
Sslee | Joined since 2016-08-31

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Emotional Introvert Most defining characteristics: You are sensitive, melancholic and a perfectionist. You are a very emotional, caring and dedicated person. You believe that there is a bigger picture in life, one that we can’t really see, but we can feel. You are very compassionate, strong minded





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2024-05-02 10:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by Karlos > May 2, 2024 10:08 AM | Report Abuse
Purely an accounting opinion issue and the reality does not change. The equity of Capital A remains the same

Is that the fact?
Have you read the audited and unaudit account end 31/12/2023?
Total equity/deficit unaudit RM (10,469,461,000)
Audited total equity/deficit RM (10,624,737,000)

Or the reality is its does not matter whether the equity deficit is RM 10.625 billion or RM 10.469 billion due to too many zero at the end.


2024-05-02 10:03 | Report Abuse

Most Malaysian best follow 3iii, problem with 3iii, most can't understand what he said. He and most intellects don't understand that you need to converse at average IQ level

Can't find fault with what Windy1974 said about 3iii.
Even 3iii keep it simple is so complicated for interested layman to understand.

So please allow me to keep it even more simple:
It is not hard to earn money from Bursa by just remember:
Share price will increase if EPS increase

1. EPS will increase in present of Earning Growth Catalyst (EPS sudden increase due to increase favorable production/products price or sudden reduce in raw material cost)

2. Beaten down stocks that start to turnaround.

You just need to monitor commodities price movement to know what will be the EPS of many companies listed in Bursa


2024-05-02 09:44 | Report Abuse

CAPITALA - Trading Halt & Resumption of Trading CAPITAL A BERHAD

Kindly be advised that trading in the securities relating to CAPITALA will be halted with effect from 9.00 a.m., Thursday, 2 May 2024.

Trading in the securities relating to CAPITALA will resume with effect from 10.00 a.m., Thursday, 2 May 2024.

Your attention is drawn to CAPITALA's announcement dated 30 April 2024.



2024-05-02 09:13 | Report Abuse

So the audited account confirm 2023 is another lose making year.

In compliance with Paragraph 9.19(35) of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities, the Board of Directors of Capital A wishes to announce that there is a deviation of more than 10% between the Net Profit attributable to Owners of the Parent stated in audited financial statement for the financial year ended 31 December 2023 (AFS2023) and unaudited results for the 4Q FYE2023 which was announced on 29 February 2024. The details of which are as follows:
Net (Loss)/Profit for the Financial Year Variance
AFS 2023 4QFYE2023
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 %
Net Profit attributable to:Owners of the Parent
336,789 836,986 (500,197) -59.8
Non-controlling interests
(433,103) (329,393) (103,710) -31.4
Net (Loss)/Profit for the financial year
(96,314) 507,593 (603,907) -119.0

The deviation of more than 10% was due to reclassification of foreign currency translation differences from Statement of Comprehensive Income to Statement of Profit or Loss amounting to RM420 million(non-cash item) arising from the translation of lease liabilities denominated in USD. The reclassification has no impact on the shareholders equity of Capital A as at 31 December 2023. The Board of Directors of Capital A Berhad wishes to clarify that the change of the accounting treatment subsequent to the announcement of 4Q FYE2023 results was advised by our external auditor, Ernst & Young (“EY”) recently, as disclosed in Note 47 to the AFS2023. The existing accounting treatment has been audited by EY in prior financial years.

In prior financial years, the Group had classified certain subsidiaries as part of an extension of the parent and have recognised the foreign exchange gains/losses arising from intra-group transactions in the
statement of other comprehensive income rather than in the statement of profit or loss.

This Announcement is dated 30 April 2024


2024-05-02 08:38 | Report Abuse

So tell me what are the facts in the restructure plan apart from just getting capA out of PN17?

Any creditors geeting haircut? Without creditors haircut debts restrecture can AAX/NewCo take over capA
CapitalA Balance Sheet as at 31/12/2023 of:
Net current liabilities: RM (12,669,239,000)
And Net total assets/total equity : RM (10,624,737,000)

What will be AAX/NewCo net current liabiliaties?
Can AAX/NewCo not default in payment obligation of net current liabiliaties that is due in 12 months time?


