
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2021-12-28 16:40 | Report Abuse

Bursa is now holding the ACE card. I doubt things can Cool down. More and more SB funny
accounts will be exposed by Bursa.


2021-12-28 16:28 | Report Abuse

90% of second board Co were mostly in trouble with Bursa previously....Why i had not heard
Bursa being Sued...90% of second board Co got off quietly....There are proven tactic to deal
with Bursa....paid Right person to Talk and Talk with Bursa ( ask for delay and delay and whole deal got forgotten )....You go Hard Ball with Bursa, you get Cannon Ball Back...I see Karim in Jail


2021-12-28 16:14 | Report Abuse

Wrong move by Karim...Never, never Sue Bursa....Basically Karim just stir-up a Hornets nest.
Bursa got to response to a law suit and brought all its Asset against Karim


2021-12-28 16:07 | Report Abuse

Once Directors are charged in Court..relisting / trading of SB is worst than Hiroshima Atomic Bom.
Better delist


2021-12-28 10:34 | Report Abuse

after IB fully Sold then only IB Wrote Damning Reports ( where got before they Sell, they wrote
Bad Report )


2021-12-28 10:31 | Report Abuse

when IB wrote tonne of Reports that they are not bullish, you will not see 2019--20 Rally (
almost up RM1 every day )


2021-12-28 10:14 | Report Abuse

yesterday upside has nothing to do with Omicron. Just RSS buyback. TopG's FA remains the
same...And also some IB portfolio year-end change helps the Vol (some buy & some Sell )


2021-12-22 10:33 | Report Abuse

If not milder than Delta it is Good news for TG. 30,000 Bangla can go on Holiday for 2 weeks....
Factories Closed


2021-12-22 09:49 | Report Abuse

normally sea water cannot arrived Jalan Meru, but heavy rain and High Tide is a disaster made
in Heaven....what Grab Diver said, 3/4 of Port Klang is under Water


2021-12-21 14:20 | Report Abuse

I saw what is Coming from USA....impose Quota on Glove import Or Hike import levy by 50%


2021-12-21 14:18 | Report Abuse

Another Malaysia Glove Manufacturer Gets CBP banned....Very Obvious USA has more than
enough a matter fact they keep banning Manufacturer with CBP to protect their
own manufacturer( worst than imposingTariff,,,, like China )


2021-12-21 13:06 | Report Abuse

Only 30days, Chairman resigned. Usually in 30 days, Chairman doesnT know which Door to
Toilet, or Where is the Meeting Room...He resigned for what? He was Not even in One meeting...
Obviously "they" use his name to see whether the pressure against SB can be reduced or Not.


2021-12-21 12:02 | Report Abuse

2022 Super, Harta and Kossan will above RM 1 except TG below 90cents


2021-12-21 11:59 | Report Abuse

Ular has No shares, Why talk so Loud here? Unless Average price is RM7


2021-12-19 20:16 | Report Abuse

Targeted Lockdown is what Khairy ( BN & PH agreement ) intended to Do for Omicron.
Why England has to do with Complete LockDown?? It is Brits attitude. They donT adhere to SOP
like Malaysian or Asian counterparts


2021-12-19 15:13 | Report Abuse

30,000 TG bangla will be infected in 5 days...2X vaccine Or with 3rd booster shot also No used..
Guarantee factories closure


2021-12-19 14:32 | Report Abuse

I dont know about USA Glove stock pile requirement But i do know from experience, EU Hospital
normal pre pandemic stock pile for Glove is 10 weeks. On top of that Major Distributors has
ready stock for 2 months....Last 2 year nobody knows EU Hospital stock pile....some said more
than 3 months and Distributor might add another 3months....Save to say, Even TG closed down,
EU has Glove for another 6 months. From what i heard US Gov Glove stock pile is 6 months so
if US already self sufficient in manufacturing Glove......Omicron doesnT help TG


2021-12-19 13:34 | Report Abuse

LockDown means less people entering ICU and less Glove usage ( lockdown is Bad for TG )
TG needs someone like Trump....drink clorox and believe Covid is a marketing Hype, more
American dies mean Good biz for UnderTaker...That is the real reason USA need some many
TG Gloves


