
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2022-01-23 21:02 | Report Abuse

9. Top Glove’s factories were not spared from the recent flood that ravaged parts of Peninsular Malaysia in December 2021. Six of its factories located in Meru, Selangor was impacted for five days. Damages caused its machinery were covered by insurance according to Lim. He mentioned that the company will improve its drainage system around the area by building a retention pond to collect excess rainwater and reduce the incidences of flood. He added that the company’s factories are scattered across different parts of Peninsular Malaysia to minimise production disruption risk.

Flood Reduced production will Hit coming Qr results ( already dented by slow US sales )


2022-01-22 15:41 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa Thats what otak cacing jus can smell lah. Ular pun not that desperado mah. Ular like to eat avocado with fruits smoothies only leh.

Got vegetarian Snake meh??? Why cannot find in National GeoGraphic KIDS channel....
Short-short already. Longkang everywhere, sure fall inside one Big one


2022-01-21 18:46 | Report Abuse

Ular cannot Cut loss...Average RM7...Everyday drumming here for Support but IDSS attacking


2022-01-21 15:33 | Report Abuse

If manager of Epf and Kwsp are still holding SB shares then the first person to Sue Karim will be
this two Taikor.....Manager( epf & kwsp) just earn a salary, they will quickly washed their Hands
and Let Board of Directors to explain to Investors ( you and Me )


2022-01-21 15:20 | Report Abuse

next Qr results will be Out after CNY 10--15Feb...CIMB knows AA earning inside Out. You should
be very concerned in 20days time


2022-01-20 16:33 | Report Abuse

neutral on Super, only bearish on Top...But chances are both going Hit 99sens in near future


2022-01-17 18:17 | Report Abuse

SinGor AirAsia’s fate: Two extremist views from CGS-CIMB and Maybank

CIMB and AA were best of best friend when Nazir was the CEO of Cimb....The moment Nazir
resigned from CIMB and Cimb no longer extend loan to Tony so you got Cimb Tp's 14cents.

As we have said a Thousand Times, Bank Tp cannot be Trusted. It all boils down how many
millions Cash are loan to AA....The more Loan, the Higher Tp AA gets ( Looks like MayBank in deep shit by looking at its Tp given to AA )


2022-01-17 10:04 | Report Abuse

why Khairy hit on Cigs bcos he doesnT smoke....why donT he Hit on Carlsberg and HeinKein???
If he did, BN youth got no more wild party


2022-01-17 09:34 | Report Abuse

I think i3lurker always steps on Serious problematics case like SB and AA. Both are Not going
to turnaround in 365 days


2022-01-17 09:31 | Report Abuse

We donT know who is the next Health Minister in 6 months time Or after GE15....One thing for
sure Khairy will wipe out by Saddiq Muda youth.....As i said it again, Khairy playing popular VOTE
for GE15


2022-01-17 09:16 | Report Abuse

At current Jet fuel price, the more AA flies the more Cash are Burnt. Coming Qr results will be a
1-2 punch to price


2022-01-17 08:10 | Report Abuse

Khairy is trying to get popular Vote. Gov. with Custom and police cannot stop 10billion illegal Cigs flooding black Market, he (khairy ) is talking about banning smoking for 14years Old...Illegal Cigs
are every where ( 10billion Cigs Not 10 cigs ) Some more as if he doesnT know, 90% of Legal
Cigarette import License are BN politician family owned including many TanSri and also Supreme
Top, Top fellow that Police dare not to touch.


2022-01-16 17:11 | Report Abuse

Under strict Islamic Code, you cannot even smoke cigarette. But in Afghanistan, Taliban soldier
smoke more cigarette than you and me.


