
Plantermen | Joined since 2019-07-26

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2024-05-25 08:24 | Report Abuse

Without disrespect to any parties. Sky world listing raise 166 million thru its IPO. Out of which 11 million budgeted for the listing exercise. App 55 million is budgeted for working capital. The balance 100 million earmark for land acqusition. The board has announced a payout ratio of 20% dividend vs thier share base of 1 billion {subject to all the nitty gritty rules.} SKYWORLD is primarily an urban developer looking at targeted areas. Unlike their bigger peers { Sunway, IOIP, Sime, UEM, YTL or GAMUDA } which have deep pockets and landbanks. Developer needs hugh outlay and upfront development costs. Eg Sime Darby awarded a combined contract value of 1.74 billion to GAMUDA to built a DC at Sime Elmina estate. Not the best time for smaller developers. Just sharing my 2 sen worth of self analysis. Not a sell or buy call. Please do your own research before you invest.


2024-05-25 07:55 | Report Abuse

In the minds of our investor & shareholders. There is only 1 or 2 main criteria. Capital gains and growth potential of the company. Whether we buy on dips or pullback is entirely an individual choice. The risk and reward ratio is a criteria all investor should also take note. Nothing wrong if one locks in their profit or buy back after the recent dips. Timing and opportunities is not there every day. Do your research and look at your own portfolio. Cheers


2024-05-24 12:39 | Report Abuse

Pullback is natural after the recent uptick in share prices


2024-05-24 12:36 | Report Abuse

Pullback is natural after the recent sharp uptick in prices.


2024-05-24 11:03 | Report Abuse

Bad timing. DJ index drop 600+points. Don't expect any positive catalyst forthcoming.


2024-05-24 11:00 | Report Abuse

DJ drop 600+points. Don't expect any positive catalyst forthcoming. Minutes of Fed meeting looking more hawkish. Bad timing


2024-05-24 10:57 | Report Abuse

DJ drop 600+ points. Don't think any positive catalyst forth coming. Minutes of the Fed meeting looking hawkish.


2024-05-24 10:53 | Report Abuse

DJ drop 600+points. Don't think any positive catalyst forth coming


2024-05-24 10:51 | Report Abuse

Chart wise still holding well. DJ drop 600+ points. Don't think any positive catalyst forth coming


2024-05-07 15:10 | Report Abuse

Best of luck to you.... Bro. Need to stay away and see whether the IB jokers TP price prediction of 90 sen can materialised


2024-05-07 13:39 | Report Abuse

They are not telling us except for the standard reply. Weak demand and over supply


2024-05-07 13:37 | Report Abuse

There must be a strong reason or compelling factor LG Korea have decided to dispose off their subsidiary LCTITAN which they have invested


2024-05-06 12:02 | Report Abuse

The first quarter losses of - 178 milllion is slightly below the loss of - 225 million reported in the previous qtr. Nevertheless based on what was reported by the press. LC titan is expected to face worse off in the 2nd quarter ending June24 with lower sales volume and weak product demand. With demand muted and a supply gut Analyst expected LCtitan core losses to further widenen. The 1st Qtr losses ending March 24 was narrower due to the LCtitan has capitalised 136 million in interest expenses relating to the loan taken for their Indonesia plant expansion. In other words the accounting side have sidestep the interest from the P&L and instead putting as part of the construction costs. This is something minorities should. Make note of. The cost of construction costs would be substantially higher with the debt interest added on the plant expansion. Please do your research and understand the so called interest and cost transfer


2024-05-03 09:31 | Report Abuse

Losses for the 1st quarter FY 24 comes in at - 178 million lower vs Y-o-Y. LCtitan has lost money consecutively for the last 9 quarters


2024-05-03 09:26 | Report Abuse

Bypass the 328 is just a matter of time. Now or later


2024-05-02 15:47 | Report Abuse

MS announcement too sketchy with little details. Nevertheless what was announced 2.2 USD billion investment in the next 4 years for A1 and cloub computing vs 1.7 USD for Indonesia under A1 and cloub computing. Without disrespect both news are identical except for the quantum announced. Need to wait & see where exactly is their investment going to channel


