
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-04-16 15:51 | Report Abuse

Moody Investor Service said RHB reorganisation is good for credit rating. So expect RHB
to rebound next week (hopefully)


2015-04-16 15:41 | Report Abuse

Going in at 5.80 / 5.85. Maybe can get free RoastDuck next week


2015-04-16 12:58 | Report Abuse

True. RHB is seller market now. I am waiting for the actual right price if peg at 7.85 then mother
could end up at 9.00 (hopefully)


2015-04-16 12:30 | Report Abuse

wow, 1.51 may have 1,000,000 sellers--why so many sellers


2015-04-16 12:05 | Report Abuse

Does HLB Investment Bank Research knew OskH merger is successful? I just a article
HLB on RHB cap restructuring and it said " osk merger and Ignite 2017 bears fruit".


2015-04-16 10:37 | Report Abuse

Maybe Jolie can show Taiko 150 some of her exotic dance moves to knock some senses
into him


2015-04-16 10:11 | Report Abuse

Not move by Jolie pleading. Still collect at 1.50


2015-04-15 21:06 | Report Abuse

White hair is okay but if they are dropping off then you got a big problem ahead.
If taiko 150 tells "ikan bilis" when to start--usually ikan bilis will turn into Piranha. Nothing
left for him. Many a times ikan bilis try to push above 1.60 but failed bcos they don't have
enough money to sustain a rally.


2015-04-15 19:18 | Report Abuse

Correct Tornado. What is Taiko 150 Real Plan? KPS at 2.00 is 33% gain (from 1.50)
Puncak 33% gain(from 2.63) is 3.49---almost peak ( can attract selling from EPF & LTH )
KPS at 2.54 is 69% gain ( almost double Puncak maxi gain--in theory )
So the more Taiko 150 collect, the more chances KPS can move higher ( He is very patience
--a professional buyer )


2015-04-15 16:50 | Report Abuse

Tommorrow will open at 1.52 ( 1.51 is drying out too --no more resistance up to 1.55 )


2015-04-15 15:45 | Report Abuse

hng33 is always the first line of offense. Should give him around of applause


2015-04-15 15:28 | Report Abuse

Tornado. Jolie wants 1.55 ( i think 1.50 sellers are drying out after more than a month of
collection )


2015-04-15 15:01 | Report Abuse

By Friday your wish will be fulfill---1.55


2015-04-15 14:56 | Report Abuse

Mahathir forex era has oil monies and little inflation. Now it is a completely different situation.
We have No money and exchange rate pressurised by 1MDB. Expect inflation to
climb rapidly after 3 months (from now) bcos most traders are selling Ex-stock now.
Umno can do one thing that slow down inflation ie. cut AP and kill All those rent collectors
at import dept. and let a free flow of Goods ( no restriction on WHO can import )


2015-04-15 13:28 | Report Abuse

Once hit 4.00--most foreign funds will be long gone (even cockroaches are leaving) . Then EPF will start collecting shares with our savings--That is the reason EPF suggested 60 year old withdrawal. This is not so bad bcos EPF got money. Main problem is 1MDB


2015-04-15 13:16 | Report Abuse

Bank just told me 3.75 for June NO can do. Today 3.76. Going to 3.80, Mahathir ERA


2015-04-15 12:15 | Report Abuse

Don't rush in so fast. Listen to Kahhoeng, Azmin is using a 2 feet pencil and has to sharpen it down to one foot long.


2015-04-15 12:08 | Report Abuse

So you are expecting a foreign Buyer? Bank negara might not approved. I am hedging 3.75 for June (trading biz). Trust me 1MDB has NO solution this year ( Dap friend told me)


2015-04-15 10:52 | Report Abuse

Will someone paid RM14 for RHB Bank. Aabar bought at 10.80 @3.00 exRate. End of 2015
ringgit will be at 3.90 (estimate --30% drop )


2015-04-15 10:30 | Report Abuse

1.50 sellers has dried up. Yesterday only 300,000


2015-04-15 09:35 | Report Abuse

Not 7-Up but 7 Red Bull


2015-04-15 09:33 | Report Abuse

GheeKong. I think Right issue will be at 7. Bcos RHB's DRP is at 7.03


2015-04-15 09:15 | Report Abuse

jolie. Most likely KDEB will take KPS private. Without water asset, KPS is just skeleton unless
Azmin can secured some big project for KPS.


2015-04-14 19:05 | Report Abuse

smartly. Maybe less than 2.6 is possible. See EPF is disposing a little. I believe EPF has info
on every stock they invest in. But of course, I believe EPF is very slick and cannot be trusted.


2015-04-14 17:40 | Report Abuse

Gheekong. Aabar don't have enough votes. Come Sept-more problem 1MDB interest payment
due. Let see how far the RHB selldown will last. Usually EPF will push the RHB price to
offset the discounted rights price (say right price at 7 the mother share will be 8.40 --20%
discount---30% discount 9.10 ) If at 9.10 , OskH shares is greatly enhanced.


