
Plantermen | Joined since 2019-07-26

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22 hours ago | Report Abuse

At the signing ceremony the price they acquired from LTAT was not revealed. There is a strong possibility of different pricing used for the shares acquired. Maybe later we will know more about the S&P details.


1 day ago | Report Abuse

Sarawak acquired 31.25% of Affin shares. Sarawak State is now the largest and controlling shareholder of the Affin Group


1 day ago | Report Abuse

Our market is trending lower vs other Asian markets { despite China government recent stimulus }


2 days ago | Report Abuse

Not so Gun Ho for the time being. Affin need to break it's its previous high price range betw 3.45 - 3.50. Can we see it tomorrow?


3 days ago | Report Abuse

Unable to sustain the sudden hike in prices. upward momentum still intact. Will be good for PChem if last minute push uo


3 days ago | Report Abuse

The key timing is betw 4.30-5.00. market makers will go either way push higher to sustain chart breakthru or side line trading. Rotate between profit taking and consolidation stage


3 days ago | Report Abuse

This round is too inked the S&P after the MOF and BNM have given thier greenlight


3 days ago | Report Abuse

We all will know on Friday after Abang inked the deal with LTAT


3 days ago | Report Abuse

Yes. Keeping our fingers crossed. 80 sen short term TP


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Natsuko. From what we understand from certain quarters. The implementation of E invoicing have brought an increase in audit fees due to more compliance and monitoring. The big 4audit houses have revised their basic fee for Plc. This could be one of the factors that certain companies choose to opt for other audit houses and not rely on the big 4


5 days ago | Report Abuse

One more week come Oct 1. Most probably Sarawak State and Petronas will come into an arrangement and agreement on the business of distribution, exploration and rights


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Unconfirmed news report Gtronics tie with a third party for a contract manufacturing deal. This may be partly contributed to the spike in today price. We need to remember how Gtronics was hammer down by the shorties from 1.30sen to 60sen in a matter of 2 weeks. the saga of a new auditor to replace KMPG is overdone and overlay by the shorties


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Without prejudice or disrespect to any parties. Mr Ku is also sitting on the board of Gtronics as director and CFO of the group. Mr Ku is the Principal of the public accounting audit firm `Grant Thornton Malaysia PLT '. Mr Ku also sits on the Board of MIA { Malaysian Institute of Accountants} which is responsible for the registration., licensing and renewal of accountants practising in the country. The above info is all extracted from Mr Ku public profile


1 week ago | Report Abuse

SC 2023. Liaw is a tech & app solution guy started his career in Cuscapi as a solution provider in 2006. Hold a degree in computer science. Ms Heng is the newly appointed CEO of the comoany Mr Ku is their CFO extracted from the annual report


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Any transfer of funds have their money trails. As a paid employee of a company. The Company secretary, Accountant or CEO. You would not authorised such a sum without any proper documentations. This is not a pasar malam hawker business


1 week ago | Report Abuse

There is no right or wrong. It all depends on your risk appetite. Most important & critical is your buying or entry price. The stock has felled from $ 1.30+ to the current level of 60+.. Business is still on going only the management has changed. As a penny stock it's still has certain plus or positive factors. Not a buy call just my 2 sen view


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Ooi & his partners sold their stalk to APB at a very high valuation { for the controlling stake} . The price has now plummeted. Business as usual is not a good answer from the Board


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Real possibility of further downside. Bad sentiment further added Ekovest negatively. need to hold till end month. Just my own take on Ekovest price slide from 38 sen to 33 sen breaking the key support at 35 sen


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Without prejudice. The 2 Borneo states of Sabah & Sarawak is now the king maker. Whoever is in the Putrajaya hot seat needs their support


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Sarawak will reach an agreement
& sign a deal with Petronas on the gas exploration. However the bulk of the marine deployed or the utilisation of vessel{s} will now be directly placed under State control. Just my 2 sen view


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Hedging currency forex is entirely different from playing bitcoin or commodities. You don't take a sell call position or have a big buy call. You only insured certain forward position of your forex currency fluctuations on your expected sales inventories. If your sales exposure is 10 million USD for OND period. You hedge your USD currency at 4.20 for OND period vs current exchange rate of 4.38 vs MYR. Unlike a currency trader who take a forward position


