
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-09-19 01:57 | Report Abuse

Indeed Jokowi has done his part! Not a power crazy fellow too! Not like our politicians! Stay until die standing! Just look at our dinos! The Lims, Mahathir, Mat Sabu, Anwar, Zahid, Hadi just to name a few! Please! Make way for those between 40 to 60!

News & Blogs

2022-09-19 01:55 | Report Abuse

Anyway, love songs are going out of trend too! I mean, do we really fall in love and stay together forever and ever! I mean, the only reason why most stay together is just because of companionship! I never say those dumbass 'I love you' to my wifey! All we do is talk about food, where to go or where to go vacation next!

News & Blogs

2022-09-19 01:52 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Seeing alot of korean series and movies lately! They are indeed very good! Gone are the days of that dumbass lovely dovely korean thingy! Nowadays, korean softpower has taken a totaly new level! But still hate kpop, fortunately kpop seems dying already!
Anyway, nowadays, music are total trash regardless where they come from! All they are talking about is sex, sex and sex! Come on, most of us only do like 2 minutes with that 2 inches!

News & Blogs

2022-09-19 01:48 | Report Abuse

Toyota did release fuel cell cars! Already proven that it's too costly to maintain! No viable for private car at all! Should be good for buses and trucks not private cars!

News & Blogs

2022-09-19 00:35 | Report Abuse

US today is a total joke! Even it's once great softpower is now overtaken by Korean! I mean, i hate to admit it but nowadays korean series and movies are better than Hollywood! Hollywood nowadays keep pushing the same stale sequels! Story line and plot full of WOKE narrative!

News & Blogs

2022-09-19 00:33 | Report Abuse

US nowadays are so far behind! No more new innovators to come out with latest breaktrough! They do have Elon Musk which is now enemy of Democrats!
US today is more interested with pursue of gender rights! So called 'emotional intelligence' more than IQ! Quality of education now far behind!

News & Blogs

2022-09-19 00:29 | Report Abuse

Americans unite! Fat dream! US is capitalist nation gone wrong! With democrazy system! Where the 0.01% want to control US and the world! Wake up! Nobody respect US anymore! With senile president and clueless vice president! Only interested in starting new war here and there! All the elites thinking about is how to sell old weapons and push for new weapons which may not even be in the market just like Russia!

News & Blogs

2022-09-18 23:42 | Report Abuse

Fuel cell has been promoted for decades! Till now, nothing! Whereas EVs were heavily commercialized by Tesla and Nissan! Fuel cell will remain pipe dream for decades to come!

News & Blogs

2022-09-18 23:40 | Report Abuse

Fuel cell good for trucks! However till today, we still don't see viable commercial fuel cell trucks!

News & Blogs

2022-09-18 22:59 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Don't bother with US! They will end up having civil war! It's no brainer eventually we will see crash between the wealthy and the poor! US is so divided, the gap between americans are just too wide to close!


2022-09-18 22:56 | Report Abuse

Absboss! LGE should be in jail along with Najib and Zahid! Let's not be bias! All of them are crooks!

News & Blogs

2022-09-18 22:55 | Report Abuse

Qqq! That's why they call it watch dogs! Nothing more than watch dogs! Better get kampong dog that can take care of your home!

News & Blogs

2022-09-18 15:02 | Report Abuse

US should sponsored our politicians to visit Kesington Avenue! There you see hundred of thousand americans living on streets hook on drugs!

News & Blogs

2022-09-18 15:00 | Report Abuse

A study by US-based watchdog Freedom House has revealed that China is making a large effort to influence Malaysian media, and listed Malaysia as “vulnerable” to these efforts.

Answer : Well, US is so busybody! Why bother Malaysia! US practically ensure any Malaysia exports to be sanctioned! What can Malaysia do! China is buying our goods! And we are importing tons of China goods too! Tell me, what have you bought from US lately! Beside that overpriced Iphone 14!


2022-09-18 14:58 | Report Abuse

Zahid Hamidi playbook is all to see! Not only does he wants to get rid of his corruption charges! But also becomes PM after GE15! Tall order indeed!


2022-09-18 14:57 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i know! One can dream but voters will decide! But apparently Zahid Hamidi is PM in waiting for BN Umno! This is undenial fact! There is no chance for Ismail Sabri to even be considered as poster boy for BN Umno!
Now here's the thing! Do voters really want to see Zahid Hamidi becoming the next PM! Hey, don't shot me! Voters will decide! But judging from sentiment on the ground, we may see another humiliating defeat for BN Umno! In fact Umno will lose more seats this time round! As for BN, it's non existent! MCA and MIC are dead as stone!