2024-04-30 09:55 | Report Abuse

Niseko is a secondary resort town at the foot of Niseko Annupuri popular with downhill skiing. Renowed for its onsei bath resort and tourism in Hokkaido. Although not as famous as Mount Fuji in Tokyo. It's a popular resort with excellent facilities. It's link with the Chitose Airport. Cheers


2024-04-30 08:36 | Report Abuse

Dragon 328. A strategic move by YTL to invest in Japanese real estate hospitality sector. Looking at this particular sector the yen is at its 34 year low vs the USD. It's a calculated move. Inbound tourist arrival is buoyant and increasing year on year. Capital appreciation and value creation is their key mark


2024-04-29 22:11 | Report Abuse

Yinson boss {Lim} is a season businessmen with an excellent track record. Paying MYR 173 million to Ekuinas for the 50.2% stake in Icon {using Liannex as his investment arm} maybe just the beginning. Liannex, Yinson and Icon all have their niche in marine logistics and engineering. We cannot rule out possibilities of injection of certain assets and business into Icon. Afterall triggering the Go, getting the requlatory approval and all the nitty gritty from the authorities is exactly not a walk in the park. Certainly Yinson boss{Lim} have plans for Icon. You don't paid 174 million just for the sake to acquire a company. Something big must be brewing in his mind


2024-04-29 18:02 | Report Abuse

Technical chart is just a tool. Market sentiments, company growth and business earnings are much more relevant in today fast changing world. Look at Nvidia how a humble software developer with Jensen Huang at its helm charting it's own growth transformation into today world cutting edge A1 chips. Thier initial share price was at $12 per share in 1999. Now trading at a staggering $877 per share {excluding their share splits.}Yes always stay with a winner. Just my own 2 sen view point not a buy call


2024-04-29 12:30 | Report Abuse

Coming qtr result must be very good { above market expectations } who knows YTL may surprised the market with a bonus split and special dividend for the YTL minorities

News & Blogs

2024-04-28 08:59 | Report Abuse

Chapgpt and A1computer is here to stay. A real fact not a fad. Can be deploy in multiple industries and sector. China, US and Russia all knows A1 holds the key


2024-04-27 13:10 | Report Abuse

Without disrespect to any sifu or experts on land matters. The planned city development of Nusantara is split into 5 phases. The targeted date of completion for the new capital city is set betw 2045 - 2050


2024-04-27 11:31 | Report Abuse

Land ownership in Indonesia is complicated. Forest land is strictly reserve and no cultivation is allowed. Ownership of agricultural land is split into HAK MILIK, HGB, HAK pakai { lease}, HGU { right to cultivate or plant}, HMA rumah susun { building units}. Only Indonesian citizens is allowed to own freehold land { HAK MILIK} Foreigner's is not allowed to own or buy freehold or HAK MILIK titles. In addition any agricultural land development 20% of land use is reserved for local community or adat{ forest land rights} akin to our Felda scheme


2024-04-27 09:07 | Report Abuse

Both YTL and YTLP valuations are very low vs other KLCi 30 stocks or other tech stocks valuations


2024-04-26 17:44 | Report Abuse

Coming qtr result to be announced in May. Expect more upside & further upgrades by investment banks. HLIB is the first IB to revise and upgrade their TP price to 3.33


2024-04-26 13:24 | Report Abuse

Sleeping...... Please wake up


2024-04-25 12:10 | Report Abuse

Dragon 328. Noted. Tks for the update


2024-04-25 10:29 | Report Abuse

Mr dragon 328. Any possibility of giving us the link HLIB price update on YTL


2024-04-24 13:28 | Report Abuse

Please keep our forum on business and not politics. You can post your own thoughts thru your personal social medium platform e. g tik tok, instantgram or facebook


2024-04-23 16:10 | Report Abuse

Different IB companies have thier means and ways to release the nett buyers and sellers. Split between foreign accounts, local institution and retail accounts. May not be accurate but at least we have a feel on the market undertone.


2024-04-22 11:31 | Report Abuse

Look at KEY field the newly listed oil & gas provider. The valuations is substantially much higher vs it's peer or icon valuations. Today traded 1.75 - 1.77 against its IPO price 90 sen


2024-04-20 10:14 | Report Abuse

And your own time line investment strategy. For long term holdings{ 2-3 years} or short term trading 3-6 mths tine frame


2024-04-20 10:11 | Report Abuse

Good explanation. Whether using technical or trend line projections. Always set your own limit not to forget your own risk appetite.


