
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2021-11-26 08:55 | Report Abuse

LIMIT UP again. Wait for me please YKK (dont goreng so fast )


2021-11-24 10:42 | Report Abuse

Last week...the longer Qr. delay means blood trails is very long


2021-11-24 10:35 | Report Abuse

manyak susah, tea lady predicts 70sen coming


2021-11-24 08:58 | Report Abuse

Karim abuses court system is well know...however Bursa give back a taste of Karim's medicine...
I hope he gets well and release SIR within 7 days Or else better clean buttock very well


2021-11-21 08:51 | Report Abuse

The next move after Qr release will be "Mother of All Fall to 1.50 "


2021-11-21 08:49 | Report Abuse

Coming Qr results are most likely like Super..............RED QoQ and RED YoY


2021-11-21 08:30 | Report Abuse

I can hear Ular shaking in "fear" like a RattleSnake...FD rate plunging...No Dividend possible


2021-11-18 10:03 | Report Abuse

I donT think TG can recapture US market within this Qr (due in 30days). Coupled with Bad Super
results, JPM's Tp is really a Killer


2021-11-18 09:59 | Report Abuse

once arrived 2.0 within 2--3weeks( or days)...selling force will be so heavy that down trend to
1.50 is almost a Done deal


2021-11-12 10:30 | Report Abuse

donT waste time here, the fish is rotting


2021-11-12 10:25 | Report Abuse

You pay RM 10 for 3mins strip show...better locked your eyes on target, it will be over soon


2021-11-12 07:41 | Report Abuse

Bursa ( in 45years ) since inception by Parliament is now sued by a Deranged CEO


2021-11-12 07:31 | Report Abuse

TanSri's buyback will release 200mil shorted shares. Giving shorties 500mil profit...with so much
cash, next round round of shorting will be very ugly. All TG cash will be used to defend Price


2021-11-08 16:37 | Report Abuse

Someone in this forum suggest Karim should sue Bursa...Guess what He thinks it is a Great Idea


2021-11-07 10:49 | Report Abuse

myinvestor Many foreigners may not know foreign workers especially the Nepal want to earn more money when thy come to Malaysia. They will try to work as many OT as possible during weekend which easily increas

Factory give OT only if Biz is Good and production cannot meet Orders.....99% factories DonT
give OT but required Workers "finished their works before they leave factory for the Day "
factory owners normally cheat workers 3--4Hrs a Day.....seriously we should ask Gov to
impose Windfall Tax on Nepal / Bangla workers if they makes RM100,000 a year( net of Tax)


2021-10-30 15:10 | Report Abuse

Having sex is a Human enjoyment, yet, you cannot do it in public but population still increasing...
There must be "A" way BAT can increase revenue.....moving to the darker-Side


2021-10-30 15:05 | Report Abuse

Need new institutions who don't hold a grudge against BAT.

Really got nothing to say....But the real problem is Gov follows international standard by banning
smoking in public area that really killed BAT revenue ( also banning Advertisement and printing
on cig pack "horrible pix of Lungs cancer )....If you banned smoking in Cinema, Coffee Shop
and Shopping Complex, you cannot lit a Cig anywhere in work places


2021-10-30 10:08 | Report Abuse

Sin Group, Heinkein and Carlsberg are both price at 23 & 22 with outstanding shares same as
BAT.....Both Beer Co. pay less dividend than BAT and lesser profit....


2021-10-27 10:36 | Report Abuse

Just in Public Bank's Tp= 0.31...Usually PB's Tp is mark-up 30%...So real intention Tp is only 0.25


2021-10-26 19:04 | Report Abuse

Karim and Dir still got 35 days of Golf Day...why worry?


