
Plantermen | Joined since 2019-07-26

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2020-08-19 10:23 | Report Abuse

K1 always up 1-2 days follow by retracement unlike HLT or Carepls where price tend to sustain


2020-08-19 10:19 | Report Abuse

Glove usage will continue to grow whether with or without the covid vaccine


2020-08-19 06:30 | Report Abuse

Ten cent cloub business is a platform people is trying to avoid currently. But the 10 % private placement price at 52 sen option is a disastrous for minority shareholders.


2020-08-18 13:11 | Report Abuse

Bursa closed on thurs

News & Blogs

2020-08-17 16:12 | Report Abuse

Everyone is saying ten cent! But why ten cent needs G3 5G tech now?. Malaysia expect to roll out its own 5G platform in the next 5 years { 2022-2025} . If Malaysia exclude Huawei { pressured by Donald Trump} by US to exclude Huawei. Both Nokia & Ericsson is lobbying hard to the government. Anything is possible.


2020-08-17 11:56 | Report Abuse

Everybody got hit for the past 1 week gloves & HC counters. Cut loss and paper loss instead of accumulated profit


2020-08-16 15:36 | Report Abuse

The glove & HC rout was started by certain broker { securities firm }on their clients no contra trading for glove counters effective on Monday


2020-08-15 13:35 | Report Abuse

Without prejudice totally agreed with mike assessment. If coming announcement not Tencent coming in {as speculated} GP can expect & see
more selling pressure


2020-08-15 13:31 | Report Abuse

Too many false starts & optisim based on news flow expectations { but K1 totally failed to excite investor appetite. Look at TG or Super giving out bonus { to sustain buyer's interest} or third liners announcing JV or acquisition


2020-08-15 10:17 | Report Abuse

All counters got hit { bad week for stocks} rumors of gloves counter imposed by certain securities houses ban for contra play led to this rampage. Earlier was their margin limitations imposed all this sh *t brings a stop to the bull parties. They are unhappy all the high volume channel thru on line trades { not thru their firms} just my 2 sen


2020-08-15 10:09 | Report Abuse

Never expected K1 such drastic drop { almost back to my original price in early Apr } this price volatility good for trading but bad for those hold for long term


2020-08-13 07:44 | Report Abuse

Investors got hit left and right. Not only in K1 but all the other HC or glove counters. Gold counters and O & G was not spared either. Hopefully, after this pull HC stocks can continue thier uptrend.


2020-08-13 07:36 | Report Abuse

Sputnik vaccine has not completed their stage 3 trials. People are fearful of any pullback in prices and the herd mentality of jumping off the cliff { the red bath started}


2020-08-12 12:57 | Report Abuse

Russia vaccine not really tested in final stages just rushing out to be the number one in the world. National pride beating America and rest of the world


2020-08-12 11:27 | Report Abuse

Strong support 68 - 70


2020-08-12 11:24 | Report Abuse

Brent crude still holding USD 40 - 45 price range


2020-08-12 11:23 | Report Abuse

Sharp fall this 2 days. Tek seng what's happening?


2020-08-12 06:29 | Report Abuse

Contra kakis playground { 6-11 August} historical daily volume from 13 billion to yesterday new record 27 billion plus.


2020-08-12 06:24 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Lodin was their CEO for donkey years. One of the most low profile man in the corporate sector helming LTAT, Bstead group of companies and not forgetting 1MDB


2020-08-12 06:19 | Report Abuse

Conman counter


2020-08-12 06:17 | Report Abuse

Yesterday sudden spike up was a real surprise { can the uptrend sustain} continue


2020-08-11 07:13 | Report Abuse

New CEO LTAT and Bstead better do something fast. If not you will be replaced after HE15


2020-08-11 07:11 | Report Abuse

Yup. TA trader. Board remuneration fee never cut but cut our expected dividend payout. Board directors insensitive and make stupid decision


2020-08-11 07:09 | Report Abuse

Mah sing trend is always up one week after follow by retracement. Shrew operator playing up down game. Hold for long term


2020-08-11 07:05 | Report Abuse

I believed some funds have taken money off the table and moved to other sectors. Demand is there { gloves} result of Super is above consensus. DJ is positive. Today opening should be positive. SUPER may be the bellwether for gloves and HC stocks


