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2024-04-01 15:12 | Report Abuse

The reversal of impairment and unrealised gains in the quarterly figs has resulted a nett loss of 14 million { is an accounting and tax entry} which has no effect on their operating cash flows. The impending rates renewal which is forthcoming will see across the board upticks in ICON charter rates. Operating cash flows are the life blood of any company. In the O & G sector ICON is one of the few counters in the sector that have paid out dividends. A good opportunity to buy and hold based on their results. Not best of the best but have great growth potential. With Yinsoon as the captain aiding ICON can expect more positive momentum. Not a buy call but just my own view and personal take on their recent news announcement. Please do your own research before you buy or invest


2024-03-29 13:03 | Report Abuse

Between Ekovest, IWCITY or KNUSFORD. I will buy & invest in KNUSFORD. Nosh in circulation much smaller plus ekovest construction arm { lucrative} will be park under KNUSFORD. Just my personal view


2024-03-29 11:22 | Report Abuse

The key take away. Yinsoon is maintaining the listing status of Icon.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2024-03-22 12:22 | Report Abuse

Raflizi talk big. Coming by Kubu Bahru by election is a litmus test. Withdrawing of subsides and higher electricity costs hurting voters pockets. Threat by Raflizi will back fired. Alot of PH voters may just sit out. A big slap for PH if DAP lose this seat. Remember its a Marginal seat won with 1,400 majority in the last State elections.


2024-03-20 08:30 | Report Abuse

Development & holding costs of the Duke Highway project is huge. Think of the long gestation period betw 6-8 years. No wonder Prolintas needs 2.7 billion financing from their Bankers for their listings


2024-03-19 09:43 | Report Abuse

Margin is good to use during bull times but absolutely bad during down turn. Buy quality stocks for long term yield. Buy and sell for trading stocks. Always play within your limits.


2024-03-18 13:12 | Report Abuse

We need to focus on underlying issues affecting our local market. There is possibility of more funds coming back to take advantage of the narrowing rate gap between our ringgit and the USD. Hopefully with the Fed turning more dovish our market can see more upside. YTLP and YTL both are seen as beneficiaries


2024-03-18 11:43 | Report Abuse

Out of the 2 or 3 laggards { unloved or stagnant counters mentioned } Ekovest, ECONBHD and AGMO. From a business point myself will go for the small cap ECONBHD & AGMO. ECONBHD Nosh shares {1.4 billion} AGMO Nosh shares 325 million shares vs Ekovest 2.96 Billion shares { before the group restructing exercise and the binding heads of agreement announced} which will see Ekovest capital base increased multiple times by 2.5 times after the group restructuring. ECONBHD 47 sen, AGMO 48 sen Ekovest 48 sen at Friday close. Not a buy call just a short take on this 3 counters. Pls do your research before you biy


2024-03-18 11:03 | Report Abuse

Prefer the mother share vs the derivatives warrant. Just my own personal take


2024-03-16 12:58 | Report Abuse

I have no issue with the Tan Sri Lim restructuring exercise if its based on win win situation for all parties. Looking at the present Ekovest proposal the main beneficiaries is Tan Sri Lim not the other Ekovest minorities shareholders. What's critical the NOSH of Ekovest will balloon up from the current 2.96 billion shares to almost 8.5 billion shares based on what's was announced


2024-03-14 16:34 | Report Abuse

Yes. 5.4 billion ringgit is quite a sum to secure for multiple JV local partnership collaboration for Eversendai in 3 countries. The same applies to Ekovest subsidiary { Ekovest construction arm } as the collaborative partner to Adil Permata Sdn Bhd {ADSB} by MRTS for the RTS link project. The RTS LINK consist of 2 stations { one in Bukit Chagar, Johor app 2.7 Km} and the other station at Woodland, Singapore app 1.3 Km}


2024-03-12 10:34 | Report Abuse

From a business point of view. Boycotting certain business group due to certain political links may or may not translate into any positive outcome or insignificant developments. Call a spade a spade. Nvidia is a US based California company listed in the US securities exchange. A leading A1 smart chips developer known for its chapGpt. Our government have no issue with the business community. Even our PM met up with their founder Jensen Huang when he visited PutraJaya. Malaysia maintains a open dialogue with the United States on issue relating to the Middle East conflicts. As part of the Asean regional groupings we have always voiced out in the United Nations and other International conference. Even the Arab league of nations have not boycotted or sever thier ties with the US