2021-10-26 18:39 | Report Abuse

Kossan QoQ drops 50%...Super & Harta will follow...TG out of No-where will get whack on the
Head and stay unconscious for next 30days


2021-10-26 18:22 | Report Abuse

21Oct ,3 Dir (except karim) met EY on briefing....all Dir & Karim knew perfectly what info EY
wants...instead giving info immediately to EY....they just finished their Day playing Golf


2021-10-26 17:04 | Report Abuse

Kossan QoQ drops 50%...Super & Harta will follow...TG out of No-where will get whack on the
Head and stay unconscious for next 30days


2021-10-26 16:41 | Report Abuse

My remisier said based on yesterday SB tone, even SB announced EY opinion, many important
opinion will be redacted (obscure or censor).....most likely a blank piece of paper starting Hello
and ends with " no further comment "


2021-10-26 10:49 | Report Abuse

meaning bank will FORCE SELL these 2 counters
starting from Today.

Leno, old hand. Knows margin account very well......
But it is really up to individual Brokerage to decide....

Margin account cannot accept One stock to be more than 50% of total if bank / Brokerage House decide that the risk is too High...they will liqudate 50% of margin account
that can be Trade


2021-10-26 08:39 | Report Abuse

SIR is just a Audit Update on a "One year Old Audit Gone passed "...One year no Audit who dare
to Buy SB up coming Bond Sale....No money, Default on interest payment....Malaysia own


2021-10-26 08:23 | Report Abuse

SB Corporate Rating will go down the Drain. You think EPF, PNB dare to Buy SB Bond and Stock
if its Account Cannot be Audit....( normal account query will be just " no I didnT see Or know it )


2021-10-25 19:03 | Report Abuse

SB looks like Clown ( reply to Bursa on Factual Finding )...No., No i didnt see anythings....All said
No Trading tomolo or any time soon.....Sleep well everybody


2021-10-25 18:13 | Report Abuse

From O&G, now goto Car Parking Biz....After SIR Out, Go after Garbage Collection Biz


2021-10-25 14:31 | Report Abuse

sunnyleong I done inform all DAPS in 3 states. And use all resources to dig him out

Sorry you will Not Find Karim...He is with J. Low in Shanghai....afternoon Tea...Discussing East Malaysia pipeline


2021-10-22 18:20 | Report Abuse

Bursa donT suspend Trading unless directly Or indirectly requested by Co....Bursa got 1500
stocks...some went limit-Up Or down without Bursa Tracking ( after closing ----yes )
jeffchan1901 @SinGor .. but normally if company want suspend, it will mention that company ask for suspen


2021-10-22 18:12 | Report Abuse

when karim cannot blocked selling, he ask bursa to stop trading....why he sell warrant in the first
place (spooked investors for sure...He knows it but still Sell )....If he donT blocked Mother selling, the price will crush Other Director margin account----forced selling again )
Really Karim is doing "things without any long term consideration


2021-10-22 17:56 | Report Abuse

Karim is the best "Mother Hen" in Bursa.....Sued external auditor if they donT listen.....Threaten to
sue anyone who dare to speak bad / promote ill feeling about SerB......If investors dump shares
after he disposed all warrant, he request Bursa to block ALL Trading ( say to protect disorderly
trading )


2021-10-21 14:50 | Report Abuse

tomolo will see whether Super can hold when Bankers assigned NEW Tp following CBP action


2021-10-21 10:20 | Report Abuse

Super intends to use Mexican / Haitian illegal in US factory


2021-10-21 10:18 | Report Abuse

The whole Malaysia Glove Industry will plunge with Super


2021-10-21 10:17 | Report Abuse

Now Super get Hit by CBP....TG donT celebrate bcos the worst will Hit TG market worldwide.
The Bulk of Super export actually goes to USA...Now Super will throw price worldWide just
to Get breakeven production Volume....Compare Super with TG, Super will suffer 5X more than
TG when Hit by CBP


2021-10-21 10:07 | Report Abuse

TopGlove lost about 55% or More...Super will suffer similar faith Or WORST bcos more than 50%
of Super Gloves goes to USA


