
Plantermen | Joined since 2019-07-26

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2020-05-17 05:06 | Report Abuse

Qtr result was a big disappointment. Impairment of this magnitude is worrying. The least the Board could have given thier guidance on the write down before hand { instead of diam diam} this is disturbing

News & Blogs

2020-05-15 15:40 | Report Abuse

Without prejudice RHB picks { based on last FY} which covid 19 pandemic has changed the investing scenario or landscape. look at thier picks { nothing to look at health care or ppe business sector.


2020-05-15 07:51 | Report Abuse

JT 5774 :technical neutral. agreed with YOU on your analysis


2020-05-14 16:38 | Report Abuse

KYY learns his lesson. NOW started profit taking rubberex and comfort. High volume plays


2020-05-14 14:58 | Report Abuse

Morning already reach low now prices should stablised


2020-05-14 09:33 | Report Abuse

Newbie : must be patient and take a longer view. prices fluctuate but main focus is on a growth stock in a strong sector. Just my own view { others may have different view}


2020-05-14 07:27 | Report Abuse

Next 2 qtr figs is a big plus to their bottom line. Glove prices and demand all surge during this period


2020-05-14 07:20 | Report Abuse

Contra T2+1 {Friday position}


2020-05-13 10:50 | Report Abuse

Ansell is a global leader in health care & safety protection. Listed on ASX and has a customer base in more than 100 countries. It's not a newbie compared to all the so called JV signed by others


2020-05-13 09:48 | Report Abuse

All glove producers re rated by IB and funds. Growth stocks in this strong sector


2020-05-13 08:41 | Report Abuse

Yes. Agreed. Invest in the strong sectors. Glove producers ARE the growth stocks


2020-05-12 23:57 | Report Abuse

Re rating on glove counters by IB 's and research houses amid pandemic.


2020-05-12 18:44 | Report Abuse

Wary of second wave covid 19 infections


2020-05-12 17:30 | Report Abuse

Trust both Super & Comfort fly higher. Pure glove manufacturers


2020-05-12 15:15 | Report Abuse

A lot of block trades done today { 500 - 1000 } suddenly IB's scrambling to take position


2020-05-12 13:15 | Report Abuse

New MB kedah comes from PAS


2020-05-12 13:08 | Report Abuse

New cases globally sparks fear of second covid 19 wave worldwide


2020-05-12 11:04 | Report Abuse

Government owned entities tend to underperformed compared to thier peers. Look at UDa, Sp setia { after Tan Sri liew exit} sime prop etc property and big ticket items suffer during pandemic


2020-05-12 10:47 | Report Abuse

Yes. HLT indirect beneficiaries of glove producers. HLT suppliers of glove diplines parts & services


2020-05-12 08:18 | Report Abuse

Glove producers that have pledged to donate medical gloves
TG, Harta, Carepls, MREPC (rubber export promotion} YTY group

News & Blogs

2020-05-12 08:10 | Report Abuse

Avoid stock promoters citing certain stock unit citing high demand for thier products. Look at thier company products whether eg. pure glove producers or merely related rubber products, gloves trading or industrial suppliers} need to do your research and homework.


2020-05-12 08:02 | Report Abuse

Coming 2 qtrs result will be bad. 1st Qtr ending 31st Mar hit by covid 19 outbreak in China. 2Qtr ending 30th June hit by MCO and blanket ban on tourist arrival. Worse still is their cruise ships operations { people are scared} dont expect any recoveries in this financial year 2020. Gaming tables closed with theme park opening delay. Expect write down on the P&L, Capex, amortisation etc


2020-05-11 12:29 | Report Abuse

Above list is rubber glove producers sourced from trade index { others are associates members involve in gloves trading or industrial /parts suppliers rtc {bulk of main business derived from other sources}


2020-05-11 09:36 | Report Abuse

remember which side of the wind is blowing { for glove counters} never go against the trend. IB's and funds are accumulating glove producers. Look at KWSP, PNB, KWAP investments in Glove counters are miniscule compared to Banking. Fast forward where do this funds will be ploughing in this uncertain times. TG in midDec trading at 4.30+ { 4-5 months sky rocket to 7.30 + } ask who is buying


2020-05-08 16:10 | Report Abuse

Nuzul Al Quran on Monday { no trading}


2020-05-08 16:07 | Report Abuse

Based on WHO many countries are testing anti bodies and drugs usage to combat covid 19 infections. Between lab testing and mass inoculation still required a long gestation period. In Europe a minimum period of 52 weeks are needed. DRUGS can be used during pandemic but medical usage effectiveness is a big question mark. Some can work some not effective some have side effects. this is the reason why the big pharmaceutical & drugs companies need time to develop an effective vaccine.