2015-04-14 16:15 | Report Abuse

Closing at 2.25 will be good


2015-04-14 15:57 | Report Abuse

smartly. Get in at 2.50 and get out at 2.70. Make 7000++ (40,000 shares)


2015-04-14 14:30 | Report Abuse

This round Aabar is screwed. First they asked for 10.80 and now maybe they have to fork
out a few Hundred millions. Hope Aabar can find a buyer for Rhb Cap immediately


2015-04-14 12:16 | Report Abuse

Gheekong. Maybe all this benefit will realise in 2016. Too long for me.


2015-04-14 11:15 | Report Abuse

There are now - 2 versions on RHB and I am still waiting for "The Edge " version ( i can trust )
Capital needed to raise is between 1 billion to 3 billions for conversion into Rhb bank. At 1billion, rights issue is 1:9, this i can manage but 3 billions is another thing


2015-04-14 10:53 | Report Abuse

"Osk Shareholders" NO. But OskH will benefit with larger Rhb banking shares


2015-04-14 10:32 | Report Abuse

" Capital Distribution " Good News indeed.


2015-04-14 09:52 | Report Abuse

What ever they do, the issue(s) and payment must be completed by Sept bcos I believe
1MDB will be very critical by then. I can visualize Najib going around saying we have to
save our Sovereign Debt or else our ringgit will vaporise in value and inflation will leap.
One bowl wanton mee will be RM 15. No money for Selangor water restructuring. Save the
Nation first.


2015-04-14 09:38 | Report Abuse

I hope EPF agent would "goreng" RHB to 10.00. Then right issues is yummy. But it is still
money out of my pocket First


2015-04-14 09:31 | Report Abuse

pgboy88. They said there is rights issue ( money coming out from my pocket ). RHB cap said
conversion will have Tax saving--no new info as they are still neg with bank negara


2015-04-14 09:26 | Report Abuse

paulthesotong. Any news " selling of RHB "


2015-04-14 09:24 | Report Abuse

hng33. I never like Azmin because he is a opportunistic. The entire PKR (& Dap) supported
Wan Azizah to be the next MB but Azmin has quietly park himself between the Sultan
and Wan Azizah after knowing the Sultan's intention from PAS.
All said but Pakatan need slick people to match the Grandmaster ( you know who )


2015-04-13 13:13 | Report Abuse

I hope this week, retailers will rush in and push the price to 2.50. Then it is interesting to
see what this seller will do. But then the guy who collected 8 millions shares just 10 days ago
will be making profit if he sells.


2015-04-13 12:54 | Report Abuse

Yes you right. It is not mr ong. Watch carefully--the moment retailers eats about 100,000++
shares--the rest of the block will disappear. I saw this many times


2015-04-13 11:57 | Report Abuse

Azmin is the most slickly politician in Pakatan Rakyat. If he resign then I have overestimate
his abilities ( like a office boy--one scold- tommorrow cannot even see his shadow). Look at Najib and Anwar--pressure comes like tsunami.


2015-04-13 11:00 | Report Abuse

The longer you look at 2.20 and now 2.22--it more a blockage to stop price from
advancing too fast ( someone is collecting big time)


2015-04-13 09:50 | Report Abuse

Azmin will NOT step down and even the Sultan of Selangor cannot sack elected
MB ( see Selangor constitution) Only Pakatan rakyat can sack Azmin (like Khalid).
Who will replace Azmin--Ask DAP


2015-04-11 08:27 | Report Abuse

Some very serious talks already ongoing directed by Anwar before he goes to jail.
Splash deal Might have already concluded. All waiting for Puncak deal. Collection of KPS
is ongoing at 1.50 (more than 1 month--even news might not leakout but shares done cannot


2015-04-10 19:40 | Report Abuse

I am confused now. Maybe Puncak will not be paid first unless Splash deal is also completed.
Bcos PAAB will not absorb everybody Debt unless the Whole restructuring is done.
Good question for PKR lawyers


2015-04-10 18:44 | Report Abuse

Dr M is fearless. Will cause chaos in Najib administration. Najib is fully anchored for a fight.
That is not good for us bcos we really need Najib and Azmin to meet and iron out the deal.
Paid Puncak quick before 1MDB blowout. Once Puncak is paid--splash can be resolved
fast because i think there No money involved


2015-04-10 16:13 | Report Abuse

Take astalavista advice leap already


2015-04-10 14:23 | Report Abuse

force. Very last sentence after full stop. April fool joke


2015-04-10 13:07 | Report Abuse

Najib is still holding billions of ringgit under his department that cannot be touch by anybody.
( by Tony Pua -DAP ) How he wants to use it --is anyone guess. Only 1.6 billion to buy off
Puncak--not a problem


2015-04-10 10:59 | Report Abuse

We cannot blame the Fed. Nobody on planet Earth forecast oil price to be below 50.
Actually Fed is a Good pay master when they have money (all procedures followed of course))


2015-04-10 09:44 | Report Abuse

Rich. I have been going after every Fed project to look for small job but everybody said Fed
has no money --better stop work. GST cannot covered Oil revenue loss. Petrol will be
tax next to raise money for emergency like Gov Servants salary. After this 48billion 1MDB
interest due ( don't know what will be taxed ). The last time i said maybe Puncak will not be
paid in time - everybody get upset. Bcos i don't see where the money will be coming from.