
Sslee | Joined since 2016-08-31

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Emotional Introvert Most defining characteristics: You are sensitive, melancholic and a perfectionist. You are a very emotional, caring and dedicated person. You believe that there is a bigger picture in life, one that we can’t really see, but we can feel. You are very compassionate, strong minded





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2024-04-16 09:07 | Report Abuse

Interest expense 28,508
Dividend received from Joint Venture company 27,386

A RM 250,000,000 10 year term loan mean principal payment per year is RM 25 million.
Jaks other business are lose making except the JV Vietnem power plant contributed RM 27,386,000 to jaks cash inflow for FY 2023.

So where jaks going to get the cash inflow to pay bank principal and interest payment for years to come? More RI and PP coming?


2024-04-16 07:47 | Report Abuse

The question to ask after this PP will there be more PP or RI coming in year to come.

Facility Bank Purpose of borrowing
Interest rate (% per annum)
Principal amount(RM’000)
Total amount outstanding as at LPD(RM’000)
Proposed repayment(RM’000)
Term loan Great Eastern Term loan provided to part finance the development cost of a 4-storeyshopping mall known as Evolve Concept Mall
6.0 250,000 10 years 211,418 13,000

A RM 250,000,000 10 year term loan for evolve mall and current outstanding RM 211,418,000 is this mean jaks did not pay the principal sum as scheduled?


2024-04-15 21:28 | Report Abuse

BOD of CapA is now come out to clarify that contrary to the report, there was no media interview conducted on March 4, 2024, with The Edge or any other entity.

So who is telling the true? Stony or theedgemalaysia?


Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
We refer to the news article titled “Capital A seeks private placement to raise up to US$400 mil, say sources” in The Edge for the week of 15 April 2024 to 21 April 2024.

The Company wishes to clarify that contrary to the report, there was no media interview conducted on March 4, 2024, with The Edge or any other entity.

We wish to inform the shareholders that Capital A currently does not have any intention to undertake a private placement of new ordinary shares in Capital A of up to USD400 million. However, the management is in the midst of exploring a potential fund-raising exercise by its aviation business. The evaluation is still in its preliminary stage and the Board of Directors has not been presented with firm proposal to deliberate on. Shareholders are advised not to speculate in the trading of shares of the Company.

The Company will update the shareholders if there is any material development of the above matter in accordance with the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.

The management intends to request The Edge to retract the report to ensure accurate representation.

This announcement is dated 15 April 2024.


2024-04-15 07:42 | Report Abuse

Sadly but rightly in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.


2024-04-14 13:55 | Report Abuse

Long time no see stockraider and his math still remain at same level of Fail.

Investors have 2 choice loh!

1. By Insas at Rm 1.08 and u can make 39% to 85%
2. By Insas-w Rm 0.255 and u can make 1.35% to 4.30%

News & Blogs

2024-04-14 13:45 | Report Abuse

In Malaysia even Bursa SC brought charge of accounting fraud but then the AGC just drop the charge and only ask Bursa SC to impose fines.

AGC's decision to drop charges against Serba Dinamik and four executives enabled quick punitive action, says Wan Junaidi
By Shazni Ong /
03 Aug 2022, 02:40 pm
Updated - 07:38 pm

News & Blogs

2024-04-14 11:57 | Report Abuse

Isn't extradite CEO Dato’ Wu and his brother executive director Wu Lianfu to stand criminal trial in Malaysia Court the right thing and productive thing to do?

Isn't investigating and charging Xingquan External Auditor: SJ Grant Thornton, IPO: CIMB Investment Bank Berhad and PP & RI: RHB Investment Bank Berhad principal advisor, underwriter and placement agent for:
1. Gross negligence and failure to perform their fiduciary duty; and
2. Are complicit in above fraud/crime in auditing, preparing and approving Xingquan Financial Account, IPO Prospectus and RI Prospectus the right thing and productive thing to do?

A reasonable exercise of care or due diligence should have detected cash and bank balances in eight bank accounts collectively belonging to Xingquan that were false or misleading.

Note: A precedent case had been set whereby external auditor KPMG and Deloitte pay USD 80 million each and Ambank pay USD 700 million to settle claims linked to the 1MDB scandal

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 11:15 | Report Abuse

I can only wish in time to come we will have an inclusive Sarawakian to be our PM. But then again will the ketuanan Malayu allowed that to happen and our election system only favour Semenanjung Malay to be our PM.