2021-10-19 16:04 | Report Abuse

Secondly, smaller players are not in multiple production lines expansion. Interest expenses
for small players are manageable but not needs larger market and good asp to maintain
profit margin


2021-10-19 16:00 | Report Abuse

It is True with falling ASP, small players will Kaput over Times...Not when they do significant damage to Bigger producer like TG. Smaller players will match dollar for dollar Cut by TG initially.
While their losess is heavy, TG losses will be in Hundred of Millions


2021-10-19 15:42 | Report Abuse

When Ikan Bilis becomes permanent players, there is No FA or TA that will frighten them bcos
loses come from "Win Money"


2021-10-19 15:40 | Report Abuse

standard trend...Bankers collect.... price cannot go UP. If Ikan Bilis push, they will Dump
immediately.....we need syndicate now. Syndicate got more money than Bankers and go for very
short term. However when they removed road block, ikan Bilis will rush in (also standard trend)
When contra players makes money 3--4 rounds, they become permanent players


2021-10-19 14:09 | Report Abuse

Auditor fees doesnT go to Hundreds of millions. But management problem maybe getting out of Hand....and KPMG goes for a quick Kill but Karim refused to pay ( more likely the reason )...
Both KPMG and management knew if things get Out of Hand...Both will be Hit by Bursa.....
KPMG is so used getting Hit ( really donT care...rubber snake )


2021-10-19 13:41 | Report Abuse

DonT blame KPMG alone.....Auditor gets kick Out if Management cannot agree auditor opinion.
There many "dark" deal between management and auditor....And 99% Auditor gets the Blame
But, but they are well "paid" for being Kick Out ( mouth Full of stuffed $$$.....sure keep quiet )
Why this time KPMG gets Sued??????? Something gets terrible wrong


2021-10-18 15:54 | Report Abuse

Velesto should has a fair value of 50cents (without Naga 7 in its Books ) Another 2 petronas
contracts would be very Good. If Green Tech really take Off, Velesto still has a lot Jobs in Sealing
off Old drilling Oil pipes from releasing Oil and Drill for Gas Deposit for LNG


2021-10-18 08:55 | Report Abuse

so near at announcement Date and price is half dead. SIR looks like a DuD ( dead Duck)...
Court case with KPMG is a cannot change Data submitted to Court or
else KPMG will win the case....To change SIR into a serious Upside Opinion is a DuD


2021-10-12 17:10 | Report Abuse

Whale Shark---bottom feed at 4:30pm...took away nearly 15mil at 10.5 cents....tomolo maybe
another round until everything being Sapu from 10---12cents


2021-10-12 17:01 | Report Abuse

the problem with KPS is , when you wait for it to surge, it will never come. The moment you sell off,
it will Limit Up tomolo.


2021-10-09 17:25 | Report Abuse

Sometimes my mind and hands doesnT works together very well...bcos I am doing internal
audit on SerB account ....
So i choose a wrong word ( open and direct market )
But the general idea is the same Director Awang already got a Cap from Broker House ( or
else he is Buying instead of Selling ( i did put a word "planned Deal " at the End )

Any market dips, will see Awang transfering shares to Karim Account again...This is to "Avoid
forced Selling by Broker " again and again---if Karim account can handle " the extra weight"

" If Broker sees Bright Future in SerB, why forced Sell Awang Shares "....negotiate a proper
Interest Rate and absorb the Risk "
InterFund® Many uneducated like @singor here.............. awang direct transcation with Kadier off market...........not dispose open market..............


2021-10-09 11:13 | Report Abuse

Director Awang dispose 1.60Mil in Open Market And Not by forced Selling speak Vol.
1) He knew "something is coming" and his current holding cannot take a Hit.
2) Broker advise Director Awang to trim Holdings to avoid another Forced Selling if Market Dips.
Dir. A. Kadier bought 1.6M on the same day Awang disposed 1.6M ( planned )