
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-09-17 02:36 | Report Abuse

With 90 million, better move to other country! Lay low! So many options! Move to Vietnam, buy few property, enjoy the life there for few years, then sell all property and still make tons of money!
Or move to Australia, again, buy few property, enjoy life then, sell back few years later, still make tons of money!
Staying in Malaysia is a bit risky! Too many new 'relative' popping up claiming credit, if you know what i mean!


2022-09-16 19:04 | Report Abuse

Our lawmakers on both side are useless! They don't seat down and sort out our messy domestic food production! Agriculture is a huge business if done right! It should have enriched our farmers but unfortunately our farmers remain poor!
Problem of course is the middlemen! Government after donkey years still unable to connect demand and supply! And so farmers rely on middlemen to sell their products! Of course middlemen will buy at cheapest and sell at highest providing transport and sales of agriculture products!


2022-09-16 19:01 | Report Abuse

While LGE is screaming and shouting for more cheap labors, this cheap labors are not for domestic agriculture but for manufacturing of export goods! And it only benefit exporting tycoons! So why is LGE so concern of our tycoons whoa are ranking fat profit!


2022-09-16 18:59 | Report Abuse

Do you know half of our rice needs are imported! Yeah, what happen if exporting countries ban export because of their own need!
That's just rice! We import many more essential food items! Now that ringgit has weaken at it's historical lowest, price of essential food items will only go up!

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2022-09-16 18:23 | Report Abuse

Najib has been in jail for 11 years! Another 1 year to go!

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2022-09-16 14:22 | Report Abuse

Only now Russia wants to connect gas line to China! And Putin thought China will be totally depended like those dumbass Europe countries! Russia will be under China thumbs for sure! Within few years, all sales of private cars will be EVs! China will have dozens of nuke power plants! Gas and oil will just be secondary energy supply!

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2022-09-16 03:40 | Report Abuse

Starlink will be a huge advantage for ships!

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2022-09-16 00:33 | Report Abuse

Indian vs Chinese! They say if you invest in India, you end up becoming wanted criminal over there! If you invest in China, they steal you IP and produce even better and cheaper product of yours!
And then you have indon! They say if you invest in Indonesia, your one million ringgit becomes one million rupiah! If you product you goods in Indonesia, they will produce cheaper but lousy product of yours!

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2022-09-15 23:30 | Report Abuse

Umno will suffer same defeat as GE14! Rakyat are not as dumbass as they used to be!


2022-09-15 23:28 | Report Abuse

So now Hadi is telling is LGE balls are haram! Anwar backhole is dark and yucky! But rest assured, if Harapan leaders offer 'gaji buta' minister post to Hadi after GE15, everything will be forgiven! Hadi is no different from you and i! He is selling Islam left and right!


2022-09-15 23:26 | Report Abuse

Hadi would suck LGE balls, and LGE can't get enough of Hadi 2 inches back in those days!


2022-09-15 23:25 | Report Abuse

Pas fake holymen has been desperately selling themselves left and right to position for GE15! Suddenly Pas fake holymen are talking to Umno for alliance! Mohiden didn't even know about it!
After Harapan leaders rejected any cooperation with Pas, Hadi is so offended! So issuing haram card to Harapan justify this!
But you know i know things will change after GE15! I am not surprise if LGE and Hadi will curdle each other balls after GE15! Hadi fondly called LGE, the caliph of Islam! Remember that! LGE and Hadi was so in loved with each other than they would hold hands, exchanging kisses constantly! Yeah, Pakatan Rakyat was the new of the game! Halalness was in the air during that hot romance of Hadi and LGE!


2022-09-15 23:21 | Report Abuse

So yeah! Hadi has a brilliant idea! Apparently 20 years ago, voting for Umno will get you into hell! But today, it's okay to vote for Umno! In fact after getting 90 million 'donation' from Zahid during GE14, corruption is also okay!
The new narrative from Hadi is, voting for Harapan will open you door to hell! Sounds familiar right! Maybe this haram card has been used before! I wonder when!