2024-05-02 08:07 | Report Abuse

If you really believe in Stony, will you want Stony to do somthing against the law just so that capA can exit PN17 but end up with Stony in jail?

Or you do not mind even capA delist from Bursa and you still holding to your unlisted capA to allow Stony time and space to do debts restructure (creditors haircut) and then relist aviation, MOVE, ADE and etc to realised its full potential value?


2024-05-02 07:33 | Report Abuse

The facts since capA is undervalued do you think any investors will invested in AAX/NewCo RM 1 billion PP or directly invest tgecRM 1 billion in capA?

If you are the investors will you invest RM 1 billion in capA or AAX/NewCo?

Why Stony did not ask the new investors to inject that RM 1 billion new capital into capA now?

Can it be RM 1 billion is not even enough to save capA?

If RM 1 billion not enough to save CapA then can the RM 1 billion enough for AAX/NewCo?

If AAX/NewCo failed will Stony and BOD end up in jail?

Wrongful Trading
In the CA 2016, an offence of wrongful trading is captured in section 539(3) that:

“…an officer of the company who knowingly was a party to the contracting of a debt had, at the time the debt was contracted, no reasonable or probable ground of expectation, after taking into consideration the other liabilities, if any, of the company at the time, of the company being able to pay the debt, commits an offence…”

Fraudulent Trading
Whereas section 540(1) of the CA 2016 stipulates an offence of fraudulent trading as below:

“If it appears…that any business of the company has been carried on with intent to defraud the creditors of the company or creditors of any other person or for any fraudulent purpose, the Court may declare that any person who was knowingly a party to the carrying on of the business in that manner shall be personally responsible…”

If an offence under section 539(3) has been made out, offenders may be punishable with a maximum imprisonment of 5 years or a maximum fine of RM500,000, or both. Reading together with section 540 of the CA 2016, it is added that the offender may even bear personal liabilities for the payment of the whole or any part of the company’s debt without any limitation of liability upon a court’s declaration


2024-05-01 22:06 | Report Abuse

Using AAX as a sacrificial lamb to get capA to exit PN17 is what Stony can come out with.
Not so fast, will the plan can approval from so many parties.

The below is from the annual report page (27 & 28) audited account. A bit different from the unaudit Q4 end 31/12/2024 report
CapitalA Balance Sheet as at 31/12/2023 of:
Net current liabilities: RM (12,669,239,000)
And Net total assets/total equity : RM (10,624,737,000)


2024-05-01 20:25 | Report Abuse

CapitalA Balance Sheet as at 31/3/2023 of:
Net current liabilities: RM (8,524,896,000)
And Net total assets/total equity : RM (9,376,200,000)

CapitalA Balance Sheet as at 31/12/2023 of:
Net current liabilities: RM (12,669,239,000)
And Net total assets/total equity : RM (10,624,737,000)

Is capA financial position better off or worse off compare to one year ago?

Repeat and remind those cannot do math: The sum is not in million or hundred million but in billion.

That is why the PN17 regularisation plan keep postpone postpone postpone postpone postpone postpone postpone postpone postpone repeat ad infinitum

Delist is inevitable.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Mani Padme Hum


2024-05-01 18:53 | Report Abuse

Luckily capA has a magician or a snake oil saleman to create value from thin air for shareholders or else capA already close shop or follow AAX footstep of debts restructure, capital reduction, 10 to 1 share consolidation and new capital injection.

The shareholders would have lose his/her shirt, pant, underwear and sock.


2024-05-01 12:45 | Report Abuse

A magician or a snake oil saleman.


2024-04-30 18:46 | Report Abuse

Is Stony arm-twisting AAX to bail out capA?

Total borrowings and lease liabilities of AAX/Newco will be escalated to RM 23,271,794,000 a gearing of 23.96 times after the proposed AAAGL and AAB acquisitions.

Do you think with over RM 23 billion of borrowing and lease liabilities can AAX/NewCo survive?


2024-04-30 17:40 | Report Abuse

Interest to know who will be the RM 1 billion PP investors?

The PP investors will get a discount of not more than 15% the 5-day VWAP of the AAX Shares / NewCo Shares up to and including the last trading day prior to the price-fixing date of the placement share.