2024-03-12 09:17 | Report Abuse

The HOD binding heads of agreement for the merger between Ekovest and TanSri Lim {major controlling shareholder} and sister company KNUSFORD was announced in early November last year. Under the restructing exercise" the entire stake of Ekovest construction arm " disposed to KNUSFORD for 450million at the proposed issued price of 60 sen new KNUSFORD share. On the same note Ekovest is buying from Tan Sri Lim a 70% stake in its private held company {CRSB} for 1.15 billion. CRSB holds 63% equity interest in another Tan Sri Lim private held company IWH {Iskander Waterfront Holdings} which in turn holds 34% equity interest in Iskander Waterfront City { {IWCITY} In addition Ekovest entered into a binding agreement to acquire a six storey mall properties {Danga city mall} in Johor and another parcel land from KMSB. Ekovest will acquired the land parcels for 310 million subject to ind valuation valuer. Please refer to the full press release in the business times, the edge and Ekovest press announcement


2024-03-10 13:29 | Report Abuse

Just for the record. UBS has not cash out. They are still one of YTL substantial foreign funds share holders holding app 628, 213,898 share units @ 5.73 % in YTL group after disposing off 3.5 million shares on 5 March. For funds manager there are 4 categories or types of investment tied to the investment. Investment tied to capital growth, investment tied to dividend, investment for trading and last but not the least IPO shares or rights. UBS locked in thier profit for the coming qtr result { ending 31 March 24} nothing special or exceptional as the entry price is betw 1.70 - 2.10. As a investment fund manager managing multiple accounts we do know what exactly is their targeted mandates. Just do your own research and your own risk vs rewards ratio.

News & Blogs

2024-03-08 09:28 | Report Abuse

The re ratings will come in once the DC earnings kick in and materialised. Initial target price will revised upwards. YTLP earnings are 80% generated by their foreign business operations which translate into FX gain vs our MYR


2024-03-07 05:43 | Report Abuse

LOTTE CHEMICAL { Korea } has embarked to sell it's loss making subsidiary Malaysian unit LCTITAN. In 2023 LOTTE Chemical Korea racked up 201 billion won in losses in its petrol chemical division.
This was reported by market insight in the Korea Economic Daily capital market news. Looks like the petrol chemical industry is facing terrible headwinds. Oversupply and dwindling demand with Chinese companies aggressively increasing their own domestic production.


2024-03-06 16:10 | Report Abuse

Rebalancing of MSCI index list on 1st March { addition of YTL and YTLP} contributed to the spike in trading volume. For YTL the daily average trading volume of transacted trades between 35 - 40 million is quite normal based on the number of shares issued or in short Nosh. Anything below is considered low


2024-03-05 17:10 | Report Abuse

Not everyone can replicate the success and far sighted move of TSFrancis Yeoh. Yin soon is doing not too bad except this counter failed to attract funds


2024-03-04 15:23 | Report Abuse

Investing is always risk vs reward ratio plus A1 theme play. If Nvidea within 3-4 years triple their share price to USD 820 with a market cap valuation over USD 2.0 trillion. Think of endless possibilities if Nvidea brings in their GPU to Malaysia for production. Just look at the numbers and do your own research


2024-02-29 22:57 | Report Abuse

Just my own calculated guess. The inclusion of YTL and YTLP in the MSCI Malaysia index is indeed positive for YTL group. Looking at the utilities sector YTL is indeed a attractive option and undemanding vs it's peer. YTL is trading at 14 times {PE} vs TNB at 23 times {PE} or PChem at 33 times {PE}. Using others as a comparison e.g. Sunway group at 21 times {PE} or IJM at 24 times {PE}, whether in the utilities, energy, construction or multi congolemerate. YTL in terms of growth opportunities or earnings upkeep definetly is a buy. Tomorrow being a Friday will be very interesting trading day. Not a buy call just sharing my 2 sen


2024-02-29 18:19 | Report Abuse

The volume of YTL and YTLP transacted is unbelievable. Lots and lots of trades transacted within seconds. Never witness such a big spike in trading volume within the limited time frame. Everthing you click or quote on the board. Buyers just click and confirm. The intensity & velocity totally mind blowing. Well done YTL group


2024-02-29 13:35 | Report Abuse

Genting management needs to come clean on the closure. Telling us closure due to renovation is unacceptable, laughable or treating the investing public as dumb. Is it because of licensing, structural defects or unseen forces. Let us know


2024-02-29 10:00 | Report Abuse

Always look at a company business fundamentals. Earnings, PE ratio, growth & profitability and evaluate the management and leadership