2022-09-18 14:00 | Report Abuse

And it seems Malaysia too getting some actions of late! Foreign investors are setting up their based camp here! That's why we saw that shocking 2nd qarter GDP figure! So as long as China remain under lockdowns, Malaysia should benefit tremendously!


2022-09-18 13:59 | Report Abuse

Anyway, this already driven investors looking elsewhere for investment opportunity! Vietnam and Indonesia continue to rise rapidly!
So Chairman Xi is giving Vietnam and Indonesia all the advantages at the moment!


2022-09-18 13:58 | Report Abuse

Just impose face mask mandate should be fine! But no! Chairman Xi surrounded by his minions continue to hold to lockdown policy!


2022-09-18 13:57 | Report Abuse

Yet China still under lockdowns! Why! It's not because of Covid! It's just mega ego on Chairman Xi side! Yeah, this is what happen if you allow No.1 stay in power for too long! Absolute power corrupt absolutely! In this case, Chairman Xi simply can't accept advise of normal humans that Covid threat is over!


2022-09-18 13:56 | Report Abuse

But i do understand many still wear their face mask due to the fact that it actually prevent getting other virus especially fever or flu! So yeah, many still wear face mask not because of Covid but other transmissible virus!


2022-09-18 13:55 | Report Abuse

Our body already able to produce natural immunity towards this milder variant of Covid!


2022-09-18 13:54 | Report Abuse

Zero Covid policy is dumbass! Our face mask mandate already lifted! Meaning Covid no longer a major threat to public!
Covid variants are getting milder and milder! So mild that, it's actually far milder compare to fever or flu!

News & Blogs

2022-09-18 13:43 | Report Abuse

I hope PKR with Rafizi on board will see huge swing of malay voters! We simply can't afford to see Zahid Hamidi becoming the next PM!

News & Blogs

2022-09-18 13:01 | Report Abuse

The more LGE talks, the more we discover he is imcompetent as lawmaker! He objects 10% tax on imported online goods! He objects rising interest rate! He objects GST! He scream and shout for more cheap labor for his tycoon friends!
Dude, we know you only care for your tycoon friends, but don't make it so obvious! LGE was the worst Finance minister in history! He single highhandedly destroy our strong fiscal policy!
And now pretend to know how to strengthen our economy! Don't insult our intelligence! Current ringgit weakness is due to very bad and uncertain US monetary policy! I mean, US flood global market with free money that cause things to fall apart! Then there's Ukraine invasion that disrupt chain of supply! And after 2 years of Covid pandemic, and that dumbass China lockdowns, everything is in total mess at the moment!
Current MOF can't do much! Bank Negara has to increase interest rate or else ringgit will fall much lower!
What LGE should suggest is to abolish pension scheme for lawmakers and retiring ministers! Reduce the size of civil service! Sack incompetent civil servants! They useless malaysians are part of 40% annual national budget!


2022-09-18 12:52 | Report Abuse

In ancient time, perhaps aliens did reveal themselves to humans as humans then were dumbass! And there are artifacts drawn on stones that show other visitors from other galaxies! In fact, even Bible recorded visitors from other planets! Perhaps Bible recorded the first account of flying alien ship!


2022-09-18 12:49 | Report Abuse

Start! Actually it's explainable by science! There are billions of galaxy in the universe! Earth position to the sun is ideal for live forms! Have you ever wonder why apes and monkey never evolve into humans! They share 99% of our DNA! It's called, evolution! We evolve into thinking apes millions of years ago!
There are perhaps few millions earth like out there in the universe! Perhaps they have and are visiting earth but they keep their distance! I don't believe aliens would come to earth on big ships rather they would send micro size drones to observe us! Perhaps they already assimilated among us too! I mean, if aliens are much more advance than us, surely they won't reveal themselves to us because we humans would catch them and extract as much knowledge from them including how to travel to other galaxies! That would be disadvantage to them hence the need to keep secret from humans!


2022-09-18 01:56 | Report Abuse

We really don't know what happens when we die! Do we go to another dimension! Or we just shut down like expired PC!


2022-09-18 01:55 | Report Abuse

But strangely, even atheists will tell you there's higher being that govern us! We just can't say, there's no god! But atheists will tell you most religious books are nothing more than fairy tales!