Will the big sharks/PP investors placed a regulated short selling and earned the aprox 15% profit on the PP? Meanwhile suyiee sucker billis buying AAX/NewCo shares from open market


2024-04-30 12:50 | Report Abuse

Know AETHERIUM ACQUISITION CORP current share capital is how much now?

As of April 15, 2024, there were 2,136,291 shares of redeemable Class A common stock, 528,500 shares of non-redeemable Class A common stock, par value $0.0001 per share, and 2,875,000 shares of Class B common stock, par value $0.0001 per share, issued and outstanding.

On March 28, 2024, the Company held a special meeting of its stockholders (the “Special Meeting”). At the Special Meeting, the Company’s stockholders approved the proposal to amend the Company’s amended and restated certificate of incorporation, to extend the date by which the Company must consummate a business combination to thirty-six (36) months from the effectiveness date of the Company’s Form S-1 by the SEC, which was December 29, 2021, until December 29, 2024, by depositing into the trust account established for the benefit of the Company’s public stockholders $0.033 per non-redeeming publicly held share of common stock for each one-month extension.

In connection with such proposal, stockholders elected to redeem 1,383,212 shares of the Company’s Class A common stock, par value $0.0001 per share (“Class A Common Stock”). As a result, there will be an approximate payout of $15,229,164 (approximately $11.01 per share) that will be removed from the Trust Account to pay such holders. This has not yet occurred as of the date these financial statements are issued.


2024-04-30 12:12 | Report Abuse

Total borrowings and lease liabilities of AAX/Newco will be escalated to RM 23,271,794,000 a gearing of 23.96 times after the proposed AAAGL and AAB acquisitions.

Do you think with over RM 23 billion of borrowing and lease liabilities can AAX/NewCo survive?


2024-04-30 11:41 | Report Abuse

His blowing water 1 sen up/down equal to 5 or 6 digits gain/loss. Now at 13-13.5 sen sure very malu lah.


2024-04-30 11:29 | Report Abuse

This morning I just bought 1,000 capA and AAX share. Stony can't run away from answering my AGM/EGM questions now or can he?

Warren Buffett once said, “The worst sort of business is one that grows rapidly, requires significant capital to engender the growth, and then earns little or no money. Think airlines.”


2024-04-30 11:15 | Report Abuse

LA risk is lesser than mother share as long as capA survive and LA holders will continues received the interest payment and on maturity get back your RM 0.75 irrepective whether mother share drop to penny stocks.

But if capA go burst that everyone suffered.


2024-04-30 11:09 | Report Abuse

The reason why bank do not lend money to PN17 company is because the normal route out of PN17 is debts restructure, capital reduction, share consolidation and then new capital injection.

Everyone required to take a hair cut to save the company.

Do you think CapA can exit PN17 by arm-twisting AAX to take over capA aviation at the expense of AAX survivability?


2024-04-30 10:57 | Report Abuse

Thong like to count how many FD in bank and how much money in cash.
Thong believe CASH is king like Najib. Someone need to convince Thong cash is not king and cash need to be used to genearte more incomes above the bank FD rate.


2024-04-30 10:42 | Report Abuse

hi @sslee, does it mean, every holder of LA can surrender such LA to be converted to mother at zero cost?
The answer is yes.

You now know why Stony design the RI of RCUIDS with free warrants instead of RI of equity Right Issue shares with free warrants?

Stony and Kamar were using borrow money to subscribe for their RI entitlement and no bank will lend any money for borrowers to subsribe for a PN17 shares.


2024-04-30 10:31 | Report Abuse

Issue Price and Conversion Price
The RCUIDS shall be issued at 100% of its nominal value of RM0.75 each. The Conversion Price is also fixed at RM0.75 each for every 1 new AAGB Share.

Since RCUID issue price and conversion price are fixed at RM0.75. Thus you can surrender your RCUID to be coverted to mother share anytime before maturity date.