2024-02-29 09:53 | Report Abuse

Tan teng boo {capial dynamics} is extremely confident that our local market is ripe for a prolong bull ring. Nevertheless let us be rationale or sanquine that the market days of gung go days of the 93-94 where the market touch a high of 1314 points from a low of 645 points. Nowdays majority of trade is monopolised by local and foreign funds, banks, pension funds whereby retail retailers only make up a limited percentage. For the fund's manager and dealers they are extremely through in their investment research trading strategies { not the "kedai makan"} coffee talk. Most IB's set YTLP target price at around 5.00 { forward earnings} and YTL at 3.00. Of course the TP can be revised upwards if the next quarter result comes in higher than the street expectations. Always do your own research before you invest


2024-02-28 15:06 | Report Abuse

YTL group operates in a multiple different segments vs the glove mania sector which is easily duplicated. Remember the gloves dipping lines are manufactured in China and shipped to the buyer directly for installation. YTL group business is centre in utilities, power and energy, waste water treatment,digital banking, 5G yes telco, oil production, land & property development and thier core construction business. Not forgetting their soon to commence YTLP A1 DC operations. Just do your own research before you buy or sell


2024-02-28 08:46 | Report Abuse

Yes. Our local market have underperformed for the past decades vs our neighbouring innovative and FDI inflows. Hopefully the current political situation in the country has stablised {the next 4 years} FDI funds will cherry pick the underperformed market like our market. Bear in mind our ringgit has depreciated vs the USD at 4.8 which is at their lowest point for the past 26 years. If FDI funds manager betting on risk vs reward. Currency, underperformed, laggard market I will place my insurance bet on Malaysia. Not forgetting the YTL story which was largely ignored by pundits until last year. The PE ratio placed on YTL is unjustified low at 10 times vs other energy & utilities companies like TNB {20 times} or a multi bagger Sunway at 20 times. Dollar for dollar it make more sense to invest in the YTL group { which derives 90% of its earning from its foreign operations} not a buy call just sharing my personal view on the market. Pleae do your own research before you buy or sell


2024-02-27 16:44 | Report Abuse

There must be a strong reason why foreign & local funds are buying into YTL group. They know something big is coming


2024-02-27 10:29 | Report Abuse

Mr OTB yes. Inclusion of YTL and YTLP in MSCI Malaysia index is positive. Potentially after 29Feb we can expect upward momentum


2024-02-27 10:20 | Report Abuse

Bplant sold their Kulai Young estate in late 2021 to YTLP subsidiary SIPP for 429 Million. KLK subsequently proposed to acquire 33% +1 share of BPlant shares { from Boustead and LTAT holdings} at 1.5 billion or 1.55 per share in 2023. However the bid fail to materialised due to certain quarter unhappiness


2024-02-23 20:00 | Report Abuse

Errata :YTL profit jumped to 589 million for the 2 qtr ended 31 Dec up from 96 million a year ago


2024-02-23 19:56 | Report Abuse

I am not an expert on numbers but certain revenue numbers figures and profit indicators of YTL 2Qtr announced yesterday is verify and prepared by a team of professionals engaged & employed by the company before submission to Bursa. Not a hearsay or just "pasar malam" gossiping but based on actual reported accounting figures against previous qtr and YoY comparison. Not a speculative hype to rile up prices. YTL net profit jumped 589 million for the 2nd qtr ended 32Dec up from 96 million a year earlier. For the 1st 6 months of FY 24. YTL recorded a net profit of 1.11 billion against 133 million recorded a year ago. Whether YTL earning has reached its peak is subjective. Going by Management guidance they expect the group to continue maintain & operate satisfactory. Look how Nvidia profit has continued to outperform. This figures are reported in the business times and also in Bursa website


2024-02-23 15:05 | Report Abuse

YTL or YTLP power up rally not by retail investor but by foreign funds holding a long term view on YTL group. Group earnings in SGD or USD. Only 10% in MYR. Look at the core business structure. Partner with Nvidea on the A1 smart data centre. Whenever there is a price retracement at 2.15 - 2.20 smart money will accumulate.


