
Plantermen | Joined since 2019-07-26

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

A bank profitability really lies on its own ability to tap into the "Casa" deposit base against the spread in the bank's lending rates. With the State backing the capacity to increase its "Casa deposit ` is enormous. Look at PBB operations their huge 'Casa deposit ` is always a plus for their profitability. Not a buy call on Affin just my 2sen own view on Sarawak State share buy on Affin acqusition. Remember in the past Sarawak have 6 local popular bank operating prior to BNM/MOF countrywide merger and consolidation


1 month ago | Report Abuse

To be fair to all parties. Nitrite gloves and medical gloves have the highest margins. Whereas volume wise. commercial or industrial gloves is the volume leader but with the lowest margin { not to mention contract manufacturing.}


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Sarawak state has budgeted 12.36 billion for 2024 in December last year { excluding the special allocation off the Petronas oil revenue royalty which the State has renegotiated} We are a few months away from the Federal Budget for 2025 to be presented in Oct in Parliament by Anwar {PM} Expect Sarawak to receive more positive developments under coming 2025 budget


1 month ago | Report Abuse

With short selling. This IB have a distinct advantage over the retail players. Just be ready for TG to push below 1.00 mark {and classify as a penny stock} IB s have alot of ammunition


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Without prejudice. Maybank IB issue the down grade after thier team visited China 2 glove manufacturers. Yes. Agreed China growing capacity in Glove production & manufacturing is a threat. But the fact we remains Malaysia is the home to TG, Harta, Kossan all household names in Glove production. I suspect more selling pressure will apolies on TG by IB's. Prepare for more volatility


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Looks weak...... TG trending down


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Looks weak..... DFX trending down


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Without prejudice. All the 9 banking institution group is govern and under the strict supervision of BNM { unlike the late 90's where the banking industry before the meger and consolidation initiated by MOF and BNM. The current institution share holder{s} group of AFFIN consist of LTAT {28%} that is Armed Forces pension fund, Bank of East Asia {24%} Hong Kong listed companies and a long time strategic investor, Boustead Holdings holds 20% and our local KWSP holds around 5%. Other insurance, IB's, unit trusts and Glic link companies holds betw 2 %-3 %. Not forgetting Sarawak State owned incorporated corporation recently acquired 3% of Affin banking group. Not much of a free float if you really digest their shateholdings


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Affin testing our patience


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Today market sentiment is bad. DJ opening is up. Should be better tomorrow


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Affin banking group has a total of 115 bank offices operating in Malaysia. Out of the 115 only 4 branch office`s in Sabah plus another 4 in Sarawak. Tremendous scope for Affin to expand is reach in the 2 Borneo states. Sarawak and Sabah once was dominant in their own turf having household names like Hock Hua Bank, Bank Utama, Wah Tat Bank, Miri commercial bank, Bian Chiang bank, Kwong Lee Bank and Kong Min Bank. Even UOB {Founder Wee} started his initial banking group in Sarawak. Sarawak is a rich state but through the bank consolidation and merger. The land of the hornbills has lost all the above regional banks


2 months ago | Report Abuse

NUBE is the union of workers in Malaysia commercial banks { clerical staffs and non clerical workers} excluding executive officers who have a separate union. NUBE has started picketing over stalled negotiations


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Rotation play


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Face saving for Abang Johari. Sarawak delegation was here in the capital to witness the signing Sales & purchase ceremony with LTAT


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Macgver111 it's your pick. DFX and Veles both are penny stocks. It's all boils down which counter "goreng first"


2 months ago | Report Abuse

DFX counter testing our patience


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Boustead {LTAT} owes Royal Chulan


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Yes. SARAWAK is the game changer


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The above news article was updated on 5th January 2024


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Contrary to certain views. Most anaylst{s} believed and expect banking stocks to drive the KLCI I 2024. Banking stocks constitute 20% of the KLCi index. In addition foreign funds looking to invest in the market are most likely to make a go in this sector. Banks have displayed resilience and achieved solid earnings in the recent qtr earning result. Not a buy call but repost a review by Kenny Yee of Rakutrade. Another senior equity analyst concurred with his views and cited renewed optimism on the market. Please do your own research before you buy or invest


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Affin Bank was a drag and a laggard in the banking scene despite with LTAT {Boustead} helming the ship. With a change in the ownership structure maybe Affin can now reinvent and grow it's business presence. Affin started off as Perwira Affin Bank in 2000 and later merge it's operation with BSN commercial. For better or worse time to see a new structural in their business direction


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Need to clear 22 sen first. Still struggling between 21 - 22 price range.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Yes. DC is the buzz word. Market looking positively at DC related stocks. Others relegated to side show


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Look at Gohub. IPO at 34 sen. Second day price trading push to 96 sen. Not fundamentals driven but sentiment { or put it mildly speculative trading } Mr Market is not logical if they want it they can push it. Depends how deep is their pocket


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Without prejudice. If DFX can secure part of TM upgrading works. The coming quarter's result for DFX will be positive not forgetting DFX operations and profitability will rise in tandem. Just my personal own view


2024-06-25 21:42 | Report Abuse

YGL red hot on the list. DFX? Your guess?


2024-06-25 10:24 | Report Abuse

Continue to slip. Looks weak


2024-06-24 13:30 | Report Abuse

DFX need to have a clear break out above their MACD 21-22 line of resistance. CABNET and DFX offer different trade opportunities.


