
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-05-06 15:52 | Report Abuse

Wrong on quality. China produces many types piping that follow European standard ( actually
European owned factories ) So why quality problem? You paid peanuts You get Monkey


2015-05-06 13:14 | Report Abuse

Roger ( Rozali ) also want the deal to be completed. I and Kahhoeng already numb--no
big deal


2015-05-06 13:08 | Report Abuse

SomeOne in this forum said to wait for 1.70. ( the longer I wait - 1.70 seems very real )


2015-05-06 12:56 | Report Abuse

So far today price seems to support Andy. Let see Friday numbers (T+2)


2015-05-06 12:35 | Report Abuse

Ring. Your assumption seem reasonable. But my real concern about Langat 2 and future
pipping replacements --Will the winning bidder(s) be using Engtex pipings. As far as I know
China's pipings are much cheaper (even including transportation ) And Bidder can apply
AP for importing pipings ( Umno-anything possible)


2015-05-06 12:13 | Report Abuse

I concur. Today chart--up and down within 1 cent --looks very familiar


2015-05-06 10:47 | Report Abuse

Made contra loss yesterday, sold all 2000 shares. Bad omen for CIMB yesterday bcos all
my goreng stocks goes up--only cimb goes down. If " tc88 has written early that EPF is
unloading position on all bank shares, I wouldn't have committed on 5.865 ( thanks anyway-tc88)
Anyway once a gambler always a gambler, now wait for 5.70 to recoup losses.


2015-05-06 09:48 | Report Abuse

With no new development, bonus is depressing share price. Could go down again


2015-05-06 09:13 | Report Abuse

Understand DY is based on 0.50--Thanks. Damn right on Bonus! No time to sell anyway


2015-05-05 17:27 | Report Abuse

That why management give good bonus to please investors. I think May 21, 11MP, will be a
come and go events--( no money to implement anythings )


2015-05-05 17:02 | Report Abuse

Usually big block comes from EPF


2015-05-05 15:39 | Report Abuse

I should seriously consider Calvintaneng as my new sales director.


2015-05-05 15:30 | Report Abuse

Beso is 50% right only. Yes, epf is out there to make money only. I already suffer one bad
experience this year. But FGV's price looks very bad in epf portfolio so i think they are
trimming their holdings in long run ( bad management & low cpo price---That why i say EPL
is not stupid ) If they keep jacking up FGV price, the rest of the world will dump their shares
to epf ( Looks like another MAS in making )


2015-05-05 13:14 | Report Abuse

wait for another 6 months ( will surprise what you can get ). Mohd Iqbal is right. EPF's team is
Not stupid--their dumpings speak volume.


2015-05-05 12:53 | Report Abuse

What is the dividend yield for Engtex in 2014?


2015-05-05 12:46 | Report Abuse

Politicians cannot concentrate if by-election is on going. Okay, continue playing poker with
"goreng stock". Kahhoeng will be numb by now ( what can we do )


2015-05-05 12:41 | Report Abuse

Those who bought bet 0.40--0.45 that didn't let go 0.80 must be very upset by now. I am waiting
for the next leg up.


2015-05-05 11:34 | Report Abuse

Caught a falling knife. Wait for next low.


2015-05-05 11:01 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng. Only USA will benefit from QE bcos USA is printing US$ that doesn't require asset
backing ( every trading nation use US$ as exchange ). Once these printed Notes started
to flood the market, inflation will rocket ( inflation is a very important # in US's fed meeting
every month ). Most of Malaysia's asset doesn't belong to the Federal Gov ( belong to
Institutions--EPF & KWSP and States Gov. Furthermore Malaysia is a small country with
27 millions ppl --the moment we started printing money --foreign stock investors will dump
Malaysia stock bcos who is going to paid Fed's Debt. ( without Petronas Hard currency US$)
Just look at 1MDB---only RM42 billion, Mahathir is drawing Keris at Najib


2015-05-05 09:42 | Report Abuse

Interesting to read the showdown between " Show Vs Calvintaneng".
I just want to remark on the RM250 billion "tsunami"---Where is the beef.?
Najib is budget is short of RM40 billion (contribution from Petronas) and of course GST can
contribute RM5-6 billion ( in 2015) but we are still short around RM35 billion in 2015.
So who are we going to tax next---the cabinet


2015-05-04 13:21 | Report Abuse

Kahhoeng. Wasia is Not part of the Master Agreement (signed). How sure Puncak is going
to get paid? From my understanding, wasia is only meant for Fed gov to implement Langat 2.
Once All Langat 2 projects are all implemented, politicans will wash their hands.


2015-05-04 12:28 | Report Abuse

Moi. Someone did mention special dividend during OSK's agm. OLH's answer -- he is going
to think about it since it is been raised ( atleast no outright rejection ). I don't think he will
give anyway bcos I asked for it every other year after he sold his trading house to RHB


2015-05-03 17:08 | Report Abuse

Moi. RHB Cap chairman keep repeating that the restructuring aim is to raise cash and to
meet Basel requirement. So i don't think any special dividend will be given in 2015 and/or 2016.
I can feel from his speech that 2016 is also a tough year for All banking sectors


2015-05-01 12:29 | Report Abuse

Vinvin. Just 2000 shares. Rubbing hands every seconds--Don't rush me. HaHa


2015-04-30 16:30 | Report Abuse

Although I regularly joke about WASIA but it is NOT so easy to be implemented. BN got to
change many rules and regulations in wasia before it is bullet Proof. Even so Pakatan, can
still challenge WASIA in commonwealth country courts ( England ) bcos WASIA is a LAW.
Law are meant to be broken!! The real problem it will be take 10--15 years of litigation, we will be
so burnt by then. I am so tired just thinking about it--need 2 cups of coffee now


