
Plantermen | Joined since 2019-07-26

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2020-10-30 15:09 | Report Abuse

Who is the PP buyer at 50 sen. Can the party rescind the PP placement { citing unfavourable development}


2020-10-30 15:06 | Report Abuse

All counters got hit today. Bad Friday


2020-10-30 08:28 | Report Abuse

Taiwan has been very innovative & forefront in developing & exploring new technology


2020-10-30 07:04 | Report Abuse

Certain counters have turned negative for the past 1 year. Running losses can be as high as 40 % { paper losses} nonetheless the bigger Question have we seen the bottom? Nobody knows


2020-10-28 06:54 | Report Abuse

Big Question? Why big shark operator aren't pumping up GP price after numerous announcement. Looking at the AGM price chart.... only sustain at lower end. This is worrying if market turns


2020-10-27 13:19 | Report Abuse

Liquidity :nope not accurate but very happy green day despite plunge in DJ


2020-10-26 12:00 | Report Abuse

Bot and stuck. Now waiting at 55 to cut loss


2020-10-26 06:55 | Report Abuse

Expect more allocations and projects under budget 2021 to be given to Bumi companies to shore support for PN government.


2020-10-26 06:51 | Report Abuse

Another round of Glic link companies reshuffle to shore up support for Moohidyin before Parliament sitting. Expect PN members & supporters appointed and supporters rewarded with plum postings


2020-10-25 21:27 | Report Abuse

The Ministry of Science & Technology and Ministry of Health is task with the procurement and selection of the vaccine. An additional budget of 2 Billion allocation was targeted by MOF to be table in the Budget 2021 on 6 November.

KJ { Minister} was quoted in the various mainstream articles of press and in BFM interview that 8-10 vaccines is currently short listed { undergoing} their final trials} the vaccine's priority is for the frontliners, armed forces, PDRM and health workers. Its the government initiative to procure the vaccine or a Government to Gornment basis and WHO COVAX programme. Pharma and Dpharm { both Glic owned companies} have the logistics and resources for the bottling, process and filling of the vaccine doses


2020-10-25 12:47 | Report Abuse

KJ announced that have short listed 8 - 10 vaccines in their final stages. Believed frontrunner are the China vaccines


2020-10-25 12:44 | Report Abuse

DIY stores are located at unfavourable sites. Some less known Malls already have dead { only DIY still carries on}


2020-10-24 06:55 | Report Abuse

If PM declared emergency rule and suspend Parliament { replaced Cabinet by a National operations council} how will investor react?


2020-10-23 13:38 | Report Abuse

Mah Sing { Tan Sri Leong} is a well known business personality in corporate Malaysia. Ploughing 150 million into a new business is no chicken feed { funding from own internal reserve} is something other company pale in comparison. Others will go for bank borrowing's if they have the balanced sheet or share placement and private fundings { if their balanced sheet lacks the resources} just my own take


2020-10-23 13:25 | Report Abuse

Eco World merged with UEM { follow the path of Sunrise} very obvious why tan Sri liew and his key people is selling


2020-10-23 11:33 | Report Abuse

Errata - not a fly by night operator. Well known in Singapore and Chins


2020-10-23 11:32 | Report Abuse

Zhang Yong is a well established businessmen billionaire { China business daily} ot a fly by night operator. Just goggle his profile


2020-10-23 11:21 | Report Abuse

Ant group {Jack Ma} dual listing in China and Hong Kong. Biggest IPO listing in HK. Road show and book making by Jack Ma {Ali Baba & Weechat} going to establish regional base in key Asian markets. This will hit ten cent hard. Wee chat is very strong in China market. Ten cent may realign its business model. Any material effect or changes to GP JV?


2020-10-23 07:07 | Report Abuse

IBs TP downgrades? They missed the 1st & 2nd wave citing overstretch valuations and pricing. Then IB 's started the herd mentality chasing gloves counter to daily record high. IB s only keen on their bottom line not yours


2020-10-22 19:08 | Report Abuse

Gloves counter attract FDI. Malaysia few shinning star sector? { amid covid pandemic} new norm in today business.


2020-10-22 19:05 | Report Abuse

Close almost at the day low. No oomph


2020-10-22 11:47 | Report Abuse

So far 2.00 is the resistance mark. Unless it's break the next support will retrace to 1.80 { 10% macd}


2020-10-22 11:31 | Report Abuse

Sideway trading { lack lustre trading}


2020-10-22 11:30 | Report Abuse

Vaccines are all classified halal { blood donation} but fill & process production in Malaysia is meant for export to Muslim Arab nations. China has no qualm using Malaysia as a distribution hub. Look at Geely using Proton production hub


2020-10-22 11:26 | Report Abuse

Chemical specialised trucks highly niche market. Blue ocean strategy { unlike the normal fragmented trucking logistics} this specialised delivery all contracted for long term


2020-10-22 11:13 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Leong { founder of Mah Sing} personally taking charge of the Glove project. Properties division oversee by her daughter. Construction undersee by his right hand man Datuk Ho


2020-10-22 08:28 | Report Abuse

China vaccine strongly tipped to be Malaysia choice. Indonesia already pre book with China state owned lab


2020-10-21 16:23 | Report Abuse

Not too optimistic. GP moving here, moving there. Better start glove production { using 400 - 500 MILLION} to cater for China parties. No profit to showed!