2024-06-23 11:49 | Report Abuse

TP 24 - 25 support pegged between 19-20.


2024-06-21 12:33 | Report Abuse

I suspect rotation play. Just monitor closely their opening start up and end day closing { OHLC charts}


2024-06-21 12:28 | Report Abuse

Others DC related counter{s} power up but JTG sort of flounder neither here or there after run up


2024-06-21 12:24 | Report Abuse

Yes. Albukhar Nothing wrong with cashing out. It all depends on one own risk appetite. Cheers to eveyone


2024-06-19 15:15 | Report Abuse

BRICs Just a matter of convenience. Whether investment comes in still subject to people's own choices or criteria. Better be friends with people instead of openly bashing or quarrelling. MALAYSIA is a small country


2024-06-19 15:11 | Report Abuse

start bottom fishing a liitle. Prices of this counters stablished after recent bash down


2024-06-15 08:30 | Report Abuse

Overall market sentiment yesterday down. Most counters closed lower. Buyers take it easy. Extended weekend break


2024-06-13 18:13 | Report Abuse

Strong closing today. Rebounded from yesterday low of 62 and today close at 68. Statistic don't lie.


2024-06-12 15:10 | Report Abuse

End of month is EGM date {28 th Jun} just sit tight


2024-06-12 13:04 | Report Abuse

Pulsating trading morning session. Let's not get distracted and stay firm with the current play on DC related theme. Look at SNS, JCY, MNH or CHB vs JTG.
SNS 89 sen {NOSH 1.613}. JCY 80 sen {NOSH 2.140}
MNH 92sen {NOSH .464}
CHB 93 sen {NOSH. 375}
JTG 69 sen {NOSH 372}
Barring any hiccups still have alot of catching up . Just sharing my personal own views.


2024-06-12 08:37 | Report Abuse

Need to see the actual buying momentum is sustain. Technical support chart is the key. Can it scale higher and break the all time high 69 MACD resistance


2024-06-06 21:27 | Report Abuse

Public Packaging holdings PE ratio of 5 times is low. Their main business segment consist of manufacturing & selling and retailing of corrugated cartons, packaging materials and other paper products. SEALINK business is in the marine logistics, ship building, chartering in the oil and gas sector. Peer comparison is one form's of self evaluation.


2024-06-06 15:43 | Report Abuse

SEALINK is a turn around story with undemanding PE ratio of 15 times vs other competing companies betw 26 - 36 times. Latest qtr result showed positive growth and cash positive. With 20 years of business experience in the field of logistics, shipbuilding and OnG field. Expect more from this company. Not a buy call just my own personal take on their latest qtr result


2024-06-05 10:02 | Report Abuse

Holding it for the past 6 months. Call it long term or short term. Either way waiting for right pricing to cash out


2024-06-05 09:57 | Report Abuse

Yes. Abang Johari very far sighted. Initiated Sarawakians own airline { taking over Mas cargo}, own local banking group {Affin Bank} and local retail petroleum gas chain Petros { from Petronas}, not forgetting their own wealth fund


2024-06-04 18:41 | Report Abuse

The deepening of the Miri seaport and the Baram River by the Sarawak State government is seen beneficial to the State marine sectors. SEALINK key operational units are located in Miri, Labuan and Singapore. In addition the targeted withdrawal of diesel subsidies only in Peninsular Malaysia {but not in the state of Sarawak or Sabah} is seen positive for the East Maaysia marine sector. Not a buy call just sharing my 2 sen worth of analysis


2024-06-04 18:31 | Report Abuse

Without any prejudice. INDONESIA has embark on a mega expansion plan on their country petrochemical industries. To be self reliant and less dependant on foreign parties. PT Pacific chemical industries are expected to roll out their petrochemicals this year. Follow by PT BUMI resources in 2025. All in Indonesia have targeted betw 20 - 25 local companies for the production of chemicals, fertiliser and other related products.


2024-06-01 09:58 | Report Abuse

Indonesia has always used its DMO policy to control & limit the export of CPO. The higher export tax and levy imposed on producers is bad for upstream players while to a certain degree more positive for local refiners. Currently the DMO has implemented a export ratio of 1:4 meaning producers can only export 4 times the volume of it's DMO obligations. The DMO quota is sold at a price discount to maintain & stabilise cooking oil prices. This may be of the many factors that the IB's have or reason to cease coverage on TSH. Lack of replanting for the past 5-6 years, Ageing profile and most important sale of TSH local estate's land over the past 2 years {without replenishing their land banks}. Change of political leadership from Jokowi to its successor Prabowo. The former defense minister Prabowo is known for its nationalists stand that may signal a change in Indonesia economic policy. Not a sell call just sharing my 2sen why certain IB's have may ceased coverage. Please do your own research before you invest. Have a great weekend


2024-05-31 18:16 | Report Abuse

Always remember nothing is free. If a promoter sells you something he or she earns a commission. If a particular stock is so good why the need to urge other people to buy. Why share when you have a hidden gem. It's a game people played You buy I sell


2024-05-30 14:59 | Report Abuse

Announcement of share bonus 1:1 failed to excite the market. XD is on 10 June 24


2024-05-29 08:48 | Report Abuse

A guessing game? which competing team will get the tender awarded


2024-05-25 09:31 | Report Abuse

Latest quarter result {ending 31 March 24} saw a drop of - 17% {Q-Q} and - 64% {Y-Y} vs a year ago.