I have more respect for our Sarawakian the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Mr. Tiong King Sing than any present and past MCA, Gerakan or DAP minister.

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 10:55 | Report Abuse

So what hope can we have in Malaysia?

No mater who is our government or who will be our PM, it is still business as usual. The rich will be richer, the poor poorer, the corrupt will be even more powerfull and super rich and the fanatic will be even more extremist, intolerance and more vocal and violence.

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 10:38 | Report Abuse

Even with my yearly repeated email to prompt Bursa SC to take further actions but still no further action is forthcoming.

Already change how many government and PM since my first complaint and delisting of Xingwuan but the CEO and Executive directors still get away with murder.

What governance are we talking about?

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 10:28 | Report Abuse

Dear SC,
Referring link below:

I am impressed by the action taken by SC in year 2023 especially on ongoing criminal enforcement efforts, which were undertaken with the public prosecutor’s consent, initiated 15 civil actions, including the issuance of letters of demand and restitute back recovered stolen money to aggrieved investors.

Referring below SC announcement

The SC reprimanded Xingquan, its Executive Chairman and CEO Dato’ Wu Qingquan, Executive Director Wu Lianfa, former Non-Independent Non-Executive Director Ng Sio Peng and former Senior Independent Non-Executive Director Zhou Liyi for:

falsely recording a loss of RMB415.7 million from the sale of inventory by Xingquan’s wholly-owned subsidiary;
furnishing to Bursa Malaysia a false agreement between the said subsidiary and a third party;
furnishing false or misleading financial statements to Bursa Malaysia; and
recording cash and bank balances in eight bank accounts collectively belonging to Xingquan that were false or misleading.
I am thankful to SC for taking the above reprimanded action but are the reprimand actions considered as justices done and case closed with no further actions?

In view of the seriousness of offends/frauds committed by the fraudsters and their total disregard/contempt shown against authorities of SC and BURSA with no respect for Malaysia Law.

Please pardon me to ask the below repeated questions:

Question 1: Is SC intend to make an extradition request with the Chinese government to extradite CEO Dato’ Wu and his brother executive director Wu Lianfu to stand criminal trial in Malaysia Court?

Question 2: Refer google search:

Xingquan brand products (Gertop) are available for sale at many online shopping websites. This means Xingquan still has production lines and assets in China but the China owner and Management team just took us Malaysians as fools and showed utmost contempt to SC and BURSA authorities/Malaysia law.

Will SC now invoke CMSA 2007 section 358 (1) in the public interest, taking legal action against Xingquan to recover loss on behalf of victims who suffers loss or damage by reason of, or by relying on, the conduct of another person who has contravened any provision of Part VI or any regulations made under this Act, the amount of the loss or damage by instituting civil proceedings against the other person whether or not that other person has been charged with an offence in respect of the contravention or whether or not a contravention has been proved in a prosecution?

Question 3: Is SC investigating Xingquan External Auditor: SJ Grant Thornton, IPO: CIMB Investment Bank Berhad and PP & RI: RHB Investment Bank Berhad principal advisor, underwriter and placement agent for:

1. Gross negligence and failure to perform their fiduciary duty; and

2. Are complicit in above fraud/crime in auditing, preparing and approving Xingquan Financial Account, IPO Prospectus and RI Prospectus.

A reasonable exercise of care or due diligence should have detected cash and bank balances in eight bank accounts collectively belonging to Xingquan that were false or misleading.

Note: A precedent case had been set whereby external auditor KPMG and Deloitte pay USD 80 million each and Ambank pay USD 700 million to settle claims linked to the 1MDB scandal.

Thank you

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Maaf Zahir Dan Batin

Best Regards,
Lee Soon Sheng

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 10:20 | Report Abuse

Just attend any AGM of listed company and tell me is governance alive or a stillborn?

Did any shareholders or Bursa SC hold the BOD accountable, responsible and answarable?


2024-04-13 09:55 | Report Abuse

At least Johoreons cross over to Singapore to earn Singapore dollar and brought back the need foreign currency to develope the state.

On the other end Kedahan cross over to Thai to enjoy themselve or marriage another wife and spend all the government given free MYR in Thailand.


2024-04-13 09:47 | Report Abuse

PAS already penetrate all the Sekolah Kebangsaan National and already brainwashed these students to an extent that they will be PAS hardcore supportors for life no matter what.


2024-04-13 09:41 | Report Abuse

Malaysians are caught between a rock and a hard place because Malaysia election system are designed in such a way to benefit only a certain race.