Any uncoverted RCUID on maturuty date will be redeemed back at RM 0.75


2024-04-30 09:50 | Report Abuse

Currently I put some money on stocks that I think can give me high capital gain like Yinson wawasan 2026 , MSC (high tin price), Teoseng ( low feed cost) and etc

When I am 65 I will put more money on high dividend stocks


2024-04-30 09:06 | Report Abuse

08:55AM 5238 AAX Buy 1,000 1.540 1,000 1.530000 1,530.00 All Matched
08:40AM 5099 CAPITALA Buy 1,000 0.795 1,000 0.795000 795.00 All Matched

Stock : 5238 - AAX
Ref No.
Transaction Type
121400866 30/04/2024 Buy 1,000 1.530

Stock : 5099 - CAPITALA
Ref No.
Transaction Type
121400905 30/04/2024 Buy 1,000 0.7950


2024-04-30 08:36 | Report Abuse

Another 2 more years I will be 65. Just in time to see what will be the WC price then.

By then I hope I have build up a portfolio that will give me dividend income of of more than 300K per year.


2024-04-30 08:29 | Report Abuse

The trurh to be told. TheContrarian already earned a 4X ROI from Insas. Isn't that BOD of Insas creating share price value for shareholder like TheContrarian.

As for Deno if not careful come Feb 2026 he will be like stockraider in Feb 2020 q sell warrant at 0.5 sen and hoping Thong will buy the WC at 0.5 sen


2024-04-30 08:02 | Report Abuse

29-Apr-2024 Meeting Notice General Meeting on 13-Jun-2024.
Will buy 1,000 unit to qualify myself as shareholder to submit AGM questions.


2024-04-29 17:15 | Report Abuse

Shhhhhh! I am waiting to buy back Insas below RM 1.00 and then below RM 0.90


2024-04-29 13:16 | Report Abuse

Stony throw all the rule and regulation out of window on new issue.
PP number of shares not more than 10% of NOSH
PP discount not more than 10% of the 5-day VWAP
Number of Convertable Warrant not more than 50% of NOSH.

Will Stony get his way?
All the above rule is there to protect the current/existing AAX shareholders.


2024-04-29 11:13 | Report Abuse

Aiyoyo, Tong of theedgemalaysia is now a trapped sotong in Insas.


2024-04-29 11:07 | Report Abuse

Why would Stony and Kamar do that when RCUIDS give them a good fixed interest income that they can use to repay the interest of their borrow money they used to pay for the RCUIDS and free warrants?


2024-04-29 11:01 | Report Abuse

For those lazy one then just feel the sentiment and swim with the shark, buy low sell high.

But remember to sell before the shark sell or you will be caught to be the last one holding the bag when music stop.


2024-04-29 10:44 | Report Abuse

It is not hard to earn money from Bursa by just remember:
Share price will increase if EPS increase

1. EPS will increase in present of Earning Growth Catalyst (EPS sudden increase due to increase favorable production/products price or sudden reduce in raw material cost)

2. Beaten down stocks that start to turnaround.

You just need to monitor commodities price movement to know what will be the EPS of many companies listed in Bursa.


2024-04-29 10:11 | Report Abuse

Shark or not. Just make some money from Bursa and can sleep well at night.


2024-04-29 10:00 | Report Abuse

Most likely I will be KYY partner, a big shark goreng share market rather than be the suiyee sucker billis eaten by shark.


2024-04-29 09:44 | Report Abuse

I struggle almost all my whole life just to survive and raise my family. I only have spare money and accumulate my wealth during the last 10 years.

Imagine if I have the curent earning power when I am much younger, I will be a very happy man.


2024-04-29 09:33 | Report Abuse

The free float shares of AAX is very small. Hence shark should be able to goreng the price higher.

But make sure you are not the one holding the bag when music stop.


2024-04-29 08:37 | Report Abuse

You need to exercise your mind even at old age. One of the mind exercise is keep learning the know how and know what on investment.
Know how old is KYY? He is active in investing just to exercise his mind.


2024-04-29 08:01 | Report Abuse

If capA is listed in Thai or Indonesia the BOD will be call up by SC to explain the acquisition of 60% PAA from JV for undisclosed sum for an insolvent and debts ladden PAA

But in Malaysia boleh land. Someone can just abuse his power to do so without disclosing how the acquisition will financial impact on capA.


2024-04-29 07:51 | Report Abuse

AAV is listed in Thai and hold 100% Thai AA
IAA listed in Indonesia and hold 100% AA indonesia
Since both is listed and have their own BOD and is governed by respective SC rule and regulation.