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Unless LCtitan fire sale.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Affin share price has underperformed vs it's peer {despite the strong undertone sentiment in banking stocks} the lack lustre result in Affin qtr announcement is not helping either.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Supermax bad quarter result, Harta sharp price drop does not auger well for the gloves sector. Recent Supermax qtr result was hit by write off and impairment on high inventory costs. Harta was hit by shrinking sales and downgrade by IB's. Despite the emergence of Mbox gloves industry continues saddles with dwindling sales & margin compression across the board. Have we seen the bottom . Only Mr Market knows


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Without prejudice. FDI making a play for our banking stocks and other heavyweights. CI link Glic move up but others sort of lack lustre. Remember Fortune 500 { global } Petronas group is Malaysia sole representative. Not a buy call but partly explained why FDI prefers quality grade companies


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Rakutrade forecast 1730+ for Malaysia CI


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The bull is in control. Only now starting the engine


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Ekovest will announce their last Q4 result on or before End August. If the result is above market expectations and not too bad vs the last corresponding period. There is still hope for a price rebound. If the result is worse than expectations then hold tight for more downward pressure


1 month ago | Report Abuse

institutional investors waiting for signals from Jerome Powell address at Jackson Hole sympoism later today


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The 3 mid tier bank's listed share price on Bursa. Affin at $3.33, Ambank $ 5.01 and Alliance bank at $4.46. In terms of bank assets, network, EPS or loan growth. Affin is quite close to their peer. But when come to share pricing. Affin as a group is a poor cousin vs it's peer. Not a buy call just my own view looking at the statistics


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Market is open. We have day or flip players, short term and long term. Warren Buffet says buy the shares is liking buying the business. Let it grow


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Without prejudice. Cape EMS coming qtr result announcement may be bad or below what management has previously guided. The way their CEO disposing her shares doesn't give any comfort or confidence.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

JP morgan and Goldman sachs { Both the 2 iconic US heavyweights IB } have upgraded Malaysia equity market after 6 long years. This has attracted inflows & a relook in our local market scene


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Friday full of hope. Today exactly the reverse


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Rebounded from the day low of 40 sen and closed at 43 sen. If downward trend continue tomorrow can trigger more selling pressure


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Ekovest closed at the day low 39 sen. If fall below <39 sen may see or trigger more selling pressure tomorrow .


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Affin closed at the day low 3.10/3.11


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Just be cautious. Bursa is a favourite hunting place for the foxes and predators.. Always trade with caution & do your own homework


1 month ago | Report Abuse

China aggressive aim of self sufficient in petrochemical manufactoring & production is causing an imbalance between demand vs supply. Look at how China outstrip the manufacturing of gloves production


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Million dollar question.?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Just wait for the official acqusition announcements from Abang Johari. Sarawak and Sabah asking the 35%quota in Parliament. Currently they holds arounds 26 %


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Just to add on Sarawak State is the largest producer of natural gas in Malaysia. Previously sale of natural gas is channel directly under Petronas but now the distribution of natural gas is reverted back to the Sarawak State government under the purview of Petros { the gas aggregrator for the state licensing, distribution and retail} 13 multi national companies have received their licence from Petros. Another 3 more applications is still pending.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Me too are puzzled why certain individual label it " pump & dump". Reminds me of YTLP in their early bull run { a few individuals keep asking people to sell and dump the shares } from the 2.10.... right to 2.50.....3.50.....4.00..... Now the price is 4. 35 { even after the pull back}


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Look at how YTLP perform {never a straight line} on /off pull back. Set your target price and trust your own judgement.. Banks in Malaysia are said to be resilent and closely monitor by BNM.. Stability and most of all risk adverse vs banks operating in UK or EU


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Not a buy call. Just my own take how the 30% or more is coming from. Please do your research before you buy or invest


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Sarawak has 4.95% or below the mandatory disclosure holdings of any one party holding > 5.0 %. Premier Abang Johari has make public to acquire 30% stake in Affin Bank. LTAT has inked the MOU to sell part of their stake to Sarawak. The largest shareholders of Affin is LTAT 24% { minus 4.95% sold} HK based Bank of East Asia 23 %. Boustead holds 20%., KWSP 5% and other Glic linked funds holds 2 or 3%. We cannot rule out other friendly based parties to the Sarawak State has acquired more stakes in Affin Bank. It's always a number games to have majority stake in any companies


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Without prejudice to any parties. owners who have pledged their company listed shares for financing will be hit hard. The banks will be pressing them to top up their margin financing or forced sales their pledged shares..... Banks are like licensed ah long


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Can go either ways. Need to see how the short sellers move in the afternoon trade. this shorties may be tempted to depress prices further by pressing below the 39-40 sen support


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Panic selling. Red sea across the board.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Panic selling. Red Sea across the board