2020-08-10 14:11 | Report Abuse

INVESTOR39 u cannot please everybody. Everyone has thier own ideas and favourite stocks. Just share what u think is fair and appropriate


2020-08-10 12:07 | Report Abuse

Believed their 50 Million reserve lock in with the banks. Board or the Directors not in the goreng business


2020-08-10 11:56 | Report Abuse

Vaccine won't materialised just yet. All are clinical trials subject to regulatory approval


2020-08-09 15:11 | Report Abuse

My apology. Shud read as RM 0.01 { RM 10.00 per share}


2020-08-08 12:34 | Report Abuse

Tsh final 10 sen dividend xd { 4 /8} payment date end Aug { 28/8}


2020-08-08 12:30 | Report Abuse

Possibility of Mah Sing acquiring a third party factory producing PPE. Mah sing own factory can manufacture Face mask {China exporting face fask machine} cost betw MYR 350k - 400k per unit. Tan Sri Leong mentioned the board expected their venture into HC materialised in late Qtr 2021. Buying a PPE factory is the quckiest turnaround time {Maybe they are eyeing an existing PPE new set up} not too expensive valuations { meaning a small outfit not a big established factory} just my 2 sen worth imagination


2020-08-08 10:47 | Report Abuse

IB and fund houses missed the boat when gloves and HC start spiking up in early May. None recommended the HC or pharmaceutical sector when the bull ride started. Thier TP is at best "kopi cham `mixed bag depending thier position. Fund prices underperformed in 1Qtr and 2 Qtr. Now they are doing buy low sell high in the 3Qtr.if not their KPI and targets all missed


2020-08-08 10:41 | Report Abuse

Pandemic is worsening all over the world. WHO DG expects the pandemic to worsen in the coming 2 months whenever countries ease thier lockdown. It's question between economic misery or human health risk factors. World needs more PPE to fight the outbreak


2020-08-07 19:35 | Report Abuse

IB and fund managers having a field day punting & trading. Buy low sell high. Buy high sell higher


2020-08-07 19:31 | Report Abuse

Errata - Abnormal demal becomes the norm


2020-08-07 19:30 | Report Abuse

Now we have a super spreader virus { the pandemic likely stick around much longer} look at the numbers spiking up in US, India, Brazil, Philippines, Australia { No continent is spared} PPE is required in Hugh amount { a normal demand becomes the norm} whether drugs or vaccine


2020-08-07 19:25 | Report Abuse

I also got hit yesterday bro never expected the sharp drop across the board


2020-08-07 19:19 | Report Abuse

This HC and glove {10-12 counters} has hit limit up for the past few days. Normal for punters to take some money off the table { especially on a weekend} retracement betw 13%-22% depending on what level u are looking


2020-08-07 15:20 | Report Abuse

Buying momentum { notion} out of the ordinary. New norm becomes the norm


2020-08-07 15:17 | Report Abuse

Trump wants a vaccine before US presidential election in Nov. Polls shows trump is losing


2020-08-07 12:18 | Report Abuse

No stock will spike up in a straight line. Profit taking is normal in any counter


2020-08-06 19:35 | Report Abuse

Genting Singapore relies on tourist traffic. Without tourist traffic Genting is a dead duck


2020-08-06 17:00 | Report Abuse

Try to sell but before keying in the price already retreated { very fast}


2020-08-06 16:04 | Report Abuse

Warrant conversion takes time not immediate


2020-08-06 13:04 | Report Abuse

Day traders using pump and dump tactics


2020-08-06 11:30 | Report Abuse

China is using their leverage to built up Yuan currency and less dependant on the USD as their prefer medium of transaction


2020-08-06 09:37 | Report Abuse

T +2 heavy script delivery. Expect contra players to square off position.


2020-08-06 08:33 | Report Abuse

No relations with covid 19 theme play. Loss making counter drop from 69 to current 55 { kena trap} despite all gloves shooting to the moon. GP { still no tyres or fuel} Park at garage


2020-08-06 07:01 | Report Abuse

PBb really need something to spice up the interest.