What choice do I have when my place of vote is betwwen PAS and PKR?
I used to vote for PKR but still PAS win the seat because in my place when you walk in the voting station/Sekolah Kebangsaan National the writing is already on the wall PAS will win.


2024-04-13 09:31 | Report Abuse

Compare Johor to Kedah. Johor will developed to next level but not Kedah.


2024-04-13 09:29 | Report Abuse

You need good education, entrepreneurship, open minded and work ethic of integrity, responsibility, quality, discipline, hardworking and teamwork to develop the state.

It does not matter whatever % of ethnicity a state has.


2024-04-12 19:02 | Report Abuse

01-Jan-2024 APPOINTMENT Executive Director MISS KU EK MEI View Detail
01-Jan-2024 APPOINTMENT Executive Director MISS KHOO LEE FENG View Detail

Very interest to know how much KSL will paid the two newly appointed executive director?
Meanwhile shareholders are still hoping to get somethings like "potential corporate exercises that KSL may do to enhance shareholders' values"

KSL is very lucky to be in the nice/hot spot of Johor property play.

News & Blogs

2024-04-11 08:39 | Report Abuse

Religious harmony in Indonesia
While Muslims make up 87 percent of the Indonesian population, Islam is not the country’s official religion. Instead, Indonesia highly values religious harmony, encapsulated in a state philosophy known as Pancasila, and its Constitution guarantees freedom of religion.

For both Muslim and Christian Indonesians, Allah has been used as the word for God for centuries. The Arabic word first spread to Southeast Asia in the 1100s as Muslim sultanates were established, and then was incorporated into the Malay language family, which includes Malaysian and Indonesian.

News & Blogs

2024-04-11 08:28 | Report Abuse

JAKARTA: Indonesia’s largest Islamic organisation, Nahdlatul Ulama, has issued a call to end the usage of the term “kafir”, or infidel, to refer to non-Muslims in state or citizenship matters, a move that may be aimed at calming religious tensions ahead of the presidential election.

Nahdlatul Ulama, with around 140 million members, said at its recent National Conference that non-Muslims shouldn’t be referred to as “kafir” as they have equal standing in state affairs.

The conference concluded non-Muslims should be referred to as “muwathin,” or citizens with the same rights and obligations as Muslim Indonesians, according to Ahmad Muntaha, secretary of Nahdlatul Ulama’s East Java Ulama Assembly.

Muntaha said in a statement published on the group’s website on Friday that a Muslim shouldn’t address non-Muslims as “kafir” in any social context.

The conference also emphasised that as a state, Indonesia wasn’t established by Muslims only, the statement said.

News & Blogs

2024-04-11 08:24 | Report Abuse

Indonesia’s largest Islamic group says non-Muslims shouldn’t be called ‘kafir’
03 Mar 2019, 08:01 PM
140 million-strong Nahdlatul Ulama says non-Muslim citizens have equal standing in state affairs.

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 14:14 | Report Abuse

Since Vern' already apologise and acknowledge that there are shortcomings in the logo’s design that could lead to misinterpretation, thereby offending the feelings of many parties.
Hence what do you expect to happen next?

The question to be asked is why business owners take the easy way out by apologising for a mistake that never was. Shouldn't the busniess owners take legal action against perpetrators till their pants drop if necessary to start a precedent?

Vern’s Holding said the logo design, imprinted on the sole, “was inspired by the image of interconnected lines resembling a high-heeled shoe”.

"We acknowledge that there are shortcomings in the logo’s design that could lead to misinterpretation, thereby offending the feelings of many parties,” the statement said.

“We have absolutely no intention of designing a logo aimed at belittling or insulting any religion or belief. The management would like to humbly apologise and seek forgiveness. We hope for compassion so we can rectify this mistake,” the statement said.


2024-04-10 10:13 | Report Abuse

Market Information
Market Data Overview
Market Data Overview
As at 09 Apr 2024 05:00 PM
Night & Day Session
Night Session
1 FCPO Jun 2024 4,320.0000 +25.0000 27,014 96,178
2 FCPO Jul 2024 4,248.0000 +28.0000 12,232 71,644
4 FCPO Aug 2024 4,173.0000 +31.0000 5,907 33,405
5 FCPO Sep 2024 4,113.0000 +36.0000 5,519 32,838
6 FCPO May 2024 4,395.0000 +13.0000 4,106 31,265
8 FCPO Apr 2024 4,520.0000 +6.0000 173 2,228


2024-04-10 09:50 | Report Abuse

The urgent need for now is to educate all the politicians on all the above 10.