2021-12-18 16:14 | Report Abuse

among the 6 Giant Nitrile Glove Manufacturer in USA, SuperMax is the smallest US manufacturer
already exist in USA illinois long time ago ( brand Aurelia ). I have no idea how many Lines they
have added during this 2 years but a rough estimate about 2X Super's plan should be reasonable.
Another 5 private Ltd Glove Co. are also expanding too....I think whether USA has enough Glove for itself is a un-disputed-- yes ( can keep TG under CBP for One year is a Clear statement )


2021-12-18 11:33 | Report Abuse

Tariff is Bad for China Glove But extra Volume will flood World Market, depressing Price further


2021-12-18 11:29 | Report Abuse

EU Grouping are now entering into a Single Buyer ( buys for all EU members---This Not Good---
Volume Buying means they can press price to the lowest Value )


2021-12-18 11:26 | Report Abuse

UK Glove contract is Dirt Cheap( but required High Standard)......prefer Canada Contract


2021-12-18 11:19 | Report Abuse

we always has this joke among Glove exporters, TG, Harta, Super Glove when arrived at USA is
Stamped as Made-In-Bangla Brand


2021-12-18 11:16 | Report Abuse

USA to impose Tariff on Chinese Glove is a very indication that USA own Glove production
has exceeded Demand...I heard 3M is exporting Glove to EU from USA...most EU Hospital
prefer High Quality Glove And TG, Super quality Only meet minimum standard ( as Qr results
indicate Demand for Malaysia Made Glove is eroding fast in Demand )


2021-12-17 18:39 | Report Abuse

The Group anticipates that the business environment will be challenging in immediate
term as the competition will be very intense despite the weakening glove demand. In
view of that-----------abstract from Comfort Glove Qr results ( YoY drop 70% ) Comfort makes
special Glove and the end results are the same as General Glove by TG


2021-12-17 09:29 | Report Abuse

People taught Omicron increases Glove usage But didnT know Omicron Hit TG factories More


2021-12-17 09:27 | Report Abuse

Omicron is surely arriving in Malaysia...All 38 TG factories in Malaysia will closed...Why enter now
when you can Buy in at 80cents after next Qr results


2021-12-16 10:47 | Report Abuse

Any Old stock more than 3years Old got to Sell thru "pasar malam" Or DIY stores at discount


2021-12-16 10:46 | Report Abuse

100 bil Output but demand only 40bil ( example) and falling. Why pump Vol when Nitrile Glove
shelf Life is no more than 5 years...As a matter of fact, if you give customers 2year Old Glove,
they are guarantee to reject it Or discount 30% ( my experience )


2021-12-15 10:41 | Report Abuse

1.80--1.85 today.......waiting for omicron to give 0.80


2021-12-14 19:15 | Report Abuse

Omicron coming. How can TG give 3rd dose to 30,000 Bangla in 5days....Yes, 5days is more than
enough for Omicron to infect 30K Bangla....Omicron can re-infect people already vaccinated for 3 times which means TG factories Got to Close minimum 2 months....Want to Buy Cheap TG, wait
for Omicron


2021-12-14 18:28 | Report Abuse

30,000 Bangla gets infected with Omicron, i think easily 80cents coming


2021-12-14 18:26 | Report Abuse

Get ready for E-MCO and TG factories Closing. 1.60 and below this week


2021-12-14 11:09 | Report Abuse

FabioDulan After minus everything else the net tangible assets is only 0.86 per share

Thanks TG's accountant. I am sure TanSri listen to your advise.....Die-Die also want to sell
shares in HK to raise RM2 billion....Ular useless, everyday only know how to carry TS's Uranium Nuts...too much radiation, now alittle Bit kong-kong


2021-12-13 18:04 | Report Abuse

after ular cabut at 3.00, now promote 60cents Or still stucked at 4.70


2021-12-13 17:20 | Report Abuse

Next year this time if TG hit 30cents....TanSri's option will be like MMC....delisting to save Face