2022-01-16 17:08 | Report Abuse

looiting Investing in non halal sector when PAS is strong in Government is asking for trouble

Best Beer in Pakistan is Murree Beer. Same Brewery also makes Gin, Vodka....Nobody in
Pakistan wants to say Beer is Haram Or Not, But in every Dark corner on a dark street, you will
see a small Table with several Beer on in.( you cannot import Carlsberg Or Heinkein into Pakistan
bcos Pakistan is a Islamic Country......But you can Drink Beer ( nobody will stop you )


2022-01-16 15:39 | Report Abuse

ProsperousRealm SinGor, you go back take good care of your air asia lor

Tony of AA is in Full phase of Parkinson's disease ( worst than TanSri ) Atleast TanSri still
remember Ular is carrying his Nuts.
Covid kills Airlines. DonT touch AA even the price is very, very enticing. You will surely turned
into a Eunuch in 6 months time ( wait for 4Q22 report before you call Uncle Tony if he still
remember you )


2022-01-16 14:04 | Report Abuse

MiaoMiao7 Pearlwhite, will u be attending the agm? If so, please ask them about epf

Pearlwhite is either "toothPaste" Or the Real Pak Karim. I think is 99% Pak Karim himself


2022-01-16 10:32 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng Palm oil market is not USA but China & India combined 2.75 BILLION CONSUMERS

Obviously Calvin propaganda, no insight at all on palm oil consumption. 90% of USA palm
consumption are industrial usage--cookies, cake factories ( not consumers ) Recession in USA
and EU mean recession in China too. 40% of China Export goes to EU and USA...China in
recession, how can palm consumption goes Up ( palm Oil in China is 40% more expensive
than local vegetable Oil )

India palm sales is one of the most difficult market for Malaysia bcos India produce substantial
edible Oil and when USA in recession US will force India to Buy USA edible Oil ( US is the
largest consumer edible Oil in the World ) Or else massive Trump style Tariff

PAS was here( 40years ago) when Cigarette and Beer received their manufacturing License.
What can PAS do? Even Timah Logo remains after heavy attack by PAS.....
A PKR and BN youth Party without Beer and Cigarette is NOT party...


2022-01-15 16:08 | Report Abuse

Calvin also tell all to buy Palm oil Shares

If EU and USA goes into recession in 2022, Calvin can drink palm Oil for breakfast and Lunch.
Sin Stocks are tested and reliable against Covid and LockDown. BAT and Carlsberg, Heinkein
gave Dividend for the whole of 2021....LockDown Or no Lockdown


2022-01-15 15:24 | Report Abuse

Omicron will take away AA revenue for atleast 6months ( covid 2 years ) So only at Sept 22 AA
will show a improvement ( God prohibit another New Variant, ) China is major, major, major
obstacle to AA revenue bcos China believe in Zero Covid and 60% of All AA revenue depends
on China Route


2022-01-15 15:03 | Report Abuse

RI is far, far away from Tony mind bcos he cannot raise anymore personal borrowings. Somehow
i felt it is Tony financial position that will make him a bankrupt First before AA announce it will
default on all payments.


2022-01-15 14:44 | Report Abuse

Have you see a snake with mental problems ( it bites its own tail )....Ular is a Good example. Already very deep into emptiness waiting for RM7.0...TanSri keep asking Ular where is his Nuts
is also a strong indication his alzheimer disease is getting worst ( buy 1--2 m for what, playing
marbles is it?? )


2022-01-14 19:03 | Report Abuse

me and Ular are waiting for 99sens...other Cooks are not welcome they say too many
Cooks spoil the soup


2022-01-14 13:40 | Report Abuse

AA is now a official CheeseBurger, nice to eat but very expensive ( where is the Beef, Tony has no
idea )


2022-01-14 13:33 | Report Abuse

TG's outlook also very bleak. Nearly all its factories undergone Upgrade but World demand cannot
keep up...Omicron all Hype and no show. China Nose vaccine is available in June 2022 and
new Pfizer Omicron Vaccine is also available in June


2022-01-13 15:49 | Report Abuse

anyway got to buyback at 4:00pm for IDSS


2022-01-13 15:48 | Report Abuse

shorties attacking in unison...step ladder Down( Batu Cave style)


2022-01-13 10:58 | Report Abuse

Omicron UK had peaked....and USA will peak in 2-3 weeks...only used of Glove is for Cleaning
Toilet Bowel caused by massive Diarrhea from investor who Bought TG at RM7


2022-01-13 10:33 | Report Abuse

If Court rules Karim guilty, those small retail investors should group together and file a claim
against Karim and Co ( not SB...already Tin Kosong by now ). Some Lawyer can work on %
to file for claims...A group has emotional strength that can take the claims a long way


2022-01-13 10:29 | Report Abuse

TG 2022 revenue from USA is falling like a Rock...Omicron is Not helping Ular to carry TanSri
One tonne Nuts


2022-01-09 13:53 | Report Abuse

Stockisnotfun Tomorrow up or down?