News & Blogs

2024-04-10 09:45 | Report Abuse

No need manpower you just need an AI to look into all the logos of all companies and come out with the allowed and disallowed list or a boycott list.


2024-04-10 08:28 | Report Abuse

Market Cap: 1,344 Million
NOSH: 974 Million
Fresh Fruits Bunches (MT) quarter end 31th March 2024: 216,825.00
FFB Y to Y increse 14%
But Q to Q drop 37% highest drop among all the others plantation

Sarawak oil palm
Market Cap: 2,788 Million
NOSH: 891 Million
Fresh Fruits Bunches (MT) quarter end 31th March 2024:
FFB Y to Y increse 9.72%
Q to Q drop 17.95 %


2024-04-10 08:00 | Report Abuse

Are we talking on capA and AAX? Or are we talking about bank?
So capA is in deep debts is good for AAX? Because AAX can turn these debts into assets?


2024-04-09 20:09 | Report Abuse

How to close the deal when capA aviation is in deep debts and AAX do not have the money to bail out capA?


2024-04-09 19:57 | Report Abuse

Loan can be an assets??? How????


2024-04-09 17:51 | Report Abuse

How to close the deal when capA aviation is in deep debts and AAX do not have the money to bail out capA?


2024-04-09 16:29 | Report Abuse

Data center is capital intensive, need high skill and big R&D budget to innovate with latest technology. And the big player can just throw price to attract new clients to their data center.

Ytlpower is no match to those big tech companies that own and run the data center.

KUALA LUMPUR (April 9): Alibaba Group Holding Ltd’s cloud computing unit has announced a new pricing strategy for international customers with price reductions of up to 59% for core public cloud products using the company’s international data centres out of mainland China


2024-04-09 16:09 | Report Abuse

YTL should not enter into data center business but become a developer included utility provider and main contractor of its 664ha of plantation land Kulai Young Estate in Johor as data ceter hub for data center companies

Globally, the top 250 data center companies comprise a mix of cloud service providers (CSPs), retail colocation firms, and wholesale data center operators. These data center providers and operators deliver power and cooling infrastructure in highly specialized buildings that house computer servers and network equipment.

In total, the 10 largest providers and operators of data centers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Meta Platforms, Equinix, Digital Realty, NTT Global Data Centers, CyrusOne, GDS Holdings, and KDDI’s Telehouse, operate over 1,250 facilities around the world.


2024-04-09 15:53 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (April 9): The negotiation period for Capital A Bhd’s sale of AirAsia's aviation business to AirAsia X Bhd (AAX) has been extended for the second time to April 30, 2024, the two listed companies said.

Capital A and AAX have mutually agreed to extend the negotiation period for the sale of the aviation subsidiaries, namely AirAsia Bhd (AAB) and AirAsia Aviation Group Ltd (AAAGL), their respective filings showed.

The negotiation period, which was initially set for two months, was first extended to April 15.


2024-04-09 15:35 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (April 9): Alibaba Group Holding Ltd’s cloud computing unit has announced a new pricing strategy for international customers with price reductions of up to 59% for core public cloud products using the company’s international data centres out of mainland China.

This in line with the tech giant's latest strategy of prioritising artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure that essential computing resources are within the reach of its customers.

The new pricing strategy, which is already implemented, covers five core public cloud product categories, including compute, storage, network, database and big data products, with an average 23% price reduction


2024-04-08 15:55 | Report Abuse

Do anyone know that Saudi can just switch on it tap and flood the world market with crude oil?


2024-04-08 12:25 | Report Abuse

Did you top up your Dladay when it drop below 22?


2024-04-08 11:51 | Report Abuse

The statement by 3iii can't be the truth.
Imagine if you already invested all in that particular stock and the stock price just hit another multi-years low will you be "overjoyed" or "heart-broken"?

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > Apr 8, 2024 11:41 AM | Report Abuse

I am "overjoyed" when a stock price drops.
I am "heart-broken" when a stock price rises.

These are particularly true for those stocks I am holding long-term


2024-04-08 11:43 | Report Abuse

Bursa is on rotational play and everyone need the humility to accept that every dog will has its day.

A winner can be a loser someday and
A loser can be a winner some day.
The important things to know is share price will increase based on sentiment and increase earning.