2022-09-15 18:38 | Report Abuse

Look, most usually spend not more than half an hour to charge their EV on public infrastructure!
AC charger is a slow charger! I mean, not many will leave their EV for half a day except for office workers! For office building, of course it's make sense to put on AC chargers for their staff!
But on public buildings, shops and so forth, DC charger is the way to go! There's no two ways about it!
DC charger directly charge EV battery! This form of rapid charging is much more convenient for EV owners!
Maybe today, we don't even want to talk about this but in 5 years time, i bet you, malaysians will be screaming and shouting because it takes forever to charge their EVs!
Today, the limited EV offered in Malaysia already sold out for this year! Same with next year! Until EVs are easily availble, charging with AC now won't be a big issue!
But once so many owned EV, it's going to be!
So better get it right! DC charger only!

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2022-09-15 16:14 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Here we go again! Fortunately i bought Optimax last week! Still going up, surprising!


2022-09-14 16:29 | Report Abuse

However, having said that, Najib must bare the cost of such treatment under his own expenses!


2022-09-14 16:29 | Report Abuse

Politically, it's not good for ex PM not getting the best medical treatment!
As Najib has been imprisoned for his crime, we must also consider his contribution as previous PM!
Weather we like it or not, Najib is indeed entitled to get best medical treatment even if it means if he request private hospital treatment!
As in the case of Anwar Ibrahim, he was given access to the best medical treatment during his time in prison!

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2022-09-14 15:44 | Report Abuse

NOt true! There are massive followers for LGE 'Maggi Mee GST' song!

News & Blogs

2022-09-14 15:33 | Report Abuse

Does Harapan need Muda! Obviously not! After disastrous Johor by election!


2022-09-14 02:05 | Report Abuse

Price of pork has risen drastically in China! Just to let you know!


2022-09-14 01:22 | Report Abuse

And you have the question of supply chain to produce food! If you cant' import fertilize and poison, you cant cultivate food! Most food need to be imported and we also need to export our food! Lately that crucial supply chain have been thrown into total mess!


2022-09-14 01:20 | Report Abuse

Earth despite it's huge size, has limited resources! Earth limited resources can only support few billions! And that's the truth! And we are running out of many resources! Fish are running out of supply! More so with warming of ocean! Planted food are not easy to cultivate! You need tons of fertilize and poison! And both fertilize and poison are limited resources!


2022-09-14 01:17 | Report Abuse

To me, it's not important if earth is over or under populated! Rather, we need to be aware that more and more people on earth no longer able to feed themselves despite working full time!
Qqq3 and Grandpa Koon love to take credit for China success but do they know alot of chinese China can only eat once a day and they are not complaining! This are the hard working class chinese earning bare minimum in China!


2022-09-14 01:14 | Report Abuse

And every year, millions are dying of hunger!


2022-09-14 01:13 | Report Abuse

Even in Singapore, there are segment of singaporeans who can only afford to eat once a day! Can you imagine that! Singapore!


2022-09-14 01:13 | Report Abuse

In some Europe countries, they can't no longer afford to buy groceries! Can you imagine with minimum salary, you can't even afford to buy food that will last you for a week! What will you do for the next 3 weeks then! Yeah, thankfully, they can go to food bank to get some supply! This is what's happening in developed countries!


2022-09-14 01:11 | Report Abuse

I do have relative living in US, Singapore, Europe and so forth! And i tell you, all of them are complaining how expensive food have been lately!


2022-09-14 01:10 | Report Abuse

Sure! That's true! There are so much land on earth for additional few more billions!
But i think this is because, this people, like Elon Musk are living in world of their own! They have no worries about money! They don't even know how much a loaf of bread cost nowadays! Or realise that price of food have gone up drastically for the last half a year!