The question India AA sold to JV partner. Japan AA JV partner prefer to close down.
Then why Stony spend undisclosed sum bought over the 60% of JV partner for an insolvent, debts laddden Philippine AA?

Someone must be out of mind for thinking capA got any money to buy over another insolvent, debts ladden srilankan airlines?

Did someone heard most likely the US listing is off the table?


2024-04-29 07:23 | Report Abuse

This is what inside
• 20.95% equity interest in IAA
• 40.71% equity interest in AAV
• 100.00% equity interest in AA Com (60% AAI)
• 40.00% equity interest in AAI
AAI 99.66% equity interest in PAA
• Investment in convertible bond issued by AAI USD 25 million
• 46.25% equity interest in AAID (with 57.25% equity interest in IAA)

AAV is listed in Thai and hold 100% Thai AA
IAA listed in Indonesia and hold 100% AA indonesia

PAA is unlisted Philippine AA where someone abuse his power to acquired the 60% from JV partner for undisclosed sum and is now 100% owed by AAAGL.

Auditor of PAA has this to say about PAA:
Tony Fernandes literally loses his shirt! Isla Lipana red flags Air Asia Philippines after hemorrhaging P14B in last 2 years
October 23, 2023
Things are getting turbulent in Tony Fernandes’ Air Asia Philippines (AirAsia) adventure as the budget carrier has taken a nosedive, racking up a jaw-dropping P14 billion in losses over the past two years.

Isla Lipana & Co., the auditing firm, isn’t pulling any punches and is openly questioning whether Fernandes can navigate AirAsia through financial storm clouds.

In the firm’s latest annual report, Isla Lipana said AirAsia’s massive losses -P7.9 billion in in 2022 and P6.4 billion in 2021 – which have pushed its capital deficiency to P39.9 billion or 60 times its original capital.

Beyond these losses, AirAsia is grappling with unpaid obligations to creditors and aircraft lessors.

As of 2022, AirAsia is mired in a liability quagmire, with P11 billion in dues and demandable payments and another P24 billion due within a year.

The airline’s struggle to meet its obligations predates the pandemic. In 2018, it failed to meet financial commitments related to a P1.78 billion loan from BDO Unibank. The carrier managed to postpone payments to BDO as well as restructure its lease contracts with aircraft suppliers.

Isla Lipana said these figures indicate that a “material uncertainty” exists on its ability to continue as a going concern.


2024-04-28 19:02 | Report Abuse

Everyone will have their own story to tell.

I graduate in 1986 when Mahathir policy of bumiputra first had drove away all the Foreign investment and even local Chinese can't expand their business without giving away their equity.

I send in hundrend of letters just to try to get my first full time job. And luckily I got my first job in SAB in Kapar an oleo-chemical plant

That the start of my carrer. I got married in 1991. Bought my first house in 1996 that cost me RM 120,000. Then Asean financial crisis hit Malaysia and my house monthly installment cannot even cover the loan interest.

I was employed by Indonesia company to start an oleochemical plant in Medan in 2001.

I bought my second house a semi-D in setia eco park that cost me about a million. I only start to invest in Bursa when I have spare money.
The rest is history.


2024-04-28 17:16 | Report Abuse

Me not intend to book any flight, flying to holland with Magician Stony.

But will be at the front row seat with popcorn and cola watching Stony' bollywood dance and magic show. Hope Stony don't tripped over and end up in Jail....hihihi


2024-04-28 17:03 | Report Abuse

For me working is just seeing what I build is still operating well by others.

At my age I already cannot climb up all those stairs to look at what are the problems. Young man need to send me the photo and I will tell them the solutions if they do not know the solutions.

At my age I already reach the top of my salarly scale and if the company still want to keep me, I am ready to continues working. Why not, the pay is good and the work is not as tough or as hard work as when I start building it 23 years ago.


2024-04-28 07:26 | Report Abuse

What is your comment on AAX acquisitions of AAAGL and AAB?

Total borrowings and lease liabilities of AAX/Newco will be escalated to RM 23,271,794,000 a gearing of 23.96 times after the proposed AAAGL and AAB acquisitions.