2024-04-08 08:27 | Report Abuse

Cap A lease payment to lessors are now:
Quarter end 31/12/2023
Depreciation of ROU assets: 449,765 culmulative 12 months 1,574,356
Finance cost-lease liabilities: 252,438 culmulative 12 months 908,771


2024-04-08 08:23 | Report Abuse

AAX and MAS get it done and over with. The question is why capA does not do it when the iron is hot?

Lessors will now just call back their planes if you are late in lease and interest payment.


2024-04-07 19:33 | Report Abuse

Any reasons why US economy and stock markets will crash if crude oil surge to test its previous high of US$145-150 per barrel or higher when US is net exporter?

Petroleum products net exports/Gross crude oil imports. The US will remain a net exporter of petroleum products through 2050, according to the 2023 Annual Energy Outlook (AEO2023) from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA).23 Mar 2023

News & Blogs

2024-04-07 12:38 | Report Abuse

“Lobbying for a pardon?”: Netizens mock Najib over visit to Agong’s Hari Raya-do
By G Vinod

Netizen iHammy retorted: “Kesalahan boleh diampunkan, tapi bukan erti akibat kesalahan itu dibatalkan! Ampun 100X pun akibat kesalahan mesti dihadapi – masuk penjara!!!.

(His guilt can be pardoned but that does not mean he did not commit the wrong)

In July 28, 2020, Najib was sentenced to 12 years’ jail and fined RM210 mil after he was found guilty of all seven charges related to the misappropriation of RM42 mil from SRC International Sdn Bhd.

The Court of Appeal upheld the decision on Dec 8 last year and admonished the former prime minister for arguing that he had only acted on “national interest”.

“There is no national interest here, only national embarrassment,” Justice Datuk Abdul Karim Abdul Jalil had stated.

Becoming Zimbabwe

On that note, user Schmuelsons Reid said that Najib is probably the only convicted criminal in the world who is still walking free shamelessly as if he had done nothing wrong.

“Satu-satunya tertuduh yg bebas ke sana kemari tanpa segan dan seolah tidak bersalah. Beginilah jatuhnya standard keadilan di negara kita. Tak lama lagi apa yg kita lihat di Zimbabwe, Nigeria, West Africa dan lain2 negara Africa yg mundur dan korup, akan berlaku di Malaysia.”


2024-04-06 16:46 | Report Abuse

The are many type of con stocks.
1. Insiders con (Serbadk)
2. Sharks pump and dump (KYY)
3. Sifus over promote (Hengyuan, Hiaptek and etc)
4. Insiders every year either PP, RI at lower and lower price, reward themselve with LTIP free grant and the stock price dropping non-stop(Jaks)

Posted by PureBULL ... > Apr 6, 2024 2:48 PM | Report Abuse
mike-tikus is the # 1 iliot on i3.

he is doing his whole life with giant purebear stock i.e.
going down to infinity ZERO


2024-04-06 14:34 | Report Abuse

Due to repeated abuse posts, this account has been suspended from posting to the i3investor portal until 07/06/2024. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standards of this portal.
Basic Info
User Id Mikecyc

Ular get Mike-tikus suspended!👍👌


2024-04-06 14:17 | Report Abuse

AG let go a crook. You need to consult lawyer whether as shareholders can shareholders take a class action against AGC to compensate shareholders lose?

AGC's decision to drop charges against Serba Dinamik and four executives enabled quick punitive action, says Wan Junaidi
By Shazni Ong /
03 Aug 2022, 02:40 pm
Updated - 07:38 pm

Posted by Tanleechoo > Mar 12, 2024 8:43 PM | Report Abuse
I pun Kenal badly ! So far what action the authorities taken?


2024-04-06 12:09 | Report Abuse

The risk insas price stay below 90 sen and the reward shareholders rewarded with another RI of RPS with free warrant in year 2026.


2024-04-06 12:07 | Report Abuse

Those who chase up to RM 1.30 no worries one fine day Insas will reach my TP of RM 1.50 and beyond.

This will depend on whether there are any hostile take over or BOD managed to employ Insas RM billion cash hoard into new business that generate more revenue, more profit and give better dividend.


2024-04-06 10:23 | Report Abuse

Insas is definately not a con stock. Insas is just a value trap waiting for something or somone to unlock the value.

Serba, YNH, Rapid and many others with no fundamental but goreng high are the con stocks


2024-04-06 08:42 | Report Abuse

Q buy more than Q sell. Mean those want to sell already sold. And buyers also do not want to chase high (thin trading volume) hence the price will stay range-bound till next quarter result out.