2022-09-14 01:08 | Report Abuse

And then there's this youtuber who said that he flies his small a plane and all he sees are empty plot of lands hundred of miles between each town! That most humans are overcrowded cities and towns but leave 90% of fertile earth empty!


2022-09-14 01:06 | Report Abuse

Elon Musk loves to talk about population crash thats going to happen sooner or later! He said that humanity is not making enough babies to replace current ones!
Well, at least he practice what he preaches! Elon has impregnated many women and so far fathered half a dozen children! Which is good as we hope he will produce more genius like him!


2022-09-14 00:15 | Report Abuse

Maybe Russia can get them from China! But you know, US will further embargo China if they do that!


2022-09-14 00:14 | Report Abuse

Russia also running out of missiles! Apparently Russia need US chips to operate them, so Russia can't produce new ones! So yeah, it seems all this brag about possession superior military arms are depended on US chips! Yeah, game over for Russia for sure!


2022-09-13 22:19 | Report Abuse

I keep up with Ukraine war via one ukrainean youtuber! I believe Ukraine strategy is to liberate the occupied north so the rest of occupied region will be cutoff! Meaning remaining russian soldiers will have no new supply coming in!

News & Blogs

2022-09-13 06:05 | Report Abuse

Waiting for Grandpa Koon to publish 'Hibiscus is hopeless' before buying!

News & Blogs

2022-09-13 06:04 | Report Abuse

Breaking out of the poverty trap is difficult of course, but one of the key factors that have been observed in both rich and poor countries, is investment in education and other human capital.
Answer : Used to be true! But nowadays, it's quite subjective! You see, degree holders will find themselves in cycle of frustration and disappointment! Why, because employers will set ridiculous standards but only pay them peanuts in return! As long as you open up the borders for cheap migrant workers, the remuneration will remain stagnant for decades!
Problem with education system nowadays is that, they cannot meet the fast changing job landscape! Most of the degrees offered are outdated! Both public and private universities have no idea what the industries are looking for! Employers too have no idea what they are looking for! Employers are only interested to get cheap workers and replace them once they are old and expensive! Most big companies only pay big salary for talents! Or hire those rich kids because they want connection with their wealthy parents!


2022-09-13 05:54 | Report Abuse

Let's face it! The first 6 months of Ukraine invasion was the ideal period for Russia!
After that, Ukraine will have more advantage! And Russia already depleted their military resources!


2022-09-13 05:53 | Report Abuse

As winter is approaching, it will only get harder for the remaining russian army to defend themselves! Ukraine will have the advantage here! Ukraine will block any attempt to resupply russian army on the south!
My personal observation, Ukraine will drive out russian army before winter is over!


2022-09-13 05:51 | Report Abuse

This means that once all the northern part are liberated, Ukraine basically starve remaining russian armies and move towards Crimea! And maybe, Ukraine will liberate Crimea as well!


2022-09-13 05:50 | Report Abuse

HIMARS have been used to destroy Russia supply hubs in occupied Ukraine territories!
And then there's the false flag operation by Ukraine! Ukraine has been telling the world they are increasing attacks on south side of occupied Ukraine!
Suddenly Ukraine launch the most swift counterattack on eastern side! Now, Ukraine has liberated large part of northern Ukraine and moving all the way eastward!


2022-09-13 05:46 | Report Abuse

What a surprising counterattack from Ukraine side! Indeed HIMARS have been game changer for Ukraine!

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2022-09-12 23:14 | Report Abuse

Easier said than done! Our politicians will talk about justice and fairness but once they are in power, tycoons will alter the course of Malaysia taxation! Why do you think Malaysia has so many billionaires! Because they will provide easy money for politicians!

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2022-09-11 23:26 | Report Abuse

In Singapore, even cleaners are highly paid! After decades of relying on cheap migrant workers, employers lowered salary scale so that even fresh graduate force to want to work for 1.5k!

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2022-09-11 22:42 | Report Abuse

Here we go again! Increase price in rice! Enjoy your 'tambah nasi' guys! Soon, price of rice will double!