2015-04-30 16:02 | Report Abuse

RHB Cap's AGM Update. Sorry to say, cash left over after deducting liabilities will be injected
back to RHB Bank. Look like rights issue will be 30% discount (from my impression bcos
minority shareholders are rather upset and economic condition now is difficult to raise
cash. No more M&A in near future. Future dividend yield will increase to maybank level


2015-04-24 16:16 | Report Abuse

HaHa. Puncak can turned into Goreng stock from May to Sept


2015-04-24 14:50 | Report Abuse

Can anyone hold till 5? Pressure same as 10,000 feet below sealevel


2015-04-24 11:05 | Report Abuse

Puncak 100% Gain in May 2015. Celebrate All year round


2015-04-24 09:12 | Report Abuse

Wow 200%. 100% is close to nervous breakdown


2015-04-23 15:16 | Report Abuse

Kahhoeng. Jaks is control by syndicate. I never made so much money in one stock in such
a short period. ( Too many sleepness nights so I have to sell )


2015-04-23 12:22 | Report Abuse

Yoon. Thanks. But not always lucky ( Bought Rhb @9. Now 8 ) Puncak is now in compression
mode. Very difficulty to buy big block.


2015-04-23 11:25 | Report Abuse

Yoon. Yes, you can feel the lost opportunity alot. I jump many months a go and bought Jaks
@ 0.45. Sold yesterday @ 0.80. I think what I can made in Puncak (in theory) I already made
in Jaks. It is just too bad Puncak is caught in the political game or less everybody here will
be laughing to their bank


2015-04-21 16:17 | Report Abuse

A very calm period before a storm ( maybe 21 May )


2015-04-21 15:09 | Report Abuse

My guess is announcement on " 11th Malaysia Economic Plan " tabled in Parlimen on
21 May or Ask Roger


2015-04-20 09:40 | Report Abuse

Still collecting at 1.50


2015-04-19 20:28 | Report Abuse

OLH is very stingy but he can acquire alot of cash and asset. He runs a typical Chinaman
business--only makes money and refused to spent too much. Only capture the best business to
make the most money. NO business school can teach you this method and planning.
That is the main reason there are Rich people and poor people ( Just Gifted )
Of course there are people who just know how to use your hard earned money ( Check your EPF
account regularly )


2015-04-19 20:07 | Report Abuse

hanting. Please refer to " "
Both ECM Libra Financial Group and MAA Group are profitable and Cash rich but still list
under PN17 by Bursa


2015-04-18 03:20 | Report Abuse

Forgot to say this. Oskh has grown from 1 billion asset to 4 billion asset. OLH mention in
cantonese " if you invest All your Funeral money into OskH--don't worry bcos I also
invest in this company ". Something about RHB cap--OskH bought RHB at 7.20 but accounting
book registered (cost) about 8.40. So I think OLH will not sell RHB for less than 10.00


2015-04-17 19:19 | Report Abuse

CrossSymbol. Many punters will start buying again.( maybe OLH also) Those stucked will
celebrate bcos they know OLH will not abandon the merger. (very compelling reason--PN17)
However OskP & PJD shareholders will be very upset ( don't walk pass their lawn )


2015-04-17 18:38 | Report Abuse

All in all, shareholders want to know whether the Merger is abandon or Not. The answer
is sufficient and rather solid( not to be P17 co) So come Monday, maybe some firework.


2015-04-17 18:30 | Report Abuse

flysky. OSKH is a money lender / little construction co / a asset holder (Rhb cap ). No
core biz ( but a lot money--all in all 4 billions ) No core biz will be listed by bursa as PN17 co.
In 6 months if no changes--it will be delisted


2015-04-17 17:41 | Report Abuse

" just between construction co" is what he said ( the rest are from me -- I think this is what
he meant ) Robbing the poor to become rich is NOT mention. All he said whether OskP
& PJD shareholders want to convert or not is up to them. He is taking his shares back
to OskH bcos he is Afraid OskH will listed as P17 co.


2015-04-17 17:19 | Report Abuse

flysky. No much. Just said it is still pending but confident it will be approved. Merger is not
of national interest ( cimb/rhb/mbsb) Just between construction companies.


2015-04-17 17:14 | Report Abuse

I don't know whether anybody is sitting on the neg. Table. Everybody is busy with by-election
Permata Pauh on May 7 and Rompin on May 5. Very clearly Najib job is on the line of firing.
Lose both by elections, Mahathir will open big canon. Meanwhile PKR is really torn between
Wan Azizah and Azmin. If Wan Azizah is candidate, a win will means she is Head of Pakatan
in Parlimen. Azmin cronies will be crushed.


2015-04-17 16:54 | Report Abuse

Yes, he also mention OskH's gearing is 0.14% (mean zero anyway) So if OskH closed down
Shareholder will get 4 billions ( cash & asset )


2015-04-17 16:32 | Report Abuse

Shareholders are pressuring OLH on why Oskh's shares price is always undervalue.
He seems dumbfold. So let see what will happen next week.


2015-04-17 16:10 | Report Abuse

Merger NOT approved by SC yet. But Tan Sri is confident it will be approved bcos it
involved 3 constructions companies (nothing special). Why merger bcos OSKH is too
cash rich and will become P17 companies


2015-04-16 19:34 | Report Abuse

Selldown--Dividend Ex-date


2015-04-16 17:07 | Report Abuse

OSK don't need RHB rebound help bcos on Monday OLH will have mandate to buy OskH.
RHB rebound will help a little ( i need to let go my rhb and buy more oskH )