2021-12-13 16:30 | Report Abuse

snake promoting 60cent meh. Want to average down kaw-kaw


2021-12-13 10:28 | Report Abuse

Kimbelery-Clark USA is one the biggest manufacturer in USA ( revenue US$ 18 bil ) During the worst period 2020, they requested 2 containers of Glove ( my Trading House) to ship to Guam
USA. 2021 i have not heard from them anymore, news is, their Mexico plants are going online.
I heard it is very Huge


2021-12-13 09:54 | Report Abuse


Dec 8, 2021 11:33 AM | Report Abuse

Port klang shipping agent that handle mostly USA export are not bullish about TG US export in
October...maybe 10--15% compare to last year. I think dont give so much hope for this coming
Qr results just bcos TG release from CBP


I have no container going overseas in December so i cannot Dig more about TG export to USA


2021-12-13 09:46 | Report Abuse

I am Back as promised. Snake still here. 6 months with Tan Sri still not pregnant


2021-12-08 11:33 | Report Abuse

Port klang shipping agent that handle mostly USA export are not bullish about TG US export in
October...maybe 10--15% compare to last year. I think dont give so much hope for this coming
Qr results just bcos TG release from CBP


2021-12-02 16:07 | Report Abuse

better go to Genting and place a 30K bet (answer in a Heart beat ) Karim and Bursa bollywood
for 6months, still Continue


2021-12-02 15:59 | Report Abuse

so far round 1, Karim won hands down. Bursa Talks Big but cannot do anything. Coming, Coming 31Dec 2021 Karim sent AR or SIR to Bursa ( accept or throw it into the LongKang---Bursa your move )


2021-12-02 15:52 | Report Abuse

Loh Kok Wai W Near year end holiday.......most fundmanager n investor standby celebrate Chrimas

In Bursa most fund managers are disciple of "Kwang Kung"......Chop first Talk Later


2021-12-02 11:52 | Report Abuse

YiDuiXianJiaRen how come a counter with Q1 300 mils profit still drop so much ?

You just the Front page of Qr report....Bankers read every lines in Report...I think real profit
is only 34mil....the rest are "marketing profit" to raise Fund. DonT complaint about the numbers
.....Management just need Money ( dnex is not a rich Co.....just dare to take Risk )


2021-11-28 11:19 | Report Abuse

When Covid first started, most countries lack experience, wisdom and judgement...after 2 years
most countries became Too sensitive...Malaysia was the Lockdown Capital of the World
according to Umno President Zahid


2021-11-26 15:56 | Report Abuse

silterra is a long term project maybe 3years to make Good profit. But can profit more than MPI
( 95mil this Qr ).....It takes Dnex 7 years to turnaround Time Engineering. Unless you long term,
Dnex will disappoint you badly


2021-11-26 15:44 | Report Abuse

price cannot go up bcos if Dnex puts real profit 34mil into Results ...YoY will 200% in RED..
so they dig here dig there and come-out with 264mil of No cash profit to pop-up profit.


2021-11-26 14:22 | Report Abuse

Sept 2021 MACC arrested Key Personel of Silterra under MACC Act 2009
There are four (4) main offences stipulated in the MACC Act 2009 (Act 694) which are as follows: Soliciting/Receiving Gratification (Bribe) [section 16 & 17(a) MACC Act 2009] Offering/Giving Gratification (Bribe) [section 17(b) MACC Act 2009] Intending to Deceive (False Claim) [Section 18 MACC Act 2009]

News has been leaking Out that even Petronas pumps billions into Silterra....Output and Quality
doesnT meet international standards. Billions pump to buy non-essential machinery? And Dnex
just found-out after Chinese partner came in for inspection???

Dnex insane fund raising thru' shares Sale speak Volume. Last Qr Dnex used Oil Reserve to
pump-up profit....this Qr used intangible asset to fatten Profit....All for only one thing, to make
Dnex shares looks Good to potential Investor....Dnex may need more money to rebuilt Silterra
just by looking at their Fund Raising activity