2020-10-21 12:29 | Report Abuse

Sell first later subscript PP at a lower price. Win win formula. PP pricing not fixed { different trenches} using mark to market discount and valuations


2020-10-21 12:21 | Report Abuse

No money to fund operations. Must increased sin taxes


2020-10-20 16:06 | Report Abuse

Profit taking. T+2


2020-10-20 08:37 | Report Abuse

The start up cost is high { 500 million spread over 4-5 years} GP needs financial cloub and deep pockets to fund this venture. China partners collaboration inked agreement { GP to built the sites} whereas the other parties would utilise it. Unlike Mah Sing who have the $$$ and balanced sheet { reserve funds} to fund the glove venture. GP { ccpuan} neither have the cloub or $$$. He relies on private placement or rights to undertake this venture. Balanced sheet result isn't promising { straight losses recorded yearly} PP fundings means share base is increasing { meaning don't expect any dividend forthcoming plus share dilution in the next 3-4 years.} buyers need a really long term view on GP venture. Maybe 4-6 years outlook. just my personal view.


2020-10-20 08:25 | Report Abuse

Their glove venture needs time between 12-18 months to nurture { not instant profit} best case scenario without hiccups starting production in early May0/Jun 2021 { 1st phase} financial result would be impacted by the start up cost { estimated between 150 Million} profit projection comes in 2022/2023 FY year. Just my 2 sen


2020-10-20 08:17 | Report Abuse

Worldwide infections spiral upwards with 40 million+ cases recorded yesterday. US, Brazil, India, EU {Spain, France, UK} hardest hit. WHO reaching out to China, UK, Russia, UK labs for a vaccine antidote. China has already started mass testing its vaccine


2020-10-20 08:10 | Report Abuse

CW sold by various IB's are putting a lid on mother share. Come nearer to expiry dates. Monkey tricks to damper the share price


2020-10-19 23:46 | Report Abuse

The ink agreement with Wuhan Easydiagnosis Biomedi one listed on China Shenzen exchange { founded in 2008} HQ located in Wuhan China. One of leading manufacturer specialising in development, production and sales of POCT rapid diagnostics reagent & equipments. One of the pioneer company making bedside, quantitative detection {blood}, cardiovascular examinations and solutions.


2020-10-19 17:27 | Report Abuse

Share trading lower { no holding power}


2020-10-19 07:39 | Report Abuse

Minister { KJ} wants the government to procure and lead the charge in AI and big data collection { citing national security. He is the Minister foe Science, technology and innovation. Private investment will be playing second fiddle { same like contact tracing app} mysejahtera is the primary source


2020-10-19 07:30 | Report Abuse

Both the Pharma and Dpharm will be the lead players. Others need to seek MOH regulatory approval. Best option { tie up with Pharma or Dpharm} for filling, process, procurement and distribution or logistics. Pharma and Dpharm have the network and logistics for distri ution. This vaccines need to move in special cold press isolation trucks { to ensure no contaminations or unnecessary risks}


2020-10-18 23:50 | Report Abuse

Wuhan lab is the pioneer in combating covid outbreak. The frontliners and medics have high exposure & experienced in dealing with the outbreak in early November


2020-10-17 09:57 | Report Abuse

Needs regulatory approval, Vaccines bio or synthetic Nat { that's requires cold treat syn lab}


2020-10-17 09:53 | Report Abuse

Not a good year for property


2020-10-16 18:17 | Report Abuse

KJ specifically mentioned Dpharma & Pharma in the BFM interview. NOV budget tabling have requested an allocation of 2 Billion for Co I'd vaccine. There is more coming


2020-10-16 18:14 | Report Abuse

Mah sing single day jump 22 sen just harping on glove manufacturing in 2Qtr 2021.


2020-10-16 18:12 | Report Abuse

Mah sing single day jump 22 sen. Remember HWGB drop from Sep high of 1.00 +


2020-10-16 13:42 | Report Abuse

Glove production business cash terms { versus property venture} no brainer


2020-10-16 13:40 | Report Abuse

This glove venture has been the talk for the past 1 - 2 months. Actual production targeted 2Qtr 2021. TG big boss already mentioned its takes a long time to built up glove business { 2 years from ground zero} to get regulatory approval and lines running. Its need expertise and deep pockets. For beginners maybe a start up cost between 80 - 100 million ringgit