2020-05-08 15:57 | Report Abuse

There ia marked difference between industrial gloves and examination gloves. Examination gloves are further split between surgical and medical gloves. Whereas industrial gloves are commonly known as garden or household gloves. Carepls produces surgical, nitrile examination, latex gloves { not forgetting disposal grade} this is one of the key factors Ansell buying into thier gloves factory.


2020-05-08 11:08 | Report Abuse

Errata : acquired in the open market


2020-05-08 11:07 | Report Abuse

Between May 2018 till 17Mar 2020 { prior to MCO} Both directors acquired 6Million plus shares in the own market.


2020-05-08 09:31 | Report Abuse

Very low volume counter


2020-05-07 09:19 | Report Abuse

Ansell is a multi national Corp based in Australia with markets targeting Europe and UK

News & Blogs

2020-05-07 08:31 | Report Abuse

TG, Harta, Kossan are more long term players. retail players tend to focus on 2 nd tier counters and penny stocks


2020-05-07 08:27 | Report Abuse

Never chase so called high dividend counters. remember this dividend { final or interim is based on previous reporting qtrs} after factoring present market turbulence and uncertainties. price will readjust and tend to trend lower after the Exdate. Many people get caught and force to hold for a much longer term until the counter slowly recover. JUST my personal view on so called dividend stock


2020-05-06 12:27 | Report Abuse

EGM result after lunch break


2020-05-06 12:25 | Report Abuse

T2 +1 today for contra


2020-05-06 08:59 | Report Abuse

KYY idea is straigbt forward invest in business he understand. Construction was his past favourite NOW he is investing in glove
Production { not too complex engineering process where lines and capacity automation & costing are the main criteria. Partly related to his experience


2020-05-06 08:54 | Report Abuse

KYY like to dabble in small cap stocks unnoticed by others { after accumulating then KYY will slowly goreng up} that's the name of the game.


2020-05-05 18:19 | Report Abuse

Everyone has thier own preferences and trading ideas. Just be constructive and share your ideas. During this trying times tough to make $$$ unless. You hit the right counters


2020-05-05 18:15 | Report Abuse

Glove producers are the theme play. Look at TG price up +65 % in just 3 months. 4.35 in late Dec now trading at 7.20 { today closing} same applies for supermax and other glove producers. Other health related products or industry also up in tandem with the theme play.


2020-05-05 11:32 | Report Abuse

Never never trust this IB 's call.

News & Blogs

2020-05-04 08:48 | Report Abuse

So called wonder stocks must scruntize with a fine comb and do your homework { price vs peer comparison and current scenario } before ploughing it. Remember promoters always tell a good story

News & Blogs

2020-05-04 07:43 | Report Abuse

Gloves usage has increased multi fold. Non medical workers and others also use gloves for household and cleaning purpose. In hospital and clinics gloves are discarded aftereach usage. Doctors, nurses, medical assistant even cleaners use gloves. Rubber and nitrate gloves are disposable materials unlike your gardening gloves


2020-04-30 23:51 | Report Abuse

Banks big u turn on automatic loan deferment moratorium {bad for people but good for their bottom line}


2020-04-30 08:05 | Report Abuse

FY ending January 2020 record a loss of 4.5 billion { excluding EBIT} is frightening. Cash flow is negative with banks putting a stop on new financing { eg Hin Leong Oil in Singapore } damming prospect with Petronas scaling down capex and putting on hold new current development. Sapura slipping to PN 17 is real pressure on any recovery. are we looking at PN 17 ?


2020-04-30 07:52 | Report Abuse

Gloves demand usage jump 10 times. All gloves factory in Malaysia facing back logged orders running till Oct - Nov period { caused by MCO lock down} government only allowed 50% during the initial este tial sector. Labour shortage and logistics further compounded the back logged. USD trending up and oil prices record low oth indirectly benefiting producers. Expect the coming 2 - 3 quarters super result from glove manufacturers.


2020-04-29 09:41 | Report Abuse

Suspension IDSS till end June should stabilise banking stocks


2020-04-29 09:35 | Report Abuse

Gloves is the theme play in 2020


2020-04-28 12:06 | Report Abuse

Contra trade {profit taking} on glove counters


2020-04-28 10:06 | Report Abuse

T2 +1 from last Friday