2024-02-23 10:18 | Report Abuse

For myself having a long term view any short term share price fluctuations isn't really a concern. However our ringgit depreciating value vs the USD is a real concern. LCtitan group borrowings of USD 2.2 billion in 2020with the Korean excim bank to finance their factory Indonesian plant an expansion is a real concern. From an estimated cost of app 10billion ringgit. Now it's has ballooned up to 11 billion in ringgit terms. Obviously this USD borrowing's will have an impart on thier bottom line. Worse the Fed Reserve isn't going to lower their rates any time soon. The Korean Exim Bank rates aren't cheap { at 5.0-5.5%


2024-02-02 14:21 | Report Abuse

dragon328. Totally agreed with your reasoning. Pricing of the stock and thier fundamentals are highly corelated


2024-02-01 13:56 | Report Abuse

Out of curiosity. Why people repost past items or news on YTL {without knowing the whole story} the acquisition of Tuaspring power plant by YTL Seraya was done way back in May 2022. YTLP paid SGD $270 million for the power station in cash { whereas the original price consideration was SGD 332 million} by a combination of shares & cash consideration. Hyflux financial position was untenable { PUB } Tuaspring station was taken over by PUB Singapore. Hyflux filed for bankruptcy in 2018 and Maybank. Singapore appointed insolvency firm to take over Hyllux assets. Oliver Lum { chairman of Hyflux} was charged with corporate breaches. YTLP acquisition of Tuaspring power plant added its combined power capacity to 2,402 MW { making YTLP the second largest power producer in the island state} the fall of Oliver Lum was the talk of the town. Hyflux recycled treated water was highly touted and acclaimed as a local home ground international brand. YTLP by paying 100% in cash to acquired the plant make a savings of SGD 62 million. A corporate masterstroke when you have the financial strength & cloub


2024-01-31 10:18 | Report Abuse

Institutional buyers sustain their buying support for YTLP. an upgrade {YTL} most likely come after coming qtr result announcement


2024-01-31 10:14 | Report Abuse

Slowly it will drift into PN 17 status if no new business is injected. And cash run out and all their UK remaining property units sold.


2024-01-31 10:08 | Report Abuse

LCTITAN needs a new direction. It's core products facing margin compression. India, Vietnam, Thailand and China started their own country industrial petrol chem manufacturing plant which may hit LCtitan when they come online in 2025


2024-01-31 08:51 | Report Abuse

Yes. dragon 328 agreed 100% with you on YTLP business analytical segment report. Growth potential and income plus a dividend payout will ensure YTLP /YTL group in the investment fraternity radar.


2024-01-30 10:43 | Report Abuse

Mr Pang 72. The possibility & opportunities are endless. Remember Boustead sold part of thier Kulai Estate to YTLP in late 2021 for 430 million. The estate land size is 664 Ha {1 Ha @2.471 acres =1,640 acres} Kulai distance is around 40-45 km from Singapore .if Nvidia can set up AI-DC hub at Kulai with YTL. There is no stopping if Nvidia {Jensen Huang} starting or contemplating having its own chips factory at Johor. Afterall one of Nvidia suppliers { KINSUS } mulls starting a chips substrate plant. This news was reported in Nikkei Asia on 16 Jan 2024. YTL group price can really fly if this can materialised. A word of caution { just my own idea } not Francis Yeoh or Jensen. Huang


2024-01-30 09:47 | Report Abuse

Not only short selling but LCtitan cash is burning fast. FY 2022 - 730 Million loss, FY 2023 - 780Million loss. FY 2024 - Forecast 1billion loss. Not forgetting LCtitan finance loan of 11 billion for their Indonesia plant. This is really bad looking at thier numbers


2024-01-29 19:51 | Report Abuse

RHB team have met up with YTLP management prior to their TP price upgrade. Similarly UBS team too must have met up with YTL top management before they buy into YTL group. They {UBS} have a very clear investment view and strategy.


2024-01-29 19:31 | Report Abuse

HLIB up thier TP price. Now follow by RHB upgrade. More IB's will follow suit


2024-01-29 07:54 | Report Abuse

DJ closed positively on Friday rising above the 38,000 index for the third time in a row. With the forth coming Fed Reserve {FOMC meeting} on 30-31 January. Without any unforseen risks Fed should start the normalisation of the rates reduction rollout. Market should be positive & buoyant mood. YTL group should likewise continue the price upwards momentum


2024-01-26 21:52 | Report Abuse

UBS is the world's biggest private bank in terms of AUM {assets under management}


2024-01-26 21:49 | Report Abuse

UBS is the world's biggest private bank in terms of AUM { assets under management }.


2024-01-26 19:26 | Report Abuse

Bro. Just skip and ignored all his grumblings. Concentrate on Bursa
& YTLP shares instead


2024-01-26 10:26 | Report Abuse

Not a buy call. Please do your research before you buy or sell