2024-04-27 22:35 | Report Abuse

Independent Adviser
As the Proposed Acquisitions are related party transactions pursuant to Paragraph 10.08 of the Listing Requirements, WYNCORP Advisory Sdn Bhd has been appointed to act as the Independent Adviser to undertake the following in relation to the Proposed
(i) comment as to:-
(a) whether the Proposed Acquisitions are fair and reasonable in so far as the Shareholders are concerned; and
(b) whether the Proposed Acquisitions are to the detriment of the non￾interested Shareholders, and such opinion must set out the reasons for, the key assumptions made and the factors taken into consideration in forming that opinion;

(ii) advise the non-interested Shareholders whether they should vote in favour of the Proposed Acquisitions; and (iii) take all reasonable steps to satisfy itself that it has a reasonable basis to make the comments and advice in relation to paragraphs (i) and (ii) above.

Just wonder why use the audited 31/12/2022 figures when another few more days the audited 31/12/2023 and external auditor opinion will be publised

Total borrowings and lease liabilities of AAX/Newco will be escalated to RM 23,271,794,000 a gearing of 23.96 times after the proposed AAAGL and AAB acquisitions.

What will advisor WYNCORP Advisory Sdn Bhd advise shareholder to vote in favor or against the proposed acquisitions?

Note: If AAX stay as it is now Maybank analyst TP of AAX is RM 3.40


2024-04-27 21:55 | Report Abuse

One of the AAAGL and AAB Conditions Precedent:
The Purchaser raising RM1,000,000,000 within the financial year ending 31 December 2024, pursuant to the placement letter(s) or commitment letter(s) or agreement(s) (as the case may be) executed by the Purchaser and the identified investors in relation to the Proposed Private Placement.


2024-04-27 20:34 | Report Abuse

The Proposed AAAGL Acquisition entails the acquisition of the entire equity interest (including any forms of capital contribution and any unissued capital) in AAAGL (“AAAGL Equity Interest”) by the NewCo from Capital A for a purchase consideration of RM3,000.00 million to be satisfied entirely via the allotment and issuance of 2,307,692,307 new NewCo Shares at an issue price of RM1.30 in accordance with the terms of the AAAGL SSPA.

The actual number of Placement Shares to be issued will depend on the issue price of the Placement Shares to be determined later. For illustrative purposes, if the issue price of the Placement Shares is assumed to be RM1.11, which represents a discount of approximately 14.62% to the 5-day VWAP of the AAX Shares up to and including the LPD of RM1.30 (Source: Bloomberg), the Proposed Private Placement will entail the issuance of 900,900,900 Placement Shares.

The Proposed Private Placement is intended to be implemented after the Warrants Entitlement Date and closer to the implementation of the Proposed Acquisitions. Nonetheless, the Proposed Private Placement may still be implemented in the event that the Proposed Issuance of Free Warrants is not approved and hence, not implemented.

Is Bursa SC waive the limit of PP of not more than 10% NOSH?


2024-04-27 20:22 | Report Abuse

Placement arrangement
The Placement Shares are intended to be placed to independent third party investor(s) to be identified later. Such investor(s) shall be party(ies) which qualify under Schedule 6 or Schedule 7 of the Capital Markets and Services Act, 2007. The Placement Shares are not intended to be placed to the following persons:-

(i) a director, major shareholder or chief executive of the listed issuer or a holding company of the listed issuer (“Interested Person”);
(ii) a person connected with an Interested Person; or
(iii) nominee corporations, unless the names of the ultimate beneficiaries are disclosed.

The Proposed Private Placement may be implemented in 1 or multiple tranches (as the investors may be identified and procured over a period of time rather than simultaneously) within a period of 6 months from the date of approval by Bursa Securities for the listing and quotation of the Placement Shares on the Main Market of Bursa Securities or any extended period as may be approved by Bursa Securities, subject to the prevailing market conditions


2024-04-27 20:03 | Report Abuse

The sucker PP investors will get a discount of not more than 15% the 5-day VWAP of the AAX Shares / NewCo Shares up to and including the last trading day prior to the price-fixing date of the placement share.

Will the big shark placed a regulated short selling and earned the aprox 15% profit on the PP? Meanwhile suyiee sucker billis buying AAX/NewCo shares from open market.