Ask snake!!! For someone who cannot say the word "buy" have to guess what is the
meaning Bank FD as related to share purchasing ( twisted words to confuse everybody)
No wonder TanSri keep asking Ular where he parks his Nuts...say parking Lots but actually inside Toilet Bowel


2022-01-08 17:52 | Report Abuse

8899EL8899 tan sri is a gentlemen,.....jpm & tiger fund is kiasu,.......tan sri will push the share price
Yeah TanSri is a gentleman...but he is just like the rest of Malaysia Manufacturer using 3rd
party "Slaves"...he cannot be accused as a Slave Trader bcoz he is buying slaves from 3rd
party Slave Provider controlled by Politicians

Only CBP can twist his arm and made him kneel down to beg for mercy


2022-01-08 12:31 | Report Abuse

Karim will sell down its stake to buy his way out


2022-01-08 12:10 | Report Abuse

USA DONT need imported Glove...They are already using CBP to stop imported Glove to
protect their own Glove factories.......just what they Did to China products. US-- 3M, Kimberly-Clark,
and others small US Glove factories expansions are coming On-Line under White House support (Trump )----going self sufficient


2022-01-08 10:48 | Report Abuse

TanSri is very, very concern about HK listing price, bcoz Omicron is really "not deadly at all"


2022-01-07 19:23 | Report Abuse

Guess what Bursa is Not impress with SB's AR...No news on resumption of Monday Trade..
Maybe next week Bursa might give us a Hints


2022-01-05 20:18 | Report Abuse

AR Cannot be a qualified Opinion perse. Must be direct to the point where the Bug stop Or
disappeared. In that way we can judge whether the Auditor is just "makan Gaji" Or a Man with
Credible standings.......or else we have no juice to fight on 7 Jan 2022


2022-01-05 17:51 | Report Abuse

JPMorgan said full Global recovery in 2022. KPS revenue might Double in 2022


2022-01-04 10:50 | Report Abuse

Ular got No TG stock, why keep talking here...unless average is RM7, then desperate to defend


2022-01-03 17:34 | Report Abuse

Q at 0.005 on 10/1....till 13/01


2022-01-03 17:30 | Report Abuse

7/01/22......slaughter House open for Biz.....Pao Kung incharge


2022-01-03 14:56 | Report Abuse

Korean First Death from Omicron????...When you are 90years Old, going to Toilet can be your
last Call. DonT talk about infected by Omicron


2021-12-31 18:22 | Report Abuse

IdleMoney66 Karim is the icon of Bumiputera Entrepreneur. He never let us down :D hahaha

Karim New Dress Code......pajamas with zebra vertical Lines


2021-12-29 18:50 | Report Abuse

Wirajati According to tele group, about 27% lose >100k from SD and its sister co. Or about 28 peeps. Huge

Maybe PearlWhite lost more than desperate to defend in dying minutes


2021-12-29 18:27 | Report Abuse

newtrader1989 No announcements from serba hahahahahahahah. I think not material if charged by SC

How to post? Secretary also Cabut....Even if Secretary is still working, Karim is NOT in office to sign release to Bursa


2021-12-28 19:26 | Report Abuse

Ikan Bilis ( who loss money from share purchases) can group together to file a Class Action
lawsuit against Karim and Co. Karim and Co might stashed a lot money overseas. I have a feeling
SB is just a Tin Kosong ( all accounts are "man-made" )


2021-12-28 19:10 | Report Abuse

The story just begins OR ends today....warrant arrest for Karim


2021-12-28 18:15 | Report Abuse

London very difficult to defeat Omicron. A photo posted to me by Friend yesterday from London
shopping Mall. Only one in every 3 person wear a mask in door.( compare to 99.9% Malaysian
wearing Mask inside Mall )


2021-12-28 17:22 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh manyak will hear from Ular next 7 years( just for TG to breakeven at 7 )


2021-12-28 17:20 | Report Abuse

only Ular who bought and average down to RM7 will defend TanSri's Balls and Nuts...
If you have NO shares, you are better off drinking Milo Ais than Talking here 8 till 5 everyday