2024-04-20 10:07 | Report Abuse

MkH oil palm IPO listing on 30/4 may indicate market perception on oil palm planter's. Need to see what valuations MkH oil palm fetch or accorded by the market. Both TSH and MkH oil palm are in the similar upstream


2024-04-20 10:02 | Report Abuse

Downside limited for the big cap YTL and YTLP. Wait for the upcoming qtr result announcement


2024-04-20 08:55 | Report Abuse

Yes. Economic turbulence and uncertainties. Oil, physical gold and usd dollar is perceived as safe haven. People will minimize their spending on big ticket items. Look at the US data. Tesla car sales drop, apple phone slows. New housing sales took a dip


2024-04-19 12:33 | Report Abuse

Big cap able to withstand pressure & plus any unexpected economic turbulance. Deep pockets vs small cap companies that relies either on borrowing's or project sales that are worse affected during any down turn. Without any sizeable lands bank reserve the small cap properties are suspectible to high development built up cost. This is the reason why analysts only favour big cap stocks like Sime prop or IOIP that have sizeable holdings and plantations land bank. Just my 2 cents not a sell call. Please do your research before you buy or sell


2024-04-12 09:34 | Report Abuse

Yes. One thing is real. Cost of goods spike up hard to come down. The so called government re directed targeted on petrol subsidises would push up many other cost of living items. prices would increases exponentially if my transport costs increases, my freight charges increases, electricity & water rates is higher. Rental rate would mark up. Blame it on the government


2024-04-11 16:37 | Report Abuse

US stocks pull back because of uncertainties


2024-04-11 16:36 | Report Abuse

Always follow the lead. Oil, gold, energy, water and AI can be the biggest beneficiaries of this economic uncertainties


2024-04-11 14:20 | Report Abuse

DJ is down. Don't expect good Friday


2024-04-11 14:18 | Report Abuse

2014 we have seen 6 PM. First Badawi, Najib, Mahathir, Muhyiddin, Ismail and current PMX anwar


2024-04-05 14:55 | Report Abuse

Without disrespect to any parties. LCtitan was previously taken private with a low valuations. Against this back drop there is always a strong possibility of the Board to follow or use this route {i. e. to delist the company} kitchen sinking exercise is permissible and fastest means to bring down the valuations} Or the worst case scenario as the expense of minorities to sell off the Indonesia plant at a loss while LCtitan Malaysia carries the losses. Hopefully the LCtitan board would not resort to this underhand tactics. The losses can be utilised as tax credits or against future earnongs


2024-04-05 10:29 | Report Abuse

Need to wait for all the group corporate restructing exercise finalisation. Of course coming quarter earnings need to show positive improvement if not why bother with this so called turn around plans.


2024-04-04 12:18 | Report Abuse

Investors especially fund's manager are concerned over Ekovest direction. In Sept/Oct 2023 Tan Sri Lim has a announced a slew of exercise, group restruction and acqusitoom from its chairman {Tan Sri Lim} related private held companies. The whole purpose is to reposition Ekovest as a giant multi conglomerate with the construction arm transfer to KNUSFORD. Until today there is no news update on the planned acqusition. Minorities are still in the dark over the actual implementation dates


2024-04-04 12:06 | Report Abuse

HLIB has down graded VSI outlook from positive to negative ° their biggest customer in the US is not restocking due to sluggish sales. VSI management has indicated for FY 25 to broaden its product offerings


2024-04-02 11:30 | Report Abuse

Listing of 220 million MkH oil palm shares on Bursa at IPO price of 66 sen is a good opportunity for investors. Their business operation's similar and akin to TSH plantations. Another substantial oil palm listing is the Johor plantation group. 875 million shares will be offer to both institutions and the public. Keep our finger cross if we can get part of the IPO shares


2024-04-02 09:53 | Report Abuse

Without prejudice. Hard to justify any comparison between Poh Kong and YTLP. Poh Kong Holdings is more a retail stock with a niche in the sales and trading of gold ornaments. Its business mainly focus in the local domestic sector vs YTLP which is involved in the power distribution, energy & water, data centre, oil production, digital banking and 5G telco operations. 90% of its earnings are derived from its overseas operations.