministers from those in BN who stole?


6. Be careful PH. We the rakyat will just topple u in GE15.

So what can PH do??

A. Identify those thieves who stole. Najib, rosmah, zahid, jho low, sharizat  etc.

B. Identify their assets and caveat those assets.

C. Pass a law to confiscate these assets.

D. UK has already enforced the *Unexplained Wealth Order.* What is so difficult to seize the obscene wealth of the BN cronies.

These are my views

1. I fought so hard for PH to win in GE14. I believe many others did too.

2. I was even arrested by the police in BUKIT AMAN for being anti Najib and anti BN.

3. I spent 4 days in jail. Being verbally abused on a daily basis.

4. Now that PH has won and formed the government. I was one of the happiest person in the world.

5. And now PH is asking the 33 million rakyat to pay additional taxes in order to resolve the issues created by  group of ex ministers from those in BN who stole?


6. Be careful PH. We the rakyat will just topple u in GE15.

So what can PH do??

A. Identify those thieves who stole. Najib, rosmah, zahid, jho low, sharizat  etc.

B. Identify their assets and caveat those assets.

C. Pass a law to confiscate these assets.

D. UK has already enforced the *Unexplained Wealth Order.* What is so difficult to seize the obscene wealth of the BN cronies.

Share if you agree


These are my views
1. I fought so hard for PH to win in GE14. I believe many others did too.
2. I was even arrested by the police in BUKIT AMAN for being anti Najib and anti BN.
3. I spent 4 days in jail. Being verbally abused on a daily basis.
4. Now that PH has won and formed the government. I was one of the happiest person in the world.
5. And now PH is asking the 33 million rakyat to pay additional taxes in order to resolve the issues created by group of ex ministers from those in BN who stole?
6. Be careful PH. We the rakyat will just topple u in GE15.

So what can PH do??

A. Identify those thieves who stole. Najib, rosmah, zahid, jho low, sharizat etc.

B. Identify their assets and caveat those assets.

C. Pass a law to confiscate these assets.

D. UK has already enforced the *Unexplained Wealth Order.* What is so difficult to seize the obscene wealth of the BN cronies.

Share if you agree


1,126 posts

Posted by Jay > 2018-10-14 18:45 | Report Abuse

I wrote this article hopefully to raise some awareness, after realising how little the man on the street understand this issue when I was talking to a friend.

Feel free to share this article or spread the word. I may not be entirely right, but at least others would get the chance to see this issue from another perspective.


14,501 posts

Posted by probability > 2018-10-14 18:51 | Report Abuse

government should now come out with an 'online poll portal' to hear the voices of rakyat instantly..for weighing rakyat response on any of their proposed policies


14,501 posts

Posted by probability > 2018-10-14 18:53 | Report Abuse

this would serve as a tool for them to be sensitive to the majorities opinions and needs...they need not wait 5 years to find out.


7,640 posts

Posted by pussycats > 2018-10-14 19:50 | Report Abuse

I would suggest a similar structure following the current property tax but with payback for losses incurred by investors

Disposal Within 1st year: 20% CGtax
Disposal of losses Within 1st year: 5% tax CLrefund; ***CLrefund= Capital Loss refund

Disposal on 2nd year: 15% CGtax
Disposal of losses Within 2nd year: 10% tax CLrefund

Disposal on 3rd year: 10% CGtax
Disposal of losses Within 3rd year: 15% tax CLrefund

Disposal after 4th year: 5% CGtax
Disposal of losses Within 4th year: 20% tax CLrefund

I think the above rates are fairer to both Governm & investor.
Government must payback losses to investors; not 100% always gaining only.


3,694 posts

Posted by hollandking > 2018-10-14 20:10 | Report Abuse

wow, engineering profit, u r goood


899 posts

Posted by lazycat > 2018-10-14 20:10 | Report Abuse

tax on palm oil better la , 5kg only RM20-23 , tax until slightly below neighbor country price , benefits?
1. curb smuggle , 2. increase national income , 3. promote better general health

don't forget tax on soda too , since can't tax fat people , make them pay more on their purchases


14,501 posts

Posted by probability > 2018-10-14 20:16 | Report Abuse

higher duty on imported cars lor....let the richman who wants luxury car to show off pay lor.....