2022-09-18 01:53 | Report Abuse

It's very difficult to unreligion those who are born into Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and so forth! In fact been religious is so important to majority of humans!
However, of late, atheism has taken root! One thing why religious leaders hate atheism is that, they cannot monetize atheists!
Atheists are outcasts! Atheism cannot be monetized! There's no church for atheists! Atheists cannot be exploited! Atheists have no sense of guilt for religious leaders to exploited!


2022-09-18 01:49 | Report Abuse

Interestingly, before Judaism, there was a religion that was source perhaps the birth of Judaism which is Zoroastrianism! This is also where the early version of Jesus was created!


2022-09-18 01:47 | Report Abuse

So when did humans created god! Many scholars believe this happened sometime between the Babylonian exile, which began after the fall of Jerusalem in 587 BCE (some 2600 years ago), and the subsequent periods of Persian and Hellenistic rule!


2022-09-18 01:44 | Report Abuse

Thousands of years ago, Egypt paraohs were gods! In fact, before Judaism, Christianity and Islam, humans were worshiping anything! You name it! Our ancestors were sending money, cars and house to heaven! Wait, we still do that!


2022-09-18 01:42 | Report Abuse

Putin has been dictator for too long! That's why most countries limit their No.1 to two terms! Putin has been up there for 20 years!
Putin has been fed with false intel by his men! His so called military prowess was just a fake show! Can't even beat Ukraine! And resort in desperation to use Iran and Turkey drones! What a shame!


2022-09-18 01:40 | Report Abuse

It's no brainer, Zahid will field all his gangs! This is his safe card! Even if BN Umno doesn't win GE15, he determine to make sure his corruption charges will be drop!


2022-09-18 01:38 | Report Abuse

So yeah, PM Sabri was inform that he must dissolve parliment or else! And aparently, PM Sabri finally got the message! If he refuse to dissolve parliment, he will be expelled!
Zahid Hamidi won the civil war indeed! Once parliment is dissolved, Sabri can forget about continuing his political career! He probably won't even be field! But for sure, all his camp won't get a seat! Tajuddin and Annuar can retire for good!


2022-09-17 22:31 | Report Abuse

Speakup! Yeah, but China will be able to sell their own Musang King soon! So Malaysia ends up having so much Musang King but nobody wants it anymore!


2022-09-17 22:30 | Report Abuse

Warren! Yeah, I heard that the winners are part of money laundering syndicate! You know, washing dirty money!

News & Blogs

2022-09-17 22:29 | Report Abuse

Hadi has been selling Islam left and right! Today haram, tomorrow halal! I mean, do muslims follow such liar!


2022-09-17 03:25 | Report Abuse

My 1 cent, Ukraine will have huge advantage during winter! It's going to be endgame for them!
So it's better for russian soldiers to just move out as supplies are running out! Once Ukraine capture north of occupied territories, everything just fall into place!


2022-09-17 03:23 | Report Abuse

Beside HIMARS, another factor that favors Ukraine is that, ukranians are smart people! They are now using abandon Russia weapons to their advantage! Since Ukraine military was part of Soviet, they know Russia weapons just too well!


2022-09-17 03:22 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately for Putin, Ukraine invasion didn't go as plan! Ukrainians didn't just lay down and surrender like what happen in Crimea! Instead this invasion already more than half a year!
And now Ukraine made a strong counter attack knowing that Russia already ran out of high tech missiles! Reportingly, Russia already sent their best weapons on the field!
It's getting very humiliating for Russia now! Very humiliating for Putin of course!


2022-09-17 03:18 | Report Abuse

War is not cheap! It's one of the most expensive hobby a dictator can have! Oh yeah, Putin has tons of expensive hobby! He is not satisfied with just super yacht! He has tons of mega ones! Life was fantastic for Putin before Ukraine invasion! Nowadays, he can't enjoy himself outside of Russia! Gone are the days where he can take his many private jets and hang around with his huge collection of gfs!

News & Blogs

2022-09-17 02:44 | Report Abuse

Back in the 90s, almost all Japan companies were dominating the world! Today, only Toyota still on that list but probably goner if EVs dominated by China!
Today, we see US companies rule the global economy! But maybe few years down the road, probably only Tesla will still be on that list!
I believe BYD will be world biggest car producer in the world! Tesla may not even be on that list! Anyway, Tesla is not car producer but energy company so it's totally understandable!
On social media front, US companies still rocking! But as we are seeing, Facebook already on decline, Tiktok is now moving up!
Maybe few years down the road, Google may not be No.1! Wassap will be replaced by another messaging app! But i think Youtube continue to appeal to global audience!