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2018-10-14 20:16 | Report Abuse

Thank you for your compliment, hollandking and pussycats ( you contributed a paragraph too )


833 posts

Posted by joekit > 2018-10-14 20:42 | Report Abuse

epf and khazanah all these big fund also kena capital gain tax ka?

Posted by albert787378 > 2018-10-14 20:54 | Report Abuse

the introduction of CGT will lead the downfall of PH .
Jon Choivo knows nothing of malayisia politics.he is too young and naive.

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 21:35 | Report Abuse

Jon Choivo is a bodoh kepala buto

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 21:38 | Report Abuse

Jon Choivo a kepala buto yg cuma a tahu few formulas for value investing dan Warren Buffett here Warren Buffett there

Posted by SarifahSelinder > 2018-10-14 21:41 | Report Abuse

Hati ku kau luka

Victor Yong

8,271 posts

Posted by Victor Yong > 2018-10-14 23:51 | Report Abuse

say, untung RM100, CGT 3 to 5% = RM3 or 5, ok lah :)

Victor Yong

8,271 posts

Posted by Victor Yong > 2018-10-14 23:52 | Report Abuse

many people, too negative or didnt know but simply voice out :)


1,563 posts

Posted by 1527640962 > 2018-10-15 01:47 | Report Abuse

say, untung RM100, CGT 3 to 5% = RM3 or 5, ok lah :)

hello u all dreaming ka.....if loss gomen give discount in cgt ka mana ada make sense punya tax
confirm tax on the purchase amt la


1,563 posts

Posted by 1527640962 > 2018-10-15 01:50 |

Post removed.Why?


217 posts

Posted by SpeedyBoy > 2018-10-15 12:06 | Report Abuse

Fake Speedy Boy aka Fortune Bull the Firstclass Bullshitter... a person like you without any integrity and credibility better stop talking nonsense. Such a coward like you dare not even use your own ID Fortunebull. Just shut up. You are only good at faking the IDs of other people..

porn star

7,854 posts

Posted by porn star > 2018-10-15 12:31 | Report Abuse

congrats those that vote harapan. now u really got harapan


3,220 posts

Posted by KLCI King > 2018-10-15 16:08 | Report Abuse

Good article


7,640 posts

Posted by pussycats > 2018-10-15 19:49 | Report Abuse

Bring Jib back as Finance Minister, Jib has lot of ideas to prop up msia economy... kikiki

Our PHgov no other ideas how to save msia? only knows how to tax people just like BNgov...


21,713 posts

Posted by paperplane > 2018-10-15 19:51 | Report Abuse

Wow! Great sharing my the sifu Jay finally..... Jay, please lah contribute more here


10 posts

Posted by connie7i3 > 2018-10-15 20:41 | Report Abuse

Jay, your article is well articulated. Impressive


6,406 posts

Posted by geary > 2018-10-15 22:16 | Report Abuse

Good article...!!!
Frankly Speaking: CGT on listed shares unlikely | http://www.klsescreener.com/v2/news/view/443492


7,640 posts

Posted by pussycats > 2018-10-15 22:59 | Report Abuse

I think gov will do anything to get money... brace for more more new taxes.

My deduction is if Ph can terminate Gamuda-Mmc mrt2 project...what more to say, gov can't impose CGT?

This Ph is determined at all cost to pare down our 1 trillion debts...so anything can happen... including imposition of CGT...

matikatak to bilis in Bursa.


7,640 posts

Posted by pussycats > 2018-10-15 23:03 | Report Abuse

last time people in msia said Gst won't be implemented... because of these reasons... bla bla bla

At last Jib did implement Gst.... masih lupakah?


576 posts

Posted by pdchs > 2018-10-16 11:41 | Report Abuse

xiaodingdang i think you batter sell off all your shares and leave Malaysia.

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